• Published 24th Sep 2020
  • 3,378 Views, 65 Comments

A Silver Lining after a Storm - Juke Denton

A young Floridian boy is whisked away to Mount Aris, home of the hippogriffs, and is found by Silverstream. The two go on adventures while also searching for the boy's missing father.

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The sun shone beautifully in the skies of Florida, where a young boy named Kyle, who was ten years of age, took in the warm, crisp weather from the balcony of his home. As he was enjoying the weather, the boy looked at his watch and asked in an impatient tone, "Come on, where are you?"

The young boy had looked forward to this day for almost a month. It was the day his father promised to take him boating to an isolated island a few miles off the coastline for the first time. Needless to say, the child had a hard time coping with the amount of excitement he had for this trip and wouldn't trade the opportunity to go boat riding to an island for anything else.

Just then, a loud honk sounded as the boy looked over and saw his father's Jeep pull in the driveway, with a motorboat in tow, and immediately went to greet his dad in the entry hall. Stepping into the hall from the garage was a man who was in his early 40s, had a beefy mustache, and wore glasses.

"Dad!" The boy shouted as he went over to embrace his father.

"Hey son! Sorry for running behind. Traffic was bad coming back." The father said as he returned the hug. "So are you ready for today?"

Kyle broke the hug as he looked up at his dad and said, "Are you kidding? I've been ready for this day since you first told me, so of course I am!"

"Glad to hear it. Now then, do you have everything packed that you're wanting to bring along?"

"Sure do!" The boy said excitingly as he went over, picked up his backpack, and unzipped it to show his father the contents inside.

After looking through his son's belongings, the father gave a look of approval and said, "Now then, did you put on sunscreen?"

"Yep." Kyle answered back.

The father then drew a smirk and asked in a playful, "Hmm...did you really? Or are you just wanting to fry yourself like bacon?"

The boy couldn't hold back his laughter as his father caught on to the lie and said, "That's what I thought. Now come on. Let's put some on you so you don't burn yourself, okay?"

Kyle nodded his head as his dad retrieved a bottle of sunscreen and spread on enough to last the whole afternoon.

"Right, that's better now." The father said looking over his now sun-screened son.

The boy didn't feel too fond of being covered in the goop, but deep down knew that it was for the best.

"Well I've got everything for the trip packed in the Jeep, and filled the gas in the boat, so if you're ready let's head out!”

The boy's eyes widened with excitement as he quickly ran to the vehicle and called shotgun. The older gentlemen gave an amused chuckle as he thought to himself, 'Just like his mother, hungry for adventure.'

The father then climbed into the driver’s seat, started up the engine, backed out of the driveway and began the drive to the beach docks.


It was the last day of classes at the School of Friendship until summer vacation. Most of the students were trying to get through their final exams as best as they could, with some having an excruciating amount of difficulty remembering the material.

One group of students, however, were breezing right through the exams with little trouble. These students consisted of Sandbar the Earth Pony, Gallus the Griffon, Ocellus the Changeling, Yona the Yak, Smolder the Dragon, and Silverstream the Hippogriff. All their study sessions throughout the semester paid off with how well each one was unfazed with the questions.

When the bell finally rang to signify the end of the semester, a loud joyous shout exploded throughout the campus as all the students rushed out of their classrooms with papers flying everywhere. The Young Six just barely evaded the mob as they quickly made their way to the entrance of the school.

After clearing from the school crowd, Sandbar said, "So let's be honest, who here had trouble with those tests?"

"Not me." Smolder said with a bored expression.

"Same here." Gallus added.

"Yona's studies with friends make tests EASY!" The Yak exclaimed, stomping the ground in excitement.

Ocellus giggled at Yona's eccentric behavior and said, "I certainly can't argue with you there."

"Well now that school's out, what are we going to do for the summer? Oh! Oh! I know! Maybe you all can visit Mount Aris and we can all hang out! What do you all say?!?" Silverstream asked in her usual overly excited tone.

"Actually...I can't. I'm spending the summer with my parents in Fillydelphia." Sandbar said while rubbing a forehoof on his arm.

"Oh! That's okay, but the rest of us can hang out, right?" Silverstream asked with hopeful eyes.

"Sorry, but there’s a decree requiring all griffons to return to Griffonstone." Gallus said with a disappointed tone.

"Yeah...unfortunately I can't either. Ember is expecting me to lead an expedition to find a surplus of gems.”

“As much as I would love to, I promised to take part in a summer Changeling meditation program that will eat up a good portion of my free time. Sorry about that Silverstream.”

“Yona up for spending time with hippogriff friend!” The yak said with a stomp.

“Really?!?” Silverstream asked pushing her talons against her cheeks in a cute way before hugging her yak companion. “This is great! We’re going to have so much fun!”

Just then a grey colored, mare pegasus with crossed eyes flew to the group and asked, “Excuse me, is there a Yona around here? I hope I’m not too late.”

“Yona right here!” The young yak said happily.

“*PHEW*! That’s a relief. I have a letter addressed to you from Yakyakistan.” The mailmare said as she dug into her bag and gave Yona an envelope using her wing.

The yak took the letter before the mare said, “Another successful delivery! Well, better get going! See you all around!” And with that the pegasus flew away.

After the mare was out of sight, Yona ripped the top portion of the envelope, took out the message from inside of it and began reading silently.

“So...what does it say?” Silverstream asked in a nervous tone.

“Yona’s tribe requests Yona to return as soon as possible to ready for creating new stomping grounds.” The yak read, before looking at Silverstream and saying, “Yona spend time with hippogriff some other time. This more important!”

“It’s okay...I understand...” Silverstream responded with a disappointed sigh while hanging her head down.

“Why so down Silverstream?” Asked Sandbar. “I mean sure the six of us won’t be able to see each other for the summer, but aren’t there others at Mount Aris you’ll be able to spend time with?”

“That’s the thing!” The hippogriff said with a sad look in her eye. “I’ve already spent so much time with others of my kind that I had hoped I would be able to spend at least a good portion of the summer with other creatures, like you guys. It’s something I had longed wished for since...since......”

“The Storm King?” Smolder asked finishing her friend’s sentence.

“Mmhmm.” Silverstream replied nodding.

“Well, I’m sorry we can’t hang out this summer with you.” Sandbar said putting a supportive hoof on Silverstream. “But I promise to make it up next year.”

“Same here!” Smolder said bending one knee and wrapping an arm around the hippogriff.

The others agreed and all huddled up for a group hug.

“Thank you all...” Silverstream said, nearly on the verge of bursting into tears, but restrained herself to just enjoy the moment.

The six friends soon broke the hug and each one, with the exception of Silverstream, went their own separate ways, leaving the hippogriff alone.

“Well...guess I better head home then...” Silverstream said to herself looking glum while heading to the train station.


The Jeep was in reverse; slowly rolling down the concrete docking ramp with Kyle’s father making sure not to have the car too close to the water, but backed up enough for him to undo the restraints on the boat holding it to the transport. Once he reached the desired position, the father put the Jeep in park, and said to Kyle, “Okay, I’m going to need your help so listen carefully. I need you to unhook the boat from the rig, but as soon as you are done, grab your belongings and meet me at the docks. Think you can handle this?”

“Sure thing Dad!” The boy said with confidence.

“Good boy!” The father said ruffling his son’s hair.

“C’mon Dad, cut that out!” Kyle cried out in an annoyed tone.

“Okay. Now wait until I tell you to start.”

Kyle’s father jumped into the boat and raised the motor to remove the fastener holding it in place. He placed it in a compartment before lowering the motor into the waters.

Kyle waited in anticipation as his father continued prepping the boat. It wasn’t long until he heard the father say, “Okay Kyle! Start unhooking!”

With that, the boy began to carefully detach the restraints of the boat from the rig. Soon enough the vessel was released and began to freely drift away with the ocean waves, until the father started the engine, put the motor in reverse mode and began to make his way to the wooden docks. Kyle then grabbed his backpack from the car, headed to the docks and got there just as the boat arrived.

“Here! Catch!” The dad shouted as he threw a rope in Kyle’s direction. The boy caught it with ease as the older male turned off the engine, climbed onto the dock, and tightened the rope around the wooden post.

“Well, that’s got it!” The father said looking at his rope work before turning his attention to his son and saying, “All that’s left is to park the Jeep. Go ahead and get yourself settled in the boat. And make sure put your life vest on. I shouldn’t be too long with the car.”

“Okay Dad.” Said Kyle.

The boy carefully climbed on to the vessel, set his backpack to the side and opened one of the compartments to find the right size life jacket for himself. He clipped it securely on himself before he sat down on one of the seats and waited for his dad.

It wasn’t long before Kyle’s father returned to the dock and climbed back on to the boat to join his son. After unwrapping the rope from the dock and grabbing a life jacket of his own, he started up the engine again and asked Kyle in the most pirate like tone, “Arr yer ready to head out to ye open sea?”

“Aye, aye sir!” Kyle said saluting; garnering a chuckle from his father.

“Then off we go!” The older male said as he steered the boat away from the docks and gave the motor more thrust. The boat jumped up and down in a rhythmic motion against the ocean waves all while Kyle sat back and stared out at the endless waters in the horizon. He began reminiscing about earlier times and as he did a somber thought crossed his mind.

‘I wish you were still with us...’

The Florida waters were quite a sight for the young Kyle as he continued to stare at the never ending sight of ocean waves in the distance. As he was enjoying the boat ride, the boy quietly stared at the cloudless sky while beginning to think about more positive memories.

“We should be at the island in about 15 minutes!” The father said, breaking Kyle’s concentration. “I know you’re going to love this!”

“I’m holding you to it!” The boy said, earning a chuckle from the older man. “But what is it about this island that’s so special?”

“I’ll tell you when we get there!” Kyle’s dad said as the boat continued towards its destination.


“Attention passengers!” A voice over a loudspeaker said. “Thank you for riding with us today! We hope your travel is a safe and pleasant one! Our scheduled arrival to Mount Aris Station will be in about one hour! Thank you again for choosing us!”

Silverstream let out another disappointing sigh for what might have seemed like the hundredth time. She was still having a hard time accepting the fact that none of her friends from school could spent time with her during the summer. The young hippogriff looked out the train window and stared longingly into the distance.

‘I wish I didn’t have to spend summer alone with just my kind. I wish I could have someone to spend time with that’s not from Mount Aris.’

Silverstream then looked around her to find that she was the only passenger in the cabin, sighing once again. She was struggling to fight back tears and tried to think positively.

‘At least I have Terramar and cousin Skystar who I can spend time with. Who knows? Maybe this summer won’t be so boring. Yeah! I won’t let some setback ruin my summer!’

With that the little hippogriff was filled with a newfound sense of determination and happiness. She continued to look out the train window and brainstormed ideas of activities to do with her brother and cousin.


The boat was tied up to a crudely made pier as Kyle and his father walked around the sandy shores of an isolated island. The boy had put his shoes in his backpack to enjoy how nice the warm sand felt on his feet. The two continued walking until they came upon a few trees containing two hammocks, a table with an umbrella and two chairs.

“My son, welcome to Paradise Island!” The father said proudly.

“Wow!” The boy said running over to one of the hammocks, putting his backpack on the ground and laying on it. “This is cool! How long have these hammocks and chairs been here for?”

“Actually I bought these new and set them up a few weeks ago since the older ones had worn down with time.” The father answered as he climbed onto the other hammock to lay down in.

“Does anyone else know about this place?” Kyle asked curiously.

“Probably the government.” Kyle’s dad responded humorously. “But in all seriousness, there was only one other person I knew who came to this island as well. In fact it’s how we first met.”

“Mom...” Said Kyle putting two and two together.

“I was a much younger lad in those days.” The man said thinking back to his earlier years. “The first time I met her was when I was taking my own father’s boat out for a joyride miles off the coast. I had come across this island by complete accident, but my curiosity compelled me to look around. I had spent some time exploring when I saw her giving herself a tan right near the shore. She must’ve heard me approach since she was immediately shocked by my presence and asked who I was. I explained that I didn’t mean to intrude and that I had wandered a few miles from the mainland shore. Surprisingly, we hit it off pretty well and talked for hours before the sun started to go down. We made it a tradition to where we would meet up at this island once every two weeks. The months following the two of us soon developed a more romantic relationship and we saw each other more often, both here and on the mainland. About a year later is when I asked your mother to marry me at this very spot.”

Kyle had taken in every word his dad said and could picture in his mind the events that might’ve played out in reality.

“So that’s why this place is special. Something almost magical in a way that’s impossible to describe in words. I felt it and so did your mother. Unfortunately, after you were born, real life started to take over and we simply didn’t have the time to come here as much as we used to. We came here together one last time when you were just a little over a year old.”

“Wait? This isn’t the first time I’ve been to this island? Then how come you said in the time building up to this trip that this would be my first time coming here?” Kyle asked, confused.

“Perhaps I misused my wording when planning and for that I apologize. I meant to say that this is would be your first time traveling to Paradise Island, grown up.”

“Ohh...I get it!” Kyle said clearing up the misunderstanding, but only brewing up more questions in his head. “But why didn’t you tell me about the time you and Mom took me here? And how come we haven’t come here since then?”

The father let out a heavy sigh before he said, “It was a difficult decision I made on my part to wait until you were old and mature enough to know. Between working full-time and raising you, it hasn’t been easy to find any free time to travel out here.”

The boy was left in even more confusion than before. Why did his father not think he was mature enough before now? Before Kyle could ask anything else, a sudden gust of wind blew through, surprising him and causing him to fall out of the hammock. The father got off his hammock and noticed that dark clouds were approaching from the horizon.

“That’s odd. They weren’t predicting any storms today. Well we’d better hurry and head back to the mainland Kyle.”

After grabbing his backpack and putting on a pair of water shoes, the boy followed his father back to the boat and climbed inside the vessel. The two put on their life jackets as the father quickly unfastened the rope from the deck, fired up the engine and made par for the course.

As the boat traveled along the ocean, the sky continued to grow darker by the minute. Soon the sun was blocked by the overcast sky and rain started pouring down.

“If I knew it was going to rain like this, I would’ve brought some rain jackets and fishing rods with us! It would’ve been a real gentleman’s fishing trip!” The father said heartily. Kyle however was simply trying to cover his head as best as he could with his backpack.

The ocean waves began to beat hard against the boat and bright flashes of lightning danced across the sky with thunder following closely behind. Kyle’s father struggled to keep ocean water from getting inside the vessel.

“Kyle!” The older male shouted. “Try to scoop out the water with the bucket. It should be in one of the compartments!”

The young lad quickly found the bucket and started to scoop the water that was already flooding the deck to the best of his ability. Unfortunately, it seemed no matter how hard the boy tried to empty the water in the boat, more just kept pouring in.

“It’s no good Dad! There’s just too much coming in!”

“Keep trying!” The father said having a hard time with keeping a firm grip on the wheel.

Just then, a brilliant flash lightning struck not too far away, followed by another and a few more that seemed to strike almost in the same place. The father looked in awe at the sight that unfolded before him, but his expression changed to one of stern horror as he saw the last thing he ever wanted to see in the middle of an ocean storm.


Kyle stopped what he was doing after hearing what his father yelled, looked to the side of the boat to see a huge whirlpool building up and immediately a sense of sheer terror overcame him.

“Kyle! Forget about scooping out the water! Secure yourself to one of the seats, quickly!”

The command didn’t seem to register in Kyle’s mind as he was too overcome with fear to more or say anything.


Hearing his father scream broke Kyle out of his shock, hurried back to one of the seats and fastened himself as securely as he could.

“Hang on! I’m going to try to go around it!”

Between the heavy rain, the pounding ocean waves, and now a huge whirlpool, it was practically a fool’s errand to try and brave a storm like this. Fortunately for Kyle’s father, he was more than an average Joe when it came navigating through treacherous waters. Using knowledge his own father taught him, he began to slowly, but expertly, make his way around the vortex.

Kyle was watching in both anxiety and fascination at how well his father was traversing in such conditions and thought that with such skill they would make it back to shore okay.

That thought was cut short though as a huge wave crashed onto the port of the boat, causing it to go off the intended path and instead started to get sucked right into the whirlpool’s might.

Kyle’s fear started to get to him again, but the father refused to give up. The latter decided to try a different tactic and hoped that it would work. He brought the motor to a halt and allowed the boat to travel in the direction the vortex was swirling in. The boat was beginning to get dragged more toward the center of the maelstrom, while at the same building up the necessary momentum the father needed to get out.

After a few laps, Kyle’s father turned the motor back on and was ready to see if his plan would work. Just as he was about to steer in a different direction, a huge flash, followed by a massive boom sound filled the air. The boy was temporarily blinded and deaf from what happened, but when his sight returned, he noticed that his father wasn’t at the wheel and didn’t see him anywhere.

Now he was truly afraid.

“Dad?!? DAD?!?” Kyle screamed as loud as he could, but no answer came back. He undid his seat harness, put on his backpack, and looked around the boat, only to find that the front portion of the boat’s bow was blown off. The boy at this point was completely paralyzed, unable to think straight and stared into the depths of the whirlpool’s center.

The boat by this point had leaned in at such an angle to where it would tip over at any moment, returning Kyle back to reality. With no other option, Kyle grabbed onto whatever part of the vessel he could and held on for dear life.

The boy began hearing a loud cracking noise and sure enough, the structure was splitting down the center from the damaged bow. The boy gripped tighter and prepared himself for what was about to happen.


The boat split off into two as Kyle continued to hold on to part of the now broken vessel, all while being dragged by the whirlpool’s powerful currents. With what little strength he had, Kyle let out one final cry.


But his screams were drowned out by the sound of the storm and whirlpool. The boy could only wait for what he believed to be his ultimate demise waiting for him at the center of the vortex. As he was being pulled by the current, he swore that he saw something forming at the center of the whirlpool. It looked like...

Suddenly, something hard smacked the back of Kyle’s head, and everything went black.