• Published 26th Jan 2021
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SCP Foundation - Equestrian Files - DagaYemar

There are too many objects that threaten the safety of Equestria. They must be contained.

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SCP-EQ-014 - Afterschool Special

Item #: SCP-EQ-014

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-EQ-014 is to be kept in three separate sealed chambers protected by armed guards at all times, as well as constant magical surveillance. When not in use, each component is to be kept one per chamber. Under no circumstance are any creature other than the Head Researcher and their team to enter any of the chambers for any reason.

The floor of SCP-EQ-014-2's chamber is to be fitted with a pressure sensor connected to an alarm system. Should any unaccounted for weight be detected, powerful sleeping drugs shall spray the entire chamber from sprinklers embedded in the ceiling. Should the breach not be contained by this measure, shaped explosive charges shall be used to render SCP-EQ-014-3 inoperable. These defenses are only to be disabled if prior notification is acquired through SCP-EQ-014-1. Destruction of SCP-EQ-014-2 is to be used only as a last resort.

SCP-EQ-014-1 is to be monitored constantly for changes. Should activity be noted, its handler and the Head Researcher are to be notified immediately regardless of time of day.

Description: SCP-EQ-014 consists of three components: a leather bound volume (SCP-EQ-014-1), a crystal mirror set into a silver frame (SCP-EQ-014-2), and a mechanical contraption of eclectic design (SCP-EQ-014-3). When all three components are assembled correctly, they create a stable portal which leads to another dimension.

SCP-EQ-014-1 has the appearance of a normal book, with 214 pages and a golden sun embossed upon the cover. It appears to have been at some point the subject of a linking spell on a magnitude never before seen. Unlike normal communication spell books, SCP-EQ-014-1 is capable of reconnecting to other tomes once its original partner runs out of space. When this occurs SCP-EQ-014-1's pages erase themselves of any previous entries. Testing with linking it to multiple books or books that have more that 214 pages have failed. How SCP-EQ-014-1 manages to maintain its link when its twin is on another plane of existence is unknown.

SCP-EQ-014-2 is a freestanding mirror set into a 0.6 m high circular base. Chemical analysis of the mirror's surface reveals it to be ordinary glass, nor is there anything unusual in the makeup of the stand or frame. Once every thirty moons the surface of the mirror takes on a photon-like quality and becomes a steady portal to another dimension. The mirror retains this property for seventy-two hours before returning to its dormant state. At present there is no known method for preventing this portal from opening beyond destroying the mirror.

The dimension on the other side of the mirror, hereafter referred to as EQ-G, is parallel to our own in many ways. It is mainly populated by ape-like creatures called [REDACTED] that are alternate versions of creatures in our dimension. These duplicates retain much the same personalities as their equivalents, and even occupy similar lifestyles and social status, but are not bound to mimic their Equestian counterparts exactly. Creatures transported through either side of the portal are transformed into the species of their counterpart, which is only reversible by transferring through the portal again. Items carried or worn transform into local equivalents when taken through the portal, and items such as clothing are generated when traveling to the EQ-G side.

There seems to be a lack of magic and knowledge of such in EQ-G, but magic does still exist in minute quantities. The other side of the portal opens out from a stone statue's base in front of an institute of learning and most explorations to date have been confined to this school and its immediate vicinity.

Time appears to move slower in EQ-G compared to our reality, elapsing at a rate of 1:3. Time maintains a 1:1 ratio in a ten meter radius of the portal when it is active, allowing uninterrupted conversation with the other side when in this vicinity.

The components of SCP-EQ-014-3 are comprised of a variety of materials which seem to serve no understandable function. The whole is primarily wood and metal, with tubes, bulbs, and wires jutting out in symmetric yet seemingly random placements. The bottom is crescent shaped and spaced perfectly to fit around the base of SCP-EQ-014-2. A metal tray suspended at the apex of the device cradles SCP-EQ-014-1.

When activated, SCP-EQ-014-3 somehow draws magical energy from within SCP-EQ-014-1 and funnels it downward through its system, filtering through its various components before injecting it into SCP-EQ-014-2. This somehow stabilized SCP-EQ-014-2's nature enough to open the portal outside of its normal cycle and maintain it for as long as the device is operational.

All three components of SCP-EQ-014 were donated to Foundation custody by [REDACTED]. She built SCP-EQ-014-3 herself in a "fit of scientific inspiration" and does not remember the actual creation process. Attempts to duplicate her work have failed. Prior to SCP-EQ-014-3's creation, SP-EQ-014-1 and SCP-EQ-014-2 did not have any connection to each other.

Shortly following Foundation acquisition, SCP-EQ-014-1 was noted to be suffused in a pink glow and vibrating. Upon opening it, writing was discovered appearing on its pages, revealing the fact that its current counterpart was in use. The writing was in some strange flowing script wherein each letter connected to the one before it, but it was quickly deciphered enough for conversation to take place. In spite of standing protocol, the Head Researcher made the call to initiate contact.

Princess Twilight? Are you there? I need to talk to you.
Who is this?
Who am I? Who are you? Where's Twilight?
...The Princess is otherwise occupied right now. I'm Dr. T___ T_____.
A doctor? Is Twilight alright?! Did something happen to her?!
Please don't be alarmed. I'm not that kind of a doctor.
So... a psychiatrist then? Can I talk to you instead? I really need to tell my thoughts to someone.
...Sure. You can tell me whatever you wish.
Ah good. You see, in math class today...

Repeated contact with this entity has revealed her identity to be S_____ S______, a former citizen of our dimension. She appears to be in close contact with several PoIs in universe EQ-G and it has been decided to keep in close contact with her to discover potential threats that might cross through the portal. She has been supplied with a cover story that the Princess's duties have made her too busy for casual contact, and Assistant Researcher D____ D__ has been assigned to her care. She has established and maintains an acceptable rapport with the asset.

Expeditions: While there have been many forays into EQ-G, only the first one is included in this report. For a full list of transcripts, see accompanying file.

Due to inability to enforce containment, Assistant Researcher B_________ P___ volunteered for the excursion instead of a D-Class. B_________ P___'s mission pack includes:

One (1) headset magically connected to a speaker in control.
One (1) rope twenty (2) m in length secured to researcher's waist and tied to a secured structure on the Equestrian side.
One (1) standard camera with a roll capable of creating twenty-four (24) prints and additional rolls for extended use.
Two (2) 0.5 L bottles of water.
Two (2) high calorie apple fritters.
Two (2) notebooks.
Five (5) simple black markers.

SCP-EQ-014 Expedition 1

Testing, testing. You guys hearing me all right?
We're reading you, BP.
Good. No idea how that works, considering what I just went through. My head is still spinning...
Can you describe the process?
Just... colors. Lots of wild colors and spinning and twisting and... urg, I'm getting nauseous again...
Get a hold of yourself. Can you describe the immediate area?
Yeah... yeah. Just give me a moment... I'm still freaking out a bit about having these HORRIBLE DIGITS ON THE ENDS OF MY-
(Several minutes redacted due to irrelevance.)
OK. OK, I'm better. Rope's severed, not sure exactly when that happened. Still got my pouch, though the camera has become some square thing with buttons on it. And the markers are now pens, I guess. Hey, I see the building [REDACTED] described. Do you want me to proceed?
Go ahead, BP. Make sure to record anything odd you find.
There's plenty odd here... uh, Control? I'm here.
Alright, see if you can gain entry-
No, Control! I'm here! I mean, it's me! I just ran into me!
...Please describe the situation more clearly.
There's a guy who looks just like me and he's... look just give me a second, he's telling me something.
This is vital, BP. Gather what information you can.
(Several minutes of muted conversation too muffled to be picked up.)
Control? The other me's told me they've got a Foundation over here too. And, uh, it's not as... well, I don't think you're going to like this.
Please clarify, BP.
Well, they're not nearly as well funded as ours is. And uh, he's got some stuff in boxes he wants us to hold onto?

Addendum: Several unconfirmed reports have been received concerning wild portals opening up to EQ-G in random places in Equestria. All portals have closed before Foundation assets could arrive on the scene. Connection to extensive use of SCP-EQ-014 has been proposed and use of SCP-EQ-014 has been temporarily suspended.