• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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106- Hesperides

We arrived in Manehattan without any further fanfare. The meeting with the pony Captain went well, with a deal ironed out for him to smuggle crates to wherever the Fifth Hive needed. Now we could get love rations or high quality alcohol anywhere we needed, with no worry of it being caught by inspections. The ponies that inspected cargo on airships were practically absent in the nation as a whole. The… whatever acronym bureau that handled inspections was horribly underfunded and understaffed.

Why did a perfect society need to look out for illicit goods? Or so the line of thinking went under Princess Celestia’s rule. Smuggling. Smuggling was why. Granted, crime seemed to have been quite low while the Sun Alicorn sat on the throne, but there was the fact that ponies like Count Double Dealings didn’t suddenly appear in her absence.

When I stepped off the airship via its fancy gangplank, the changelings escorted me across a busy dockyard that lacked any water. We passed airships of all sizes, from large, to larger, to massive. Some were utilitarian in design and coloring, whereas a select few were like rococo paintings come to life. Maybe that was too generous of a comparison, but the vessels were more of a piece of art than a vehicle. I imagined that the dockyards at Canterlot had a lot more of the richly decorated ones, given the average wealth of the unicorn city.

We ended our sight-seeing tour of the skydocks at a simple black closed carriage, hooked up to two changelings disguised as nondescript earth ponies. I was surprised to find someone else in the carriage waiting for me.

“I've been told you enjoyed your vacation in the usual fashion, Phasma."

"Hello Coxa," I greeted the disguised changeling.

As I got comfortable in the seat, the carriage rocked slightly when the changelings placed a heavy trunk on top. That chest had my armor in it, as I was loath to be far away from the suit.

"The Hive has been briefed on what happened thanks to the messenger you guys sent. But I think we all want to hear what happened from you."

The carriage lurched forwards as the pullers began their journey through the city.

"The Third Hive was felled by Nightmares. The same monsters that possessed Luna, are possessing Celestia, and tried possessing me. We explored the city, met an annoying fictional pegasus, and then killed the city's ruler. The Prophet was a changeling royal that got possessed in ages past, and was the reason why the Third Hive is referred to in the past tense. I killed him by exploding a sun, though I doubt that he will decide to stay dead.”

“Wait! Wait wait wait wait! Wait! Wait. Explode a sun?”

“Yeah. You know that great big ball of plasma up in the sky that Daybreaker raises each day? That’s a sun. It provides light for–”

“I know what a sun is, Phasma! What do you mean, explode a sun?”

“There was a sun, then I blew it up. It’s easier than you would think. Really makes me wonder what would have happened if there was a particularly suicidal changeling…”

“Fine, I guess I’ll get more details when you tell the story properly to us all. Did anything happen after the Third Hive stuff?”

“Some things did happen: vampires, possessions, Web died, brokering treaties between nations. You know, the usual stuff.”

Coxa blinked and shook his head, “Web died? How?”

“Possession by a Nightmare.”

“Jeez. That sounds like a bad way to go.”

“I know from experience that it isn’t. From what I’ve been told, he was ordered to stay by my side, and did so even during the ritual required to remove the Nightmare that was possessing me– oh by the way there was a Nightmare trying to possess me.”

“Phasma you’re shit at telling stories. Or a genius, I can’t tell.” He sighed, “Continue.”

“So the changelings brought me to Vallachia because I told them to. The thestrals cured me, because Luna told them to. Only, we were both deceived by the Nightmare. The ritual failed, Web got possessed, and killed one of their leaders before running off into the night. The ponies hunted him down, and… killed him. That was that.”

Coxa shifted uncomfortably, “Do we have a body?”


“... Are you alright?”

“We’ll see. Thankfully I see the world’s leading demonologist every other night, so if something goes wrong Princess Luna will rescue me.”

“That’s a relief…. Changing the subject, how is your marefriend?”

“My– she’s fine. I think. We haven’t had many chances to hang out recently, but hopefully that will change. To be honest, I don’t know how she’s doing. I’d like to know, but things like life-or-death situations make you forget about the important stuff. As far as I’m aware, things are steadily moving on her end. So the move against Daybreaker is going well, but as for how Luna is herself…?”

‘The thestrals said that Luna might not be as stable as she outwardly appears. I’ve been so focused on the whole not-dying thing that I’ve been neglecting her, I think.’

Coxa interrupted my thoughts, “I think your lack of attention is excusable, considering someone died and apparently you exploded a sun.”

“You might be right. Considering everything that’s happened, expecting me to be so on top of, well, everything is unfair. Everything is fine with Luna at the moment, and soon enough will be better. But I can’t remember if I’ve ever asked how she’s been. I’ll just have to have a long chat with her next time I see her. Does Web have anyone that would like to perform a funeral ceremony?”

“Like what we did with Oest and Lace? I don’t think so, no. Then again, I don’t exactly know everything about everyone in the Fifth. Maybe someone will come forward and say they do.”

I stroked my non-existent beard, “Do we have medals or something to give out?”

“Uhhh, no?”

“I’ll have to come up with something then. Were you the one who appointed Katydid as the Captain of the Red Right Hoof?”

“Temporary Captain, pending your approval. Thorax approved and in fact was the one who recommended him, citing the fact that he trained both of you. We didn’t exactly have many officers lying around, so I took Thorax’s recommendation. Do you approve?”

“That depends on his loyalty,” I answered.

“He’s a Chrysalis loyalist?” Coxa asked.

“He might be. I told him that I needed to know who he was loyal to, and to speak with you about the Ascension Chamber and its contents. I… I’d rather not think hard about that stuff at this moment, with everything else going on.”

Coxa stretched out and relaxed on the carriage’s opposite bench

“Not much news on our end,” he announced. “Oh! Thalamus has a location for the first speakeasy. Several scouts have reported similar venues in other cities, so if this one gets your approval, we can immediately move to sweep up those properties and begin converting them to clubs.”

“We’ll visit it tomorrow, or this afternoon if we have time. I have an idea as to what I want the Manehattan one to look like. Art Deco is going to be the next big thing, I tell ya. Anything else?”

Coxa pulled out a notepad from I-don’t-know-where, and began flipping through it.

“Hmmm…. The Count’s assets have finally been catalogued, moved, and organized. That, combined with the latest profits, means that we are officially rich. Not stupid rich, but with the way that things are going that’s going to change soon. What else, what else…. Living quarters have been expanded for the Fifth. We’ve got spare room now, and the apartments we have are turning up nicely, if mostly useless. I know only a few changelings that actively like to eat, so kitchens being in each unit seems kinda opulent to me.”

“Make note of those changelings. We’re going to need dependable and trustworthy staff for the speakeasies, and having some changelings be the cooks isn’t a bad idea.”

Coxa wrote some notes using a pencil that was conjured from a similarly mysterious location, “Sure. I mean, we’ll probably end up hiring ponies since they’re the ones who actually know about pony food, but having a pair of eyes or two in each kitchen is a good idea. The only changelings that actually do know how to cook are the Infiltrators, and those guys are about as rare as an Uttu’s fang.”

“Do we even have any in the Fifth?”

“Maybe one of the new recruits is one. I’ll get about cataloging everyone’s skills so we know what we’re working with, but we should assume that we have no Infiltrators.”

I swiped at the air with a hoof, “Eh, they’re all probably Chrysalis loyalists anyways. We’ll make do without them. It’s not like there’s a pressing need to keep the Masquerade Protocol in place, anyways. We can afford to make mistakes. So we got housing in good order, speakeasies on their way, what else?”

“Sales and inventory are good. Cricket wanted to talk to you, something about accidentally running into one of the Elements of Harmony bearers. Didn’t seem scared, so it must not be urgent. That should be all. The last order of business is the Red Right Hoof, which I think we covered already.”

‘Speaking of which, there’s something I’ve been meaning to do…’

“The Reds are on an urban fighting and guerilla tactic regimen, correct?”

“Uh… yes.”

“Good,” I nodded, “because I’ll be joining them on their training.”

“You will?” Coxa asked, surprised.

“I’ve been letting my training go. My time in Hooferville kept me physically in shape, but they didn’t exactly run combat exercises. I need to practice fighting, and get better at it. Sheer brute force and overwhelming firepower doesn’t work against foes of equal power level, and the Nightmares have plenty of those. I need to stop being so shit at dueling. I need to actually train. Katydid being back only reminded me of the need. After all, Oest wouldn’t have died for nothing if I was better at fighting.”

Coxa frowned at me, “He didn’t die for nothing. I’m telling Thorax you said that, you know. You’re going to wish it was me berating you; he gets scary when it comes to mental health and the wellbeing of his lovers. You’re literally going to be smothered with kindness.”

I sent my best deathglare his way. Unfortunately, I think it lost most of its effect due to the fact that I was struggling to not break out into a fit of laughter, “I’m not his lover!”

Coxa chuckled, “Could’a fooled me. Seriously though, Oestridae didn’t die for nothing, and I’m sure he’d be happy that you’re committed to getting better in his name. You don’t exactly have a lot of time to train, especially with the business and running the Fifth Hive, but I’m sure we’ll work something out.”

“Somethings better than nothing,” I agreed. “Any other business?”

He flipped through several pages of notes, “No? No. That’s all.”

I looked up from the dry report I was reading.

‘Emotion? Why am I tasting fear, in my own office? This had better not be some police ponies barging in and doing something stupid.’

Hastily, I assumed the disguise of Expected Value, the blue unicorn. Moments later, the door to my office opened and two ponies stepped through. Well, one pony and a changeling disguised as a pony. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Phas!” Thorax greeted me.

Behind him, Double Diamond walked slowly in Thorax’s hoofsteps, casting nervous glances about the place. After taking in the sight of my office, his eyes settled on my own.

“Hello Thorax, hello Double Diamond. I didn’t expect to see either of you here,” I returned the greeting.

“I came as soon as I heard you were back!” Thorax said as he stopped in front of my desk.

“You brought Diamond, too?”

Diamond rubbed the back of his neck, “I told him I was fine waiting at home, but–”

“But I decided to show him around your evil laaaair!” Thorax beamed.

I shook my head slightly before putting on a smile, “And how are you finding my ‘evil lair,’ Double Diamond?”

“I was expecting, you know… skulls ‘n stuff? Like proper Ogres & Oubliettes dungeons. This is just Corporate Equestria.” He shivered, “This kind of evil is too realistic for me.”

“Are you afraid of TPS reports?”

“Hehe, no, no… just, uh...”

“Afraid of me?” I asked.

Diamond quickly shook his head, “No, no! It’s just, everytime we pass somepony– someone, they always stare at me. I feel out of place here.”

“Hmm…” I hmm’ed.

“They’ll get used to you in time, DD!” Thorax tried to cheer up his coltfriend.

I helped Thorax, “That’s true. The changelings are still rather reclusive and a bit xenophobic. It takes time for those biases to go away. We aren’t as quick to forgive or befriend as ponies.”

‘Still don’t understand that alien mindset. If someone tries to kill, you kill them back! It’s just that simple… I’d better not look the gifted pony in the mouth and just take this new beginning to our species’ relationship that the Princesses are offering.’

“Anyways, how are you, Phas?” Thorax asked me.

“I’ve been better. I’m busy catching up and planning ahead right now.”

Thorax put his forehooves on my desk, raising himself above my paperwork and putting himself at eye-level with me.

“Sounds boring. But I asked, how are you, Phas? I want a straight answer.”

“... Someone died, Thorax. What’s worse, I now know that there’s a war coming in the future. One so bad, it’ll make this spat between our species look like a warmup game to the real deal. I’ll feel better after tonight, when I speak with Luna next.”

“Good,” he smiled, “I think you should be spending time with your friends. Which is why I think we should all go on a vacation together…”

I blinked, “Now?”


Behind Thorax, Diamond nodded slowly, showing his support for the idea.

“The Grand Galloping Gala is in three weeks, Thorax. I need to be ready to deal with the events that will come in its fallout.”

Thorax gasped, “Then let’s go after! You, me, Double Diamond, and Princess Luna! All four of us can go!”

“... Go where?”

“There’s a place up north, in the mountains,” Diamond spoke up. “A town called Shimmervale. I was looking at moving there. I probably won’t now since I’ve got Thorax here to keep me rooted in Manehattan, but I still want to at least visit it.”

“A skiing town?” I asked.

“Yeah!” They both cheered.

I sat back in my chair, “That could work. I don’t know how Luna feels about that hobby, but we could rent two rooms up there and spend some time unwinding. Then again, I don’t know if Luna will be able to extricate herself from the mess following Daybreaker’s cleansing. She might want to stay with her sister for a bit, seeing as they would finally be reunited….”

Thorax gave me two big puppy eyes.

‘I could really use a vacation..’

“... We’ll see.” I told him.

“It’ll do you good,” Thorax pleaded.

“Being with Luna will do me good. If she stays in Canterlot, then I’ll be in Canterlot. If she can come, then we’ll go to this Shimmervale.”

“Yes!” Thorax cheered, pumping a hoof into the air. Diamond looked pleased.

“Alright alright, can I get back to work now?”

Thorax hopped back from my desk, “First you have to tell us what happened. From what I’ve heard, it was quite an adventure!”

“Adventure?” Diamond asked. “Thorax, didn’t somepony die?”

Thorax turned to Diamond, “Yeah, but, umm… Changelings aren’t like ponies. Your legends are all ‘Princess defeats this,’ and ‘pony out-clever that person.’ Changeling legends are… monster slaying. Adventuring in deep, underground caves, doing heroic things. People die on those expeditions, it’s true, but that just makes the triumphs all the more meaningful. Look, if you’re too uncomfortable listening to it, we can leave and I can get the full story later from Phas, okay?”

“Okay,” Diamond agreed, though we could both tell he wasn’t quite convinced.

Thorax reached out and grasped Diamond’s hoof with his own, “Hey. If you’re not comfortable, just tell me. I promise I won’t be upset if we leave early.”

“Alright,” Diamond said more surely. “It’s important for me to learn about your culture, anyways, just like you’ve been learning about pony culture.”

“That’s the spirit!” Thorax grinned.

‘Is Thorax’s enthusiasm a contagious disease or something?’

Thorax sat down in one of the two chairs across from my desk, pulling it up close. Diamond hesitantly followed suit, sitting himself down in the other chair.

“Okay Phas, go!”

‘If every changeling was as adorable as Thorax, this whole interspecies-war would have been resolved a lot quicker.’

I began recalling the tale, “Alright. So no shit, there I was, in the middle of the jungle…”

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