• Published 18th Oct 2020
  • 31,387 Views, 12,679 Comments

Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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92- Dvapara Yuga

The corpse stared at me through eyeless sockets.

It whispered to me. Indecipherable messages, muttered almost imperceptibly. When I blinked, I swore I saw the skeleton’s head turn towards me, but it did not move an inch. This meager pile of metal scraps and bone shards scared me to my core.

“Anyone else seeing… that?”

“Seeing what, sir?”

“The… skeleton.”

Four moved between me and the skeleton and examined it magically. From his horn, beams of colored light slowly moved over the skeleton. Then, the spells shut off and Four shook his head.

“Not scanning anything, sir. As far as I can tell, nothing there has been alive in the past five centuries, at least. Nothing magical, neither. I suspect they might have been equipped with magical gear, but any enchantment has faded with time.”

There was still something more to the ancient body. Something I knew was there and wouldn’t be picked up. I felt it pulling on my Weave, asking me to come closer.

“I can hear it whispering to me through my Weave. I… I want to touch it.”

“That’s a bad idea,” One told me.

“A very bad idea,” Two agreed.

I hesitated, “I mean, you’re probably right, but… I still think I should touch it.”

One facehooved, “And why is it that you want to touch the spooky skeleton?”

I concentrated hard on listening to the quiet whispers emanating from the skeleton’s skull. They were hard to pick up and discern from the almost inaudible hum of the artificial sun, they were so quiet.

I scrapped a hoof against the ground, not looking away from the skeleton, “I… I think I can hear a conversation or something. Listen, I know touching the creepy thing is always a bad idea and in horror mov– in horror novels it gets people killed, but I don’t think it will hurt us here. I think that this is a good idea.”

“Sir, I think you are being influenced by the creepy skeleton, possibly related to that sickness of the mind stuff” One said. “All in favor of not poking the corpse?”

“Aye,” all four changelings agreed at once.

“That’s that, then. C’mon sir, you need to step away from the–”

I teleported past Four and stretched out a hoof, brushing it gently against the changeling skeleton’s skull. At once, the changelings leapt at me.

“No! Get away from–”

“–the city at once!”

‘What the?! Where am I?!’

All around me, changelings were rushing past. The changelings rushing past carried their lives on their backs; packs filled to the brim with whatever they could stuff into it from their homes. I however, stood in formation behind Prince Carotid. We were in an open forum, one that I had seen from the balcony at the entrance to the city. In fact, I knew that if I turned around, I could see the balcony directly behind me. However, I could not move.

Ahead of me, the Third Hive in its entirety stood underneath the artificial sun. Towers rose up, high into the air. In the future, they would be nothing but rubble, but now I could see their expertly crafted architecture and priceless decorations glistening in the underground sunlight. Several of them were damaged, and a few were smoking.

‘Am I seeing the past? How do I know who that changeling is?’

I was looking at the Prince. As he hovered up in the air, directing the lines of traffic that were rushing towards the exit both on the ground and through the air, I admired his armor. It was far beyond anything I had ever seen before. Adamantium mana-forged, enchanted through countless rituals, and blessed by Panar herself. It was one of the greatest relics that still existed from the Second Hive.

The heavy green armor conformed to the Prince’s body perfectly, as it was designed to. His body that was visible between the pieces of armor lacked any visible holes, I noted. A light blue mane flowed behind him as he bobbed up and down in the air.

“Keep moving! Do not stop! Do not go back! Keep moving! Submit to examinations without protest!” The Prince shouted.

Fear was in the air. Changelings couldn’t detect each other’s emotions, but there was no need. It was written on everyone’s faces. It was shown clearly on everyone’s rapid pace. The rapid fire conversations the drones were having with each other created an atmosphere that made me almost tired to be a part of, let alone do any activity other than panic. Bodies were pressed together. Fearful glances backwards broke the sea of forward-facing changelings.

The fact that there were distant screams in the air certainly fueled the fire.

“Recite your prayers! Keep faith in Panar, and harden your hearts! Keep moving, and do not look back! If you see infection, do not stay silent!”

A fleeing changeling bumped into the Prince, causing him to spin around. He saw me and we locked eyes. Prince Carotid finally flew back to our formation. Though I couldn’t see the others, I knew twenty-nine other Royal Guards stood beside and around me.

“Officer Mosquito, where are the rest of your lings?” He asked me.

“Holding the line, My Prince!” I responded verbally.

‘I am watching all this from Officer Mosquito’s perspective? Every action I am doing right now, every word I am saying, it was him doing it. Over two thousand years ago... Was he…. He’s the dead changeling I touched, isn’t he?’

“Why aren’t you with them?”

“I am ordered to watch over you personally, My Prince!”

Prince Carotid dropped down and landed right in front of me. The changelings rushing around us made a little space for him as he dropped to the ground. Several glanced our way, but the changelings still continued on their pressed stampede for the exit behind us.

“Who ordered that?! We need everyone we can to hold the line!”

“The Prophet, Your Highness!” I, or Officer Mosquito, told him.

“The Prophet?!” Carotid nearly screamed as he grabbed my shoulders and shook me. “And you listened to him?! Who the fuck do you think started all of this! Get to the lines, now! We’re dying by the thousands out here, we need time! Get us that damned time, soldier!”

I gripped my helmet with a hoof, steadying it after the Prince nearly shook it off.

“I know, My Prince! That was before he fell, My Prince. He commanded me to make sure that there is a leader should anything happen to him. That was the standard protocol. I was commanded to be your retainer, sir!”

Prince Carotid got up into my face and yelled at me.

“And I’m commanding you to die for your Hive, Officer Mosquito!”

I grimaced, “With respect, My Prince, I cannot do that. The changelings need someone to lead them. With the Great Prophet now… You are all we have left.”

“What of my brothers and sisters, and their nymphs?”

“The Sanctuary Of The Golden Sepulchre was the second place to fall, My Prince, right after the High Alter itself.”

“The Sanctuary was not evacuated?”

“We tried, My Prince. Noling survived. They were all slaughtered by the Prophet himself.”

Prince Carotid started, and gaped. He tried to say something, but was interrupted by a changeling flying up behind him.

“My Prince!”

The Prince’s eyes widened and he spun around, “Acolyte Millipede! I thought… you were with The Prophet! I thought you were surely dead!”

The Acolyte, a female changeling dressed in a black robe and cowl, shook her concealed head.

“I respectfully declined his offer of death, My Prince. That is to say, I ran when things went south.”

Prince Carotid chuckled, “You were always quick on your hooves. What happened up there?”

“It was the Prophet. He… He emerged from the Ascension Chamber, and we all knew immediately that something was wrong. His eyes, they were pitch black and leaking. When I saw that, I just started running, and didn’t look back. I got out just as the screaming started. You talked to him last before he went in there, did he tell you what he was going to do?”

“He did. He–”

The distant thunder of a collapsing tower interrupted the conversation.

“This is not a conversation we can have,” the Prince said regretfully. “We must do as Panarthropo ordains we must. That means you must go with the survivors.”

I watched in silence as the two changelings talked, “You imply that you are not coming with, My Prince.”

“That is so.”

“No. I– No. You’re coming too, Carotid.”

“Millipede,” Prince Carotid sighed, “I will try to, but you know what’s coming. You saw it start, at the heart of it all, didn’t you? There’s no escaping that, not really. I will attempt to evacuate if I can, but my first priority is the survival of the Hive Eternal as a whole: the survival of the changeling race. If I am to die here in the Third Hive in defense of what I believe to be just and right, then that is Panar’s will. It will be an honor beyond honors to serve at her command. But this is not your grave, little one.” Prince Carotid brushed a hoof along Acolyte Millipede’s head, pushing the black hood down, revealing a changeling royal with bright yellow coloring. “You cannot die here as an Acolyte, my daughter. The changelings need a leader, and if I am destined to lay down all that I have here, then that leader must be you.”

“But I’m not ready!” She protested.

“Noling ever is. Millipede, Acolyte of the Third Hive, faithful follower of the Hive Eternal. The Third Hive now stands to fall, and a royal must rise to accept the mantle of Protector of the Hive Eternal. Do you accept this mantle?”

“I do,” Acolyte Millipede says softly, almost too softly to hear over the rushing crowd. Several changelings tried to stop to watch what was going on, but they were quickly pressed forward by the lings behind them.

“Do you swear to uphold the tenets of the one true faith, the word of Panarthropo, The Great Weaver?”

“I do.”

“Do you swear to execute Panarthropo’s will here on the Great Tapestry, as those before you failed to?”

“I do.”

“Do you swear by the Nine Threads to protect the changelings, and guide them to a new home?”

“I do.”

“Will you remember the lessons of the First Hive, and cast out the failures of the Second?”

“I do, now more then ever, as blood is spilling for that failure as we speak.”

“Then arise, Millipede, not as Acolyte of the Third Hive, but as Queen Regnant of the Hive Eternal. Should I survive this trial that Panar puts before us, I shall relieve you of your vigil. Should I fall here, it will fall to you to guide our people to a new home and establish a Fourth Hive. There is no time to stand on ceremony, to fast and feast. Pray on your way, and go as fast as your wings can carry you!”

Prince Carotid nearly flung her away as he pushed her towards the exit.

“If I do not see you again, I shall look for you in the Ninth Hall, father!”

“Do not rush to see me. Now go, Panar wills it! And you, Officer Mosquito!” He pointed a hoof at me, or again, Officer Mosquito, “I charge you with seeing Queen Millipede out of here! Upon her shoulders, the fate of our kind lies. No cost too great. No price too high. Every life save hers is nought in the face of this apocalypse. Protect her, or all is lost!”

I saluted, “As Panar wills it! Guards, with me! Safeguard the Queen!”

As one, the Royal Guards about-faced, lifted off from the ground, and took off after Queen Millipede. Officer Mosquito looked back one last time, allowing me to see Prince Carotid’s glittering armored form shrink in size as they flew towards the exit.

Everything went dark.

“–not waking up! We need to get him topside, and if necessary, back to base!”

“What if we’re risking bringing something back with us?”

“You’re suggesting we leave him here, to die?!”

"I'm suggesting we find out what we're dealing with before we bring back some ancient disease that kills everyone!"

Changelings were arguing around me. My head was between someone’s hooves as I laid on my back on the stone floor. I blinked my eyes open and saw One staring down at me with a very concerned look.

“My King?” He asked.

At once, every changeling stopped arguing and rushed over to me. All of them stared down at me. Two of them glanced back towards the entrance but turned back to me when I tried to speak but coughed instead. My mouth and throat were suddenly dry. I mouthed the word ‘water’ before I realized I had another way to communicate.

“Water,” I asked over the Weave.

One fumbled with his saddlebags and nearly ripped out everything when he tried to get to his canteen. He held it out with a trembling hoof.

“Here, sir!”

I took it, uncorked the top, and guzzled greedily from the cold canteen. I coughed again and spilled some of the ice cold liquid onto my chest and neck, but I continued drinking until I could no more.

“Are you okay, sir?” One asked me, quietly.

I coughed lightly again and put the cork back into the mouth of the canteen, then nodded.

Two pushed himself to the front of the group around me, “What happened? You just teleported around us, touched that thing, then… then you collapsed, sir. We were worried we lost you!”

“How long was I out?”

“Five minutes? Ten?” Two wondered.

“Too long,” One summarized. “What the hell were you thinking?”

I gave him a tired smile, “We wanted to know what happened here, and I somehow knew that touching the corpse of that changeling would help. I… don’t know how I knew, I just did. Something with my Weave…”

“And what happened after you touched it?” One pressed.

“I saw a vision. It was from that dead changeling’s point of view. I saw the evacuation of the hive. Mentions of infection, lots of religious tones, and I saw two changeling royals, with talk of a lot more. One of them was wearing a suit of armor. Pure adamantium and forged in ancient processes and forges long since lost. I want that armor, One. I need that armor. This is what we came here for, I know it. We need to find where that Prince went. We need to follow where my Weave takes me, because I think this place wants me to know what happened.”

‘Officer Mosquito died here. Something must have caused him to stay behind and protect the rearguard of the evacuation.’

“You’ve got a death wish, sir,” One muttered. “Next time you’re going to poke the scary corpse that’s speaking to you through your mind, warn us. Please, sir? I don’t think anyone knows what we’ll do if we lose you…”

The rest of the changelings nodded slowly.

“Hey, stop looking so sad. I’m not going to die anytime soon. I’ve done that already, and let me tell you, I recommend living.”

They were puzzled at that. I didn’t explain further, and they each probably came to the conclusion that I was talking about the whole ‘near-death experience after the fight with Chrysalis’ thing.

But I was talking about the real deal.

‘I need that armor. Officer Mosquito knew a lot about it, thanks to his position within the changeling Royal Guard. That armor ticked off every MacGuffin requirement box. I need it, as well as anything else I can find in this entombed city.’

That thought made me ponder just what was said during that vision.

“The ruler of this dead city, the Prophet, seems to have been patient zero for whatever infection felled this place. Which means that if we want to learn what happened here, we’re going to have to find where it all started. Three places called the Sanctuary of the Golden Sepulchre, The High Alter, and the Ascension Chamber.”

A shiver went up my spine.

“An Ascension Chamber. Again. Help me to my hooves, before the dread kills me before we even get there."

As One helped me up, Four spoke softly, "Sir? We might have a... problem. I think someone is following us."

Author's Note:

Fan art of what the 3rd hive would like like, done by slabs37!

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