• Published 11th Nov 2020
  • 323 Views, 11 Comments

Tales from the Rift - Fonzie

A group of stranded tourists listen to a strange Pony's tales of how they'll die, or do they?

  • ...

Poetic Justice

Author's Note:

If any pony thought you can't associate hearts and hooves day with horror, this story will prove you wrong.


taken from

story by: me

Rarity was an absolute genius when it came to the fashion industry, she'd show you what and what not to wear, she'd be very generous to any pony and best of all, every pony seemed to worship the ground she walks on, especially Spike.

However, unbeknownst to Rarity, in one of the top floors of a nearby motel, was her rival, Suri Polomare, ever since she was beaten in the fashion show in Manehattan, she struggled to keep her ship afloat, but it didn't stop there, her former assistant, Coco Pommel, quit after being inspired by rarity and her friends and she must've told a local news column, because the very next day, word spread that she was stealing designs from other designers, there was a terrible scandal, and Suri had been barred from taking designs from others, thus leaving her in jeopardy, it took her months, but she finally tracked her rival down to ponyville, and during those months, she plotted her vengeance, but came up short when she arrived.

"One way or another Rarity, I will have my revenge." Suri muttered to herself, "you have no idea how much pain I went through, thanks to you and your stupid friends."

And then the idea struck her, it must have been from what she said, she would hurt the innocent little pony, just like she was hurt.

For the next few days, Suri did some recon on Rarity, trying to find some way to hurt her, so far, she learned about her cat, her sister, her boutique in town and some other stuff that I don't feel like telling you.

Once she learned everything she needed... she began her revenge plan.

And so, in the dark of the night, Suri made her way towards the flower shop, she spotted the bouquets of flowers on the stand outside, and with some shears and her somewhat experience in design, she made every single flower look like a cat got them.

And on Monday morning, Rose, Lily and Daisy saw the mess, and proceeded to act like the drama queens they are, and since Suri was new to the town, she wouldn't be recognized by any pony, so it was easy to manipulate the girls.

"It must have been that cat Rarity has." Suri said, "she has got to get rid of that beast, after all, she did this to your flowers, she could do it to all the other flowers in town."

Later, an animal control officer came to Rarity's place, confused, the fashionista went to the door, "can I help you sir."

"Yes, we've got a complaint from 3 ponies, they said your cat messed up their flowers."

It was a sad day for Rarity, when her beloved cat was taken away, despite her pleas that her cat didn't do it, there was nothing she could do.

Little did she know, the worst was yet to come.

On Tuesday, Suri went to see rarity's parents, "I understand that your daughter Sweetie Belle usually stays with her sister."

"Yes, it's usually when we go on vacation."

"Well, that's why I'm here, because this concerns your daughters."

And so, Suri fed a bunch of lies to the girls' parents, such as treating Sweetie Belle like a slave, physical and emotional abuse and a bunch of other stuff I don't want to mention.

Later in the day, Rarity's parents arrived, with angry looks on their faces, and was she dismayed when she learned that she isn't allowed to be near her sister anymore, "and if we ever see you near her again, we'll call the royal guard and have you thrown in the dungeon." Her father warned.

After her parents left, Rarity confined herself in her room, "first my cat and now this." She lamented, "why is this happening to me."

Unbeknownst to her, the answer lay right nearby, watching with a telescope, "breaking down already I see, well watch out Rarity, I've only just begun."

Suri had learned she had gotten engaged to the most handsome pony in town, but had been putting off their wedding for quite some time, this gave her an idea, on Wednesday, knowing that her fiance takes night walks, she disguised herself as Rarity, and went to a random pony's house, "I don't suppose you could let me stay for the night darling."

Rarity's fiance was taking his walk, once again, Rarity had delayed their wedding, but he stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed the shadow of his fiance and another pony in what appeared to be a rather... compromising position.

Rarity was dismayed to hear from her fiance that the wedding was off, but he didn't give a reason other than that he knew why she was holding off their wedding.

Suri watched the whole scene unfold, but was still determined to ruin the poor mare's life.

Once again in the middle of the night, Suri made her move, but instead of the flower shop, she made her way towards the boutique, she grinned like the grinch when she saw the dresses, silently, she entered, adjusted here, made a few tweaks there, and left the building with satisfaction.

That Thursday morning, a series of wardrobe malfunctions happened in ponyville, any pony that bought one of Rarity's dresses had been exposed, and not in a good way, there was a terrible scandal, and Rarity received a restraining order demanding that she stopped making dresses or other accessories of any kind.

Friday was the worst possible thing to ever happen to Rarity, her friends refused to have anything to do with her, she didn't even know it, but a certain pony told her friends something that made them hate her, but one thing was certain, she wasn't looking forward to the weekend.

Nothing happened on Saturday, but Rarity couldn't relax because she kept waiting for it.

Suri watched the whole scene unfold, but she still wasn't satisfied, because she saved the worst for last, on her desk lay a bunch of cards all addressed to the same place, she flashed her grinch grin again when she looked at them, for tomorrow was hearts and hooves day.

On Sunday, Rarity made her way to the door, clearly upset, but stopped when she noticed, a bunch of letters coming through the mail slot, knowing that today was hearts and hooves day, Rarity felt her joy returning, things seemed to be going her way, so she opened one of them...

noisy are children
Loud as a bell
Pungent is purfume
But you really smell

Rarity was confused by this, it had to be a joke, she opened another one...

a tree is beautiful
If its owner prunes it
But our town isn't
Because your presence ruins it.

Tears started to form in her eyes, but she brought herself to read another...

some ponies live the country
Some ponies live in the town
Why don't you do us a favor
Jump in the river and...

She couldn't bring herself to finish reading it, and broke down crying, all the joy she had was gone, for it was official, the whole world turned against her.

No pony had seen or heard from Rarity in days, and some ponies were starting to feel worried, some felt they went a little too hard on her, but Suri felt no mercy for her, worried, her friends went to check on her, but the door was locked, so they broke it down, and their eyes widened in shock and horror at what they saw.

For right in the middle of the room, hanging by a rope... was Rarity.

When word got out that Rarity killed herself, every pony chipped in to pay for her funeral, at was the least they do could to make up for driving her to do this, there were flowers, a fancy looking coffin, organ music and other things you'd usually find at a funeral, once every pony left, Suri walked up to the grave and sneered down at it.

"Well Rarity, looks like I got what I wanted." She said, "it wasn't what I had in mind, but I'll take what I get, like your ideas, your life, everything you had, after all... it's every pony for themselves." And then she walked away laughing with confidence that she will be back on top of the world.

A full year had passed, but every pony still felt guilty over Rarity's death, and somewhere in town, a bell was ringing, it was midnight, as well as hearts and hooves day.

And somewhere in the cemetery, at certain grave, something strange happened, the ground surrounding the coffin seemed to move, cracks started to form in the ground, until a rotted hoof reached up to the night sky, another followed, and together they pushed until rarity's rotting and decaying head rose from the ground.

Once it was completely out of the grave, it made it's way through town, in the direction of the boutique, some corpses would wonder around, attacking anything on sight, but this one looked as if... it knew where to go.

Suri had waited for a few months, just to make things look good, and when the time was ripe, she moved into Rarity's home, and copied the designs in her book, she thought that since Rarity was dead, no pony would accuse her of stealing.

She was up late with a pile of cards on her desk, and another pile on her bed. The one on her bed were for Rarity's friends, since Suri felt they were partly responsible for ruining her life, she decided to hurt them as well, the other pile was cards she planned to send to some fashion designer she could steal ideas from, or a rich bachelor so she could take their money and buy Rarity's property in Manehattan.

She was about to stamp them, when she heard the door being smashed open, and a foul odor followed soon after, worried some pony was breaking in, she grabbed a blunt object to use as a weapon, she heard hoof steps coming up the stairs, and smell was feeling stronger, the door swung open from the other side, and the stench became much much worse.

In the morning, Flash Sentry and Vlad were sent to investigate the neighbor's claims of a foul smell emanating from the building, as well as the agonizing screaming that was heard by most of the residents, when they entered, they found a notebook detailing all the things that happened to Rarity, as well as the long deceased corpse of Rarity herself, which seemed to be smiling.

Flash went upstairs to investigate, and found Suri slumped in her chair with a look of horror, and what looked like blood all over body, right nearby was a piece of paper, curious, Flash took a look at it...

Happy hearts and hooves day
Your were mean and cruel to me
Right from the start
And now you really
Have no...

Then he noticed a part of the letter was folded up, like it was holding something, curious than ever, he unwrapped it, and screamed in horror.

For inside that folded part of the letter... there lay a bloody heart.