• Published 3rd Jan 2021
  • 6,533 Views, 553 Comments

Metroid: Ghosts of Harmony - Flammenwerfer

Samus Aran is sent to another nameless planet after the events on Planet Aether. What was supposed to be a routine recon mission turns deadlier when she finds herself embroiled in a war on multiple fronts, especially one in particular: her own mind.

  • ...

13. Temporary Measure

The final lurch came when the landing gear of Samus’ gunship locked into place, the interior giving a gentle sway as the craft settled back into its pseudo docking bay. They had finally touched down back within the Friendship Castle’s courtyard. The engines’ mechanical whirring gradually faded away into a barely perceptible, idle hum through the cabin, its sound overtaken by the various electronic happenings of the ship’s systems.

And it was just as Samus had left it earlier in the day: quaint, rainy, and overgrown. The evening was well on its way with dusk no more than a couple hours away, but nevertheless, they had made it. All were in one piece.

And like Fluttershy before her, now Rarity was home.

Samus nodded to herself and glanced over her shoulder, as if the three ponies in her systems were already physical manifestations.

“Mkay… you’re home, girls.”

The collective sigh of relief was wholly uplifting for the moment. Even Samus, ready to head for her ship’s elevator, felt the need to just… recline back into her pilot seat for a couple moments. In that small span of time, she thought back to what happened just outside of Canterlot’s walls. What felt like a bayonet being precision-inserted into the center of her brain… she had never experienced a pain like it, even if it lasted for a fraction of a second.

She could categorically admit that it was even worse than the DNA transfusion after-effects from when she was a child back on Zebes… and that practically crippled her for a whole week.

Even so, the pain had not returned.

And having not exercised any magic since that moment, Samus could barely detect the faintest traces of a lingering soreness in her mind’s recesses. The pressure had subsided, and if anything, it was the type of headache that resulted from her being dehydrated or overtired. A quick, physical diagnostic check courtesy of her Suit showed nothing out of the ordinary medically with her, either.

A few painkillers would probably do the trick to relieve the residual pain, though Samus couldn’t help but spare a bit of concern towards Twilight’s words. She only hoped that no lasting damage was done to herself, nor the elements as a result of—in her opinion—necessary overzealousness with her magic to keep them all alive and undetected.

And then there were Tempest’s words. She still had no idea what she meant by that, even if they were all likely bluster. She’d ask Twilight later in the evening after the debrief, when everyone started winding down, if anything weird came up. In the end, if Twilight felt little need to mention anything with how much she was monitoring Samus’ magical state, it probably wasn’t worth much of her own worry, anyway.

Mixed words from all three girls stirred Samus from her ruminations, and she got to her still-armored feet as Twilight’s voice was most prominent and excitable:

“Oh thank Celestia… we made it, and we’ve got Rarity back! Thank you, Samus… thank you again!”

Fluttershy quickly added with equal fervor:

“We’re home again! Thank you so much!”

“Oh it’s so good to be back! Spike is here, right? And the other girls, too?!”

Samus heard Twilight sigh as she stepped into the Elevator to take her topside.

“You may not’ve heard me back in Canterlot… but Spike, yes. The other girls, no. We still need to find them, like we found you. It’s a long story—we’ll catch you up over dinner tonight. Something tells me you probably haven’t eaten well since…”

After an unexpected silence, Rarity answered:

“I… I made do. With what the Castle had in storage.”

Even Samus couldn’t hold back the pang of pity in her core. The Elemental Failsafe that the Princesses had talked about was enough to keep them alive in such a state of limbo… but even Twilight had eaten and gotten hungry and thirsty in her presence. Had Rarity not found what she did, would she have gone through the motions of starvation without actually dying?

She pursed her lips momentarily as her ship’s lift brought her upward.

The moment her ship’s elevator locked in place, all three ponies filtered out of her and excitedly bounded down to the solid, familiar ground of the courtyard. No one seemed to care about the rain though, especially Spike and Viridian, who equally excitedly strode out to meet the group, as Samus had fully expected them to.

The dragon, however, seemed oddly sweaty and twitchy, especially for a day like this. Might’ve just been the way the light was striking the duo coming out from the shaded courtyard entrance.

Samus didn’t follow quite yet, and opted to just disengage her Suit and let her body finally cool off in the falling rain that seemed to calm a bit with the moment at hand. As her hair and face got more and more damp, and as she let the drops rivulet down her face, Samus keenly kept her eye on Rarity. She seemed to freeze in place at the sight of Spike, who no doubt was much larger than she had remembered him, based on what Twilight had regaled from fifteen years ago… and in some pictures that were lying around from that time.

And yet, the moment Spike knelt low and opened his arms wide to greet her, this seemed to snap her out of it, and Rarity lunged at Spike, grasping him around the neck and just letting him cradle her…

…all while sobbing once more.

Samus smirked lopsidedly, sighing out and letting her posture sag a bit at the wholesome display. Said display was made even more wholesome when the rest of the ponies piled in on top of Rarity for a giant group hug—a group hug that the Hunter had borne witness to via the aforementioned pictures where all the mares plus Spike were crowded in together.

Here, it was an incomplete picture. But a meaningful one, nonetheless.

She watched as Viridian respectfully stepped back to let the ponies and the drake have a moment, and instead the two of them shared a knowing look. A simple, shared nod was all that was needed to convey ‘mission accomplished.’ They’d likely speak more later tonight, if their patterns and routines continued to hold up.

Sighing out, and a full smirk returning to her face at indeed accomplishing another important part of her mission with tangible, measurable progress, Samus bounded inelegantly onto the wet ground just in front of her ship. Beyond that, she hadn’t a single moment to get her bearings back, as it was suddenly her turn to be on the receiving end of a group pile-on embrace, likewise showered in genuine ‘thank yous!’

She didn’t mind much being brought down onto her ass for such an occasion. Her Zero Suit was water-proof, after all.

Much like the little bouts of camaraderie that she and Twilight had shared so far—beyond the initial awkwardness and stiffness she fronted when her personal space was violated so grossly—she had to admit…

…it was nice.

And what was even nicer was allowing herself to lean into it more, literally and figuratively.

“Heh, don’t mention it.”

Samus’ much cheerier demeanor sullied somewhat when they separated, and Twilight flared her horn for the briefest of moments. At that instant, her Suit’s systems reacted with a litany of relevant notifications on her wrist console. Samus remained seated on the wet floor, rain continuing to pelt her, as she pursed her lips at the display:

[Element of Magic Offline! Your magical connection has been inactivated!]

[OM-Visor Offline]

[Pulse Missile and Pulse Charge Offline]

[Active Camouflage Offline]

[Flash Teleport Offline]

[All other non-magical systems are online and functioning.]

Damn. And I was just getting used to that stuff, too.

She could feel the difference, too. Suddenly there was a lack of background, ambient warmth flowing through her limbs that she had no idea was there… well, until it was gone. Samus didn’t get the chance to speak out about that, as Twilight’s words were much more forthcoming when the Hunter finally locked eyes with her… and said words reflected eerily close to a perfect combination of Gray Voice and Old Bird:

“You got us out alive and undetected, and I can’t thank you enough, yet again. But that was really reckless all the same, and you could’ve caused permanent damage to yourself if you burned out… which I really hope you didn’t, Samus. If that happened, you could’ve artificially, permanently limited your ability, or destroyed it entirely.”

“So… you’re cutting me off?”

Samus almost appreciated the whimsical edge to Twilight’s words:

“Yup!” Twilight nodded through her own now-soaked mane. Though, she was quick to caveat that:

“It’s only temporary for now so I can monitor your health with my own magic. ‘Cut off’ isn’t really the right phrase… more like I just corked your power at the source. I can re-enable it at any time, once I know that there’s no lasting damage to you.”

Twilight offered Samus a wet hoof while others stood back to give them some space. The Hunter was happy to take it, and got back to her feet. The easy understanding between them still held firm.

The alicorn added sarcastically all the while:

“You’ve gotten this far in your life without magic ability, so I’m sure you can manage for a little bit.”

Samus rolled her eyes but smirked gently all the same. While she wasn’t particularly fond of having her power limited by anyone but herself, she understood its necessity, and Twilight had her health at heart—and in her line of work, a health check was often overlooked way too much.

Which was her own damn fault to begin with.

Her mood bounced right back though after another bout of being stunned when Rarity threw her hooves around her midsection in a tight hug. Arms slightly lifted, Samus let the warmth return to her pained core, and lay a gentle hand on the back of Rarity’s neck… while her other one was still grasped firmly by the crook of Twilight’s hoof.

“Thank you for the thousandth time, Samus… for bringing me home.”

Samus squeezed her neck softly a couple times in response.

“The privilege was all mine.”

[A Little Later…]

The next ‘welcome home’ celebration moved indoors, and much like with Fluttershy’s homecoming, Spike was quick to the kitchen to start cooking up as much of a feast as he could. Everyone else was happy to take a breather in the dining room, unwind, and debrief for the evening while Spike continued to be the chef within earshot. Samus was happy to sit off to the side and converse quietly with Viridian while Twilight, Fluttershy, and a shouting Spike got Rarity all caught up on what had happened, and what had been happening operationally for the past few days…

…well, what hadn’t already been revealed by Princess Luna’s imprint crystal.

And somewhere after the congratulations from the middle-aged Chozo, Samus—and an eavesdropping Twilight—learned of Spike’s new training regimen at Spike’s own request.

And that certainly started rather… tense conversation between the alicorn and drake at the dinner table once food had been served. Samus felt like she was in the middle of a family kerfuffle while silently enjoying the—as she had come to expect and appreciate—delicious food. Rarity and Fluttershy animatedly talked with each other, ignoring Spike and Twilight in a manner that belied this being an infrequent occurrence during much happier times.

Even then, Samus could tell something was off. She could read the subtle concern that Spike, Twilight, and Fluttershy held when looking at Rarity. Despite the latter’s much more boisterous personality coming out and presenting itself, something still seemed… unlike her.

The Hunter figured that this would be addressed by them all at some point… likely when they all parted ways for the night for private time.

Once the argument seemingly concluded, the two hosts rejoined the conversation, all while Viridian and Samus ate in relative silence, only really sharing a few words here and there. They knew they’d likely talk at length a little later, as had been established pattern over the last couple days.

There had been more riveting conversation to tend to over dinner, anyway.

And once face-stuffing concluded, Samus found herself once again embraced by the massive cat-bed cushion up in the common room that she had come to look forward to over the last few days. Practically being cradled when she essentially lay down on it rather than sitting up, Samus let her eyes glaze over, if only for a few moments to just… exist.

Their harrowing day sufficiently behind them, Samus peered out into the ever darkening, verdant landscape, which continued to be drenched by the incessant rainfall. She wondered to herself if it had rained the entire time since the Crisis came about, fifteen years ago. Twilight and Fluttershy had mentioned something about the pegasi ponies ‘controlling the weather,’ so with those specialized teams gone… was torrential rain like this just the default?

Samus lightly nudged her head from side-to-side. If there was one good thing about her mind wandering randomly, as it was from that alone she could tell that even her major headache had all but disappeared. Though, she also figured it was helped along since she had been able to eat. And hydrate…

…and really just rest, as she was doing now. While there was a smidgeon of residual soreness, it’s nothing that Samus hadn’t lived with in some form for the last several years since she left Zebes. Her entire modus operandi was pretty much a consistent pressure headache, anyway.

She sat up on the cat bed more properly and lay her head against the window, having spared a last glance over the landscape before darkness fell and the shutters would need to be drawn. All the while, she brought her tablet back up to her view, and idly tapped the screen while snooping in on Space Pirate communications. She managed a lopsided smirk when she couldn’t find a single mention of anything out of the ordinary on the Pirate BattleNet… or at least, anything mentioning her presence.

Just lots and lots of casualties… and incoming, elite reinforcements from off-planet. Not a single sign that they were winding down operations—quite the contrary, they were expanding them. All of this pointed to the fact that her presence was as stealthy as ever.

The more the merrier.

After one more refresh of her data showed nothing important, and checking that the repair status of her ship’s Stealth Module would be ready by tomorrow, she dismissed all the apps on her screen, set it aside, and decided to just kick back and… observe.

Twilight remained dutifully laying on her stomach just in front of Samus, though her attention was uncharacteristically split between the loaned tablet, and Samus herself. The alicorn continued to keep her horn dimly lit to tap into the Hunter’s vitals every few minutes, as well as apparently checking in to make sure that her ‘magical spark’ continued to not overload and not burn out catastrophically.

And considering Twilight had said very little, and instead would go back to diligently reading after every wellness check, Samus figured that all was as it should’ve been.

Not too far away but more towards the fireplace was one of the sofas, occupied by Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike. The former two continued to talk and giggle while Rarity seemed eager to get back into her element, in a figurative sense. Samus watched as the unicorn ran her hooves through Fluttershy’s pink mane, with what few of her tools she had at her disposal to make the pegasus look as radiant as possible, given the circumstances…

…and much to the shyer one’s pleasant annoyance.

Like with Twilight and Fluttershy, there were many smiles—many more than when Samus had first met them. Nevertheless, with Rarity in particular, she could see into those bright, deep-blue eyes of hers. At least yet, there was no sparkle in them. The more Samus looked, the more she could see the deep despair that she still harbored.

Rarity had been alone for fifteen years. Truly alone. Where Twilight and Spike had each other, and Fluttershy had Viridian, the alabaster unicorn truly had no one. She did what she needed to to survive, and likely saw things that no one should ever have been subjected to in a major hive of Storm Beast and Space Pirate activity.

Not that Fluttershy, Spike, nor Twilight didn’t have their own major issues and traumas, but so far, Rarity had it the worst. Who knows what the others they hadn’t found yet held in this regard?

In the end, Rarity was clearly happy she was home with her best friends in the world—ecstatic, even. They could all slowly get back to work in helping to save their planet with her around. She was not hurt physically, and she appeared in good morale and spirits for the fight ahead. She was putting on a brave face, perhaps… and trying to show that not much had really changed since the Crisis, and was ready to get back to work.

But she was not well.

She was soothed, somewhat, by Spike right next to her, who seemed barely conscious as he stroked her back with his claws. All this, while he gazed into the magical fireplace—much like Samus, just existing right now. Just doing his best, and happy to have another one of his friends back home safe.

The wholesome scene brought another soft smirk to Samus’ face, but some movement around the bookcase drew her attention beyond the fireplace. Viridian had apparently found something to read that he was particularly interested in, as he began pacing away from the bookcase, keeping in step around the perimeter of the common room.

Samus sighed out, much more relaxed.

All was as it should’ve been.

And from there, she turned her full attention back to Twilight when the alicorn went to check her vitals for the umpteenth time tonight. Wryly, the Hunter asked:

“How’m I doin’, doc? Gimme the news straight.”

Samus heard Twilight snort, and the alicorn giggled into her hoof at her comment. Nevertheless, before she answered, Twilight got to her hooves, closed the distance, and tapped her horn physically to Samus’ head. After a small flash of magic enveloped Samus in a way that the Hunter had become most familiar with over the past few hours, Twilight rendered her verdict:

“Well… just like earlier, I can’t seem to find anything that’s really wrong. Or really, just ‘not normal,’ with any part of you.”

Samus didn’t get the chance to ask any probing questions—Twilight had been really great at intercepting them, thus far:

“Your physical vitals being… well, quite fantastic. I mean… really no other way to put it. I’d say you’re immortal if I didn’t witness you actually getting hurt, just from your vitals alone, heh. Literally the mare—woman of steel!

“I’m meandering. Anyway, your Magica Centrum—or whatever counts as the center of your, like, aura for a non-pony non-unicorn—is only a bit bruised. From what I can tell, it’s healing up really well, and it doesn’t look like you did any permanent damage to it.”

Samus nodded once with a half-smirk at Twilight’s sheer eggheadedness.

“Good to hear—thanks, Twi. So… what happens now, then?”

“Well…” Twilight began anew. “I could probably re-enable your magical connection with very little consequence, and everything would still heal up just fine while you slept tonight. But really though… I’d rather not push it, and let it heal up all the way without any tethering from your MC.”

The alicorn shrugged, and sheepishly added as if Samus needed any more convincing of her judgment:

“Everything should be back to normal within a day, I’d say. Until then, for tomorrow, I’d probably recommend we go somewhere that doesn’t really need magic to succeed. I just don’t wanna push things… but we probably shouldn’t waste time, either. Does that make sense?” she asked.

Samus replied:

“Guess that leaves out the Luna Bay as the next destination, right? Gonna guess there’s not a chance in hell that we’d be able to get through there without any magic from me.”

Twilight then suggested with a knowing smile:

“I agree… which is why maybe we should go search for that one part you need. After what Viridian brought over, you just need like, one more thing, right? I don’t think the ruined Pirate vessels will boast any magic abilities unless there’s something you didn’t mention.”

Now that was something for Samus to properly smile at. In the heat of all the most recent missions and combat, she had completely forgotten about the missing power supply for her Long Range Comm Node.

“That’s… true. And the extra day would also be more than enough time for the Stealth Module to finish repairing itself. I could then be completely sure we wouldn’t have to be so careful when making our way over longer distances.”

Samus drew the tips of her thumb and index finger over her bottom lip as the makings of a plan materialized in her brain.

“And grabbing a power supply means that the Comm Node can be reactivated, and I could get in touch with the Federation—and with the help they can probably offer, our job could get a lot easier.”

Twilight mirrored Samus’ determined look with an identical one of her own.

“Sounds like we’ve got a plan!”

Samus put forth her only remaining concern:

“Are you sure that… is it really okay that we put Luna and the others on hold for this? Considering how many ponies are MIA, after all.”

Twilight shrugged, and never let her hopeful smile wane.

“We’ve all waited this long for a miracle. You’re here now, right? What’s a day or two detour at this point?

“And besides!” Twilight added with a friendly pat of Samus’ shin. “Our hero needs all her tools to be at her best. But… we can talk specifics tomorrow when we brief in the morning, mkay?”

For a planet in such dark, dire straits, Samus found herself smirking and smiling significantly more in the past few days than the last couple years combined.

“Heh, sounds good, Twi. Thanks.”

“Thank you, Samus.”

And with one last knowing, understanding smile shared between the two of them, they figuratively broke off and went back to silently reading… especially Twilight, who seemed much more comfortable with Samus’ condition and resolved to catch up on some lost reading, it seemed.

The evening continued as Samus had come to expect with the soothing ambiance of the crackling, magical fireplace along with Rarity’s and Fluttershy’s chatting… up until all but Viridian and Samus excused themselves for the night, with the resolve to reconvene in the morning.

And thus, co-opting Spike’s chair for the rest of their time together, the Chozo Warrior and Hunter sat across from each other once more, and up late.

“I forgot to mention today,” Viridian opened. “Well done in returning another of their number. You’ve truly proven yourself to be an avid scavenger hunter,” he quipped.

Samus offered up a light chuckle before Viridian continued:

“Especially so, in light of the great difficulty I was able to sense. Or, what I could, at least.”

It was Samus’ turn to quip:

“How sweet—you were worried about us~.”

Though clearly taken as a counter-quip and in good stride, Viridian nevertheless offered up the serious truth:

“You are a daughter and a warrior of the Chozo. It is quite literally a job of mine to worry about you,” he said.

Tired smile on her face, Samus leaned back into the cat bed, having decided to let her torso brace on her elbows.

“Fair enough… but you’re not wrong. Was a bit more difficult than I expected. ‘Dream Entities.’ Heh, and here I thought I had seen it all after everything on Zebes, Tallon IV, and Aether. Then again, I guess by now I should be used to the unexpected.”

“You and I both know that there’s a great many things about our universe that we don’t understand… even us Chozo. Chief in point is Phazon, of course, at least in its entirety,” he quickly caveated whilst leaning back further into the embrace of the chair.

Samus’ interest sufficiently piqued, she then asked with the subtlest pleading edge to her words:

“On that topic… what do the Chozo know about the Phazon? Anything at all, other than what I and the Federation have deciphered so far? I know the Chozo like their secrets and all… but if you were ever itching to share any of those secrets, now would be a wonderful time, you know,” she prodded.

As she had expected in some manner, Viridian shook his head.

“I would entrust you with a grand majority of the secrets of the Chozo, Young One. However, there is little I can share beyond what you might already know… as I legitimately have few answers in my arsenal.”

Samus pursed her lips and lay her head against the wall. She sighed out.

“Guess I should’ve expected that.”

“Now now, Young One… I said there was little I could share. Not nothing…”

The Hunter cocked an eyebrow.

“Oh? And what might that be?”

Viridian leaned forward a bit.

“As you know… there were survivors from the colony on Tallon IV. Many of those survivors who made their way to this planet had also done extensive work on another planet… one arguably much more important than Tallon IV, here… and rivaling the importance of even some of our core imperial worlds.

“You may know the name—Elysia.”

Now that interested Samus.

“Yeah? I’ve heard of it… Chozo colony. Outpost, really. Under Fed control right now. Haven’t had the pleasure of visiting yet, but I’m at least acquainted with it.”

The Chozo Warrior nodded with a smirk.

“Correct. Long ago the Searchers there found… something. From what was told to me and shown, it was but a fleeting moment but all signs pointed to finding an odd planet. But not just any planet… a planet that, for all intents and purposes, appeared to be entirely sentient.”

Samus blinked once, her expression unchanging. Nevertheless, she tilted her head slightly to the left.

“Even from everything I’ve seen, that almost sounds almost too unbelievable. How’s that even possible?”

“I don’t know. The satellite they sent out discovered this aberration, sent back what data it could glean from the mere minutes after the initial hail of discovery… and then nothing. Contact was lost. Never again would the Searchers be able to find this anomaly ever again, despite incessant efforts to do so evoked by the piqued, collective curiosity of the Chozo on Elysia.

“...even by the time they all left for Tallon IV.”

There was a brief silence before Samus reminded, saying the quiet part out loud in the process:

“And then the meteor struck. And then the Phazon. Now that you mention this, it almost seems too convenient for this stuff to not somehow be related in any way.”

Viridian nodded.

“Indeed. But that’s all the information I have… and armed with ‘only’ just, I cannot ascertain a certain truth either way. No one can, for now at least. I have no reason to doubt our brothers and sisters, and yet beyond that, the evidence simply is lacking.”

Samus leaned back against the wall, attempting in any way to peer out past the drawn shutters and into the rain-soaked landscape below as silence blanketed the duo once more. She brought her fingers to the bridge of her nose and just… exhaled. Something in the pit of her stomach and in the depths of her receding headache told her that… if she got off this planet alive, the fight would be far from over as far as Phazon was concerned. Her thoughts continued to drift over the logistics of it all.

That is, until Viridian’s voice beckoned Samus again with a serious leveling:

“Samus… listen to me.”

She re-cocked her eyebrow, and leaned in where their faces were barely a foot apart. Viridian’s telling gaze bored straight into her eyes.

“I have never claimed to be adept in foresight like our Elders. Nevertheless, with whatever I’m capable… I sense… something. A great many horrors may await you here, Hatchling. This planet will test you.

“It may even break you. I would put it out of your mind that you leave this planet as you were… in mind, or in body. You must be vigilant.

“Whatever awaits you, this planet may take much from you… if not everything you have left to give, save for your life.”

Never breaking eye-contact, Samus didn’t realize she had fully inhaled as her own brow furrowed, and her complexion darkened at his words. In the short time they’ve had together, she had never heard him speak to her so seriously.

He continued:

“And yet, whatever happens… you must not let the Phazon claim this continent. Nor the planet. If Equis falls, it may very well be the catalyst to tip the rest of the galaxy off the precipice and into the abyss, after it.

“This Phazon—this cancer—is unlike anything I have ever seen or known of. That anyone has ever seen. Call it a warrior’s intuition, or a conspiracy theory, but I sense the cancer exhibits a sentience that I cannot place. A lust for satiation that shall never be fulfilled. You must eradicate it, lest it corrupt the very magical essence of this world.”

Samus shook her head, and beyond the obvious reiteration of what had become her ostensible, ‘true’ mission, she understood the weight of his words. What Equis as a planet—and the life on it—meant to Viridian beyond just a mission.

“I have no intention of failing here, nor letting this planet become my tomb. You have my word on that,” she affirmed.

She expected a simple nod and acknowledgement. Maybe a thank you from him. What she didn’t expect was a continuation:

“Perhaps more specifically, Samus… I sense another darkness looming. It is unlike anything I have previously mentioned. I pray that I am imagining, and this is merely a fault of my inexperience in foresight. Nevertheless, it is difficult to detect.

“And yet with my limited exposure to the arcane, magical essence of Equis, I feel something is not quite right. A disturbance in the aetheric fabric beyond the Phazon… and I feel it coalesces around you,” he pointed a single, long finger at her.

Samus’ blink carried a smidge of weight to it when she recoiled slightly, especially so, since Twilight hadn’t mentioned anything unusual to her on the magical front. Inward reflection on her own state didn’t reveal anything that she didn’t expect.

“Or at least, it is all too convenient to not deal with you. Until we can find the source—or even better, I’m proven insane—I advise you to double your efforts in vigilance on matters concerning yourself. I have been wrong many times in the past, and I can only hope I am once more. Nevertheless, it would behoove me to inform you of my elderly ramblings.”

The quip on his not-so-advanced-age aside, she nodded in return.

“That’s… more than a little concerning to say the least, especially coming from you. I guess I’ll see if Twilight knows more tomorrow when we set out. Worth the ask, even if she didn’t mention anything.”

“Mhmm. After our talks thus far, I hate to reaffirm the burden we have placed on your shoulders… but there is no other option, Our Hatchling. You must succeed here. I’m sorry… though, know that I will do my part to aid you in any way I'm able.

“For the good of these ponies, Equis, and the galaxy at large. If you fall, it all falls with you.”

At the conclusion of his words, Samus crossed her arms and retreated further into the comforting embrace of the cat bed. In no way underestimating the potential gravity of Viridian’s words, she opted to stare blankly at the ceiling and silently ponder—as had become custom on her missions—the gravity of her situation as well as just what the hell she managed to drag herself into.

Author's Note:

Aaaaand debrief! Briefing and next operation are up next! See you then, y'all!