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Ch.2 A whole new world, a whole new start

Author's Note:

I know I'm probably changing things to fast but I couldn't figure out how else to progress with the character so I'm adding a new approach. Sorry I'd you guys don't like it.
Also huge thanks to Ghost Alvasta for the help in turning this into a better story

And as for the entity that erased the mc's universe it's a big bad character I've been working on since my deleted story crossed over with
Against All Odds

Also if you all want to have the history behind Paradox. Then comment down below and ask and if you want his story then send me a comment and I'll consider it.

Have a great rest of the day and enjoy the story

'What happened? Why can't I move? I feel different. What's going on?' I thought as I then began to remember what happened before waking up in this new world.

Silent Ponyville, 1 year after Ichigo arrived (and only 3-4 hours for the living world.)

Diane's POV

It's been 3 or 4 hours since Ichigo left in the living world. But for me in Silent Ponyville It's been 1 year and I've been busy fixing the damage Alessa did to my town. I wince as some phantom pain spiked up. After a few minutes it was gone, then I went back to work freeing some innocent souls but leaving the evil souls to their fate. Also I gave Silent Ponyville a day and night cycle. For the day cycle it's the normal Silent Hill type of day with white fog and everything. For the night cycle I chose to do something like when Silent Hill changes to the other world. Dark fog, black sky, and everything changes to look pretty much like a place of tourchor. Except for the Crystal Castle, Town Hall, and Sugarcube Corner. After checking the other holding cells I went back to the living plane of Ponyville.

I met up with my sister and we began heading towards Sugarcube Corner. But then something happened and the whole world started shaking. I kept myself steady and grabbed onto pinkie so she wouldn't fall down. That's when I noticed the color of the world was draining and I saw ponies as well as the very world becoming dust. I won't lie, I was starting to panic just like my sister. But then something unexpected happened. I saw a human. At first I thought he was another displaced person but something was telling me otherwise. When he saw us he waved and said "this way if you want to live." We started running. Once we reached him a house appeared behind him. As I turned around I also spotted twilight. I ran over and grabbed her arm and picked her up and carried her to the man.

Then the door to the mysterious house opened and he yelled "INTO THE HOUSE'' we all ran in and the door closed. Then the house disappeared and the universe ceased to exist. The stranger looks at us with sad eyes. "I'm sorry for what has happened to your home and for what's going to happen to you." He says in a sad tone. We look at him confused and a little scared. The being in front of us looks like a normal human wearing a black tuxedo with white gloves and black tie. His eyes look like the cosmos and he has wings which are black with stars in them and look like they're draining all the surrounding light into them.

Pov switch: ???

I look at the 2 ponies and displaced with pity and sadness. "What do you mean by that?" The displaced known as Diane asked me. I look at her and say with some sadness in my voice "your universe was just erased. As for what is going to happen to you, that's up to you." I tell her they all look desstroat so I decided to give them some hope. "The way I see it you all have 2 options, 1 you get erased like your original universe. Or 2 I along with a friend re-displace you in another parallel universe with different abilities and perhaps different forms as well." I say they think about what I said then Diane looks at me. "What do you mean by us getting new abilities and different forms?" She asked I smiled at her "you see Diane neither me or my friend can just send you to an alternate universe without changing something. Otherwise, we might upset the balance in that universe. That's why when someone is displaced there are elements from that specific genre of the character said displaced became. It's so the universe doesn't go out of balance otherwise all types of stuff will start leaking in from the void.

But don't worry as I said me and my friend won't just drop you in a random universe. It will be deliberate depending on what artifact/prop you pick for your re-displacement." I tell them they think about it for a little bit then nod and agree to be re-displaced. "Alright just let me summon my friend and we'll get started," I say before reaching into my pocket and pulling out a familiar-looking pocket watch.

Pov switch: Edward Elrick

I was sitting in my study working on a few of my latest projects when an alarm started to go off. Walking over to my console, I pressed a few keys and looked up the alert.

“Let’s see what you’re going on about,” I type and pull up what’s going on via my void network that is connected to my tokens and other machines.

“Oh dear, a universe is being erased.”

“I immediately went to work finding out which one it was.

“Hmm… it’s not one I or anyone I’m related to has been to,” I rub my chin. “Why is my alarm going off then. Need more details.”

I walk over to another console and start to cross reference this universe, “Oh yes the void signature for Asta’s world went here. Not Asta though. Didn’t he say he had an old friend displaced as Ichigo in his world,” I typed more. “Yes, that’s the one.”


I turned to see my son standing there with his sister and mother. “Luna, this isn’t a good time.”

“What’s going on Ed, that damn alarm woke us up?” Luna scowls

“Is Tia up?”

“You know she is, especially since you keep her under watch currently due to Summer,” Luna sighs.

“Well, it’s a good thing we’re all on vacation together in the Time Chamber,” I chuckled.

“She’s feeding Summer right now so if you're going to do whatever you best do it now,” Luna shakes her head. “Come on you two, time for breakfast.”

“Kay,” my twins acknowledge their mother as they all walk off.

I pull out one of my tokens and activate it. The arms on the watch spin and a holo-display comes up and I see a Twilight, A pinkie Pie knock-off, and someone I don’t really recognize,

“Okay, so what’s going on here…” I remark stepping through a portal to the world.

3rd POV

"Ah hello there Edward glad you could make it. I need your help with re-displacement these 3 into a new universe there old one was erased by an entity I have been tracking for a while. I've got the enchanted items that will change them. I just need your help making sure that their destination and departure is safe so they won't be harmed." The mysterious man says as he waves his hand and the said items appeared. The items consisted of many things from different franchises like mortal kombat, dc, marvel, etc. The man then looks at Edward to see he has a very annoyed look on his face. I then realized something and facepalmed "that's right you haven't met me yet. Apologies for being present in the past, present, and future really messes with my memory sometimes. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Creative Paradox but my friends just call me Paradox and I am what you would call an Author." The now named Paradox says.

“I know what you are and I really don’t like any of you assholes,” With a great deal of disdain in his voice. “But given from what you’ve told me and explained you’re not entirely in control of things as a true author would be,” He looks to the others. “So you’re an author but you don’t have total control over your realities. Seems we’re short a few ponies here. Are they all you were able to save or is there still enough of the universe left?”

He looks a little sad and says "these 3 were all I had time to save." He says then puts up a barrier so none of the ponies or displaced could hear them "*sigh* look Edward I'm not like other authors especially considering I only became one recently and I'm still trying to get a handle on my abilities. After all you can't go from being human one moment to a godlike being the next without repercussions. When a displaced person shows up in worlds I've made I am not allowed to enter fear unless it's necessary and having to watch someone you care about being torchured for 5,000 years and not being able to do anything. It hurts. It hurts alot Edward. Now I know you don't know me but I know you. You're a good man and they need our help." He says jestering towards the 2 ponies and displaced.

“Don’t call me a good man, I’m anything but,” Ed points out. “I’m going to help them, not you. I don’t care who you are or what you are. Author or not I will do whatever I can to help the young ones. And if you truly knew me, you should know what torture is, like being encase in stone and going completely insane and broken for over two thousand years and then regaining some semblance of sanity only to see the women I care for most fighting each other with one being sent to the moon and then having to stare up at her visage every night for the next thousand plus years!”

Paradox sighs and nods his head "Very well. And thank you for helping the ponies. And my little sister." He said the last part under his breath so no one heard him. As they walk over to them Paradox notices that Pinkie had grabbed a hammer and 2 hyena plushies and Twilight grabbed some lavender gloves while Diane grabbed a monkey tail, and some strange black and red armor. That's when they changed into their new selves. Twilight didn't really change too much as she just became human and a unique suit appeared on her.

While Pinkie's transformation was different first she became human then black and red suit appeared on her and the 2 plushies became real hyenas.

last but not least Diane. Her transformation was drastic. First she became a saiyan with black spiky hair, red eyes, and a scar on her cheek.

Next her zanpakuto appeared and changed from a spear to a familiar iconic red pole.

Twilight became her mortal kombat counterpart while pinkie became Harley Quinn from Injustice 2. Diane on the other hand had become a female saiyan but not a normal saiyan. A saiyan that was born not with normal ki but God ki. The saiyan she became is known as Diana Sensō not the legendary super saiyan but a saiyan that can take on Cumber in his super saiyan great ape form while she's in her base. She was also cursed with immortality (like Zamasu's). In her story she only had 5 transformations super saiyan 1-4 and the fifth one… well let's just say that she's nearly unbeatable in that form. 'But' Paradox thought 'I didn't want to make this too easy for her.' So he locked out all her transformations till she can unlock them on her own. But he did let her have the memories of the character move set and all just not the transformations. 'Her base form should be enough for now.' He thought. (Note: if you're wondering who Diana is, she's my dragon ball xenoverse 2 cac I made and she's actually that powerful in the game. Also if you're curious about her 5th transformation it's the chrystal raid transformation in dbx2).

Ed lets out a sigh, “You’ve all chosen items from Paradox, so I will do the same,” he turns and holding up a hand causing an hourglass shaped door to appear in front of him. “Please, follow me, and no touching my equipement,” He sternly remarks as he opens the door walking into it.

The three look at each other and nod, trusting the man and follow him through the strange doorway. Paradox watches with some sadness in his eyes as the doorway closed behind the group leaving him alone. "It was nice seeing you again sis. I hope this new life will be better than the last." He said before walking back to his study he senses an observer and looks at the direction of said observer. He noticed it was a Twilight displaced going by the name Ayumi. He gives a friendly smile and waves and heads for his study.

Pov switch Diana (previously known as Diane)

The three stood in awe of all that went before them. On the walls there were countless things that could only tokens as they radiated void energy from them. There were several cabinets and various pieces of lab equipment and Technology all throughout the room. The room itself was very expensive; one could possibly fit a very large mansion inside of it. Along with void energy you Twilight could sense the magic flowing from nearly every nook and cranny of the room

"Welcome to my home away from home ladies," Ed says as he motions around him. "This is my home away from home but it is mostly my workshop and laboratory as well as a hanger for my various vehicles that I built over the years or I should say time since I built this place."

The three of us stood there stunned and amazed looking at practically everything. "This place is amazing." Twilight said in awe me and Pinkie nodded in agreement. I then stepped forward and asked the man a question. "Mr. Edward was it? Not that I'm trying to ruin the moment or anything but what do we do now? … I mean our home, family, everything is gone and I know we're being re-displaced but I… I have to know. The new world we're going to. Will it be found by whatever destroyed our old universe? Because I can't... we can't go through that again." I asked him with pleading eyes and some hope and desperation in my voice, hoping and begging internally that our new home would be safe so we wouldn't have to go through that kind of heartache again.

Ed sighs then turns to look at the youths, “Erasers aren’t that uncommon amongst Displaced universes Twilight and usually happens due to some extremely powerful force, most of the time an outside force like a void dweller,” he explains. “But a force from inside the universe isn’t to be ruled out either. No universe is completely safe from destruction but it is usually overseen by some void entity to make sure it doesn’t happen. My own universe has a void barrier around it and only void dwellers that have a significant amount of power can break through, unless my dweller lets them in and that’s very rarely unless it thinks it would be entertaining for it to watch.” He turns to look at the ponies, “But he won’t have a say in your world. I am the one who will be doing the displacement meaning all my power is my own in this. The truth will have no say in what goes on in your new world. That means I will be the one to oversee it. I may not be a full dweller yet, but outside my world my powers are on par with them. If you don’t think you can handle losing a world again, then you can live in mine if you wish. You will still be there as displaced but under my protection. I leave the choice to you three. For now you need your rest though, we can discuss this later. Come, I will show you to your room and hope you don’t mind a baby’s cry.”

We looked at each other then towards Edward and nodded and we followed him to our new room.

“It’ll have all that you need,” Ed says as a holo-display pops up in front of him as we walked along. “Shower, beds, toilet and a kitchen area. I know all of you don’t think so right now but you’ll need to eat a small something at least,” We came to a triangular shaped door and walked through it. “This is my time chamber's main living space. The dilation is off so time passes normally, especially since we’re not attached to any world but my own right now. I have to give you all a heads up. I have my wives and girlfriend here with my kids and newborn. So it may get noisy from time to time.”

I smiled at him and said "it's no trouble at all mr. Edward me and Pinkie- wait." I turn towards her "do you still want me to call you Pinkie or did you decide to change your name like I did?" I ask her she thinks about for a few seconds then says "yes I decided to change my name so it doesn't get mixed up with any other version of me. Just call me by who I became, Harley Quinn." She says with a smile. I look back at Edward and continue where I left off "me and Harley have dealt with a LOT of loud noises before… not sure about Twilight though… wait did you change your name too?" I ask Twilight. She also gave it some thought before also changing her name. "Yes I've decided to call myself Calypso it just feels right." She says I nod "right I'm not sure about Calypso though." I tell him then Calypso steps up "don't worry if it does bother me then I'll use my magic to cast a silencing spell around me." She says with a small smile.

After that we got set up in our rooms and after today's earlier events we happily went to sleep to relieve some stress and rest.

To Be Continued