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sugarcube corner+ meeting the rest of them

"Hiya!" said a voice from right behind Morty.

"GAH!" he exclaimed. He turned around and saw a girl with extremely pink hair.

"Is this your first time here? Oh, I bet it is because I've never seen you here before! What's your name? Oh, my name's Pinkie Pie! Nice to meet you!"

The girl (now known as Pinkie Pie) said all of that very fast. At first, Morty was shocked but then he said "Hi... I guess. My name's Morty. And-"

"Hold that thought", Pinkie said. She then took out her phone and looked at it. "Hm, the girls are slightly late. But it's ok. I know they'd never ditch out on me!"

"Uh... what's going on again?" Morty asked.

"Oh didn't you know? The girls and I are planning to go to the beach this weekend!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Oh..." Morty said then mumbled so she couldn't hear "Must be nice to have friends that care about you."

"What was that?" Pinkie asked.

"N nothing", Morty said.

Then the girls walked in. Morty recognized at least half of them. But there were two he didn't.

One of them had rainbow-colored hair and magenta eyes. He could tell just from a glance she was an athlete.

The other had green eyes blonde hair and was wearing a cowboy hat.

"Oh hey, Morty", the one with the sunset-colored hair-- Sunset Shimmer if he remembered correctly--said upon seeing him.

"So this is the one you were telling us about huh?" the rainbow-haired one said.

"W wait you know about me?" Morty said fearing the worst.

" Yes remember in drama class darling? We met there", Rarity said.

"Oh yeah I remember now", Morty said laughing nervously.

So then they chatted for a while until Morty checked the time.

"It's already that late? Oh, man Ricks gonna kill me", Morty said without thinking.

"Um...if you don't mind me asking...whos Rick?" Fluttershy asked.

Morty then started getting nervous. Come on Morty think of something! Anything!

"Um, he's... my godfather," Morty said with a little hesitation.

"Oh okay", the girls said.

Applejack of course saw through his lie. "Are ya sure sugarcube?" she asked.

"Um of course I'm sure. Why wouldn't I be sure? Ok it's getting real late and I'm tired so I'll see you all tomorrow right?" Morty said all this on a speed to rival Pinkies.

"Um... it's only 6:30", said Fluttershy but by then he was already gone.

That was a close one Morty thought to himself as he walked home. Ok, I'm fine as long as I don't let anything else slip out.

"So where have you been?" Rick said right when he walked through the door.

"That's for me to know and you to find out", Morty said.

"You know what I'm tired and I don't really care. Just do what you want I suppose", Rick replied.

"Really?" Morty asked.

"No. Now get in bed and no talking you understand me?" Rick asked.

Morty said nothing.

"Hmm, I'll make you regret those words you just said to me," Rick said when Morty went into his room.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! I decided to update this story at least twice a week. Thanks for reading!