• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 892 Views, 33 Comments

My Little Pony: The School Musical - Harrison Sparrow

Twilight Sparkle meets another alicorn named Harrison Sparrow, where they audition for the winter musicale at Canterlot High.

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7. Cafeteria Drama

The next morning, Potion and Wally discover something shocking.

"Please tell me this isn't real." Wally said.

"CALLBACK!!?" Potion said loudly. All of the ponies outside hear her, and she starts screaming. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" She fans herself.

"Callback for roles Arnie and Money next Thursday, 3:30pm. Wally and Potion Nova, Twilight Sparkle and Harrison Sparrow." Wally read on the callback paper.

"The auditions were over!" Potion said. "What kind of joke is this!?"

"I think we're being filmed." Wally said.

"What?" Potion said.

"Yeah, we're being filmed, right now!" Wally said in excitement. "Maybe we'll get to meet Angel!"

"OH, SHUT UP, WALLY!" Potion said angrily.

The Great Six minus Harrison arrive, laughing.

"What's wrong?" Lightning asked. He looks at the callback sheet, seeing Harrison's name on it. "What?"

Potion growls and storms off to the cafeteria as Wally follows her.

"Is there a problem, Lightnin'?" Wheelburn said.

"Guys, look at this." Lightning said.

Eddie, Wheelburn, Metalscar and Duramy see Harrison's name on the callback sheet.

"Wait, Harrison's auditioned for the winter musicale?!" Duramy said.

"WHAT THE HECK!!?" Metalscar said in shock.

"Okay, I think he told his own secret right here." Eddie said.

At the school's cafeteria, Potion is angrily walking back and forth.

"How could she sign up!?" Potion said. "I've already chosen the colors for my dressing room!"

"And even worse, she hasn't asked us if she would like to join the drama club." Wally said.

"That's it! Someone has to tell her the rules." Potion said.

"Exactly!" Wally said. "Wait, I've forgotten the rules."

Potion growls.

On the cafeteria's ground floor, Eddie confesses his passion for baking to his teammates.

"Well, if Harrison can tell his secret, then I can tell mine." Eddie said. "I bake."

"What?" Lightning said.

"I love to bake! Chocolate, salad, even an Indian cuisine!" Eddie said. "Someday, I hope to make the perfect crême brûlée!"

Rarity confesses her love of fashion designing, even though most of her friends know about it.

"Designing is my passion." Rarity said. "I love to charm everypony with my elegant designs!"

"Is that even legal?" A female brainiac asked.

"Of course it is!" Rarity said. "It's actually more lovelier than homework, darling."

Metalscar confesses his passion for heavy metal music to the skater ponies.

"All right, if Harrison wants to be a singer, then I'll come clean." Metalscar said. "I play the guitar!"

"Awesome!" A female skater pony said.

"What kind?" A male skater pony asked.

"An acoustic?" Another male skater pony asked.

Metalscar snickers. "No, dude, it's an ELECTRIC GUITAR!" He said, as he reveals his electric guitar.

"Do you have to wear a costume?" A male skater pony asked.

"Heavy metal style!" Metalscar said.

Twilight arrives with her lunch and she tries to make her way through the crowd. Suddenly, Eddie slips on some split milk and kicks Twilight’s lunch tray into the air. The lunch consisting of french fries, noodles, a pizza and a bottle of milk lands right on Potion’s hair!

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Potion screamed, and the students start laughing at her.

"Uh-oh." Eddie said.

"Potion? I-" Twilight said.

"DON’T YOU DARE SAY ANOTHER WORD, YOU GEEK!" Potion said angrily. "I know you did this!"

"What's going on?" Harrison asked. He tries to go and help Twilight, but Lightning stops him.

"Whoa! You don't wanna get yourself into that, man." Lightning said. "Way too much carnage."

"How could you do this to my LOVELY HAIR!?!" Potion said.

"No, it wasn't me, I didn't do anything!" Twilight said.

"LIAR!!" Potion said loudly.

Rainbow pulls Twilight away from Potion, as Wheelburn and Applejack step in.

"Time-out, Potion!" Wheelburn said. "Leave the princess outta this!"

"How is this your business!?" Potion asked.

"Twilight's innocent, so leave her alone!" Wheelburn said.

"How do you know she's innocent!?" Potion asked.

"I'll tell it to ya straight." Wheelburn said. "I saw it with my own eyes."

"Uh-huh, we both did, and that’s the absolute truth." Applejack said. "We're always honest."

"That's right, she had nothin' to do with this." Wheelburn said.

Potion gasps. "Wait a minute..." She said. "If it wasn't Princess Sparkle who did this, then it must've been... YOU!"

Everypony gasps. Potion uses her horn on a ketchup and mustard squeeze bottle, aiming at Wheelburn!

"WHEELBURN?!" Harrison said.

"WHEELBURN! A cowardly blue donkey who is scared to tell the REAL truth!" Potion said.

"Don’t call him a donkey, he didn’t do anythin’!" Applejack said.

"You ruined my hair, AND NOW..." Potion said, about to squeeze the bottles.

"Potion, no!" Wally said.

"I'LL RUIN YOUR FACE!!!!" Potion yelled.

"AAAAHHH!!!!" Wheelburn screamed, and Potion squeezes the bottles on him, leaving his face covered entirely with ketchup and mustard! The students continue laughing, but Pinkie laughs out the loudest.

"WHOA! DUDE!" Metalscar said, chuckling.

Miss Sprinkle arrives. "What in the world is going on here!?" She asked madly.

"LOOK AT THIS!" Potion said. "That Wheelburn guy dumped Princess Sparkle’s lunch on me! ON PURPOSE! It is their idea to destroy our musical, and Harrison and the rest of his basketball jerks are obviously behind it! Why do you think he auditioned?!" Miss Sprinkle doesn't say anything. "You know what? After everything you've done for this show… it just doesn't seem right!" She storms off, going up the stairs.

"Potion, wait, let me-" Wally said, as he follows her.

"DON'T FOLLOW ME!!!" Potion yelled, and Wally stops following her.

"Oh, I’m very sorry 'bout that, Wheelburn." Applejack said. "Are you all right?"

Wheelburn licks some of the ketchup and mustard around his mouth. "Don’t worry, Applejack." He said. "These sauces taste so good, even if they’re cold as a carrot."

Applejack tastes some of the sauces. "Well, I’ll be darned." She said.

Wheelburn and Applejack giggle and smile at each other.

"So, now that the drama is over, what’s up?" Harrison said to Lightning.

"Oh, 'what's up' you asked? Ah, let's see..." Lightning said. "Umm, you missed free-period workout yesterday to audition for some villainous musical. And now suddenly, ponies around here are... confessing."

"Are they now?" Harrison asked.

"Yeah, we know Metalscar is a hard rock guitar dude." Duramy said.

"Uh-huh, and we also know Eddie loves baking as well." Lightning said.

"And I heard that Rarity’s a fashion designer." Duramy said, smiling. "That sounds really interesting."

"Right, but guess what else Eddie’s baking…" Lightning said. Eddie walks by and he grabs him. "Crême brûlée!"

"Crême brûlée? Ah, what’s that?" Harrison asked.

"Oh, it's a creamy custard-like filling with a caramelized surface!" Eddie said excitedly. "I'm telling you, it's really satisfying!"

"Shut up, Eddie!" Lightning said annoyingly.

"Is it true?" Pinkie asked Eddie. "Are you really baking crême brûlée, Eddie?!"

"Well, it's on my list, so yeah." Eddie said.

Pinkie gasps. "Holy moly, it’s so nice to talk to somepony who loves baking as me!" She said. "In case you didn’t know, there is a place called Sugarcube Corner in Ponyville, and I think you’ll love it there! They make the greatest cupcakes EVER!"

"Uh, okay. Thank you for telling me." Eddie said.

"You're welcome." Pinkie said. "So what else do you bake?"

"Pinkie Pie, how about you and I talk about it in private?" Eddie said.

"Okey-dokey-lokey!" Pinkie said. "Private is my favorite area!" She leaves with Eddie.

"Bro, that Pinkie Pie girl is so cheesy." Duramy said, as he walks off.

"Yeah, and chatty as well." Harrison said.

"No, no, no, look..." Lightning said. "Do you see what's happening here, man? Our team is getting torn apart because of your singing thing! Even the drama geeks and the brainiacs suddenly think that they can... talk to us!" He points to the skater ponies. "Look, the skater dudes are socializing!"

"Yo!" The skater ponies said.

"YO!!" Metalscar said loudly.

"Suddenly, ponies think that they can do other stuff." Lightning continued. "Stuff that is not their stuff! They've got you thinking about show tunes, when we've got a playoff game next week!" He walks over to Metalscar.

Rainbow talks to Twilight about auditioning for the musicale.

"So you auditioned for the winter musicale?" Rainbow said.

"Not really, I-" Twilight said, but Rainbow cuts her off.

"But I saw your name on the callback paper this morning!" Rainbow said. "I even told our friends about it!"

"Rainbow, me and Harrison were just singing, that was it!" Twilight said.

"Twilight, what about the decathlon?" Rainbow said.

"I know about the decathlon, Rainbow, and I know we’re in it together." Twilight said.

"Are we?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes, we are!" Twilight said.

"A hundred percent?!" Rainbow said.

"Yes, a hundred percent!" Twilight said.

"I hope so. You said we would make this our year, right?" Rainbow said.

"Of course I did!" Twilight said.

"Well, right now, you’re not making that happen, because you’re getting yourself side-tracked into a musical!" Rainbow said. "That’s not cool! The competition is next week, and you can’t let us down! You’re our star player, remember?"

Twilight sighs. "I know, Rainbow." She said. "Look, we still have a lot of time. I'll get back to studying right after class, okay?"

"Awesome." Rainbow said.

"We'll study together?" Twilight asked.

"Even more awesome!" Rainbow said.

"Still best friends?" Twilight asked.

"Still best friends!" Rainbow said, and she and Twilight hug. "Okay, let's get you more food."