• Published 26th Jan 2021
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SCP Foundation - Equestrian Files - DagaYemar

There are too many objects that threaten the safety of Equestria. They must be contained.

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SCP-EQ-008 - The Sun's Prison

Item #: SCP-EQ-008

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-EQ-008 are kept in separate containment lockers at Site 20. Lockers are to be evenly spaced a minimum of twenty-five (25) m from each other. Testing of more than three (3) instances at a time are to be done in a secured testing site removed from important Foundation sites.

Description: SCP-EQ-008 is a set of thirteen twelve concentric rings (SCP-EQ-008-1 through SCP-EQ-008-12) made out of pure gold. Chemical analysis reveals several irregularities in molecular structure, most prominently a loss of hardness found in normal gold that causes SCP-EQ-008 to be extremely fragile. Individually, each SCP-EQ-008 does not display any obvious anomalous properties. When two or more are brought within proximity, SCP-EQ-008 generates a field that compensates for the fuel consumption of flames.

The largest ring, (SCP-EQ-008-1) has a diameter of 1.5 m, with each subsequent ring proportionally smaller so that they just barely don't fit inside the previous ring in sequence. SCP-EQ-008 demonstrate a slight magnetic frequency that attracts instances to each other. The rings will exhibit this pull when brought within 2 m, with non sequential instances hovering within the larger one. This force is multiplied the more instances are together and makes separating them difficult, though not overly taxing. Separation of rings causes a release of energy as radius of effect collapses.

Flames within SCP-EQ-008's radius of effect continue to burn without apparent need for fuel, apparently capable of burning in perpetuity. Flames observed to continue to emit heat and light and in all other aspects continue to behave as normal, but become fixed in location. Flames inside this radius resist all attempts at extinguishing, and new sources of flame cannot be sparked at all. SEE EXPERIMENT LOGS.

All instances of SCP-EQ-008 were discovered by Agent D_____ D_ in the [REDACTED]. All rings were in the possession of PoI Ahuizotl, who was using them in a ritual. For a full account of recovery, see mission file RD-404. During recovery, SCP-EQ-008-13 was shattered. Without it, full capabilities of SCP-EQ-008 remain theoretical.

Experiment Log SCP-EQ-008

Experiment 008-1
Object: SCP-EQ-008-2, SCP-EQ-008-3
Test Summary: Rings brought together in the presence of several lit candles.
Results: Candle flames continue to burn in midair after candles removed from beneath them. Paper passed over flames unharmed and did not provoke any sign of reaction. Other fuel introduced to flames did not get consumed. Assistant researcher P____ P_____ pressed flames between hooves and reported a "hot, searing" sensation, but suffered no burns. Separation of rings produced a disruption in the area that rattled the table in the test chamber.

Experiment 008-2
Object: SCP-EQ-008-3, SCP-EQ-4
Test Summary: Rings brought together, and then several lit candles introduced to test chamber.
Results: Flames pulled off their wicks when brought to 1.5 m from rings; this is estimated to be the range of the effect. Other findings the same as experiment 008-1.

Experiment 008-3
Object: SCP-EQ-008-3, SCP-EQ-008-9
Test Summary: Rings brought together in presence of several lit candles.
Results: SCP-EQ-008-9 drawn into the center of SCP-EQ-008-3 and hovers there, held in place by magnetic force. Other findings the same as experiment 008-1
Notes: I think we've got a basic grasp of this thing. Let's start ramping it up.

Experiment 008-4
Object: SCP-EQ-008-5, SCP-EQ-008-6
Test Summary: Rings brought together in the presence of several torches, then test chamber filled with water.
Results: Flames continue to burn underwater. Water rapidly rises to boiling temperatures, but shows no sign of evaporation.

Experiment 008-5
Object: SCP-EQ-008-5, SCP-EQ-008-6
Test Summary: Rings brought together in the presence of several torches, then all oxygen in test chamber magically removed.
Results: Flames continued to burn in the vacuum.

Redundant experiment logs cut for brevity.

Experiment 008-12
Object: SCP-EQ-008-9, SCP-EQ-008-10, SCP-EQ-008-11
Test Summary: Rings brought together and then lit candles introduced to test chamber.
Results: Flames pulled off their wicks before they could be brought into the test chamber. Radius of effect measured at 4 m from objects. Separation of rings produced a disruption that rattled viewing window of test chamber and overturned the table.
Notes: Looks like we're going to need more space to test these further.

Experiment 008-13
Object: SCP-EQ-008-4 through SCP-EQ-008-7
Test Summary: Rings magically brought together over a secured field 100 m in diameter with torches spread at regular intervals.
Results: Flames within a 21 m radius of rings subjected to radius of effect. Flames within this area did not spread even when surrounding flames extinguished and fresh wood supplied. Foundation personnel report feeling unnaturally hot while at border of the test area, and a heat shimmer was detected in the area around the objects. Separation of rings produced a disruption that rumbled the ground in the area.
Notes: When recovering the rings, it was found they have been heated by the fire to the point of glowing red. Symbols in some strange language were spotted on the inside of the rings which vanished when they cooled down. Somepony get a translator working on those right away!

Experiment 008-14
Object: SCP-EQ-008-2 through SCP-EQ-008-10
Test Summary: Rings magically brought together over a secured field 100 m in diameter with torches spread at regular intervals.
Results: Test aborted after seventh ring due to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Cover story of localized earthquake spread to surrounding populations. Foundation personnel treated for severe [DATA EXPUNGED].

Addendum: Writing discovered inside SCP-EQ-008 determined to be Ponyglyphs used by the [REDACTED]. A rough translation appears to be detailed instructions on how to build the tower used in the ritual present during SCP-EQ-008's recovery. Tower appears capable of containing and directing SCP-EQ-008's effects in a single upwards direction. Request to have a tower crafted for testing under review.