• Published 24th Sep 2020
  • 3,378 Views, 65 Comments

A Silver Lining after a Storm - Juke Denton

A young Floridian boy is whisked away to Mount Aris, home of the hippogriffs, and is found by Silverstream. The two go on adventures while also searching for the boy's missing father.

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Chapter 6

A loud moan came from the semi-conscious form of Kyle’s father as he opened his eyes weakly.

“Uhh…” The human groaned as his brain finally kicked in gear, sat himself up and looked at his surroundings.

Instead of being greeted to the vast expansive sea and treacherous whirlpool, he found himself in a huge room full of various markings and symbols on the walls and ceiling. He had a hard time making out what they meant, but one symbol in particular caught his eye. His curiosity compelled him to get a closer look as he slowly stood himself up.

“Ah, I see our guest is awake!”

Kyle’s father immediately froze before turning toward the source of the voice. The only thing he saw however was a thick blanket of darkness to where the voice came from.

“Who’s there? Show yourself!” The human asked, trying to be assertive.

“My, my. You certainly do have intelligence, as well as an edge. But you need not fear. Everything you wish to know will be answered in due time.” The voice responded calmly.

Kyle’s father was still apprehensive with what the mysterious voice said, but slightly lowered his guard and asked, “What do you want with me?”

“I’m curious about your kind. I’ve never seen a creature like you before.”

The human was only left puzzled at the voice’s answer and responded back with, “What?”

“You seem confused. Very well. Allow me to answer your previous question. I am…”

Kyle’s father looked on as he saw something step out from the shadows, the likes of which he never saw before. It was a tall looking satyr, ape-like being with a stone like crown and a robe embedded with a symbol that looked oddly familiar to the human.

“...The Wind King! The rightful ruler of this land!”

Needless to say, Kyle’s father was wide-eyed at what he was looking at.

“This is unreal…” The human muttered under his breath as he continued to stare.

“Now that I’ve introduced myself, perhaps you might reciprocate the introduction by telling me your name.”

“Paul Robinson.” The human answered while unsure whether or not the so-called Wind King was fully trustworthy.

“Hmm, an odd name.” The Wind King said, holding a paw under his chin. “Then again, it’s not everyday I’ve come across a creature like yourself. Tell me, what are you exactly and where do you come from?”

From the mannerisms, tone and body language The Wind King presented, Paul felt he was trustworthy enough and lowered his guard.

“I’m a human. And I come from Earth.”

“Human? Earth?” The Wind King asked with a raised eyebrow. “Intriguing. I’d like to know more about what they’re like. But I’m sure you have other questions you want answered and I’ll be happy to answer them.”

Paul thought about what to ask first until a sudden realization hit him, causing him to gasp loudly.


The Wind King was slightly taken back at what the human shouted and asked, “I’m sorry, what?”

“My son! We were at sea together and we got separated while trying to navigate around a whirlpool! You haven’t seen another human who’s shorter than me have you?”

“I’m afraid I haven’t. You were the only one my soldiers found unconscious just off the coast.”

“I have to go find him!” Paul said as he began to run to the exit door, but not before a pair of spears from two guards blocked his path.

“Easy there my dear human! This is a foreign land to you is it not? It would be unwise to run out there without some knowledge of where you intend to go.”

As much as he hated to admit it, Paul knew The Wind King was right.

“I know...but I can’t leave my boy hanging out there by himself. Something horrible could happen to him.

“Not to worry Paul. You have my word that I will order my scouts to spread across the seas to search for your son. But I can’t make any guarantees that they will find him right away.”

“I understand and thank you.” Paul replied, feeling at ease. “What exactly is this place though?”

“This is my island realm!” The Wind King exclaimed as suddenly, curtains from one part of the room opened up to reveal what was outside. It looked like a simple enough place with towns and a factory in the distance, but what really caught Paul’s eye was how dark and overcast the sky was.

“It doesn’t have much of a given name I’m afraid. But it’s home.”

“So, you’re the king over all this land?” Paul asked, noticing how empty the streets looked close by.

“Indeed! And beyond the seas as well...before I was betrayed…”

Just then, a creature bearing resemblance to the two guards from earlier, but slightly different, entered inside with what looked like a glowing potion that gave off a ringing sound.

‘Is that a cell phone ringtone I hear?’ Paul asked silently to himself.

“I’m sorry to cut our conversation short, but you’ll have to excuse me.” The Wind King bowed to the human. “I have some important business to attend to. My guards will show you to one of the guest rooms, where you can stay for the time being. I’ll send someone to you when dinner’s ready.”

Kyle’s father thanked the Wind King sincerely as he went to follow the two guards to their destination. When the human was out of sight, the curtains closed back up and a small pot emerged in the center of the room.

“Well don’t just stand there, answer it!!!” The Wind King demanded, frightening the creature holding the potion. Said creature quickly popped the cork off, poured the liquid in the pot. From the pot rose a fiery smoke with an image of a shadowy figure that kneeled itself before it spoke.

“Sire, I have news to report!”

“Report at once!” The Wind King said as he sat down on his throne.

“One of our contacts has information regarding The Staff of Sacanas.”

The mention of the staff made the king’s eyes grow wide as he said, “What?! What about the staff??”

“With the details given, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that we have the exact location of where it currently is.”

“Ah, this is excellent news!” The Wind King said, feeling giddy as he clapped his hands in delight. “So where is it?”

“That brings me to the bad news. It’s in Ponyville within the castle of Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“WHAAAAAT?!?!” The Wind King shouted in rage. “That mangy little pony has the staff and thinks she can keep it?!? I’ll break off her horn if it’s the last thing I do!!”

The satyr-ape creature went on a tirade for another minute before looking straight at the shadow figure and asking, “The one who got this intelligence, do they have the means to access her castle?”

“I’m afraid not, sire. From the information given only the Elements of Harmony and her close friends have access inside.”

“I see.” The king replied with a fierce look written on his face. “I think a full scale assault on Ponyville is in order. Holding the citizens hostage should be enough to convince that pathetic princess to relinquish the staff.”

“Sire, if I may make a suggestion?”

“You may.”

“Would it not be wise to find a different means to retrieve it more...discreetly? You don’t have enough troops to spare to launch a full scale attack without the risk of losing most, if not all of them. Besides, it would be a suicide mission to do such a thing with how far we’ve come. We need to play it smart. I would recommend letting our contact find some means to gain access inside the castle without causing suspicion.”

The Wind King thought about the idea before letting out a sigh to let out whatever frustration was left in his system.

“Very well...but I want up-to-date reports on the contact’s means of accessing that castle!”

“Understood!” The shadow figure saluted to the king.

“Now, is there anything else to report besides that?”

“Yes there is. Not exactly one pertaining to anything important, but our contact from Mount Aris said it might be of potential interest. He has come across a specimen that is completely foreign to Equestria. From what he described, it’s similar to an ape but completely hairless with the exception of its head, wears clothing similar to what some ponies wear, and has the intelligence to speak.”

The Wind King raised an eyebrow at the description, thinking for a moment, before saying, “This creature, what else does the Mount Aris contact know about it?”

“Not much else, except that it refers to itself as a human.”

“A human, eh?” The Wind King asked, rubbing a paw under his chin as an idea began forming in his head and a grin grew on his face. “I’m very interested to know more about this human. Make sure the contact knows that I want all available information on it. Where is it now?”

“Yes sire! The human is currently being kept behind bars by the hippogriffs until Queen Novo returns to Mount Aris.”

“I see. If there’s anything that comes up regarding the staff or the human, you will inform me at once!”

“Of course, sire!” The shadow figure said while saluting once more.

“If there is nothing else then, you’re dismissed.”

“Affirmative! Out!”

The flame smoke dissipated leaving The Wind King alone in his thoughts. A few minutes later, he looked at the guard who brought the potion bottle and said, “You, go fetch Swallow at once!”

Nodding at the king’s request, the guard quickly left to comply. It wasn’t long before he returned with another who looked like other storm guards, but wore a slightly different outfit.

“You wished to see me Excellency?” He spoke in a gruff voice.

“Yes. Guard, leave us!”

Once the two were alone, the satyr-ape king got straight to the point.

“For your recent actions, I have decided to promote you to the rank of lieutenant.”

Waverly looked up at the king and asked, “What have I done to earn this, Your Excellency?”

“You were wise in convincing me to let that creature live. Normally I had planned to do away with it, but in light of recent events this creature, this human, could prove to be the answer to all our problems. Which is why I reward you by placing you in command of our scouting forces. Rise, Lieutenant Swallow!”

The newly appointed lieutenant stood up and faced The Wind King with a stoic expression.

“What are your orders, Excellency?”

“You will take the three fastest ships and be on the lookout for those troublesome hippogriffs. I want you to report back what their activities are across the waters!”

“As you wish, Your Excellency!” Swallow saluted. “When do I depart?”

“You are to leave at once. Inform the crew that this order comes directly from me. And tell the current officer in charge that I have summoned him.”

“Yes Excellency! Is there anything else?”

“That is all. You’re dismissed.”

One last salute later, Lieutenant Swallow left to perform his duty while the satyr-ape sat back down on his throne.

‘It won’t be long now. Soon everything will be in place and I will have what I need. Every creature will tremble and fear the wrath of The Storm King once more…’