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Lofty Withers


Sweetie and Rumble march in the pride parade.

Content warning: hoof holding .

Cover art by the absolutely fabulous RayneTheSkunk.

Written for the Pride and Positivity event. You can help out too by donating to a charity at one of these links.
Black Lives Matter - Where to Donate
Support Black People MasterDoc

Now with a reading by Rainbow Infinity.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 96 )

Short but hood! Loved it!

wild clapping
You did it, Lofty. Brilliant story, truly. I loved the characterization you demonstrated here, with the interaction between Sweetie Belle and Rumble flawlessly capturing the many aspects of their characters. The conversation was top-notch, and excellently showed the character dynamics between Sweetie Belle and Rumble, as well as the trans aspect. Good work!

Hoof-holding?? Goodness, truly obscene! :raritydespair:

I love the idea of seeing a parade like this from the perspective of an ally. Rumble comes off as earnest, honest, and hapless, and I love it. Well done.

I haven't read this yet, but judging by the comments I'm surprised by the ratio. Are users downvoting it just because of the content?

Yes. It's about as innocent and wholesome as a short slice of life story can be, and with just about any other content, it would do just fine. People are just being petty.

Violet_09 #8 · Feb 6th, 2021 · · 18 ·

I agree this is a good story the dislikes are probably from terfs or homophobes

Very sweet. Why all the dislikes?

It's an unabashedly pro-Trans fic that includes a link to BLM in its description. I'm sorry to say that it was bound to ruffle certain people's feathers. A similar fic got downvote-bombed last night, as a matter of fact.

It's quite a shame — this was a very solid slice-of-life story. My compliments to the author!

There are also those who flat out don't like alternate characterizations. Or shipping that isn't hard canon. I doubt they're the majority of dislikes here though.

Anyway, the story was sweet and cute! Rumble was adorable with how completely oblivious he was to everything, heh.

The himbo energy is strong with this one.

Posh #14 · Feb 6th, 2021 · · 2 ·

“Sweetie, will you go out with me?” Rumble scuffed the door mat. “No, that sounds stupid. Maybe gruffer.” He cleared his throat. “Hey Sweetie, ‘sup?” He hung his head. Hoof, meet face. “That’s worse.”

When I was a boy, I knew a guy who asked someone out by texting “so r u down with a relationship?”

Rambler here is doing just fine.

anyway, I give this eleven held hoofs out of two.

!! this is so cute!!!

What fic, so I can counter-upvote?

Here's my question. This is months too late for the Pride event. Unless I'm missing something? I took part in it myself, so I am curious.

The hate is most likely coming from the groups you linked in the description. They haven't been positive for a very long time now. Maybe at the very beginning. But no more.

You at least have a solid reason for bringing Trans ponies into this. Which is more than the last story that did it can say.

I'm pretty sure it's still on the New Column, but seeing as you asked:

TGod Bless This Union
"You see, Shining Armor, I called you here for a reason. There’s been rumors that you’re going to ask Cadence…” Suddenly, Celestia's smile pulled itself back. “... for her hoof in marriage. As I’m sure you know, I can’t let you do that."
Pastelglitches · 2.1k words  ·  70  56 · 1.2k views

Personally, it's not the best thing I've ever read, but I certainly didn't think it was that bad.


This is months too late for the Pride event.

I wrote it in June for the event. It did spend a little bit of time waiting in my editing queue. Mea culpa.

This was super sweet! Nice little Slice of Life featuring a ship I haven't seen in... No idea how long. Ignore the downvotes; this was great. :twilightsmile:

Posh #21 · Feb 6th, 2021 · · 11 ·

10665739 Hey, I’ve been meaning to point this out for a while. There’s a typo in your username. That letter “I.” Should probably edit it out.

Absolutely adorable. Thank you for blessing us all with this good and pure Sweetie Belle content.

What a charming fic! It was cute, short and sweet, and just left me with a warm feeling once it was over! Well done!

Don't you pay any mind to the obvious cretins down voting this because they're too cowardly to say out loud that they're transphobic trash stains! You did a good job! It's very easy to tell when people are being genuinely critical (mostly because they leave comments that explain what they disliked) and when they just have some ugly personal grudge (they don't say anything, smack their heads on the keyboard to leave a downvote, then retreat back to their Duck Dynasty caves before they can be found out) and it's only the real critics you should spend time looking at.

Have a good one, buddy! Thanks for the good read!

Utterly adorable, Rumble is such a loveable doofus.

I think you might be seeing things. My name is spelled correctly. Not sure how you got I can't spell my own name.

It feels good to be the 69th upvote.

“I thought you knew. Now I don’t know if I should laugh or cry.” She sighed, marching in silence as Rumble waited for an explanation. “A transgender person is a different gender than the one they were assigned at birth.”

This is a really nice, succinct way to explain being trans that sounds like something a kid like Sweetie would reasonably be able to say. Especially to one of her peers. That she is able to follow-up with a nice little metaphor about the dress works super well too! This was really cute and some excellent little wholesome romance. You have a good sense of pacing and scene breaks. I hope you write more! Ally perspectives are hard to find on this site, and you have a sweet style that conveys emotions most poggersly.

Though, my one nitpick is that 'people' always feels out of place in a pony setting. I personally find that 'creatures' works really good for a species-neutral word. I'm well aware that 'people' generally just refers to a population by its origin, but the issue is that it is so coded in Extremely Human Vocabulary that's worth hanging at the door when it comes to writing ponies. This is much like how when you say a character 'hands' something to another, it is best just to say 'passes' or 'gives' because of the nature of what 'hands' means to us vs. magical horses.

Feels more like an introductory pamphlet than a story, to be honest.

i won't downvote this
but i will say this
headcanoning nontrans characters as trans is utterly moronic
if you need trans rep that badly, make your own trans ocs
oh, and rumbloo is the superior ship, fight me

Awwww, little oblivious doofus. Gotta love him.


headcanoning nontrans characters as trans is utterly moronic

I didn't know you could see Sweeite Belle's chromosomes.

Congrats on exposing yourself as the hateful bigot you are.

until it's stated that they're trans by show staff(preferrably the voice actor his/herself) they'll always be a filly
oh, that reminds me
this is a filly and a colt, not a mare and a stallion.
there's an age threshold for this sort of thing and neither of them are past it yet
my stance is not changing on this

ad-hom, cute
try coming back with an actual argument about it


it's not a new thing with this lad tbh, his apathetic edginess transcends all forms of conscious reality

god forbid people have an imagination - when did you lose yours?

if you're saying no to making your own trans ocs, congration, you have no rep now


ad-hom, cute

pot kettle m8

also how many times have people tried to give you an "actual argument" but you never respond to them because you know they prove you wrong? how many threads have you bailed on after things didn't go your way?

I understand you're scared of new things, but burying them in bitter hatred and toxicity isn't the answer

a. i don't care if anyone asked, this needs to be said and resaid until it sticks in y'all's heads
b. i have a great imagination, actually
it just doesn't involve mangling canon like a fucking knuckle-dragging troglodyte


until it's stated that they're trans by show staff(preferrably the voice actor his/herself) they'll always be a filly

Show writers tend to be a better authority on the characters. Considering Sweetie Belle is only ever shown as a squeaky-voiced kid and later as an adult mare, there is no reason for someone to not be able to write a cute trans fic about her.

This same fallacy could apply to cisgender characters too. I could say that almost all the characters are trans until the writers explicitly confirm otherwise by using the logic of your butter-smooth brain.

Why don't you let folks have some fun for a change? 'I am mad the character is trans' isn't critique in the way 'you could have written trans themes' is, and you're very clearly in the first camp.

oh, that reminds me
this is a filly and a colt, not a mare and a stallion.
there's an age threshold for this sort of thing and neither of them are past it yet

Bro, if hoof-holding offends your moral sensibilities I'm sure there's some diaper stuff on the site to suit your attitude. That seems way more your speed.


it just doesn't involve mangling canon like a fucking knuckle-dragging troglodyte

Then why do you have your OC banging Fluttershy?

this isn't the show m8, we're not writing for it - this is fanfiction, it can abide to canonicity if it wants to or not

if people want to headcanon characters as transgender, then let them, who is it hurting here? who cares? why does it matter so much to you how other people choose to use their imagination that doesn't involve a bizarre fetish or something illegal?

also you say you have a "great imagination"... can you prove that? write a story. do something. show us what your imagination is like.

hell, I could say that none of the characters in this show are ponies, they're actually aliens in immaculate equine suits kickstarting their own civilization and that everything was a lie - can the show prove me wrong? no? well there we go then

Cute little story. Nice little one shot slice of life. Though I will say there is nothing wrong wearing the flag/colors of someone close to you that you support. I have a trans flag to support my dad, though I am not trans. Of course if his girlfriend doesn't want him to wear it that is between them, so not a big deal.

we need more people like you in the world ✌


if people want to headcanon characters as transgender, then let them, who is it hurting here? who cares? why does it matter so much to you how other people choose to use their imagination that doesn't involve a bizarre fetish or something illegal?

Don't remind him that Sweetie Belle has a bigger heart than he ever will.

Did you think I was going to say something else?

he lost his heart in the war

Was it because the show voice actors couldn’t confirm either as canon? 🤔

he wasn't confirmed to be canon so they stripped him of his heart, now he wanders the streets aimlessly, bitter and with a sense of apathetic misery that might never fade

call it PTSD if you'd like, but I call it Post Narcissistic Stress Disorder

Posh #49 · Feb 7th, 2021 · · 1 ·

10666226 Shipping Fluttershy with Trenderhoof, like in your profile picture, is non canon too.


he probably bailed again tbh, he saw too many negative variables

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