• Published 3rd Jan 2021
  • 6,535 Views, 553 Comments

Metroid: Ghosts of Harmony - Flammenwerfer

Samus Aran is sent to another nameless planet after the events on Planet Aether. What was supposed to be a routine recon mission turns deadlier when she finds herself embroiled in a war on multiple fronts, especially one in particular: her own mind.

  • ...

09. Manifest

Author's Note:

Shorter chapter than normal, but there's a method to my madness.

As I'm gliding along writing the next arc of this story, this section wouldn't fit with the rest of the next chapter and 'Elemental Section' by way of too much tonal whiplash between parts. So, I'm breaking this off into it's own part to serve as both development and setting the tone for future arcs. I think it'll make sense once y'all read.

At any rate, please enjoy this shorter read! And do let me know what you think! :pinkiehappy:

[Castle of Friendship | Common Room | Later That Evening…]

It was the first time she had been able to sit down since this morning, and her entire body was grateful to be cradled in the enormous ‘cat bed’ cushion: something that had become a staple of her unwinding in the Castle’s common room. Its usual, perfect position right up against the wall let her sit and lean comfortably, while also letting her mind get lost in the much-welcome scenery afforded through the massive window.

Well, at least until the shades had to be drawn. Then she could more easily get lost in the relative quiet of the room to review her notes, scan data, or whatever else needed consolidating at the day’s end by magical candlelight.

While there wasn’t much to pull together from a data perspective, there was plenty to take in from the day’s events:

The journey back to the Castle from Viridia had been largely as uneventful as the trek there. What made it different, and perhaps a little more lighthearted, was Fluttershy’s presence in Samus’ systems. She remained quiet though, as did Twilight… courteous to the Hunter since she still needed to be aware of their surroundings as much as possible in the event she had to fight to keep everyone alive.

That job had been made a little easier when Viridian brought up the rear, idly turning around in stride with spear in hand to cover their asses. Like Samus’ internal company, he didn’t speak a word as she led them back to base.

What Samus hadn’t been prepared for was Fluttershy materializing out of Samus’ suit the moment they were inside, and nearly tackling Spike once he had come to greet them. Much like the reunion with Twilight, Samus fondly recalled Fluttershy remarking on Spike’s growth as they shared one of the tightest, most genuine hugs… followed by numerous platonic kisses on his cheeks.

Likewise surprising, Spike didn’t need much convincing to accept Viridian’s temporary place in the castle once the situation had been explained to him. After a customary bow from the Warrior and a shared handshake between the two, Spike had come to the rather quick conclusion that if Samus and Twilight both trusted him, he trusted him as well.

It also went a long way that the Chozo had kept Fluttershy safe for about the same time they had been holed up in the Castle—a fact that the reticent mare gladly attested to. That counted for a lot in the drake’s mind.

What followed was a couple hours of reveling in the reunion of the second Element of Harmony, along with Twilight catching Fluttershy up with current events and where they all stood. Samus likewise caught up Viridian with galactic events since the start of his isolation, along with helping to convey the whole notion of ‘extraterrestrial life’ to Fluttershy… not that it was necessary.

Turns out, Viridian taught her much of the Chozo and the Galaxy at large to the extent of his knowledge. There were more than a few surprises in Fluttershy’s legitimately deep knowledge of the Chozo at this point. Samus was colored quite impressed.

And it all culminated with relaxing in the common room with one another. Like clockwork from the last couple of days, Samus found herself on her ‘usual’ resting place, Twilight found a place right in front of her with the Hunter’s spare tablet, and Spike kicked back and relaxed on a chair next to Twilight.

The difference was Fluttershy having snuggled up peacefully next to the alicorn, resting her eyes with a soft smile on her face when the three of them weren’t talking silently amongst themselves. Furthermore, Viridian found solace in the monstrous bookcases that Twilight maintained in the common room… and Samus wasn’t sure the Chozo—clad only in his own Zero Suit for now—really moved at all once all the texts caught his eye. He just… picked books out, read them for tens of minutes at a time, and occasionally swapped out for another book. He was at this for hours.

Samus glanced up after a while longer, and that’s when she met the tired gaze of Twilight.

“Hey… the three of us…” she gestured to herself, Fluttershy, and Spike, the latter two who were also getting to their respective hooves and feet. “...are gonna turn in a bit early. And really just… have some time to ourselves. I’m sure you understand… is that okay?” she asked.

Samus replied with a soft nod.

“Yeah, sure thing! I’m sure I can keep myself entertained,” she quipped.

Twilight giggled.

“I figured as much… and I think you might enjoy some time away from me,” she teased right back, earning a humorous huff from the Hunter.

“I won’t be up much longer anyway. Guessing we’re gonna have the usual early start in the morning?”

“Was thinking the exact same thing. We’ll go over the next steps tomorrow.”

Samus smirked.

“You got it.”

“Goodnight, Samus.”

“Goodnight, Twilight.”

And as the alicorn trotted off towards the common room doors, Spike also gave a brief wish of sweet dreams. Fluttershy, however, lingered for a moment in front of the Hunter, and her unsure presence told Samus all she needed to know about her next words:

“Goodnight, Samus… and… thank you again. F-For bringing me back. I… I don’t know how I can even repay you, but…”

Samus reached forward and lay her palm on Fluttershy’s shoulder, seeming to calm her nerves at an instant, even if the cream-colored mare flinched slightly at the unexpected contact.

“Relax, Fluttershy,” Samus reassured with a soft smile, never breaking eye-contact. She wasn’t ever the best at addressing heartfelt praise or gratitude, though she tried her best when it was appropriate.

“Just doing my job, and for what it’s worth? It’s my pleasure—and uhh… you’re welcome,” she finished, if a bit awkwardly.

Fluttershy’s tired, reticent face turned a soft smile in return, and a gentle nod of her own, seemingly relaxing into Samus’ hand on her shoulder. The Hunter patted her a couple times for good measure before pulling her hand back.

The pegasus then concluded softly:

“I can’t wait to get to know you more. Goodnight, Samus. See you tomorrow.”

Samus smirked.

“Likewise. Goodnight, Fluttershy. See you in the morning.”

And with that, they all took their leave, repeating their same well-wishes of the night to Viridian by the bookcase as they passed by.

Especially Fluttershy.

“Goodnight, Viry!”

“Thank you kindly! And a most pleasant slumber to you, my dear,” he respectfully replied.

Samus smirked at all the interactions that just took place. They lasted mere seconds, but the fact that everyone was getting along so swimmingly with Viridian was an extra bit of a mood boost that she always welcomed.

But once the drake and two ponies had left the room, Viridian daintily placed the book he was holding back in its position on the case. He then turned to Samus with a tired smile.

“Perhaps now we can exercise more… familiar language,” he snapped right back to his—and Samus’ second—native tongue.

Samus smirked right back.

“Sounds good to me!”

Viridian made his way over to her at an easy pace, and opted to take Spike’s place on his chair just across from the sitting Hunter.

“I took a look at your ship, by the way…” he said as he sat down, groaning pleasantly as his back was cradled just right. “For the communications node, I was able to replace the signal converter and reroute the damaged frequency amplifiers through replacements I had.”

Samus blinked hard—stunned.

“Oh! I didn’t even expect that much to be salvageable… thank you!” she said.

Viridian nodded once.

“Of course! Though, unfortunately I still found one more problem: the power supply is completely destroyed. None of the ones I have will fit. I think you’re still going to have to find a replacement in a downed Pirate vessel, like you mentioned.

“Furthermore, the stealth module is pretty much magic to me. Nothing I can help with there.”

Samus nodded in return, leaning back against the wall and folding her hands on her lap.

“It’s more than I could’ve hoped for at this stage—thanks again, Viridian. I really appreciate it,” she said.

She then smiled teasingly.

“And thought you said you were no engineer…”

He chuckled deeply.

“I had to learn a few things in the absence of proper engineers. I’m sure you’ve picked up a few trades not native to warriors of your esteem, as well,” he said.

Samus huffed, nodding in familiarity.

“Yeah. That’s one way to put it.”

Viridian smiled fondly with another, single nod of understanding. At that point, a comfortable silence re-entered the room, making it easy enough for Samus to space out a bit. It was a silence that she almost never got since she left Zebes… where she could just sit and exist with someone with whom she had a basic understanding. Twilight and Spike were the first instance of this when she was so graciously offered refuge in this castle.

But with Viridian? It was different.

Within that difference was, paradoxically, much familiarity. As much as Samus got on with Twilight and Spike, no amount of talking about herself would really make them understand her place within the Chozo and galaxy at large. Viridian, however, did.

A lot.

He cleared his throat, which brought Samus’ eyes back into focus. She locked onto his face, where she noticed the shadows of the amber, magical candlelights dancing over his form.

“How have your travels treated you?” he asked.

Samus had no idea where to even start with just basic conversation, so as potentially vague as that question was, she really had no other ideas.

She shrugged, sighing out as she let her posture sully.

“Space Pirates are active and still both a galactic power and threat. They continue to have and clone metroids. Other galactic threats seem to pop up constantly. I just feel like I haven’t made any progress since I’ve left Zebes…

“I just… I guess the answer to your question is ‘I don’t know.’”

Viridian cocked an eyebrow.

“You give yourself little credit for all the good you’ve done. Why?”

“What’s there to credit?” she asked, then shook her head solemnly. “The job’s not done. The Pirates kill more every day… and every time I’m not there to stop it, or every time they slip away, prolongs it all.

“Sometimes I just feel like I’m failing miserably. Maybe your words back at the temple weren’t just banter…”

“Do you honestly believe that?”

“I don’t know what to believe, sometimes.”

“I think you and I both know that no one expected perfection out of you. All know you’re merely one being with the weight of the galaxy on her shoulders. Even miracle workers can only work miracles with what they have in front of them.”

Samus sighed.

“I’m just afraid I’ll never get in front of it. That one day, as expected, I’ll die. And the galaxy will be left with nothing more than how I started off.

“Would it even have been worth it in the end?”

Viridian’s retort was familiar:

“Again, do you truly mean that?”

“Yes,” came Samus’ terse reply. “Because for once in my life, I’d like to be selfish with just one thing: to understand.

“All that I’ve done. Everything that’s been done to me. If I died here, on this planet. Or twenty years from now. Would it have meant anything?”

Samus’ chest felt lighter after those words left her mouth.

She then averted her gaze to the shade-drawn windowpane, as if she could see right through it to the night-shrouded expanse below… all the while no response was forthcoming from Viridian. She could still feel his eyes strongly affixed on her, as if he was trying to read something. She figured he was probably placing her merit against the countless warriors he trained and sent off. Maybe she said too much… not that his opinion of her really mattered in the first place.

Though she only needed to wait a few more drawn-out seconds before he replied in an equally solemn, yet lamenting tone:

“You’ve… truly been through a lot…

“Haven’t you, girl?”

Samus blinked, and looked back to him with wider eyes than whence she turned away with. It wasn’t necessarily just the words themselves that took her by surprise, nor merely his sympathetic tone. After all, it was pretty obvious with all her travels and missions thus far. Anyone could put that together. But it was the implicit message under it all, from a warrior of his caliber and of her adoptive kin.


Simple acknowledgement of everything she’s been through. All her suffering, her sacrifices… all her wounds, physical and mental.

And that implicitness made her feel a warmth in her stomach and chest… one that swelled into a mishmash of conflicting emotions all vying for dominance. Comfort. Anger. Shame. Fulfillment. Viridian appeared to read all of these on her face like a book, as pure understanding fell over his features.

Samus curled her knees a little tighter into her chest and lowered her gaze. Pleasant silence returned to the common room once more, and remained that way for the rest of the evening.

[Map Room | The Next Morning…]

Twilight cleared her throat as she took stock of everyone in the room.

“Alright… good morning, everypony! Looks like we’re at quorum, so let’s just get right to it.”

With that, she drew everyone’s attention to the map itself, and Samus was once again greeted with the expanse of all of Equestria. The only difference this time was the location of Fluttershy’s elemental sprite: situated right on top of Twilight’s and—according to the Map—nestled in the embrace of the Castle.

Perfectly accurate so far. No complaints from the Hunter.

Samus placed her hands on the edge of the map so she could get a closer view, and she spared a glance to her side when she noticed Viridian—arms crossed over his chest—peering over the interactive, flat pane of crystal as well.

Twilight continued promptly:

“So, thanks pretty much entirely to Samus and Viridian here, we’ve got Fluttershy back…” she glanced gleefully at the pink-maned pegasus right next to her, who returned a similar look in kind.

“But, those of us here who know basic arithmetic know that there’s four more of us we need to have reunited just like her. So the question is now… which one of the girls out there is either the closest, or will be the easiest to travel to?” she asked to no one in particular as she used her magic to zoom out ever so slightly.

Twilight didn’t follow that up with anything, and instead, everyone seemed to take a closer look at the map. Samus propped her chin in the crook of her thumb and index finger as she scanned over everything, studying the idly floating Elemental sprites at various geographic locations. There were immediately two things she noticed:

One of the targets looked noticeably closer than the others, another was situated much higher than the others in the area as well. One of the others was just… way out there.

Samus decided to ask some questions to feel everything out. She pointed to the closest target to their position:

“Who’s this? And where is this?”

“Rarity, Element of Generosity. Canterlot. Equestria’s capital city.”

Samus drew her finger a bit farther to the northeast.

“And her?”

“Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty. Cloudsdale.”

And then to the quite far west, and somewhat south. Well-past the impact crater.

Twilight didn’t need Samus’ beckoning, this time.

“Pinkie Pie, Element of Laughter. Rock Farms of the Quarry Range.”

And finally, all the way to the east.

“Applejack, Element of Honesty…”

Twilight’s expression suddenly turned down to abject confusion.

“Wait, what? Spike, you seeing this?”

Spike leaned in a little closer, then cocked an eyebrow.

“The Dragon Lands? Really? At least the other girls’ locations made some sense…”

Samus interjected.

“What is it? And there’s a… pattern?” she asked.

Twilight shook her head, still unsure.

“It almost seemed like there was, which would’ve maybe shed light on why this is all happening in the first place. But the fact that Applejack is in the Dragon Lands as opposed to like, Apple Loosa or even in the Macintosh Hills is… concerning.”

“And on top of that, we still don’t even know where the Princesses are.”

“Do you think they’re even alive, in your heart of hearts?” Samus asked.

Again, Twilight seemed unsure.

“With how bad everything became so quickly… and had this been like, over a decade ago, I wouldn’t’ve fathomed that they lived. But now, with all this coming to light about how the Elements were preserved, I can’t help but wonder if something similar happened to Celestia and Luna.”

Samus nodded a couple times.

“Think we’ll find any clues?”

“I hope…” said Twilight. “Though… hmmm…” she caught herself, then brought her hoof to her chin before nearly burying her face into the map.

“What’re you thinking?” asked Samus.

“Based on this information, the closest one is Rarity in Canterlot. That’s where we all were before we…” she stopped herself.

And then steeled her resolve after sharing a brief, knowing look with Fluttershy and Spike before continuing:

“…Celestia was with us, there. Until the end. If we go there and find Rarity, we might also be able to find some clues as to what the hell happened to her and Luna. If not revisiting the throne room, then there has to be something written down. A failsafe or some text that wasn’t disclosed to me. I refuse to believe this is all just random chance.”

Samus was inclined to agree.

“Yeah, this is all too convenient to be anything but apart of some grand design. I’m surprised you weren’t told of any of this though…” she remarked.

A ‘nostalgic frustration’ could be read easily on Twilight’s face.

“As amazing and benevolent as the Princesses are, I’ve found that they… like their secrets. There’s some things about Equestria’s past, present, and possibly future that I haven’t the slightest idea of. I know for a fact because they politely rebuff or outright exclude me from such answers to seemingly mundane questions.

“Case in point, the existence of the Chozo on our planet,” she said, gesturing towards Viridian.

Samus had to concede that.

“Fair point. In that case…” she considered all the options lain out in front of her, then shrugged.

“Looks like the closest—and most practical choice—is Rarity, then.”

Twilight smiled fondly, nodding a few times as she regarded Rarity’s indigo diamond sprite with sweet affection, as did Fluttershy and Spike.

“Seems that way. Welp… guess we’re going to Canterlot then. And in bringing back Rarity, also finding some trace of the Princesses.”

Spike and Fluttershy seemed in agreement.

“Awesome!” said the drake.

Fluttershy, despite the softness of her response, seemed in excellent spirits:


Samus felt the day’s mission had been lain out appropriately based on the information at hand.

“Great. Any thought’s from you, Viridian?”

The Chozo Warrior remained silent for a few moments, still studying everything that had been lain out before he, too, nodded once.

“Seems reasonable to me. If this is the method in which you found Fluttershy and myself, then I see no reason why it would not work once again,” he said.

And then brought up one more logistical question to the forefront:

“Now, on the question of me… would you and Princess Twilight feel it prudent for me to accompany you? Or do you feel it would be best if I remained here at the castle?”

Excellent question.

Samus glanced over at Twilight, who glanced right back at her in kind. All the Hunter had to do was shrug in indifference for the alicorn to make the decision appropriately.

“I would prefer if you stayed here at the castle. We’re going a lot farther than previously, and as much as I trust Spike to keep a lid on things here… I’d like to make sure he stays out of trouble,” she smirked at the drake, who rolled his eyes in kind.

Samus loosed a half-smirk as well at the exchange, and Viridian seemed more than happy to comply.

“Of course! Then I shall remain here to guard the Castle… and to keep this strapping young being ‘out of trouble,’ as you say,” he cautiously waded into the joke as well, which earned him more than a few giggles from the mares and his own, pleasantly annoyed chuckle from Spike.

Samus stepped into the conversation once more, ready to round it all off and get to work.

“Sounds good. We ready to go, then? Also, you said we’re going farther. How’s the trek over?”

Twilight’s cheery expression flattened a little bit.

“That’s… a good point. Damn, I didn’t think about that. When things were normal, we’d just take a train over to the capital. Was about a forty-five minute ride at a comfortable pace. Which means it might be two, maybe three hours away by hoof,” she wagered.

Samus pursed her lips.

“That’s… a little unideal. I’d rather be back before nightfall if I’m being completely honest.”

“Trust me—we want to be.”

“Then in that case…” Samus thought aloud. “I think I might have a solution: how high do we need to travel?”

Twilight thought for a moment.

“Uhhh… definitely not as high as Cloudsdale for certain. The city itself is embedded in a small mountain, but the entrance to the city itself can be accessed at the rear with sloping hills. Why?”

“We should be able to take my ship, then—even though the Stealth Module is offline, if I stay below a certain altitude and keep out of sight of any Space Pirate vessels in the area, we should be fine in avoiding detection.”

Twilight shrugged.

“Makes sense to me. Then I’m all set. You ready to go, Flutters?”

Fluttershy furrowed her gaze and nodded curtly.

“I’m ready.”

“Then let’s get to it,” said Twilight, smiling once more. “We’ll need all the time we can get to search for both Rarity and find ourselves some insight as to what the hell happened to the Princesses.”

On that cue, Samus engaged her Varia Suit and offered both ponies her hand.

“Let’s head out.”