> From Pyramid Pie To Ancient Saiyan > by Creative Paradox > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch.1 Freedom/New Friend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Earth, year 2021, Comic-con  Diane's POV "Hehehe come on mom, we're going to be late." I said to my mother as we were walking to the merchant booths. "Hehe alright Faith wait for me ok." She calls out to me oh before I forget I'm 10 years old and I have autism. The doctor said that it was what made me more smart and mature for my age. You see I was different from most kids. I enjoyed scary movies and games like resident evil, evil within 1 and 2, and my most favorite silent hill. I also like things other kids liked, like marvel, dc, and Winx club. But I have to admit I love mlp, especially Pinkamena Diane Pie or pinkie pie. But while we're here at comic-con I'm dressed as my favorite mlp character Pinkamena Diane Pie or just Pinkie Pie but I made my costume like if she were an anthro rather than a regular pony. My mom on the other hand dressed as Blackarachnia from transformers animated but it's her version of her. (What she's wearing) We were looking over the merchant booths when mom said she had to take a phone call. She gave me some money to spend at the booths which were almost $60. That's when I saw somebody dressed as Heather from silent hill 3 and I walked up to her booth. "Hey there little pinkie pie, as whatcha see?" She asked in a perfect voice impression of Heather. I nod then I noticed 4 things, Pyramid Head's...well, head, the great knife that Pyramid Head uses, Pyramid Head's butchers clothes, and a Pinkie Pie plushie. I then got Heather's attention "excuse me miss. How much for these 4 items?" I ask as she looks at the items I talked about and smiled.  "All together they are about $56." She says to me I get excited and hand her the money. As I take the items I go into the women's restroom and change into the butcher's outfit and put the Pyramid Head on. After that, I grab the great knife and ad pinkie plushie and I put the plushie in my pocket. But once I did that I got dizzy and passed out. Present day I'm brought back from the memory by the pain spiking causing me to cry out in pain. Then I feel something fall into my hand but before it could slide out of my hand I grip onto it. I can't turn my head due to the barbwire around my head. But before I could do anything I hear a voice "I am the protector and ferrier of wayward soul and the slayer of those that devour the souls of the innocent. Should you have need of me, hold the blade above your head and call out for the Reaper of Souls!" After hearing the voice I raised the object as high as the barbwire could allow me and called out with all my strength. "REAPER OF SOULS, PLEASE SAVE ME! PLEASE I NEED-" before I could finish SHE appears and cuts me off from finishing with barbwire wrapping around my mouth. Causing me to try and scream in pain but my cries are muffled by the barbwire. Then she walks into the light of the bonfire revealing a pony version of Alessa and tsk at me. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, naughty naughty little toy. It looks like I'm going to have to punish you." She grins maliciously as she moves her hand up and swipes down Causing the cross to fall down towards the bonfire and for the hooks in my wings to pull backward. Causing my wings to be ripped out of my back and for me to be placed directly over the bonfire and begin burning. My screaming was still muffled by the bonfire. "I can't stand to see a little girl in pain like that," came a man's voice as a white wave of energy slammed into the pony version of Alessa sending her flying back. A human stepped forward in a black shihakusho with a katana as long as his body stepped forward his most iconic feature was his bright orange hair. "Yo kid, were you the one who called me to this world?" The human asks as he easily cut me free from the wire.  I get up on shaky legs and nods my head before hugging the human and crying. I was about to speak but before I could Alessa appeared and said "Well that was rude. Hmm a Shinigami hehe been a while since I killed one," she said sprinting towards him with her own blade.  "Yea, yea, I want to kill the hero bullshit speech monologue this that," the man twirled his free hand in the air as he used his zanpakuto to block the blade of the demon's weapon. "I know how it goes and your type really pisses me off," He knocked Alessa back with a swing and landed a foot into her gut, sending her flying again before turning to me. "Look kid this is gonna get ugly fast and I can't fight and protect you at the same time. Is there someplace we can go and lay low while I explain stuff and you can heal up?"  I nod and I start leading him to the one spot in Silent Ponyville that Alessa can't breach. The Crystal Castle once they head inside the atmosphere changes and it feels much safer. I head to a certain room to get some of my old power back, the human follows me just in case. Once in the room I see the two halves of my Pyramid Head and the great knife leaning against the chair I use my (supernatural because Pyramid Head is a supernatural being) telekinesis to pick up the two halves of the Pyramid Head and as I sit in the chair and I look to the human and say. "Don't worry about what you're about to see. This is how I'm going to get some of my old power back. It may look disturbing or unnerving but if we're going to stop Alessa you're going to need my help. Do you trust me?" I ask with some hope in my voice. "Kid I just came through an interdimensional portal that felt like I was being violated through every pore of my skin," The man rolled his eyes. "I fight soul-eating monsters for a living so yea I think a little bit of gut-wrenching exotica would be the norm for me. Name's Ichigo Kurosaki by the way so yea nice to meet you," Ichigo deadpanned. I smiled a genuine smile for what felt like the first time in 5,000 years. "It's nice to meet you Ichigo I'm Pyramid Diane Pie but my friends call me Diane." I say before using my telekinesis to put the two halves of the Pyramid Head on which causes an audible click. Then pain all throughout my very being as part of my power returns and I grow up to be taller than celestia and my muscles define themselves. Once the transformation is done I stand up a little shakily and pick up my great knife. I turn to Ichigo "So, what do you think?" I ask him in a much older and echoey voice. "Can't call ya kid anymore," Ichigo smirked. "Have to ask though, where did you put my token? I think it might come in hand for you here given this place is just a Silent Hill version of Ponyville."  I look at him and reach behind me and pull out his token like pinkie pie would do. "When I was sent here I became like if both Pyramid Head and Pinkie Pie fused so I have perks from both and can do whatever they could do." I say with a small smirk under my metalhead. "Yea that's how a lot of us are," Ichigo shrugged while I just kinda stared. "There are tons of us out in the universes with their own versions of Equestria. We can summon others like ourselves with items like that cello. They're called tokens. It's for whatever reason. We're summoned, do some shit yada yada, power exchange sometimes grow stronger then go home." I tilt my head as much as I can, "Huh, how would I make a token?" I ask curious because I might be able to help others. "Whatever item ya want to use on hand think of a saying then toss it into the portal that appears," Ichigo whirled his hand in the air. "I used the cello cause I had it at the time. FYI, it is also a zanpakuto. You can use it to kill souls of all kinds, even living souls but it's a lot harder. Also, only those with high enough spiritual awareness can see me let alone touch me in the physical world. Just hold the cello upside down to turn it into a sword. It'll change to fit you on it's own." I do what he says about the cello but instead of it becoming a sword it becomes- "The Great Spear!" I say in bewilderment and shock for those who don't know the great spear is one of the other weapons that the Pyramid Head used in the silent hill games. "And that's only it's first form,"  Ichigo explained. "You'll have to figure out its name to unlock form two and then beat it in a fight for form three. It's part of you and has a conscious and personality all its own so treat it right. So why'd you bring here other than to free you?" "I didn't even know that it would work. She has always had an eye on me ever since the tokens started to appear for the last 5,000 years. It was just dumb luck that yours landed in my hand. But I'm none the less grateful that it worked." I say with some happiness I then get an idea for a token and reach into my butcher's clothes pocket and pull out a withered pinkie pie plushie. I take a breath and focus "Hi my name is Pyramid Pie but my friends call me Diane, if you're ever in need of help or just want to hang out, call for Silent Ponyville's Angel of Death and I'll come." I say I look to Ichigo "how's that for a message?" I ask him. "Very original," Ichigo nods as a small black portal appeared and Diane tossed the plush in and two new ones appeared. One is Diane's hand and the other on top of Ichigo's. He quickly grabbed it and placed it inside his sleeve. "I'll have to give it to Asta next time I see him. I'm not the original Displaced for my world I am for the part I'm from but the main Displaced is my old friend from when we lived on earth. Now what?" "Now let's free my town from Alessa's control and send her to oblivion." I say grabbing both the great knife and spear and heading for the door. "With the two of us it shouldn't take long." I say to him. "Should I do something to draw her attention?" Ichigo asked, pulling his zanpakuto off his back. "I hope she puts up a decent fight. I haven't had any real action since my mock spar with Asta and a couple of the lieutenants back home." "Yeah good idea, you distract her and I'll sneak up and deliver the killing blow," I say as we walk out of the castle. We nod at each other and head towards the center of town. "No problem there," He placed the sword at his back. "Now cleave the heavens, Zangetsu!" Ichigo yelled out and was enveloped in a bright light as great pressure spread across the entire town.  The light faded and Ichigo's clothing had changed along with his sword's shape to resemble a large Cleaver with a bandage tight around it that draped off of the handle. He sported a tan cloak tied with an olive green rope around the neck and a large crest of some sort on his left side. His shihakusho was also different as his left sleeve and along with the entire left upper half of his body was exposed covered in bandages and some sort of a black wrap that strips from underneath his shihakusho. "To be honest I always preferred this style of the baggy robes," Ichigo looked out as he pulled the sword off his back and the sash unraveled to reveal a black and white blade. "I think that got her attention," Ichigo remarks as Alessa was now standing a good ways away. "You really shouldn't scowl like that squirt or your face will freeze that way," He smirked. She suddenly stops scowling, smirks, then she pulls a orange gem out of her pocket. I look closely at it and reel back in surprise. "T-That's the soul stone. How is that even here?" I ask in a bit of fear she just grins. "I knew that collecting all those items that seemed to spawn around you would come in handy," She says with that same cruel smile. The realization hits me she has been collecting tokens and using her power to use said tokens as if they were hers.  I scowl under my helmet and look at Ichigo and say, "I hope her having a soul stone won't be any trouble for you like it would for me." "The infinity stones only have power over their own reality," Ichigo reminded me as he cleaned out his ear with his pinky finger and then blew it off.  Suddenly, he threw his sword up in the air and caught the stash and started to spin it around. "Seeing as I'm from outside this world's veil I won't be affected by it at all, and neither will your new weapon!" He remarked, sending his sword at Alessa knocking the stone from her grasp via cutting off her arm. Ichigo gave a sharp tug on his weapon and bringing the severed limb towards us landing on the ground with a low thud. He proceeded to wrench the stone from Alessa's grip and held it out to me.  "Here ya go," He smiles warmly, while catching his weapon. I took the stone and I let out a breath of relief and began to move out of sight so Alessa won't see me coming. The reason why I have to give the finishing blow is because my blade is the only weapon that will leave a permanent mark and truly kill her. My point is proven when Alessa burst out where she was knocked to the ground. Completely healed and pissed as she pulls out a Katana and lunges toward Ichigo. "Hey what do ya say do ya see an angry girl flying at ya?" He looked at me and reeled back, "Move bitch get out the way!" He healed as he smacked Alessa with the flat of his sword sending her rocketing into a wall. "Well that had to hurt. I'll keep bitchypoo busy you do you," he said as he vanished with a thump.  I heard an explosion and saw Alessa running through the sky. "Now I'm not very good at tag but I love dodgeball!" Ichigo called as he raised his sword above his head, "Getsuga Tenshou!" He roared and sent a massive slash of spirit energy into Alessa. Doing her best she blocked the slash but she was still sent flying. "Now we play paddy cake!" Ichigo smirked as the two's swords collided and the two were soon going at each other like a butcher with a carving knife and a Thanksgiving turkey. I make my way behind where Alessa would be fighting and give Ichigo a nod. Signaling that I'm ready. He nods, "Alright you little bitch, time to tie wrap things up, Literally!" Ichigo threw his sword whirling like a saw through the air. Alessa saw the weapon and smiled waiting to be cut but the blade went straight passed her, " Hahaha, you missed!" "Wasn't aiming at you stupid!" Ichigo smiled as he tugged at the sash of his sword that was still in his hand then gave a quick pull on the slack with his free hand. The sword whipped back and smack the demon child with the flat of its blade again sending her flying towards Ichigo who pulled a small piece if crystal from shihakusho and thrust it deep into Alessa's chest as he wrapped his sword's sash tightly around her. "You think your little cloth will hold me," Alessa giggles as she tried and failed to break free. "I… I can't get out!" She panicked. "I took a small piece of that castle we went to earlier and stabbed you up with it before I wrapped your bitch demon ass up," Ichigo explained and Alessa's eyes shrank and she felt the cryatl buried inside her body weakening her. "It may not be much but it at least will keep you from moving around too much. Lets play another game," He smirked as he starts to spin around with Alessa still wrapped up.  "Ring-around-the-rosies  A pocket full of posies Ashes, Ashes, We all fall down!" Alessa twirled out of the sash and was plummeting to the ground. He raised his sword above his head and his eyes glows with a shifting rainbow color.  "NOW DIE YOU EVIL BITCH! GETSUGA TENSHO!" He slashed down and sent Alessa down to me with a wave of chromatic energy.  I held my spear up and the she demon gets impaled by it Dracula style. I yank the spear out and perform final judgment on her.  As soon as I finish a wave of rainbow energy is sent all over Silent Ponyville then it colorless to me before being absorbed into me signifying that I'm back in control. I look back at Alessa's corpse to see it becoming ashes. Then the sky started to turn normal like in silent hill with the white fog rather than the black sky and darker fog. Also known as the other world. I then look back to Ichigo as I turn into a normal size looking pinkie except I'm still wearing my butcher's clothes, my black angel like wings are back and I have crimson red eyes that give off a small glow "it's over, we won and I have my power and town back." I say in happiness as my wings unfurl. "Looks like things are looking more normal around here," Ichigo remarks, landing next to me as he reverts back to his sealed state. I look at him "thank you so much for this. Now I can help guide the lost souls to heaven once again." I say as I hug him with my arms and wings. "No problem," He patted my back. "If we can't do what we're supposed to then everything goes to hell. Am I right? This place will take some more time but we set things straight. Now you just have to keep them that way." He looked at me, "word of advice though, wear that helmet on you back when not necessary." I stopped hugging him "Ok, so what do we do now? Do you just go home or do I have to do something? Or would you like to hang out some more?" I ask curiously with a head tilt. "I'm currently on downtime back home so I can spare some more time if you want," Ichigo shrugs. "If you wanna send me back that's fine too. Just say our contest is done to acknowledge that my job is finished somehow. Not really sure on the specifics really as this is the first time I've been summoned." "Ok since you don't have to go back just yet. Do you want to come with me to the mortal plane to see how much time has passed?" I ask, for those of you who don't know Silent Ponyville is basically a version of the spirit world and time is much slower here than the living world. "Sure," Ichigo shrugged. "I don't know if the ability to send ascended souls will work here though. For all I know it could send them to the Seireitei back home." I give it some thought and I test it on a nearby lost soul. When I did it the pony's soul glowed a bright orange color and faded. Just to be safe I use my senses and sure enough the soul went to my universe's afterlife. I smile "no problem it sent the soul to this universe's afterlife." I tell him and give a thumbs up. "Now stand close to me for the transition into the land of the living." I tell him as I prepare my great knife. "You do you sweetheart," He walked a little closer. "And I'll play follow the leader." "Ok, here we go." I say as I stab my great knife into the ground and the ground around us glows with the Silent Hill symbol. And we're off the fog thickens around us till we can't see anything. Then it dissipates to reveal Ponyville and anthro ponies walking around and doing normal everyday things. I turn to Ichigo "Don't worry about ponies seeing you. If you're a complete shinigami then most ponies won't be able to see you. They'll still see me because I can travel between both worlds. But they won't see my wings, weapons, or my pyramid head." I tell him. "Oh I'm well aware that the physical ponies can't see me but if I concentrate hard enough I can interact with them through subtleties," Ichigo explained as we walked along. "A whisper on the wind here, or a tug on the hair there. Not much but enough." I nodded, and we continued walking till we reached Sugarcube Corner. "I mainly came here because if anyone knows how long it would have been it's Pinkie Pie." I say before whispering to myself so Ichigo doesn't hear. "My sister." But before we could even open the door a pink blur burst through the door and headed straight for me. Thanks to my pinkie sense I was able to brace myself. As Pinkie slammed into me causing me to slide back a step. "You're here, you're here, I can't believe it! I'm so happy!" She cries out in joy, then looks at Ichigo and smiles "hello Mr. Shinigami!" She greets Ichigo cheerfully. "Hello pretty pink pony girl sugar demon thing," Ichigo waved. "Name's Ichigo Kurosaki, call me Ichigo, not Ichi." I stared at him for a moment. "My bud told me to never question the uber pink one, so I won't." "Oh ok, well pinkie it's been a while look how much you've grown." I say with a smile she nods and then asks "where have you been? I looked all over for you and your home was closed off?" She looked a little hurt. 'Probably thinking I left her forever.' I thought with some sadness. "Pinkie…" I start getting her attention. "I can't tell you what exactly happened for all this time but I can say that the problem has been taken care of for good," I tell her she looks at me with some hope. "Does that mean…?" She asked, hoping I was finally coming back for good. I smiled. "Yes Pinkie. Yes it does." I say with warmth she squeals and hugs me. "Also Pinkie before you go throw a party can you tell exactly how long I was gone for?" I ask She tilts her head in thought then says "you disappeared around 11 years ago Diane. Me and Maud looked everywhere we could. But we could never find you. Our parents still don't think you exist but me and maud never gave up on you." She says with some tears in her eyes as she hugs me again. Before letting go and saying "OMG I almost forgot i gotta go get the party setup!" She yells as she starts to run back to Sugarcube Corner. She turns her head back to us as she's running and calls out "see you two at the party!" I laugh for a bit before turning to Ichigo. "Even though Pinkie is going to throw us a party I think it time for me to send you back. Otherwise I may forget later." I tell him. "Sending back are kidding," Ichigo chuckles. "Not until I get the chance to freak out the others. They may be able to see me but even if they can they still can't touch me. Oh god how will the marshmallow swirl react when she realizes I have no corporeal form!" He busted out laughing. "Or how skittle will look at me when I can walk on air with no wings!" I chuckled a little, "if you think that would be funny wait till they meet me. Imagine their faces at the prospect of a second Pinkie Pie." I say and my chuckle turns into a little laugh. Trying to imagine their expressions. "I've always wanted the orange one, a very specific question," Ichigo evilly snickers. "What are we waiting for, let's go prank ponies. Wanna start with the book horse? Maybe she'll get the blue screen of death?" "Hmm if I'm right we're in season 7 territory. So twilight won't be all freaked out by this. Surprised maybe. Eyes opened wide and jaw agape...yes most definitely." I say as we begin our pranking spree. "I'll follow you cause I have no idea where shit is in this town as I have never actually been in Equestria's borders back home except for that one time I went to the capitol," Ichigo nonchalantly smiled as crickets chirped in the background. I chuckled a little and led him to Twilight's castle. Once we got there I looked at him and said "everything from Silent Ponyville is the same here. Also this is where twilight lives. I'm gonna wait till the party to do my thing to surprise everyone you go ahead and have your fun. I'll watch the carnage." I chuckle again. "Crystal, very gaudy if you ask me," Ichigo commented. "Not like a whole lot of ponies outside powerful unicorns or high spirit affinity can see me. I'm not gonna disrupt a party to much either, I'm a jackass not a prude." He proudly placed a hand on his chest in a matter-o-fact fashion. I looked back at the castle and saw a note on the door. 'Went out to get new books for the library.' It read. "Hmm well pranking twilight is out." I turn to Ichigo "Still wanna do pranks, or do you just want to wait for the party?" I ask him. “You know what there was a rather large jackass up in Canterlot that I kept hearing about from everyone when I was there in my world,” Ichigo strokes his chin with a smirk. “Not even the nobles could stand him. According to Asta it’s all an act for the blonde fella but most of the time in other worlds, he’s a pompous shit stain on society. I think his name is Blue butt,” he came over and whispered in my ear. I giggle "yeah I've heard rumors about him. His name is Blue Blood but I don't know if it's an act or not but Pinkie told me it was." I tell him before adding "she said it was her pinkie sense. So i didn't question it. But if you want to prank him still go for it." I say to him, curious as to what he has planned. “Here's my plan, have you ever seen My Find it from fairly odd parents?" He said with a smile as I nodded. "I basically want to recreate a specific part of the bathroom scene with Blue butt as my main target." I think about what he's talking about and I remember the episode and snicker. "Yeah that would be pretty funny." I say then I grab his shoulder and I use one of my abilities I like to call 'blink', and we appear in Canterlot Castle. I turn to Ichigo "sorry if that was unpleasant, but it was the quickest way here. When you're ready do your things and I'll watch the issuing carnage." I tell him and I make myself invisible to all but spirit's (and shinigami). “Blllaaaaaaarrrrrggggg!” Ichigo barfed in the nearest trash can. “Never do that again,” Ichigo scowled at me before continuing to blow chunks in the can. “Now I’m really looking forward to that cake, he came back to me. A pony couple was walking by us and their face immediately turned sour before rushing to the can and started to blow chunks into it as well. “Let’s go to Blue ball’s house.” He smiled as the couple continued to barf behind us. I chuckled sheepishly and agreed and I led him to Blue Blood's room. "Well, here it is. Go ahead and do your thing." I snickered "Can't wait for the reactions and mayhem this will cause." I say as we enter his room. "Now we wait," Ichigo said proudly as I thought this would be a long wait. Blueblood entered the bathroom with a newspaper's comic section gunning a tune. Blue went over to the toilet and popped open his paper. He couldn't see Ichigo concentrating as he started to lift the lid of the toilet and spoke in a low buff tone, "If you go in me again, you die."  The white unicorn stallion's eyes shrank to the size of pinprick before he list out the most high pitched girlish screaming as he promptly fled his house in fear. Ichigo and I heard a cracking sound coming from the mirror. We looked over to see the mirror crack and then shattered. We then heard several more of the same noises outside. We stuck our heads out on either side of the doorway to see all of the windows shattered. Meanwhile up in the castle Celestial was enjoying her daytime secret tea and cakes. She heard a high pitched scream and then her cup shattered spelling hot tea on her cakes. Princess was in her room playing on her PlayStation five. Suddenly her Crystal vision monitor started to crack then shattered to pieces. We got out of there and began heading back to Ponyville laughing all the way. Once we got back to town we began to make our way towards Sugarcube Corner. When we got close I saw pinkie waiting there "hey pinkie, what are you doing out here?" I ask she just looks at me and smiles. "My pinkie sense told me you were planning on shocking everypony in the party and I wanted to know the details." She answers in a chipper tone. "Oh ok then, well I was going to surprise everypony by acting just like you while introducing myself as your twin just to see the look on everypony's faces." I say as we both giggled at the thought. I then look at Ichigo and say "I don't know what Ichigo has planned though, I bet it's going to be memorable though if that prank in Canterlot was any indication." I chuckled at the memory of Blue Blood's face. "Pretty much did my thing just now," Icigo shrugged. "I mean I could stick my head through the punch bowl but most ponies here wouldn't see me. The only things I can do are prank the other Elements now." I snicker a little imagining the scenario. Pinkie and Ichigo then went in (because no one can see him) and after waiting for a few minutes for everyone to prepare for the surprise part of the party I walked in. The lights suddenly came on as every single citizen of Ponyville yelled "SURPRISE!!!" I then put my acting skills to the test. "*Gasp* A surprise party for me!? Sis you shouldn't have." I say hyperactive and cheary then pinkie comes over and says. "But then how would I have welcomed back my greatest twin ever!?" She exclaims in her cheery tone. Meanwhile everyone was just staring some in surprise, some in fear, and others with their mouths agape in disbelief. In their moment of shock I pulled out a camera from my mane and took some pictures before quickly putting it back. Me and Pinkie tried to hold it in but it was for not we burst out laughing which coincidentally snapped everyone out of there shock. After our laughing fit I looked to the crowd. "Don't worry everypony, I'm not completely like my sister, sure I'll probably say or do some random stuff but trust me me and Pinkie are different. For one I'm mostly the serious one, as well as a non talkative type. I'm only talking so much today is because I've been gone for a while and I'm kinda bored and I had no one to really talk to when I was gone. The crowd takes in what I said and they smile slightly. Pinkie then speaks up "Alright everypony, let's PARTY!" She yells as the music cuts back on and everyone begins to party. I let Ichigo go and enjoy himself while I hung out with my sister. "I'm surprised some don't yell, ' Oh sweet Celestial there's two of them RUN!' Or something like that," Ichigo commented as he popped his head through the punch bowl. A couple of ponies yelped in surprise and ran off from the punch bowl. I look at Ichigo and say "unlike in certain Equestria's this one's Ponyville has seen stranger things. Including the mirror pool incident." I told him then I looked back at Pinkie and she resumed introducing me to everypony. "I don't think Asta and I were in the world for that one, or if we were we offset it," Ichigo shrugged before slurping in some punch. "So how long before some pony screams about a disembodied talking head in the punch bowl and one of the girls comes to check it out?" He smirked as someone screamed something along the lines of Ichigo's question while a few more did spit takes on each other or barfed in the nearest trash can, "Sorry about them wasting your great punch Pinkie. It really is delicious." She giggled "It's fine Mr.Ichigo, I don't get upset when a prank is involved…" she said then paused "unless it causes harm to somepony." She added. "Just Ichigo please, and don't get me wrong, I love pranks they make me and others laugh even if they are at the expense of others as long as they don't get hurt and I don't take them too far but I also know when it's appropriate to pull like now," He remarked grabbing a bottle of hot sauce and quickly downing it in one swig, letting out a fiery burp. "But I also know when it's appropriate to be civil but I most of got my kicks earlier today whenever I broke every window in Canterlot at the same time and probably a few more things based on what my gut is telling me," He looked off to the side with a bit of a mumble then looked forward. "Hey isn't that your friend Twilight coming towards us?" He pointed and then under the table to wait for the princess and the right timing to arrive. And indeed twilight was walking towards us. I turned and greeted her. "So, your Twilight i must say i never thought my sister would have made friends with a princess." I say before mumbling "and that I would owe her a drink." She smiled and said "yeah some ponies believe that as well. But it's none the less true." She said "also the reason the crowd didn't react more to your sudden entrance is because we met the rest of her family. Honestly the only real shock was that neither pinkie nor her family mentioned you?" She said in a curious fashion I looked down before looking back at her. "That's because I was gone for a long time and have only just now returned." I told her but before she could say anything I spoke up again. "And no I do not wish to talk about it." Twilight nodded in acceptance before turning towards the table with the punch bowl. While I continued milling around the party with my sister. "I'm very surprised you didn't ask why everyone was barfing and spitting earlier," came Ichigo's voice as Twilight picked up a cup and sipped as she kept her eyes on me. "That's because I wouldn't put it past either Pinkie let alone Rainbow Dash to pull off some sort of pranks here "Twilight happily replied.  "Refill?" Ichigo asked. "Why thank you-" the sound of a light bulb busting could be heard from the purple mare as she finally realized there was a disembodied head in the punch bow. "Hello," Ichigo gave a big smile. Twilight did a spit take and was about to start freaking out. But before she could she uses Cadence's breathing technique and calms down a little so she could think clearly. She then uses all types of scanning spells on Ichigo and discovers he's just phasing through the punch bowl. "How are you doing that?" She asked him trying to calm down again at the discovery that a non-unicorn could be using a phasing spell. (Note: the shinigami that used to live in this universe were evil and acted like the ones in death note so if anypony discovers any shinigami they are either to destroy it or contact the princesses spirit hunters.) “Because I have no corporeal body," Ichigo said matter of factly. "Nice to meet you littlest princess. My name is Ichigo Kurosaki," He stood up and walked out of the table. "In lay man's terms I'm a spirit but not just any spirit, I'm a Shinigami," Twilight's eyes shrank to the size of pinpricks but before she could run off Ichigo grabbed his collar. "And before you go ape shit I'm not one of those malformed angels that like to fuck with people cause the like to kill mortals with a notebook that with just a name. It's my job to hunt down monsters that eat the lingering souls that are stranded in the living world while also ferrying those same dead souls onto the afterlife. I'm the reason Diane is here." I look at Twilight and say, "it's true Twilight if it wasn't for Ichigo i wouldn't be here now. He saved my life." I as soon as I tell her she calms down and nods in understanding and goes to enjoy the party. Then I turned to Ichigo. "Also the shinigami here don't have a death note they just act like those shinigami uncaring about the living and enjoy the suffering of the living. They didn't have zanpakuto's but they did have their own unique weapons. Actually, if I were to compare them it would be if a shinigami let their hollow take over." I tell him then I lean forward. "Don't tell anyone this but the ark angles of this universe aren't actually angels. There actually gods but Celestia, Luna, and Cadence don't like to be worshipped as such so they let the ponies think that the gods of this world are in heaven. Twilight is one too but she doesn't know and if I were to become an alicorn I would become a full-fledged shinigami or Goddess of Death but the official title for the public would be Ark Angel of Death or the Alicorn of Death." I whisper to him. “Okay sounds like your problems,” Ichigo shrugged. “Now,” he looked back to Twilight. “Are you gonna go bat shit crazy and try and sick some type of exorcist force to try and destroy me if I let you go? Let me tell you this, it won’t work for me. I’m very strong and I don’t want to hurt anyone, except evil things. So can I set you down?” She nods, "y-yeah I'm ok now that you and Diane explained things." She said a little shakily, "so can you let me go now?" She asked a bit hopeful to get back to the party. “Look little princess I’m just here cause someone really needed help and I wanted to meet her family and friends and make a few friends and pull off a couple of practical jokes on a few ponies,” He gently set Twilight down on the ground and patted her on the head. “You remind me a lot of my own little sister back home. If you need anything or help with spirits let me know or find Diane. Okay?” She looks at him and nods with a small smile and says "Alright, thank you and enjoy the party" she then turns and walks over to see Fluttershy. We continued to party for a few more hours before it finally ended. As we were leaving the Sugarcube Corner Ichigo stopped me to say his goodbyes. "Well it's been a real hoot little lady but I best be movin on," Ichigo said with a mock southern accent that was pretty close to Aj's, close enough to pass for a real one at least. "It's been fun Diane but I should go back home now. I don't want people to start missing me and I need to be there when Asta comes to the Seireitei. Oh yea," He hopped this fist into his palm and then reached into his shihakusho and pulled at a black headband with a red four-pointed star on it then held it out to me. "This is Asta's token. You can use it to call me or him. Come by for a visit once you get your power leveled out. We can have a sparring match. Maybe meet the man himself.just don't piss him off and if you find a pocket watch token from Full metal Alchemist that belongs to a Crimson Sage be very careful cause that dude is OP as whacked-out three-day-old cottage cheese. I believe that about covers it." I nod and take the token "thank you for everything Ichigo. See you soon...hopefully it won't take me too long. Tell your friend I can't wait to meet him." I take a breath then say "Ichigo, our contract is complete." A swirling black portal opened in front of us."Seriously though, be careful when it comes to Displaced. There are some out there that you just would never guess," He patted my shoulder. "It's been fun and tell Pinkie I'll keep in touch. Hasta luego!" Ichigo waved as he entered the portal an it shut once he was in. > Ch.2 A whole new world, a whole new start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'What happened? Why can't I move? I feel different. What's going on?' I thought as I then began to remember what happened before waking up in this new world. Silent Ponyville, 1 year after Ichigo arrived (and only 3-4 hours for the living world.)   Diane's POV It's been 3 or 4 hours since Ichigo left in the living world. But for me in Silent Ponyville It's been 1 year and I've been busy fixing the damage Alessa did to my town. I wince as some phantom pain spiked up. After a few minutes it was gone, then I went back to work freeing some innocent souls but leaving the evil souls to their fate. Also I gave Silent Ponyville a day and night cycle. For the day cycle it's the normal Silent Hill type of day with white fog and everything. For the night cycle I chose to do something like when Silent Hill changes to the other world. Dark fog, black sky, and everything changes to look pretty much like a place of tourchor. Except for the Crystal Castle, Town Hall, and Sugarcube Corner. After checking the other holding cells I went back to the living plane of Ponyville.  I met up with my sister and we began heading towards Sugarcube Corner. But then something happened and the whole world started shaking. I kept myself steady and grabbed onto pinkie so she wouldn't fall down. That's when I noticed the color of the world was draining and I saw ponies as well as the very world becoming dust. I won't lie, I was starting to panic just like my sister. But then something unexpected happened. I saw a human. At first I thought he was another displaced person but something was telling me otherwise. When he saw us he waved and said "this way if you want to live." We started running. Once we reached him a house appeared behind him. As I turned around I also spotted twilight. I ran over and grabbed her arm and picked her up and carried her to the man. Then the door to the mysterious house opened and he yelled "INTO THE HOUSE'' we all ran in and the door closed. Then the house disappeared and the universe ceased to exist. The stranger looks at us with sad eyes. "I'm sorry for what has happened to your home and for what's going to happen to you." He says in a sad tone. We look at him confused and a little scared. The being in front of us looks like a normal human wearing a black tuxedo with white gloves and black tie. His eyes look like the cosmos and he has wings which are black with stars in them and look like they're draining all the surrounding light into them.  Pov switch: ??? I look at the 2 ponies and displaced with pity and sadness. "What do you mean by that?" The displaced known as Diane asked me. I look at her and say with some sadness in my voice "your universe was just erased. As for what is going to happen to you, that's up to you." I tell her they all look desstroat so I decided to give them some hope. "The way I see it you all have 2 options, 1 you get erased like your original universe. Or 2 I along with a friend re-displace you in another parallel universe with different abilities and perhaps different forms as well." I say they think about what I said then Diane looks at me. "What do you mean by us getting new abilities and different forms?" She asked I smiled at her "you see Diane neither me or my friend can just send you to an alternate universe without changing something. Otherwise, we might upset the balance in that universe. That's why when someone is displaced there are elements from that specific genre of the character said displaced became. It's so the universe doesn't go out of balance otherwise all types of stuff will start leaking in from the void. But don't worry as I said me and my friend won't just drop you in a random universe. It will be deliberate depending on what artifact/prop you pick for your re-displacement." I tell them they think about it for a little bit then nod and agree to be re-displaced. "Alright just let me summon my friend and we'll get started," I say before reaching into my pocket and pulling out a familiar-looking pocket watch. Pov switch: Edward Elrick I was sitting in my study working on a few of my latest projects when an alarm started to go off. Walking over to my console, I pressed a few keys and looked up the alert. “Let’s see what you’re going on about,” I type and pull up what’s going on via my void network that is connected to my tokens and other machines. “Oh dear, a universe is being erased.” “I immediately went to work finding out which one it was. “Hmm… it’s not one I or anyone I’m related to has been to,” I rub my chin. “Why is my alarm going off then. Need more details.” I walk over to another console and start to cross reference this universe, “Oh yes the void signature for Asta’s world went here. Not Asta though. Didn’t he say he had an old friend displaced as Ichigo in his world,” I typed more. “Yes, that’s the one.” “Daddy,” I turned to see my son standing there with his sister and mother. “Luna, this isn’t a good time.” “What’s going on Ed, that damn alarm woke us up?” Luna scowls  “Is Tia up?” “You know she is, especially since you keep her under watch currently due to Summer,” Luna sighs.  “Well, it’s a good thing we’re all on vacation together in the Time Chamber,” I chuckled.  “She’s feeding Summer right now so if you're going to do whatever you best do it now,” Luna shakes her head. “Come on you two, time for breakfast.” “Kay,” my twins acknowledge their mother as they all walk off. I pull out one of my tokens and activate it. The arms on the watch spin and a holo-display comes up and I see a Twilight, A pinkie Pie knock-off, and someone I don’t really recognize, “Okay, so what’s going on here…” I remark stepping through a portal to the world. 3rd POV "Ah hello there Edward glad you could make it. I need your help with re-displacement these 3 into a new universe there old one was erased by an entity I have been tracking for a while. I've got the enchanted items that will change them. I just need your help making sure that their destination and departure is safe so they won't be harmed." The mysterious man says as he waves his hand and the said items appeared. The items consisted of many things from different franchises like mortal kombat, dc, marvel, etc. The man then looks at Edward to see he has a very annoyed look on his face. I then realized something and facepalmed "that's right you haven't met me yet. Apologies for being present in the past, present, and future really messes with my memory sometimes. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Creative Paradox but my friends just call me Paradox and I am what you would call an Author." The now named Paradox says. “I know what you are and I really don’t like any of you assholes,” With a great deal of disdain in his voice. “But given from what you’ve told me and explained you’re not entirely in control of things as a true author would be,” He looks to the others. “So you’re an author but you don’t have total control over your realities. Seems we’re short a few ponies here. Are they all you were able to save or is there still enough of the universe left?” He looks a little sad and says "these 3 were all I had time to save." He says then puts up a barrier so none of the ponies or displaced could hear them "*sigh* look Edward I'm not like other authors especially considering I only became one recently and I'm still trying to get a handle on my abilities. After all you can't go from being human one moment to a godlike being the next without repercussions. When a displaced person shows up in worlds I've made I am not allowed to enter fear unless it's necessary and having to watch someone you care about being torchured for 5,000 years and not being able to do anything. It hurts. It hurts alot Edward. Now I know you don't know me but I know you. You're a good man and they need our help." He says jestering towards the 2 ponies and displaced. “Don’t call me a good man, I’m anything but,” Ed points out. “I’m going to help them, not you. I don’t care who you are or what you are. Author or not I will do whatever I can to help the young ones. And if you truly knew me, you should know what torture is, like being encase in stone and going completely insane and broken for over two thousand years and then regaining some semblance of sanity only to see the women I care for most fighting each other with one being sent to the moon and then having to stare up at her visage every night for the next thousand plus years!” Paradox sighs and nods his head "Very well. And thank you for helping the ponies. And my little sister." He said the last part under his breath so no one heard him. As they walk over to them Paradox notices that Pinkie had grabbed a hammer and 2 hyena plushies and Twilight grabbed some lavender gloves while Diane grabbed a monkey tail, and some strange black and red armor. That's when they changed into their new selves. Twilight didn't really change too much as she just became human and a unique suit appeared on her.  While Pinkie's transformation was different first she became human then black and red suit appeared on her and the 2 plushies became real hyenas. last but not least Diane. Her transformation was drastic. First she became a saiyan with black spiky hair, red eyes,  and a scar on her cheek.  Next her zanpakuto appeared and changed from a spear to a familiar iconic red pole. Twilight became her mortal kombat counterpart while pinkie became Harley Quinn from Injustice 2. Diane on the other hand had become a female saiyan but not a normal saiyan. A saiyan that was born not with normal ki but God ki. The saiyan she became is known as Diana Sensō not the legendary super saiyan but a saiyan that can take on Cumber in his super saiyan great ape form while she's in her base. She was also cursed with immortality (like Zamasu's). In her story she only had 5 transformations super saiyan 1-4 and the fifth one… well let's just say that she's nearly unbeatable in that form. 'But' Paradox thought 'I didn't want to make this too easy for her.' So he locked out all her transformations till she can unlock them on her own. But he did let her have the memories of the character move set and all just not the transformations. 'Her base form should be enough for now.' He thought. (Note: if you're wondering who Diana is, she's my dragon ball xenoverse 2 cac I made and she's actually that powerful in the game. Also if you're curious about her 5th transformation it's the chrystal raid transformation in dbx2). Ed lets out a sigh, “You’ve all chosen items from Paradox, so I will do the same,” he turns and holding up a hand causing an hourglass shaped door to appear in front of him. “Please, follow me, and no touching my equipement,” He sternly remarks as he opens the door walking into it. The three look at each other and nod, trusting the man and follow him through the strange doorway. Paradox watches with some sadness in his eyes as the doorway closed behind the group leaving him alone. "It was nice seeing you again sis. I hope this new life will be better than the last." He said before walking back to his study he senses an observer and looks at the direction of said observer. He noticed it was a Twilight displaced going by the name Ayumi. He gives a friendly smile and waves and heads for his study. Pov switch Diana (previously known as Diane) The three stood in awe of all that went before them. On the walls there were countless things that could only tokens as they radiated void energy from them. There were several cabinets and various pieces of lab equipment and Technology all throughout the room. The room itself was very expensive; one could possibly fit a very large mansion inside of it. Along with void energy you Twilight could sense the magic flowing from nearly every nook and cranny of the room "Welcome to my home away from home  ladies," Ed says as he motions around him. "This is my home away from home but it is mostly my workshop and laboratory as well as a hanger for my various vehicles that I built over the years or I should say time since I built this place." The three of us stood there stunned and amazed looking at practically everything. "This place is amazing." Twilight said in awe me and Pinkie nodded in agreement. I then stepped forward and asked the man a question. "Mr. Edward was it? Not that I'm trying to ruin the moment or anything but what do we do now? … I mean our home, family, everything is gone and I know we're being re-displaced but I… I have to know. The new world we're going to. Will it be found by whatever destroyed our old universe? Because I can't... we can't go through that again." I asked him with pleading eyes and some hope and desperation in my voice, hoping and begging internally that our new home would be safe so we wouldn't have to go through that kind of heartache again. Ed sighs then turns to look at the youths, “Erasers aren’t that uncommon amongst Displaced universes Twilight and usually happens due to some extremely powerful force, most of the time an outside force like a void dweller,” he explains. “But a force from inside the universe isn’t to be ruled out either. No universe is completely safe from destruction but it is usually overseen by some void entity to make sure it doesn’t happen. My own universe has a void barrier around it and only void dwellers that have a significant amount of power can break through, unless my dweller lets them in and that’s very rarely unless it thinks it would be entertaining for it to watch.” He turns to look at the ponies, “But he won’t have a say in your world. I am the one who will be doing the displacement meaning all my power is my own in this. The truth will have no say in what goes on in your new world. That means I will be the one to oversee it. I may not be a full dweller yet, but outside my world my powers are on par with them. If you don’t think you can handle losing a world again, then you can live in mine if you wish. You will still be there as displaced but under my protection. I leave the choice to you three. For now you need your rest though, we can discuss this later. Come, I will show you to your room and hope you don’t mind a baby’s cry.” We looked at each other then towards Edward and nodded and we followed him to our new room. “It’ll have all that you need,” Ed says as a holo-display pops up in front of him as we walked along. “Shower, beds, toilet and a kitchen area. I know all of you don’t think so right now but you’ll need to eat a small something at least,” We came to a triangular shaped door and walked through it. “This is my time chamber's main living space. The dilation is off so time passes normally, especially since we’re not attached to any world but my own right now. I have to give you all a heads up. I have my wives and girlfriend here with my kids and newborn. So it may get noisy from time to time.”  I smiled at him and said "it's no trouble at all mr. Edward me and Pinkie- wait." I turn towards her "do you still want me to call you Pinkie or did you decide to change your name like I did?" I ask her she thinks about for a few seconds then says "yes I decided to change my name so it doesn't get mixed up with any other version of me. Just call me by who I became, Harley Quinn." She says with a smile. I look back at Edward and continue where I left off "me and Harley have dealt with a LOT of loud noises before… not sure about Twilight though… wait did you change your name too?" I ask Twilight. She also gave it some thought before also changing her name. "Yes I've decided to call myself Calypso it just feels right." She says I nod "right I'm not sure about Calypso though." I tell him then Calypso steps up "don't worry if it does bother me then I'll use my magic to cast a silencing spell around me." She says with a small smile. After that we got set up in our rooms and after today's earlier events we happily went to sleep to relieve some stress and rest. To Be Continued  > Ch.3 Moving forward > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'What happened? Why can't I move? I feel different. What's going on?' I thought as I then began to remember what happened before waking up in this new world. After I remembered, I relaxed and sat up and found out why I couldn't move earlier. Pinkie- I mean Harley was hugging me in a tight grip while sleeping. I smiled a little and started trying to wake her up. I slip one arm free and start slightly shaking her "Hey Harley time to wake up. Come on." I say gently while still slightly shaking her she lets out a light grow then let's go of me and sits up. She yawns then opens her eyes and looks at me then smiles "hey there sis." She says I smile and say "good morning Harley." I then look over and see twili- Calypso already awake and eating breakfast. "Good morning to you too, Calypso." I say with a smile. She smiles back " good morning you two. Hungry?" She asked and we nodded due to me being used to being a version of Pinkie. I'm used to having a large appetite. So having a saiyan appetite isn't that different. Harley on the other hand, will have to get used to having a normal human appetite.  After we had breakfast showered and got dressed up we just sat in the living room and we discussed what we were going to do. After a while we had made a decision and then we grieved everyone and everything we lost. After that we just started going through our persona's memories and tested some safe abilities that we could use. Except for Harley she just played with her hyenas for a little while. There was a knock at the door. I walked over and opened it to see a little boy with eerily similar features to Luna. I could only guess he was one of Mr. Ed’s children. “Daddy wanted me to come and say hi, hi. My name is Solar Eclipse” He says shyly. “He said will be waiting in the main area for you. You all have sad auras. Very sad,” Solar takes my hand, “You get better soon. Have family with you.” I smile at the innocent little child and I ask him "thank you, would you mind leading us there?" When I finished Calypso, Harley, and her hyenas walked over ready to go. “Follow close, not want to go in daddy’s hangers,” Solar says as he leads the way. “Never get out of there unless with him,” he says as we walk a ways until we're in what looks to be a lab of some sort. “They here daddy.” “Thank you for bringing them Solar,” Mr. Ed smiles picking up his son. “Your mother is looking after Summer to give aunty Tia a bit of a break. Morning is playing with Nyx, go join them.” He sets the boy down, “Kk, bye bye nice ladies. It get better soon, daddy helps make it better,” He smiles then runs off. “He’s right, it’ll be better soon,” Mr. Ed nods. “I hope you all got a decent sleep. I’ve been working on you the a new world but sadly, I’m still not a void dweller and lack the proper powers to send you all to a world instantly so it will take a few days to get things set up properly,” we all looked a bit downward. “But the good news is I have the means to start a new world from scratch, but it will have to age and grow on its own for a bit before I can send you there.” We look up and thought about what he said and we smiled "thank you for everything you're doing Eddy" Harley says with some genuine happiness. I looked at him then a thought occurred to me " excuse me Mr. Edward but what did Solar mean by have family with us?" Calypso and Harley also looked at him questioningly. "First off, don't call me Eddy," Mr. Ed said out of the corner of his eyes. "Second, my son is very empathic and is also able to see the aura of those around him. He is very shy, but very kind too. He takes after his mother in many ways. Thirdly, by family he was referring to all of you as a family, but also Paradox. Solar can see the bonds that tie us all together," He says walking to another machine. "He may have also been referring to me and the others here." We looked at each other in understanding but then it became confusion when thinking about Paradox being family 'He did seem familiar but... I don't know' I inwardly sigh but what Eddy said hit me and judging by the expressions of Calypso and Harley it hit them as well and we stared at Eddy with surprise, and shock but for me I was grateful, and surprised but also unsure. Looking to Calypso and Harley I could tell they felt unsure as well. We were unsure because it felt like we were abandoning our old family, and I didn't know how to feel about that. “I know those looks,” Mr. Ed says. “You’re not abandoning your old world or your old families. You still have your memories of them and their spirits will remain in your hearts as long as you never forget,” He smiles, “That said, there’s nothing wrong with accepting a new family as well. You three are all that’s left of your universe outside Paradox and he can’t interact unless necessary. You should be happy you’re here and have a chance to meet new friends, make new families, and share the experiences you have from your old lives.” We look at each other in understanding and we smile and look back at Eddy. "Thanks for the reassurance and we would be happy to accept being a part of your family." I say with happiness the other 2 nodding in agreement. "So I heard about your wives and children and we've already met Solar. So will we also be meeting the rest?" I ask him curiously Calypso and Harley nodding in agreement. “Luna is giving Tia a break from Summer at the moment so Luna is with the baby,” Ed thinks. “So, she’s probably raiding the kitchen for some tea and cake right now. The kids are playing in the gardens and Chrissy was watching them. Amore is teaching right now. Twilight and Pole should be around seeing as Nyx is with the twins. Hmmm… Spike has been in the workshop lately so we can check there. Rarity might be in her shop here in Canterlot if this is. If they’re not here we can always pop down to Ponyville. I just need to stay here,” He says wavering hand signs and another Ed appears in a puff of smoke. “I’ll leave him here to ma=on it or things on the seed project. Come on, we can stop by the gardens to see the kids and Chrissy for a sure visit.” Edwards led the way through his lab and out another door but this time we ended up in large marble hallways adorned in red,blue, and gold. It all looked familiar and then I recognized some ponies, obviously as they had horns, tail, wings, etc. But they looked more human. Then it hit me, we were in canterlot Castle. “Welcome my little ponies,: He motions to his world as the sun shines down. “To my world…” We stood there in surprise and awe. Calypso began to tear up at the sight of her old home of Canterlot for obvious reasons. Harley was looking at the children with a smile because of the cuteness and I was just taking in the scenery. I had only been to Canterlot twice in all my life in equestria and it always seems to be more beautiful every time. "How about we go see the kids first," Ed smiles as he teleported us off the balcony into the gardens. "Uncle Ed!" A deep purple hair alicorn filly says shooting into Ed's arms. "Is your mother here Nyx?" Ed asks. "No, momma stayed back home to reorganize the lab. Dad is on duty but he let me stay with uncle Spike until Chrissy came and got me to play with Solar and Morning," Nyx smiles. We walk over. "Morning chrissy," Ed waves. "They behaving?" A mare with green hair, and a gnarled black horn looks over. "Eclipse is playing mainly with the Pokemon but Morning is.." "Daddy!" A little filly with burning red hair and white horn and wings drops down from the tree. "Rough housing with the fighting types again," Ed says flatly. "Girls," He looks at us. "Meet my kids, Solar Eclipse you met already. This Morning Star," He motioned with his eye to the waving little girl. "Their mother is Luna. This is Chrysalis. TIA adopted her. My is Twilight and Polearms daughter." He motions to the older filly in his arms. "Calypso, Diana, Harley meet part of my family." We smile, I wave at the fillies, Calypso neales down in front of this world's version of her kid and says "hello Nyx." She smiles at the filly and finally there's- "OH MY GOSH THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!" Harley exclaims with a wide smile. "You're my mom from another world but your magic,"  My notes. "It's the same as mine, Solar's, and aunt Luna's." Ed sets Nyx down and grabs a hold of Morning as she tries to fly away. "They're sweet as can be but can be a handful. Being alicorns here means they age faster than normal. Solar and Morning are actually approaching a year old now." "I'll keep an eye on them," Chrissy says looking over. "You do what you need to. It looks like you have your hands full anyways."  "Thanks Chrissy, come on girls we're going to the school next," Ed motions and we follow to a building not far from the castle. It looked like Celestia's school but with extra, everything. "This is advanced Crystal magic, my girlfriend, Amore, is the one teaching." Ed points. We look in awe at the school. I look over at Calypso and see she used her magic and summoned an ink quill and paper and started taking notes. Harley was excited and skipping around I was smiling and said "this looks amazing Eddy." I look at the school and see the newer looking parts of the school "how long did it take to add all these new parts?" I ask curiously. "Depending on what was needed anywhere from a second to about five minutes, maybe thirty at most," Ed thinks. But while I was asking, Calypso noticed Amore but at that moment Calypso thought it was Cadence and the memory returned to her as she felt tears in her eyes and she ran to her and hugged her while crying and saying "I'm sorry" over and over again. After Eddy answered my question I heard Calypso and I turned to see her hugging Amore and she's crying the other two noticed as well. “There, there,” Amore pats Calypso’s head. “It’ll be okay little one. You’ve all been through a lot so fast. Class dismissed for today,” she calls out and every pony packs up and leaves. “Let it out,” Amore strokes Calypso’s hair. After crying for a few minutes Calypso let Amore go and noticed that it wasn't actually Cadence. "I-i'm sorry I-i thought you were someone else but thank you for the reassurance and comfort miss…" Calypso said to Amore not knowing her name. ""I'm taking a stab in the dark here but I'm guessing you thought I was Cadence," Amore says as she keeps comforting Calypso who sadly nods. "You're not entirely wrong, little one. Cadence is my descendant. Technically my granddaughter by many generations. She and a shining Armor are both in the Empire ruling it as Empress and Emperor right now." Calypso stays quiet for a minute then says "I thought they might have been doing that but when I saw you I-i thought…" she trails off tears threatening to come out again. but she held them back "I'm sorry it's just… we just lost everything and seeing someone who looked like Cadence… it just brought back the memories… I never got the chance to say goodbye." She said in sadness as the tears finally fell. Amore looks at Ed, “I think it would be best if she saw them.” “I sent a letter last night giving the details,” He says. “As soon as they finish with court they’ll be here before lunch using the rune Teleporter.” Amore nods, “Good,” she looks at Calypso, “Would you like to learn about the crystal magic we use in the Empire to build our houses?” Calypso brightens up a little and nods her head. As we began walking "where to next?" I ask Eddy, curious as to where we're heading now. “Well, we could head to Ponyville if you two want,” Ed suggests. “I’m sure there's someone there who would love to see you.” He smiles leading us into the castle and into a workshop where a familiar green hair lad was working. “Can I help you?” He asks, not even looking up from his work bench with gemstones and thread in front of him. "Is that spike?" I hear Calypso whisper as she's still trying to move on from what happened. I don't say anything because I don't know what to say to help her. Harley puts a comforting hand on Calypso’s shoulder and gives her a smile. Trying to comfort her Harley then goes back to her hyenas who were still following us and proceeded to pet them. “That is the Gemstone Alchemist, Spike Everfree,” Ed confirms. “My top student, right behind Twilight. He is also my top engineering student that isn’t formally trained in one of my schools well above Twilight.” I go over to Calypso and give her a hug to help her calm down. Usually, she would be ecstatic to learn something new but she's still not over what happened. So it's best to try and help her, after giving Calypso a hug I walk up to this world's Spike and introduce myself and my friends. "Hello there Spike, my name is Diana, these are my friends Calypso, Harley, and her two hyenas," I tell him while reaching my hand out for a handshake. “It’s nice to meet you but I can’t exactly look up from my work at the moment,” Spike says, taking a piece of thread and placing it in what he’s working on,” That’ll do for now,” he remarks turning around and punching up his goggle to reveal a Spike in his later teen years. “You all look like you’ve been through hell. Let’s get you down to Ponyville,” he motions to a stone area of the room.  We step in and soon are all warped away into another workshop none of us know. I take note of the various limbs, tools, parts, and other items around this place. It kind of reminds me of a doctor’s office fuse with an auto body shop. “It’s an automail prosthetic shop,” Ed says. “Whooves Auto-Muffin shop.” "Woah… impressive." I say to Eddy I look more closely around the room "are we in ponyville now?" I ask due to never experiencing rune teleporting. “Yes we are,” he confirms. I nod then I become thoughtful about what me and the other discussed last night. 'I'll wait till we're done with the tour' I thought as we continued walking through the Auto-Muffin shop. “This place is my first shop and run by the resident time pony and good doctor. John Whooves. He runs the Automail while his wife Derpy runs the muffin shop on the other side of the wall,” Ed says as we walk around. “The backroom is where the doctor and sometimes Spike when he’s asked perform the attachments. The shop’s closed for now though as it’s opening time yet. Where do you girls want to go?” We look at each other thinking about the same place and smile "let's go to sugar cube corner." I say to Eddy with a smile.  “If that’s what you wanna do,” Ed says as he walks out the back door. “The Cakes are away on vacation so it’s just Pinkie over there right now. No doubt my dear student already knows about your arrival. A word of warning though, she is more powerful than either of you. The only thing she can’t get around is me and void barriers of my design.” “I’ll see you, girls, later,” Spike says. “I need to get the threads I refined over to Rarity before one of her clients gets in. Later,” he waves walking toward the beautique. "Bye spike." Harley says and we wave at him and follow Eddy. "So Eddy, after our visit to Sugarcube Corner do you know a place we're we could train? Because we need to understand what we're capable of and I want to see if I can unlock super saiyan." I ask him. "Normally I'd let you use the Time Chamber but Tia is using it to take a mini vaca at the moment," Ed explains. "She really needs to take it easy since Summer birth and it gives her some quality time with our daughter. Something that Luna was able to get but only due to her getting very sick. There is a fort I used to train my students in before the chamber. Does that sound good to you?" "Yeah that sounds great, thanks." I say gratefully to Eddy and we continue on towards Sugarcube Corner. To be continued...