• Member Since 12th May, 2012
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My name is Metemponychosis Edgy Hornyson!

Comments ( 442 )
Wanderer D

Oooh I like this concept!

This looks neat. Gonna keep a close eye on this one.

Now that's quality! Keep it up, I'm intrigued. : )

Thanks, all. I appreciate the support. I hope it won't dissapoint.

Looking forward to whatever comes next.

Nice chapters. I'm confused a bit about what's up with Equestria and if Mount Aris is in favor or against The Lion, but it's intriguing none the less.

It was nice seeing Gilda having to do so such a careful type of service and I think you handled it really well.

Nice work so far, keep it up!

Mount Aris is against both the Chancellor and The Lion. Gilda doesn't understand much yet, but the Chancellor has the accusations of coruption and The Lion has stuff Gilda doesn't understand yet. But the pony in the cafeteria implies that The Lion has some rethoric that displeases Queen Novo. This story takes place somewhere between season eight and nine, but is an alternate universe. Cities have local law enforcement in the form of local militias, Princess Celestia is kind of the 'high queen' of this confederation of nations (they all use Bits for currency, and that will be an important detail).

Part of the reason the news and conversations about the situation are there is meant to create an atmosphere of uncertainty and to place this story in the context of Piece of Parchment (though I prepared this one to be fully independent other than being part of the same world). There is something weird going on. There is one important detail is that the hospital's restaurant is well supplied and the general mood and work conditions are good, despite all the mess going on. More on that in the next chapter.

But Gilda isn't aware yet of all the details and I would spoil the story for you if I said more right now. It starts slow, but it picks up the pace next chapter.

That explains a lot, thanks! I might read your other story then, whatever is going on there seems interesting.
(The huge chapters make it a bit daunting to take on if I'm being honest but I might do it XD)

Also I loved the "It's her face on the coin" bit, until then I've never thought about it and it makes perfect sense. But I must say, aside from this "big picture" talk, I'm really enjoying Gilda's personal struggle. I'm curious to see how will her next encounter with the mayor's wife and son gonna be and if working on the hospital will make her more empathetic or more "pony like".
(Even though the perception of how a griffon should act is attached to their culture and that is another giant pickle on itself that circles back to the "Big Picture" talk XD)

Piece of Parchment grew into a monster and is still going. :rainbowlaugh: But at least the whole story is outlined and I know where it ends. I meant to make much smaller chapters, but then I realized that I was leaving out too much that I wanted in. That story is meant to anchor the alternate universe with its politics and technology, and it goes around the world, from Ponyville and the Crystal Empire to the the changeling home all the way to the northern griffonian cities. Not to mention the past. I wanted to inject a in-world mythology and a creation myth. It is incredibly fun to write with the 'pony nonsense' and the 'oh no! Princess Celestia lied to us!' with the serious stuff that is going on in the griffon lands.

It's great that you mention this, because 'griffon culture' is pivotal in the story. But a fair warning: Fólkvangr is marked 'adventure'. Gilda will be forced to leave. And she is not going the way you think she is. Surgical wounds are gory, but that is not the reason that tag is there. The same goes for the Dark tag, especially when Gilda starts delving into the past and finding out stuff about herself.

Thought so, first thing I did before starting to read was looking up it's namesake on google. :ajsmug:

Looking forward to reading how you're gonna handle it. Not looking forward to the gore but I guess that's what I signed up for, so you do you. :twilightsheepish:

Don't worry too much. It's not exagerated as Gilda's journey is the important part of the story.

Loving the paranoia. Wondering when shit will really hit the fan XD


Oh! That was what that was… Gilda had stopped with the nightmares after she...

I think that might sound better when phrased as "That's what it was...". Just an opnion though.


Yep, that is much better. Fixed it.

By the way, I know it's taking a while for the story to get on with it, but I'm building Gilda's motivations. I can't say more without spoiling my own story, but it is going to be worth it.

Gore tag represented :twilightsheepish:

I wouldn't recommend opening your door at night.

It shouldn't get much worse than that.
It gets weirder, but not worse.:twilightsheepish:
Never a good idea.

Hey, don't worry about it.

If Snyder's cut taught us anything, it's to take your time to to make sure the characters are developed and the plot makes sense. XD

She became powrful dang

Well, she was trained as a professional fighter and she was part of an elite, but the reality is that those guys were just some thugs that thought they had got an easy job. She's gonna need to defend herself further ahead too, and she will get some real challenges. Especially when she reaches the northerner lands.

You're gonna see power when she remembers the battles in the war.

Plus common, it's Gilda. She's default bad-ass. :rainbowlaugh:

You fucking go, Girl!

Seems to me that there is a fair bit of instability occuring all around.

Damn, ran out of chapters.

Gonna fix that in a jiffy. :rainbowwild:
Next chapter is probably going up tomorrow.

I mean... People decided they wanted to go out and party when my country is in the worst period of COVID yet. Plenty of work for people in the healthcare. But I'm using almost every hour of free time I have to keep this one and Piece of Parchment going.

How do you pronounce the title?

Assuming you are American...
Folk, as you would normally.
Van, is a bit more nasalized than what an american would say. More like how a british would pronounce 'van'.
Gr is is often pronounced as 'gur'. Or as in 'gar' in some variations, or even ger (anger) but you tend to 'roll' the r either way.

Old norse, even if it has modern versions, is a bit of a dead language.

Actually, I'd appreciate it a lot if some Scandinavian could explain better than I can.

I recognize the name because of Fire Emblem Heroes and it's also from the section of Norse myth that Marvel has glossed over. Couldn't help but interject there.

Half the slain warriors went to Odin, to Valhalla. The other half went to Freyja, to Fólkvangr. She is an interesting goddess because she kinda spawned from the same cult to Frigg/Frigga... At some point they started worshiping them as different entities: Frigga, Odin's wife and Freyja, Asgard's resident horny goddess.

Some studies say that contact with the roman and greek cultures influenced that split because of the worship of Venus/Aphrodite. But it is funny because every single norse god was also a god of war, so a better comparison would be Ishtar from the Assyrians. The Allmother in this AU is meant to reference both Freyja because the northerner griffons are a bit on the norse side, while their ancient culture is heavily based on those peoples from the Fertile Crescent. Mostly assyrians.

While the cults the ponies followed went in the same veins as the greek-romans and gaelic/celts.

I completely missed that Marvel mentioned it, but then again it's been a looong time I haven't messed with comics.

Now normally, a cult is a bad thing, but I will reserve judgement until more is revealed

Looks like they might be trying to reach into Gilda’s insurance.

I wonder if Luna’s going to be taking another peak into her noggin. She’s already wiped away one of the memory dreams so she’s aware of them and their subject matter. That Tantabus request being rebuffed might be a worrying sign for her.

Next chapter actually touches on that subject.
Will be up soon.

I look forward to the next chapter with much anticipation. It is a refreshing thing to find a gryphon centric story. Though I find the story version of mine self to be of questionable motive from the perspective of the central character. Mayhap she will find favor in the future. I will just have to wait as a foal at the fire while the bard is refreshed to continue.

Kinda crazy this story doesn’t have more views/likes. Had it in read later for awhile and finally started and I’m really glad I did. I’ve been loving Gilda’s perspective.

Well, I'm very 'small time'. All I really have is my passion for these characters and a few crazy ideas.
I'm glad you enjoy it and I am glad you commented that.

Lets just say I didn't think I'd like a Gilda centric story until I started reading this one. Glad to be proven wrong

While I wouldn’t entirely trust the Harpy, I do wonder what Celestia’s done to other religions in this world. Her tearing down of the Griffons probably would’ve been as good a springboard for her cult as any.

Piece of Parchment deals exactly with that. But I know it is large and people may not be interested in reading that. Without spoiling anything for one story or the other, I can say that it is complicated and that The Harpy isn't shy about perverting the truth to her own benefit. Celestia can, at least, claim to have done what she did for the good of all the races of the world.

Oh this is a sequel? Are the events of parchment happening simultaneously to this story?

It's a spin-off. Events are simultaneous.

Ooo I like her but I don't like her. I hope this ends with a good middle-ground of freedom and not hunting/enslaving sentients but either way I love the story so far.

Neat concept!

Noticed a couple spelling and grammatical errors but other than, that i loved the intro

Also gilda. She is best griffon ever and needs all the stories!!

Wait so...
Whens she going back in time?

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