• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 892 Views, 33 Comments

My Little Pony: The School Musical - Harrison Sparrow

Twilight Sparkle meets another alicorn named Harrison Sparrow, where they audition for the winter musicale at Canterlot High.

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6. The Winter Musicale

The next day, in class, Potion gives Miss Sprinkle a small box.

"Just a little something for you." Potion said, and she returns to her seat as the rest of the class fills in.

Harrison and Twilight look at each other and smile.

"Hey, let's try not to make the same mistake twice, all right?" Rainbow said to Twilight.

"Well, I hoped we have all learned our homeroom manners yesterday, ponies, correct?" Miss Sprinkle said. "If you haven't, then we have some dressing rooms that need painting." Harrison and Twilight giggle. "Now, I have a few announcements to make. This morning during free period will be your opportunity to audition for the winter musicale, both singles and pairs." Potion claps with excitement. "I will be in the auditorium until twelve for those of you who are brave enough to expand the wingspan of your gifted spirit."

"What time is she supposed to be back on the mothership?" Lightning asked Harrison, and they snicker.

"Now, for today, we are going to talk about the importance of Shakespeare..." Miss Sprinkle said.

In a hallway, Harrison closes his locker and Lightning walks up to him.

"Yo, Harrison, what's up, man?" Lightning said.

"What's up?" Harrison said.

"Hey, I just wanna let you know that the team's gonna be in the gym during free period." Lightning said. "So, what do you want us to do?"

"Ahh, I'm sorry, Lightning." Harrison said.

"You're sorry? About what, exactly?" Lightning asked.

"I can't make it." Harrison said. "I'm behind on my homework, so I gotta catch up."

"You serious?!" Lightning said. "Hello! It's only the second day of the new year here! I mean, I'm not behind on my homework. And FYI, I've been behind on homework ever since I started pre-school."

Harrison laughs. "That's hilarious. I'll see you later." He said.

Lightning stops for a second and knows something is up. "Homework? No, there can't be." He said, and he follows Harrison.

Harrison goes into a classroom.

"Hey, Harrison, how's it going?" A unicorn asked.

"Ah, I'm just hanging." Harrison said.

"Good to see you." An earth pony said.

Lightning looks at Harrison with confusion. "What's he doing?" He said to himself, and another pony approaches him.

"How ya doing, Bolt?" The pony asked, and he shakes Lightning's hoof.

Harrison starts leaving the room without Lightning noticing. Lightning turns to look for him, but Harrison, having gone through the other door out of the room, walks right past him. Lightning eventually follows Harrison to a stairwell, but he has completely lost sight of him.

Harrison leans on the wall as a teacher walks by, and he goes across an outdoor area. James spots him, and he goes to see who it really is, but Harrison has managed to avoid him.

Harrison then walks through the school's garage, sneaking past the mechanics until one of them spots him. "Sorry, shortcut." He said, and the mechanic checks his watch. "I'm late for class. Keep up the good work!" He exits the garage through a door.

Harrison arrives at the auditorium, as he is wheeling a janitor's cart through the back entrance. But when Miss Sprinkle arrives with Luster Dawn, Harrison hides behind the theatre curtains, and Miss Sprinkle and Luster go up on stage.

"The theatre is where the true expression of the artist is recognized." Miss Sprinkle said. "Where inner truth is revealed through the actor's expedition..." The school bell rings. "Was that another cell phone!?"

The audience check to see if one of their phones went off.

"Uh, was it mine?" A member asked.

"Oh, no, Sprinkle, that was just the warning bell." Luster said

"Ah, my mistake." Miss Sprinkle said. "Anyway, those of you who are willing to audition for the musicale must know that time is indeed of the essence, so we don't have all day. We have a lot of roles to cast and final callbacks will begin next Thursday."

Harrison has made his way to the back of the auditorium, seeing the auditions whilst hiding behind the cart.

"Now, first thing's first, you will sing a few bars and I will give you a sense of whether the theater is your calling or not." Miss Sprinkle said. "And besides, it's probably best to hear it from me more than your friends. Our composer, Luster Dawn, will keep you company and will also be available for rehearsals prior to callbacks. Shall we begin?"

The auditions for the musical begin. Luster plays the intro on the piano, but the first singer is badly off-key and has forgotten the rest of the song.

"Thank you. Next!" Miss Sprinkle said.

The second singer is even more badly off-key and makes an error on singing the lyrics; Potion and Wally are shocked by it.

"I appreciate your pluck very much." Miss Sprinkle said. "But, as to your singing... That's a cute tie you've got on. Next!"

The third singer is also off-key and she even winks at Miss Sprinkle whilst singing.

"Uh, stop." Miss Sprinkle said.

The fourth singer sings in a high-pitched voice and holds the note at the end of the chorus. The audience covers their ears.

"Ah, congratulations, you've been following a note that has not been accessed in the normal world." Miss Sprinkle said, feeling impressed. "Bravo! Brava!" She then felt unimpressed. "Perhaps the next musicale."

The singer loses her smile, makes a squeak and walks off the stage.

The next pony to audition does a ballet routine. Miss Sprinkle is enjoying it, but then... "AAAHH!!" The pony screamed as he falls off the stage and crashes.

"Ow...!" Harrison said quietly.

Twilight is on her phone talking to Spike, who is at a gym doing workouts with his future-self.

"No, I swear I didn't get into any more trouble with Miss Sprinkle, Spike." Twilight said. "What happened yesterday was just a minor set-back, that's all."

"Wow, good to hear, Twilight." Spike said. "I was worried that history would repeat itself again."

"So how are your workouts going?" Twilight asked.

Spike scoffs. "I may be small, but overall, they're going really well." He said. "And by 'really well', I mean 'awesome'!" Twilight chuckles. "Oh, and I didn't tell you, the music here is a hundred percent amazing! I love it!"

"Oh, wow! I think you should make it your favorite hobby." Twilight said. "You know, going to the gym, getting strong like your dad."

"I guess so." Spike said. "But the one thing I don't wanna leave out is studying friendship with you."

"That's okay, Spike. I'm happy that you're still thinking of me." Twilight said.

"Yo, Spikey! Doing all of these push-ups is really slowing my legs down!" Future Spike said. "We gotta hit the treadmills, pronto!"

"Oh, sorry, Dad." Spike said. "Gotta go, the treadmills are calling. I love you, Twilight!"

"Love you too, Spike. Bye!" Twilight said, as she hangs up and approaches the auditorium.

The next two ponies to audition are only speaking the words to the lyrics, feeling disturbed. Then, they get on their knees, rolling around on the floor.

Miss Sprinkle also feels disturbed by this. "Gosh, that was just... very disturbing! Go see a counselor, right now!" She said. The two ponies leave the stage, and she groans. "Next!"

Twilight comes up behind Harrison and startles him.

"Hey!" Twilight said.

"Oh, Twilight!" Harrison said.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." Twilight said. "So, have you signed up for something?"

"Uh... no, not yet." Harrison said. "Did you get in the decathlon?"

"Yeah, and me and my friends are on the team." Twilight said.

"Wow, that is great news!" Harrison said in surprise.

"Thank you." Twilight said. "Um, what are you doing behind a mop?"

"Hiding, checking out all the action." Harrison said.

"Do your friends know you're here?" Twilight asked.

"No, I don't think so." Harrison said.

Luster plays the intro on the piano, but the sixth singer just freezes, overcome with stage fright.

"Done. Next!" Miss Sprinkle said.

The sixth singer runs off the stage, feeling humiliated.

"Ooh, Miss Sprinkle's being quite harsh." Harrison said.

"Is the Wildpony superstar afraid?" Twilight asked.

"What? No, I'm not afraid, I'm just... scared." Harrison said.

"Yeah, me too, usually." Twilight said.

"And for the lead roles of Arnie and Money, we just have one couple who has signed up." Miss Sprinkle said. Harrison and Twilight both hide behind the cart. "Potion and Wally, I think it might be the right time for you two to be useful. Give us a reason of why we have gathered in this sacred hall today."

As they get up to go on stage, Potion stops Wally.

"Ladies first." Potion said.

Wally rolls his eyes. "Sure, like always." He said.

Harrison and Twilight take seats.

"Um, what key may I do it in?" Luster asked Wally.

"Oh, it doesn't matter." Wally said. "Our rehearsal pianist did an arrangement for us."

"Oh, right..." Luster said in defeat.

"Luster Dawn?" Twilight said, as she notices her.

Potion claps her hooves and the curtains close. As part of their pre-show warmup, she and Wally both whine like horses. "Go!" She said.

Potion and Wally start singing their own version of the song together, which sounded way more upbeat. Miss Sprinkle is enjoying it, but Luster, Harrison and Twilight don't think it sounds right.

"I thought we weren't supposed to do the jazz squares." Potion said.

"Well, everypony loves a good jazz square, so it's a crowd favorite." Wally said.

Potion looks at Luster menacingly, who starts clapping with a fake smile, and the rest of the small audience applauds.

"Well, do we have any last-minute sign-ups around here?" Miss Sprinkle asked.

Harrison and Twilight get out of their seats and start hiding again.

"Don't be disheartened." Wally said. "The theater club needs more than just singers. It needs fans, too! Get your tickets! Trust me, it'll do you good!"

"Oh, guys, if you would do the part with that specific song, it should be way slower..." Luster said.

"If we would do the part?" Potion said. "Luster Dawn, I've participated in seventeen school productions, and this one is my eighteenth overall. Actually, let me ask you. How many times have your compositions been chosen?"

"Uh, technically, this is my very first one." Luster said.

"And what does that tell us?" Potion asked.

"That I need to write more solos for you?" Luster said.

"Wrong. It officially tells us that you do not offer us any direction, commentary or suggestion in any way possible." Potion said, and she raises her voice. "And you should be thankful that me and Wally are here to lift your music out of its current lack of fame! Are we clear?!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Luster said, feeling scared. "Uh, Potion."

"Thanks for the sweet talk." Potion said with a grinning smile, and she and Wally leave.

"Final call. Are there any last minute sign-ups?" Miss Sprinkle asked.

"I think we should go." Harrison quietly said to Twilight.

"No? Okay, we're done here." Miss Sprinkle said.

Twilight does something unexpectedly. "I'd like to audition, Miss Sprinkle!" She said, and she runs down to her.

Harrison stands in shock over what Twilight just did.

"Timeliness means something in the world of theater, Princess Sparkle." Miss Sprinkle said. "The singles auditions are long over and there are no other pairs."

"Wait!" Harrison said from his hiding spot, and he flies over to her. "I'll sing with her."

"Harrison Sparrow?" Miss Sprinkle said. "Where's the rest of your sports team or whatever it's called?"

"They're doing free-period in the gym, but I'm here alone." Harrison said. "I just came to sing with Twilight."

"Well, unfortunately, we take these shows very seriously here at Canterlot High." Miss Sprinkle said. "I called for the pairs audition, and you did not respond. So with all due respect, free period is now over."

"She has a great voice." Harrison said about Twilight.

"Perhaps the spring musicale." Miss Sprinkle said, as she leaves the auditorium.

As Harrison and Twilight see Miss Sprinkle leave, Luster gets up from the piano and trips, throwing her papers all over the place. Harrison and Twilight run up the stage to help.

"Are you okay, Luster Dawn?" Twilight asked.

Luster looks up to her. "Twilight?" She said, and she suddenly gasps. "Young Twilight Sparkle?!"

"Hey!" Twilight said, and she and Luster hug. "Happy new year."

"You too." Luster said. "Are you new here, like I am?"

"You are not wrong." Twilight said.

"Oh my gosh!" Luster said. "Can you help me with this mess, please?"

"Sure." Twilight said, and she uses her magical horn to tidy and pile up the papers.

"Oh, on second thought, I should've used my horn. Sorry." Luster said.

"That's okay, you needed the help." Twilight said. "I like to introduce you to Harrison Sparrow. Harrison, meet Luster Dawn, my mom's star-student."

"Hi, nice to meet you." Luster said to Harrison, and they shake hooves.

"Nice to meet you too, Luster Dawn." Harrison said. "So, you're a composer?"

"Yeah." Luster said.

"Ah, I see." Harrison said. "So you wrote the song Wally and Potion just sang? And the entire show?" Luster nods. "Well, that's really great. I can't wait to see the rest of the show."

"Oh, thanks... I guess." Luster said.

"Uh, dare I ask? Why are you afraid of Wally and Potion?" Harrison asked.

"I wasn't afraid of them, it's just that Potion was being so rude." Luster said.

"Well, I mean, this is your show, right?" Harrison said.

"It is?" Luster said.

"Isn't the composer of a show kinda like the playmaker in sports games, like basketball?" Harrison asked.

"'Playmaker'?" Luster said, confused. "Sorry, I don't understand."

"It is the one who makes everypony else look good." Harrison said. "I mean, there would be no show without you. You're the playmaker here, Luster."

"I am?" Luster said, beaming at Harrison, who nods in agreement and Twilight smiles. "Would you like to hear how the duet's supposed to sound?"

Luster walks over to the piano as Harrison and Twilight join her. She starts playing the song the way it's meant to be played, and Harrison and Twilight sing together.

"Wow. That's really nice." Harrison said.

"Yeah, you wrote a great song, Luster." Twilight said.

Miss Sprinkle returns. "Sparrow, Sparkle, you have a callback." She said. "Luster, give them the duet from the second act. Work on it with them." She leaves again.

"All right." Luster said. "Listen, if you guys wanna rehearse, I'm here during free period and after school, and even sometimes during class. You can come down and rehearse at anytime. Or you can come to my house. I have my own piano, so we can rehearse there. After school, before school, whatever works for you."

"We're in!" Harrison and Twilight said happily.

"Congratulations!" Luster said, smiling.