• Published 21st Jan 2021
  • 2,309 Views, 16 Comments

Sunset Young Justice - madhat886

Traveling through the mirror Sunset ends up in the world of DC Young Justice.

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Chapter 4

Justice League HQ, the members are meeting in the HQ on planet side as they all talk about the Mystery Shack. Superman was tick off as the other members all know what Jeffro did to him, thanks to Jeffro telling them all about when they stumbled across his shop. They’re currently looking at the items that were inside a cardboard box that Flash had gotten from the shop, with Jeffro telling him there’s a clue in there for him and the others.

“Never seen a magazine like this before,” Green Arrow said reading an issue of Live & Love. Which is a magazine series dedicated to lifestyle and relationships, covering cultural events such as the "Nuke-the-Man" festival or health advice such as achieving sobriety.

“Me neither,” Black Canary said reading Guns and Bullets which is an annual magazine that makes no apologies or excuses for what it really is. It presents itself as "a magazine devoted to the practical use of firearms, and the occasional biased review."

On the table where they and the other members are sitting are other magazines, Massachusetts Surgical Journal, Tesla Science Magazine, Grognak the Barbarian, Astoundingly Awesome Tales and The Unstoppables. With other members all reading and issue too.

“The Inspector, Silver Shroud, Mistress of Mystery, Grognak and Manta Man. I never heard of these heroes before,” Flash said reading an issue of The Unstoppables.

“Any idea what we’re looking for?” Captain Atom ask.

“Seeing how these magazines are printed from companies that don’t exist and the date is in the future and there are ads in them that has me thinking that they came from a world where the Cold War is still happening,” Superman said.

Muffle laugher suddenly came from Hawkwoman.

“What is it?” Hawkman ask which Hawkwoman showed him what she’s reading causing him to gawk. And Hawkwoman slide the magazine on the table to show what she’s been reading.

“Yaoi staring Green Lantern and Green Arrow,” Red Tornado stated translating the words written in Japanese.

“WHAT!” both heroes ask and stared in horror of drawing s of them having gay sex.

“Hey there’s more,” Black Canary said looking in the box. She laid out yaoi magazines that had manga style drawings of the male heroes in loving embraces. (1)

“Is this just a way to get us to read gay porn of us?” Zatara asked.

“Hey here’s a note,” Wonder Woman said looking at the bottom.

“Let’s see,” Captain Marvel said taking the note and doing his best to avoid looking at the gay porn. “Sent you all some stuff coming from a place which I’m getting stuff from to sell. Be on the lookout for them. Also, I gave you some eye opening yaoi for fun.”

“So, this was just to get us to read porn. A waste of time,” Green Arrow said.

“I don’t know this is pretty nice,” Black Canary said showing a picture of Superman and Batman sitting together underneath the stars on a grassy hill and holding hands.

“Some of these are more romantic yaoi than porn ones,” Hawkwoman said showing Hawkman a picture of him staring down at Aquaman ready to embrace each other.

“Put that away,” Aquaman said.

“Right, I really should show Mera,” Hawkwoman said.

“No!” Aquaman shouted.


Mystery Shack -

Sunset sitting behind the counter flip through her phone as she reads up on the many different kinds of magic in this world. Jeffro gave her the phone which only works for her and she can summon it to her hands at anytime. It also contains the entire magical knowledge of this world with an easy to use search engine to find what she’s looking for, so unlike how Celestia had taught her.

“Hey boss I’m heading out,” Sunset called out.

“Have fun,” Jeffro called out from his office. “Yes Man you take over.”

A PDQ-88b securitron came out and got behind the counter. It is a large, monowheel robot with a titanium alloy housing, resistant to shrapnel and small arms fire, with a screen capable of displaying a wide array of images. Yes Man has been upgraded from the standard model. Unlike the other securitrons his body been heavily modified, two round shields on the sides of its torso and two smaller ones on its shoulders. At the top of its body looks like a small eyebot and a strange power pack on its back.

“Stay safe,” Yes Man said as Sunset left.

Sunset walked out of the store and entering the streets of Jump City. Since coming to this world and running into Jeffro who knew what she really is, a unicorn from the world of Equestria. She's been working at his store for a while now and learning about this world as she did. Unlike Celestia who according to Jeffro is a Trickster Mentor type who never just tells their student what they need to do or just answer their question. Which fits Celestia to a T in how she taught her.

Jeffro gave her everything she ask for in exchange for working for him, as long as she's an employee the knowledge she wants is hers. She has been learning how to use magic of this world and how to control it. She could easily just get the power and skills just by asking Jeffro but she won't take that shortcut. She will show Celestia how powerful she is when she isn't being held back.

Sunset sniff the air and caught a scent that she smelled before. Batman has been tracking Jeffro and with him knowing she works for him; he is now tailing her. One of the things that Jeffro did to her was to allow her to keep her pony senses and strengths saying that she would need it. But the scent is old and from the news she's been hearing, Batman or Bruce Wayne is busy dealing with his mentally challenge brother. (2)

She is picking up a scent that's been coming to the shack but not entering it and another that's been hanging around as well. She told Jeffro about it and he showed her the picture of a young hero Sideways who is a teleporter who has been following their trail. The other is a young girl name Raven who like her came from a magical realm. She has been searching for a way to deal with a personal matter and he is the best bet she has found yet.

Sunset wonders how long it will take for them to make their move and show themselves to her or just walk into the shack. Well, it really didn't matter as she walks down to the burger place for an egg burger and mushrooms. While she is no longer a pony, she is still a bit green at the thought of eating meat, besides eggs that is seeing how many things have egg in them back home.

A load crash alerted her to something happening nearby. Using a portal spell Sunset made her way to the top of a nearby rooftop and looking down saw what is making all the noise. A medical research center is being attack by a team of 6 mask wearing gunmen. They are stealing a tanker truck full of chemicals that's used in making drugs. Sunset would had just left leaving it to the police, but she noticed someone also watching the scene. A young woman dress as a cowgirl, is hovering nearby watching the action.

Sunset cast a scan spell and saw the name of the woman, Jinny Hex the great-great-granddaughter of the notorious American Old West bounty hunter Jonah Hex. Jinny is using several artifacts that her grandfather had collected over the years, namely the Amulet of Isis, a magic necklace that allows her to make copies of herself and size alteration, and armed with the Flashlight's Power-Torch, and a Rannian Ray Gun that belonged to Adam Strange. And the last item caused Sunset's eyes to widen, the heart shape locket that hold the Rainbow of Light. (3) (4)

Sunset teleported over to Jinny who blink in surprise seeing someone just teleporting next to her.

"You have the rainbow of light," Sunset said.

"You know of it?" Jinny asked.

"Does the name Megan Williams mean anything to you? Dream Valley? Magical talking ponies?" Sunset asked.

"You mean my grandmother?" Jinny asked.

"You're the granddaughter of Megan Williams?" Sunset asked.

"How do you... save it for later," Jinny said seeing the truck driving away.

Jinny flew after the truck making sure she stayed out of sight as she did, Sunset followed behind her not wanting to miss this chance meeting. Following both of them Raven and Sideways also followed. The truck went into a warehouse after losing the truck.

Jinny landed on the roof top and looked down from the roof window. Inside the warehouse the gunmen are talking with one of Batman's oldest villains and his first villain he had ever faced, Doctor Death. The gasmask wearing doctor is looking over the tanker making sure that the chemicals inside it is what he's after. The doctor is armed with a gas tank on his back that connects to his gauntlets that spray out poison. He is also joined by his East Indian minion Jabah, a large man who has been altered by his boss to be much stronger than normal. (5)

"Seeing how you're here how about some help?" Jinny asks Sunset.

"Well, I am a magic user," Sunset said as she has many questions for Jinny. "And after this you come with me to answer some question about that locket."

"Sure, and are your friends going to help?" Jinny asks.

"You heard her you two can come out," Sunset said as Raven and Sideways came out into view.

"Hi," Sideways said.

"Hello," Rave greeted.

"You two really should just walk in and just say hi. Jeffro isn't like some of those rumors say he is. He doesn't take your souls or twist your wish around, just gives equal value of the trade you give him," Sunset said.

"Wait you work at the Mystery Shack?" Jinny asked.

"Yes," Sunset said.

"Forget it for now. There's a bounty on Doctor Death and I'm aiming to collect. You all want in?" Jinny said.

"Sure," Sideways said.

"Keep my share, I need you to answer some questions," Sunset said.

"Me too, but I'll help," Raven said.

"Good," Jinny said as she lays down the plan of attack.


Mystery Shack -

Jeffro watched as Jinny lead the others into the warehouse and quickly took down Doctor Death and his men. Just like he had planned, and they would in turn form into a group as Raven is looking for a way to stop her father Trigon, while Sideways has been struggling as a hero and been following the shack as he tries to figure out a wish to make himself a better hero. As for Jinny she's been traveling around as a bounty hunter and has been wondering what the stuff her grandfather has in his truck does, looking for someone who knows what the stuff does.

Jeffro brings up a screen showing the starship with the four future alien heroes onboard. Soon they be close to Earth and they would end up here in Jump City. Then the real fun could start.


Author's Note:

1 - There be yaoi of the heroes made by Japan.

2 - The horse's range of smell is more acute than that of humans but less sensitive than that of dogs. Horses use their sense of smell to identify other horses, people, predators and feedstuffs, just to name a few examples. Horses can identify medicine in feed even when we attempt to mask it in tasty treats.

3 - Jonah Hex's Trunk: The items gathered inside this trunk by Jinny ancestor grant its possessor a set of powers. These items include:
Amulet of Isis
Book of Souls
Flashlight's Power-Torch
Magic Necklace: Self-Multiplication and Size Alteration
Neron's Candle
Orb of Ra
Rannian Ray Gun

4 - Seeing how I made My Little Pony apart of the DC universe, I'm also making Jinny the granddaughter of Megan Williams from My Little Pony G1.

5 - Doctor Death is the first real villain that Batman had ever fought.