• Published 11th Nov 2020
  • 323 Views, 11 Comments

Tales from the Rift - Fonzie

A group of stranded tourists listen to a strange Pony's tales of how they'll die, or do they?

  • ...

This Wraps It Up

Author's Note:

I thought the title seemed perfect enough


Taken From


Story by: Me

After all the painstaking research they've done the two ponies and griffin found themselves at a cliff in the sands of Saddle Arabia. Two of them were digging at the base of the cliff while Harrison, the leader, observed as they did all the work. "It's just gotta be here, I know it is.", he muttered.

"Well, don't be disappointed if it isn't Harrison." Said Donovan, the griffin, "Why don't you lay down for a while, remember your heart."

"Heart, shmart." Harrison said, "I feel as strong as an Ox, so I had one little heart attack last month-"

The second pony, Nedry, stopped digging and looked at his associate, "The doctor said 'one more heart attack will probably kill you', just be glad you're even a part of this expedition."

As much as Harrison wanted to argue, he knew he had a point, if he had a heart attack, then he wouldn't be able to witness the greatest moment of his life. So he silently watched as the other two worked away at the hole in the ground, until...

"Hey, I think I found it." Donovan said.

The three looked at where the griffin was pointing, there was what appeared to be a iron ring imbedded in the partially uncovered stone slab. This was it, they were so sure of it. Harrison wanted to help open the door, but once again, his heart problem prevented him.

Behind the slab was a set of stairs leading into darkness. Undeterred by a fear of the dark, the group pressed on, until they came upon a door with hieroglyphics which, when translated, said:

"Beyond this door lies exalted prince Hisan, son of the most benevolent rulers in all of Saddle Arabia. Let this be a warning for those who trespass. Death will come for those who enter his tomb. Prince Hisan will rise to avenge the disturbance of its sanctity. "

The trio were silent upon reading this, silence that was broken by Donovan's laughter. "Typical for warnings to be at the entrance of the other Pharaoh's
Tombs. This is clearly an attempt to scare off thieves who might have broken into other tombs."

Harrison tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. Undeterred he told them, "we'll break it down at the count of three."

And sure enough, they managed to break it down, and what they saw was a shock to all three of them.

There were gems that would have a dragon set for life, jewelry that still looked pretty after all these years, but what really got their attention was the skeletons that littered the floor. "They must be the remains of the thieves that broke in." Donovan said.

"But that can't be, the door was sealed shut." Harrison pointed out.

"Then these must be workers." Nedry rationalized, "Servants that interned Prince Hisan, and then murdered to keep the tomb a secret."

Once again silence fell, broken once again by Donovan's laughter. And why wouldn't he, there was enough gold and jewels to feed a family for generations.

"This is the greatest archeological discovery in history, I always said it would be!" Harrison shouted in excitement.

"Easy buddy." Nedry said, "Remember your heart."

"Hey, look at this!"

Donovan was looking into another room, in it was what appeared to be a sarcophagus.

"This must be Prince Hisan's tomb." Nedry said out loud.

Out of curiosity, Donovan and Nedry removed the top of the sarcophagus and all three looked inside. The mummy inside was surprisingly perfectly reserved, almost looked like it was recently entombed. "We have to send a message to the museum." Harrison said.

This was a shock to Nedry, "But If we tell them, we'll have to give everything to them."

"Well of course, it belonged to them to begin with. I'm heading back up to report this amazing find."

"You go on ahead Harrison, we'll keep looking around and see what else we can find." Donovan said.

Harrison left the tomb and made his way outside. As soon as he did, Donovan slapped Nedry, "You idiot! You know Harrison's too righteous to keep the treasure for himself."

"Then he's got to go." Nedry said, "he stands in our way of fame and fortune."

Donovan stared at the mummy one more time, "I think I know how we can make that happen."

That night, Donovan and Nedry were going over the plan to eliminate Harrison and take everything for themselves.

"Now here's what you're gonna do." Donovan said, "You're gonna go down to the tomb, unwrap the mummy and wrap yourself in it's windings. And make sure you scream or shout, I'll bring Harrison down and down he sees you he'll have the shock of his life."

"Oh, I get it, his heart! He'll die of fright."

"But we'll just say he died of disappointment over the failure of the expedition."

The two nodded, and as silently as he could, Nedry made his way towards the tomb to prepare for the plan.

Donovan laid awake in his bed, waiting patiently for the scream that would set the plan in motion. He was just about to give up and go to bed when...


The scream was loud enough to wake Harrison from his slumber, prompting Donovan to feign being distressed. "What was that?!?" He shouted.

"I think it's Nedry, he must be in the tomb! I think he's in trouble." Donovan said, prompting the two of them to get up and rush to the temple entrance as a second scream came out...


"Don't overdo it you numbskull!" Donovan thought to himself.

The two burst into the room where they found the mummy. All they found was Nedry's lantern... And the mummy standing up and facing them! Harrison stared in horror while Donovan had to keep himself from laughing. The mummy looked less like a freshly preserved corpse, and more like some dude wrapped in toilet paper.

"T-the curse!" Donovan said, "It's true! The mummy has risen, we have to get out of here!"

But Harrison didn't seem to try and run, rather he held his hoof to his chest, feeling a familiar pain, before collapsing to the floor.

Donovan bent over to check on Harrison, to see any sign he was still alive... there was none.

Chuckling he turned to face the mummy, who had stopped moving when Harrison collapsed. "Good work Nedry, but there's one small problem... I want all that treasure for myself, so thanks for all your help."

Donovan reached into his pocket and pulled out his gun and fired it at the mummy... but he didn't fall, instead he advanced towards the griffin, who continued firing at him until he wasted every bullet he had.

"FOR FAUST'S SAKE, JUST DIE ALREADY!" Donovan shouted, backing up into the burial chamber. There he saw Nedry, lying in the sarcophagus, with a look of horror on his face.

Donovan stared at the body in horror, with a sudden realization, if Nedry was dead this whole time, then...

Turning around, he saw some of the mummy's wrappings drooping, exposing the centuries old bones underneath. The mummy was getting closer, arms reached forward towards the frightened griffin.

Once again, an agonizing scream came out of the entrance of the tomb.
