• Published 21st Jan 2021
  • 2,309 Views, 16 Comments

Sunset Young Justice - madhat886

Traveling through the mirror Sunset ends up in the world of DC Young Justice.

  • ...

Chapter 5


Inside the garage of the Mystery Shack, Jinny Hex was sleeping in the bed on the second level of the garage that serves as her room. The alarm clock woke her up causing her to get out of bed and get dress. She’s been staying at the shack after the others had helped her in taking down Doctor Death and getting the bounty on him as well as the bounties on some of his hired help. Which is great for her as she now has a mobile base of operations after meeting Danny the living street and a place for her to live.

Walking into the kitchen Jinny saw the robot cook, Mr. Handy cooking eggs and sausages. There is the food thing that makes any kind of food you want, but Jinny still prefers real food. Seeing that the egg being served scrambled is an ostrich egg there be plenty left for the others. Taking the plate of egg and sausages Jinny got to the table and dug into the plate.

"Morning," Sunset said walking into the room and grabbing a plate of eggs and grabbing some toast instead of sausages, covered in ancient fruit jam.

“You really like that ancient fruit,” Jinny said as Sunset joins her at the table.

“Well don’t you like it?” Sunset ask.

“Yes, it’s tasty but you really pack it away,” Jinny said frowning as she thinks of something else. “Also, you eat a lot of fatty foods and not gaining any weight.”

“All the calories I gain is used in my spell casting. Back home bake goods and sugar is a normal meal for ponies, we all use magic in one form or another, the only fat ponies are ones who don’t use their magic a lot,” Sunset said.

“So, you can eat ice cream and cake every single day and never gain weight?” Jinny asked.

“As long as I continue to use magic, yes,” Sunset said.

“That’s just not fair,” Jinny said.

“Well, it’s common for those with powers and other abilities. How many people with powers who use them all the time are unfit and fat?” Sunset said. “According to Jeffro it’s the reason why many heroes and villains. Have prefect bodies like people who work out all the time.” (1)

“That does explain things,” Jinny said.

“Besides, you only have to ask Jeffro for something if you’re worried about getting fat,” Sunset said.

“I really don’t want to bother him about that,” Jinny said.

“It’s not like he does it for free. He’s only letting us live here as long as we work for him,” Sunset said.

“So who is he anyways?” Jinny ask.

“From what I gather he’s a reality bender who can do just about anything and will grant just about any wish as long as something is traded for it,” Sunset said.

“Tell me about it,” Raven said as she joins them at the table with her own plate of food.

“Where’s Sideways?” Jinny ask.

“Sleeping, he was going around the city,” Raven said.

“Don’t suppose we should be joining him,” Jinny suggested.

“Well besides Doctor Death there hasn’t been any real villains appearing. I did help with that fire yesterday,” Sunset said.

“True,” Jinny said.

“Also, the fact that truck of yours has lots of things that we really need to sort through,” Raven said. “Some of those things I saw I thought were just myths and your grandfather just happen to come across them.”

“And that the truck is a lot bigger on the inside. It’s a bag of holding. Of course, you can’t just be lugging that trunk with you wherever you go,” Sunset said.

“Jeffro did give me that pip-boy thing,” Jinny said thinking of that waist mounted computer that’s like a smartphone and weighs just as much.

“I’m still trying to figure mine out,” Sunset said.

“I'm now struggling to figure out what to do with most of the stuff. The stuff that I didn’t just hand over to Jeffro as they’re just way too dangerous or too many people would be after it. Like that book that shows what’s happening,” Jinny said.

“The book of souls that should be in the hands of Destiny and not in a trunk,” Raven said.

“And he said he would be giving it to the owner,” Jinny said. “Does anyone else find it weird how Jeffro knows big cosmic beings?”

“He says that he met him and the rest of his family at the pub at the end of the universe,” Sunset said.

“I can’t believe I ran into someone like that,” Jinny said.

“Well it’s in your blood. Your grandfather ran into a lot of stuff to be able to collect as much as he did. Then there’s your grandmother Megan who saved my world and left you the rainbow of light,” Sunset said.

“I still can’t believe that you’re really an ultra cute pony like that show Pretty Pretty Pegasus. Or that Raven is a huge fan of,” Jinny said causing said girl to cough as she had a mouth full of eggs.

“Hey!” Raven snaps.

“You squealed and hugged me after Jeffro turn me back into my real body,” Sunset making Raven blush. “And that’s the reason why I don’t go for my real form while here. Way too many girls be hugging and wanting to ride me.”

“Your pony toy is selling,” Jinny said thinking of the pony toys that Jeffro is selling.

“Don’t remind me,” Sunset said hating how the girls go crazy over them.

“Why not you are making money from it,” Sideways said coming in.

“There is that. What about you how was your night?” Sunset asked.

“Well not much stop some punks and such. And I gathered up the stuff that Jeffro wanted,” Sideways said as Jeffro has been sending him to gather old electronics while he’s out. Which he does pay him for what he brings in, when he isn’t working in the shop. (2)

“He’s been having me go around looking for like old computers and washing machines,” Jinny adds.

“Same here,” Raven said.

“Get use to it,” Sunset said. “But he does give us all a place to stay, free food and pays us.”

“Can’t complain about that. He’s paying 15 dollars an hour,” Jinny said. “He even gave me a clean bill of health, fixing my teeth and things like that.”

“Beats my old after school job,” Sideways said.

“Fast foods or retail?” Jinny ask.

“Fast foods,” Sideways answers.

"What is he doing with all the trash?" Raven ask.

"He's using it to make things with that recycler and fabricator," Sunset said.

"What?" the 3 asked.


Elsewhere in the shack -

After finishing their meals Sunset took the others to the recycling room which is inside a loading bay. The Material Recycler consists of a bin for material to be recycled on the left side of the machine, a central screen with a button to activate the machine and a display of what the products will be, and a bin on the right side where the raw material products are dumped after the machine has finished working. Which Sunset having taken the kitchen trash can with her, dump the contains into the slot and turned on the machine. There is also an industrial sized recycler in the room with a conveyor belt that takes away what comes out into another room.

"As you can see all the trash is being broken down into what they're made of, organic, mineral, synthetic, and exotic. The exotic is for things like magical and such, like my and Raven's nail clippings," Sunset said as blue, green, and orange cubes came out followed by a small purple ball. "And if there isn't enough of something it comes out as a ball instead."

"This is so cool!" Jinny said amazed at the recycler. (3)

"Makes dealing with trash easy and is what happens to all the trash in the area," Sunset said pointing to the Mr. Handies and Protectrons that are coming in from the loading bay door.

All of them are carrying or pulling carts loads of trash they have gathered up around the city. They began pouring the trash they collected into the industrial sized recycler and the machine began popping out cubes. The conveyor belt taking them away into the next room.

"Wait he has robots go around the city gathering up the trash?" Raven asked.

"And doesn't he can just make things appear in the air out of nothing?" Sideways ask.

"He can but he likes doing this," Sunset said.

Sunset than takes them to the next room where the fabricators are kept, like before there's an industrial sized one and a smaller one. Fabricators are essentially large 3-D printers that produce usable items from raw materials. Which the material cubes are being used to create the inventory of the store.

"So, all the stuff being sold in the store are made out of junk?" Jinny asked.

"Yup," Sunset said.

"Wait if the green cubes are organic. Does that mean the food is made out of the stuff?" Sideways asked making Raven and Jinny turn a bit green.

"Of course not," Sunset said to the relief of the others. "He just uses the organic to make fertilizer like they do for the waste of the sewage treatment plant."

"What?" Raven asked as she and the others stared at Sunset.

"I like watching documentaries and watch one about sewage treatment," Sunset said.

"Oh," Raven said.

"He also uses them to make bio stuff that just breaks down instead of just remaining in a landfill forever. Or use them in making biofuel," Sunset said.

"You mean that blaze stuff he's giving me to fuel my truck instead of gas?" Jinny asked.

"Yes," Sunset said.

"Hey what's this?" Sideways ask seeing some large guns on a table.

"A little gift to all of you," Jeffro's voice said out of nowhere.

"So, what are they?" Sunset asked.

"The Gelifoam Lattice Organism Obstructor, or GLOO Cannon for short, is a tool from another universe which is the same place where the recycler and fabricator came from. The GLOO Cannon is a versatile tool which shoots gelifoam, a quickly hardening, flame retardant, non-conductive, glue-like foam that expands as it hardens. Each GLOO canister it uses as ammunition contains 42 compressed balls of gelifoam. The tool can be used for trapping foes where they stand, covering exposed flaming pipes and surging electrical boxes, or providing an interesting new path," Jeffro explains.

"A non-lethal take down," Jinny said picking up the gun and testing it. Firing a ball of goo that harden once it hits the wall. "This be fun."

"And this?" Sideways asked picking up something that made a light to appear in front of it.

"Here's the user information," Jeffro said making a screen appear in front of the teens.

The essential science and survival tool, the scanner can be used to add new blueprints to memory, and analyze unknown entities.

It emits electromagnetic radiation in the specified direction, which is reflected by the environment and then analyzed to determine the physical make-up of the targeted object. It has four primary functions.

Blueprint Acquisition:
Record the physical parameters of scanned technologies to add their blueprints to the PDA databank. These blueprints may then be constructed at the appropriate fabricator. The scanner is also equipped to break down damaged and otherwise useless devices into their base metals for salvage purposes.

Organism Analysis:
The scanner will attempt to match scanned organisms against the onboard database. If no match is found then the species will be assigned an easy-to-remember name, and a new databank entry will be created. Your PDA's AI will also attempt to synthesize theories on behavioral tendencies and evolutionary origins where possible, as well as deliver assessments on how best to approach them.

Medical Analysis:
Scanning any living organism will display basic information on their state of health on the scanner's HUD. This information will be limited without access to a network database.

The user may run a self-scan to determine their own physical well-being. The scanner will search for foreign bacteria and other signs of ill-health, and compare with available data to provide a diagnosis.

'The Alterra Spectroscope Scanner - Understanding the world so you don't have to.'

"Neat," Jinny said taking a scanner and wanting to test it out.

"You all have the day off. I'm going to be busy so just enjoy yourselves," Jeffro's voice said before cutting off.

"Where does he go?" Sideways ask Sunset.

"Have no idea," Sunset said.

"So, you all want to take my truck out for a drive to the mall?" Jinny asked.

"You just want to go and test out your truck after all those upgrades," Sunset said.

"Yes, but you all want to go or not?" Jinny asked.

"Sure," Sideways said hitting his pip-boy and his costume disappeared and replaced with his street clothes.

"I can get some books," Raven said.

"Great!" Jinny said ready to hit the town.


In Space -

Both the Tamaran princesses Koriand'r and Komand'r escaped from their cells with the help of the twins Zan and Jayna. With Zan transforming himself into any form of water and Jayna able to transform herself into any animal. They were able to escape thanks to the carelessness of a guard and freed their fellow prisoners. The two princesses using their new energy attacks powered through the Psions starship destroying everything in their path and dealing with any guards. They finally found an escape pod and launch themselves to the closest planet that has life on it, planet Earth.


Author's Note:

1 - I’m going that people with powers who use them all the time are fit and have ideal bodies . Is because they use all the calories they gain from food to fuel their powers. Like people who work out all the time, is the same for people who use their powers a lot. Those who workout a lot do have a certain body type.

2 - Come to think of it how do the Titans afford stuff and where do their money come from.

3 - Gathering up trash and using it to make stuff should be a feature in many games.