• Published 8th May 2021
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Magnets in a Mare's World. - Triple-Rainbow

The journal of Magneto, future overlord of Equestria and the world. Translated by the Sisterhood of Evil Ponies.

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Chapter 9. My Evil Plan to Save The World.

This world has the unique ability to make me paranoid at every turn, especially in my prison cell.

I barely had any sleep last night

It is far too early in the morning for me to be writing. But, I’m too awake to go back to sleep, so I may as well do something semi-productive to pass the time. In my last entry, I recounted my plan to become a “super hero,” with a few creative liberties for the dialogue, of course. It was a long time ago and I don’t have the patience to remember every mundane interaction I’ve had word for word like some ponies here.

A small part of me wants to claim that they remember speaking with me because I leave such an impression on them, but that’s simply not the case. Simply put, ponies aren’t restricted by the same limitations as humans are. They have bent nature to their will, harnessed the powers of divinity and darkness, and have more space for memory than humans do. With these thoughts in mind, I have to wonder how it’s possible for this society to constantly fail when they have every opportunity and advantage available to them.

World hunger should be abolished with magic, natural disasters should be a remnant of some bygone era, racism, sexism, homelessness, each of these burdens and shortcomings should be non-existent. The power of heroes isn’t simply limited to a government position like being a mayor or president, they are actual physically super powered beings with the ability to end wars in a day. Their power isn’t some concept that’s perpetuated by the masses coming to an agreement, their power is primal, it’s part of them. With a wave of their horn, unhospitable land can become fertile soil for crops, and the greatest minds on this planet could come together to break through the few limitations that are left for this world’s populace.

Even the problem with this planet’s imbalance in the population of mares and stallions could be fixed with a marriage of magic and science. I have seen ponies whose entire genetic code was rewritten in seconds, magic users who could bend reality over their knee. But, instead of using these powers to benefit their species and improve it, they get into fist fights with villains as if entire cities are playgrounds. They fight, argue, cheat, and steal only for their own insignificant gain. If the many species on this world could band together, then I know that they could create feats that would outshine the miracles of humanity.

I know I am holding this world to a higher standard than my own, but only because I know they could achieve it. Ponies are better and worse than humans in many ways, and they could easily become something more if they made proper use of their powers.

It’s sickening to watch this world wither away around me, falling to ruin as the ones who can save it ignore the underlying problems. If no one else will stand up and change the world for the better, then I will. I’m not the ignorant fool who collected spare change off of the street for costume expenses anymore. I am Magneto, the Master of Magnetism, and I will bring forth the next step in societal evolution for the creatures I share this planet with.

Even if I must play the part of a villain to bring about a new age, then I will embrace my role to protect this planet. I may not like all the creatures living here, I may disagree with them, hate them, fear them, or even mock them, but I do care for this world. It’s the only world I have left now.

I accepted that a long time ago. Even before I was given undeniable proof of my inability to return home, I had given up on returning to Earth. I knew it was impossible, that it would only lead to worlds that remind me of how truly alien I am. How alone I am.

Terra is, and will hopefully always be, my new home world, because I cannot bear the thought of losing another home. My life, ripped away from what little normalcy I have, just because I pissed off some creature in an ugly trench coat. I can’t lose another world, I refuse to. If I’m capable of saving this world from itself then I’ll do it. The ponies and others are an afterthought to the importance of protecting this planet.

To quote a fictional superhero from Earth who was kidnaped from his home at a young age, “I’m one of the idiots who lives here.”

It’s a rather fitting quote. I don’t have much in common with any pony here except for the fact that I call Terra my home. We’re all strangers sharing a small marble in the cosmos, spending our days in turmoil as we strive to build a better future. I want it to be better because I know it’s possible, and because I’m capable of making it possible, even if everyone seems to disagree with my methods and reasoning. They’ll come to understand it someday, they’ll see a prosperous world that could fit the ideals of utopia. No more wars, no more hunger, no more evil, just peace in a sea of tranquility. Ponies, griffins, yaks, dragons, sharing a world where the plights of their ancestors are a foreign concept.

It won’t be easy, of course. No Empire was built without spilling blood, and I don’t believe I have spilt enough blood yet. At least I am able to change the world for the better by being the worst version of myself.

My only regret is that I may never be able to partake in the peace that comes from my plan. After all, a peaceful world has no place for a monster like me. But at least I can take comfort in knowing that I will be the last monster this world has to face.