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The second half

Author's Note:

Hey guys! I'm in need of a beta so if anyone wants to volunteer please tell me! If not I'll just make do without one...for now. By the way I got bored and decided to upload another chapter for the fun of it.

By the time Morty had gotten to the cafeteria the bell had already rung signaling that lunch was over.

"Really?!" Morty shouted. Well looks like I can skip lunch. I wasn't really hungry anyways. He thought.

"So let's see here. Last class of the day's... drama. Oh boy", Morty sighed.

He arrived just in time for role call. "Sorry I'm late!" Morty said.

Unfortunately with the way he burst in, everyone was staring at him. "Are you... Morty?" Said the teacher.

"Yes sir", Morty replied.

"Well please take a seat anywhere... oh wait there's only one more seat available." The teacher said.

"Um... Ok." So Morty took the only seat available which was right next to a girl with indigo colored hair.

"So before we get started on our assignments I should tell you all that I won't tolerate any talking unless of course we're in groups. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir", the class replied.

"Good. Now we shall be separating into groups of two. Given that it's the first day of school you can go do whatever under two circumstances: that you don't leave this room and be quiet. Or at least talk quietly because I have a splitting headache. Understood?

"Yes sir", the class replied again.

The girl next to Morty started to speak to him. "Do you want to be my partner?" She asked.

"Um... what? No offense but I don't even know you", Morty said.

"Oh yes where are my manners? I'm Rarity. Pleased to meet you", the girl said.

"You too", Morty said. After a brief silence in which Rarity continued to stare pointedly at him he said "Oh yeah. My name's Morty."

"Well Morty no offense darling but you don't seem the type to be in drama."

"Oh none taken and to be honest this was probably Rick's doing", Morty said.

"Who?" Rarity asked.

"Oh yeah you wouldn't know him. He's my grandfather... unfortunately" Morty said that last part under his breath.

"What was that dear?"

"Oh um nothing", Morty said.

"Ok then...oh did you know there's a dance coming up?" Rarity asked.

"Um like a prom?" Morty said.

Rarity replied " Something like that. Are you going to go? And more importantly is there someone you're taking?"

"I might if I'm not too busy and... wait what do you mean by that last part?" Morty asked.

She said "What do you think I mean? I mean like a date of course."

Morty started getting nervous and said "I I don't... I mean... that is..."

"Darling are you alright? You look nervous for some reason" Rarity said starting to get a bit concerned.

Thankfully the bell rang at just that moment. "Imsorryigottagobye", Morty said and left very fast.

"Um...bye?" Rarity said confused.

Morty was running somewhere. Where he didn't know yet but as long as he could escape from Rick he didn't care.

Eventually he got tired and went into a place called Sugarcube Corner.

OK I'm here...where ever "here" is. Morty thought.