• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 722 Views, 56 Comments

My Final Pony Fantasy III - Vimtrust5

Twilight's nightmares lead her and her friends into a world where the balance between light and darkness is at stake.

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Chapter 18: The Dragon King and the Magi's Final Gifts

Just outside the Vikings' Cove, a bright pink light brought forth five little ponies and a baby dragon. Their eyes were locked in the mountain range in front of them. None of them had thought they would face the Dragon King Bahamut once more; all they could think about was their previous encounter with it at Dragon's Peak, how powerful the beast was, and the fact that they had no choice but to escape its wrath. However, given their recent experience and the new powers they obtained, perhaps it would be a much simpler matter of acquiring Bahamut's strength. With that in mind, the Equestrians proceeded to enter the cave next to the cove and complete their task.

It may have looked like any other cave the Equestrians had paid a visit to, but the fact that this was where the dreaded Bahamut resided, which made this place all the more unnerving.

"Be careful, everyone," said Twilight. "You never know know what's going to come out."

"Ah... The little ponies again..."

That voice...

Descending from the skies came the great dragon from before. Yes, it was the same Bahamut they escaped along with Desch.

"Have you come to acquire my power, to challenge the sorcerer Xande?"

"You've heard of him?"

"Xande was one of the Great Magus Noah's disciples, after all. And it was Noah who put me here atop this mountain. Now come!"

"We're not runnin' away this time," said Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie Pie whipped out her party cannon and fired a ball of confetti and streamers at the beast. Much to her confusion, the dragon felt no effect from the blast and casually flicked the party items off its face and attempted to swipe Pinkie. Thankfully the party mare jumped backwards, dodging the attack. At this point, the dragon opened its mouth; a light blue had formed. It sent a powerful beam that nearly decimated everything it touched... all except for the Equestrians thanks to Twilight conjuring a magic barrier.

"Impressive, " it said. "Few have survived the Mega Flare."

"M-M-M-Mega F-F-Flare?!"

Bahamut then swiped away at the terrified Spike, nearly knocking him off the mountain if not for a certain orange earth pony.

"Ah gotcha, sugarcube!"

Twilight then placed her front hooves together and began chanting an incantation. To keep Bahamut distracted, Rainbow Dash leapt into the air and in ten seconds, launched her spear near the dragon's right wing.

"Leviathan! Come to us!"

The sea serpent then manifested and encircled Bahamut, creating a powerful tornado, lifting the dragon king and quickly throwing him into the ground.

*music fades out*

The ponies then slowly and cautiously approached the fallen dragon. Slowly lifting his head, he eyed the creatures that had defeated him.

"Your magic and your skills are unparalleled... You win. I now give you my essence..."

Soon after, the Equestrians left for the surface world, and as they arrived on the Dalg continent, they stepped aboard the Invincible to meet with their friends.

"Hey guys!" said a cheerful Rainbow Dash. "We got 'em! We got the Phantom Beasts!" She then noticed the collective look of sorrow and guilt on the children's faces. "What's wrong...?"

"It's about Doga... and Unei..."

The Equestrians didn't like where this conversation was heading. Not one bit.

"They told us... to... to fight them in battle!"

"Unei and Doga told you to do WHAT?!"

Luneth nodded as he and the others began to tell them everything.

"Greetings, Warriors of the Light."

"Thank you," said Luneth.

"What's the matter?"

Unei spoke up, "In my hand is the key to the Syrcus Tower, where Xande dwells. The entrance is already opened, bit with this key, you will gain full access to the tower. But I fear Xande will be waiting for you."

"The Eureka Key is nearly finished, and there is only step to comp."

"You must defeat us in battle."



"But we can't do that!" Arc cried.

"You're our friends!" Refia added.

"No excuses! You innocent fools!"

The old man in red took the initiative and transformed. Instinctively, Luneth drew his sword and slashed at his opponent four times. Ingus could do nothing but call forth Ifrit and unleash an Inferno attack on Doga; the old man turned creature withstood the attack with all his strength, but he still couldn't escape the effects of the spell, for he found a part of himself on fire. He did, however, cast a small healing spell, extinguishing the flames. Refia closed her eyes and swung her weapon barely missing the target. Arc played his harp to try and help, but the music did little to aid them, for Doga was unaffected, at least physically.

"This can't be everything you've got," the magus said, disappointed. "You MUST fight as if your lives depend on it!"

He then cast the fearsome Flare spell on the group. Refia then charged on instinct and delivered a critical blow to her opponent. Arc gave his childhood friend a hi-potion, allowing him to recover. Luneth then swung his weapon ten times, finally ending the fight. When Doga changed back to his original state, the Warriors of Light were immediately horrified by their actions.

"Doga!!" they cried in unison.

"Don't be sad," said the old man. "I've done... my part..."

"Now you must deal with me," said Unei. The woman then transformed into a witch-like being. "Come!"

The Warriors of Light grew even more anxious.

"Unei, please," said Arc. "We don't have to do this. Isn't there another way?"

"No," Unei replied. "The Eureka Key must be completed by the energy of combat."

With no other choice, the youths took up their arms once more. Refia stepped forward and struck Unei with her hammer.


The powerful wind spell nearly brought the four's health to half, but they weren't giving up. Luneth slashed at Unei with his katanas, bringing the battle to a swift end. Just after, Luneth dropped his weapons to the ground.

"Well done... Warriors of the Light..."

"No, don't die!" Refia cried.

Doga gasped, "Do not grieve... Even if our bodies die, our souls... are forever..."

The two magi closed their eyes and breathed their very last. The Warriors of Light could only look at the ground where they stood, but one thing was clear: Doga and Unei were dead.

"And that's what happened," a tearful Refia stated.

"As soon as we laid our hands on that fang, I had a terrible feeling, but I just brushed it off!" Luneth cried. "Some hero..."

"Afterwards, the gave us final gifts: The key to a magical place called Eureka and the key to the Crystal Tower," Ingus added. "But to... to do what they told us to...?"

Upon hearing the whole story, the Equestrians sat there numb. Doga and Unei had convinced these children to take their lives all for the sake of powerful weapons. Was it really worth it? Pinkie Pie's normally poofy hair deflated like a balloon. Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity saw the tears flowing from Arc and Refia's cheeks, knowing they bear remorse over the deeds, but... did the blame really lie on the four Warriors of Light? Or the two magi with who requested they do battle? Twilight didn't know what to say, except for one question:

"What... what was the last thing they said?"

Luneth looked up, his eyes red.

"Stop Xande. That's all."

The ponies knew this to be true, for if Xande was not stopped, this "Cloud of Darkness" Twilight had mentioned, he would eclipse the light forever and destroy this world, and after that... most likely invade Equestria.

Deep in the recesses of his dwelling, Xande felt a great disturbance. The sorcerer sensed two lifeforms had just perished; his former colleagues had sacrificed themselves to give his enemies the key to Eureka. He sported an emotionless expression and called forth his strongest lieutenant.



"Those children and creatures have gathered all of the elemental fangs and will approach the Ancient Maze."

"You wish for me to dispose of them at the Ancient Maze?" the entity asked.

"Correct. Now go."

"Yes, my lord."

The entity disappeared, leaving its master alone within the chamber...

"Should they succeed and arrive... I will handle them myself."

Xande closed his eyes, awaiting the arrival of his enemies...