• Published 8th May 2021
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Magnets in a Mare's World. - Triple-Rainbow

The journal of Magneto, future overlord of Equestria and the world. Translated by the Sisterhood of Evil Ponies.

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Chapter 4. A Mare's World.

Another day passes as I wait for my opportunity to arrive. And it’s another day of fighting off the growing urge to shove Maresterio’s head into a toilet. That low ranking crook thinks she’s the queen of the prison because she can pull off magic tricks even with her inhibitor collar on. Everyone here knows that she’s not actually using magic, but telling her that would only earn us a long and agonizing argument that could boil down to, “Yes I can, Yes I can, Yes I can, you’re stupid, Yes I can.”

On one hand, I suppose I should be grateful that I’m in a less secure part of the prison than I really should be in. On the other hand, I would rather be incarcerated in the heart of this prison than listen to that mare prattle on to the latest inmate.

Surprisingly, or I suppose unsurprisingly, High Heel has once again graced us with her presence, falling victim to the Power Ponies’ efforts to thwart villainy. Of course, she took the opportunity to torment me with her terrible puns and blatant sexism, unsurprising since I helped those idiots beat her in the past.

How many of them had I helped put behind bars in my efforts in vanity and egotism?

I suppose if there’s one regret I have in this life, it’s that I wasted so much time trying to play the part of a good hero when I should have just cleansed this world of evil.

Anyway, back to my last entry. After my first sleepless night in Equestria, I locked myself away in my room to process everything. I gave Timber the excuse that I may have caught whatever his infuriating sister had, and that was the end of it.

I learned quite a bit simply from flipping between channels. First and foremost, there are three prevalent species or “races” in Equestria. Pegasi are thin humanoids with wings, unicorns are usually shorter humanoids with a horn muttering out of their forehead, and earth ponies are the most human like of the races. There are other creatures such as griffins who have wings like pegasi but are taller and have lion tails (I still don’t know why they would have tails when no other race does), and dragons are typically twice as large as any human, with scaled skin and large dragon-like wings that easily rivaled Day Breaker’s wingspan. Of course, there are other races on this world, but I hadn’t come across many of them on tv yet.

Secondly, my guess that this world was almost a parody of the 1950’s on my world was more accurate than I initially believed. Apparently, unlike earth, there was a disparity in the mare to stallion ratio, four mares to every one stallion, and stallions in general were simply worse at magic. Whether that was based in fact or a fake sexist statistic was still up for debate in my mind.

I suppose I should also mention my reaction to learning about magic. To say I was surprised wouldn’t be an understatement, but I was also slightly numbed by every other revelation. Still, even if it wasn't as surprising as it would be by itself, I was still intrigued by the idea of magic. I don’t know what possessed me to do it, but after seeing a mare use her telekinesis to levitate a mug to her husband on some program, I held out my own hand and focused on a glass of water that sat on my nightstand. Of course, the glass didn’t move an inch, but I was startled to see the pen sitting next to it fly into my palm without any hesitation. I was also scared when the nails began to fly away from any of the framed pictures of nature that cluttered the room, and the remote for the tv suddenly glued itself to my side.

Letting loose a shrill scream, I shot up from the bed and made all of the metal projectiles fly into the walls. My uncontrollable experiment also pulled the tv cord from the socket, turning the instrument of my integration into a dark mirror. As I stared into a face that wasn’t mine, I came to my most major realization. I hadn’t just become someone who looked like the debatably evil mutant. I had turned into Magneto himself.

In retrospect, I shouldn’t have been as surprised as I was, but I’m only human. I’m sure anyone would react to suddenly gaining super human abilities. For the sake of not filling this journal only with my shortcomings and childish reactions, I’ll skip the following panic attack and vomit. Thankfully, the cabin that was gifted to me was far enough from the main house to give me some time until Timber came. I told him that I stubbed my toe and that I was sorry for screaming. He really was too nice and trusting for his own good, it’s no wonder his sister always takes advantage of him.

Though, to my benefit, his trusting attitude made it pretty easy for me to lie to him. In the upcoming days, I had convinced him that I was an earth pony stallion that wasn’t native to Equestria, though the hardest part of my story was explaining how I woke up in a forest far away from the city. Thankfully, “a unicorn with a grudge against me teleported me,” is apparently the best excuse. It wasn’t entirely a lie anyway, I was certain that person had stolen my helmet out of spite and sent me here. Maybe he was a demon from this world who came to mine? Even now, I have no idea how I actually arrived here.

Eris said she knew, but can I really trust the word of Loki’s female fursona? Still, I chose to believe her, and look where that’s gotten me. A prison cell surrounded by mares and stallions who I could easily decapitate with a dime and paperclip. Though I’d rather be in here than surrounded by all of those self-serving morons in spandex.

Speaking of them, I was able to use quite a few excuses about superheroes to trick Timber. To him, I was a stallion named Xavier who was in a witness protection program and that, even though I’d like to return home, I was worried a super villain would get me. One sob story later, and Timber offered me a job as a camp counselor at the park.

I was able to acclimate to my job for two days until Gloriosa finally emerged from her deep slumber. And like a bear walking I wish I had a decent analogy for the hell that was unleashed when she became my “boss”.

Maybe I should go back to what's left of Camp Everfree when I’ve finally escaped. I’m sure it would be very therapeutic for me to wander though my old stomping ground. The monstrous plants may make that a bit difficult, though.