• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 5,337 Views, 525 Comments

Star Trek: A Knights Gambit - Sparky Brony

The Enterprise is off on another adventure...but this time, sentient quadrupeds?

  • ...

Chapter 7.

Discord stands there for a long moment, his eyes darting between Picard and Fluttershy, as his clawed talons drum against his paw, “Well what do you want me to say?”

Picard’s grin turns savage, “It looks like I have found something you actually care about more than creating chaos, Q.” He points at Fluttershy.

Blinking confusedly, Fluttershy looks between the pair, trying to understand the situation, lowering her head somewhat to hide her face behind her mane. “Umm, Discord?”

“Miss Fluttershy, your friend here is even more powerful than I think even Celestia realizes.” He darts a glance at Discord. “And Q, is most certainly chaotic. In fact he’s known as Q the liar, Q the misanthrope, bringer of chaos.” He stands up and turns back to Discord. “Why don’t you show your friend how you have appeared to us.”

Discord rolls his eyes. “Honestly Picard, you must be legendary for your lack of fun. Picard the boring, Picard the spoilsport.”

A flash of light appears beside Discord and a human in red and black robes appears on a floating throne. “My ears are burning. That being said, Picard the aphantastical.”

Discord looks to Q, nodding. “Thank you,” turning back to Picard, “Better?”

Picard chuckles, “I think so.”

“Discord.” Fluttershy squeaks. “What is going on here? Why does he sound like you?”

Discord spreads his arms wide. “It’s not easy to explain, at least to mortals, but this is as I am here.”

Q continues. “To other species I find it more convenient to appear as something they understand.” Glancing at Discord, Q shakes his head. “Honestly, you still haven’t found a good outfit yet?”

Discord glances at Q and rolls his eyes. “But essentially we are one.”

Q growls, glancing at Picard. “And the same. To a point, though the reality of it is much more nuanced and far too complicated for your feeble ape brain to comprehend.”

“What about my pony brain?”

Q looks down and sneers, “As prim…”

“No.” Discord says firmly.

“Well she asked,” Q counters, “It would be rude not to respond.”

Fluttershy looks at Q, then at Discord, then back to Q before taking a couple of steps back. “So, what do you actually look like, Discord? Or Q?”

Both Discord and Q pinch the bridge of their noses and shake their head. Though Discord’s nose is comically attached to a big pair of glasses, he removes the glasses and nose and tosses them and they fade to nothing before hitting the ground. “As intelligent and perceptive as you are, Fluttershy.” Discord says. “Even you wouldn’t be able to understand or conceptualize my true form. I’m not a biological entity like you.”

“And we are NOT bringing up pinball machines, gas stations and infinite roads to try to explain, I need to save that for later,” Q says firmly.

“As it is, I am this form here, and will always be this form, especially for you my little Fluttershy,” Discord says stroking the pony’s cheek gently. “Except when it’s more fun to not.”

Q gacks once, “Ugh so that’s what nausea feels like, you have become way too sappy Discord,” Looking at Picard he shakes his head, “I may look Klingon, Romulan, Breen, even a gelatinous ambient puddle depending on what world I’m visiting.”

“Or tormenting,” Picard says with a huff, “Like a three headed Aldebaran snake?”

“Or a drone soldier from after your third world war,” Q says putting his finger against the side of his nose, “Oh the drugs are so good.”

Fluttershy flinches. “World wars? Like humans against other species on your planet?”

“Oh no little Fluttershy, far more evil then that,” Q smiles, “You see, aside from humans killing animals as lesser species, and driving many to extinction, humans went as far as trying to kill each other, their entire history is broken up not by times of peace, but by times of war, The Crusades, the 100 year war, the civil wars, the first, second and third world wars.”

Picard nods. “Our history isn’t nearly as harmonious as you ponies. We are the apex preadators of our homeworld.”

Fluttershy seems a bit mollified by this answer, actually turning a little green. Discord picks her up gently, “Enough of that Q, picking on Picard is one thing but you’re upsetting Fluttershy.”

Picard blinks. “You act as you are different beings, Q, enough of this.”

Discord sighs and shakes his head, “First we are the same, now we are different, make up your mind on what you want.”

“The truth,” Picard says firmly.

Q puts on a pair of sunglasses as a military uniform of an age long gone manifests around him. “The truth? You can’t handle the truth.”

Discord face palms, “Ouch. Consider it like this, I generally stay here.”

“But the universe often needs a kick in the rear to keep things going, as well, the Continuum often has other tasks they want done, knock a civilization back to the stone age, test a species to see if they should be allowed to continue in space.” Q says with the flip of the hand, “Stuff that means I can’t stay around here too often.”

“So you are a copy,” Picard says looking at Discord.

“Pfff, a copy, honestly, ok let’s try and make this as simple as I can,” Discord says, “I have infinite power, so what happen if you split infinity in half?”

Picard blinks opening his mouth then shuts it, tilting his head he thinks for a moment.

“Oh that’s got his brain spinning, as such I just duplicate myself when needed,” Q states. In seconds, more copies of both Discord and Q appear, populating the area with hundreds of copies. Q smiles and snaps his fingers, with a bright flash of light, there is just Q and Discord standing there. He’s changed from his robes to a Starfleet Captain’s uniform. “There, that’s better.”

“And not using the mirror pool, oye that was messy.” Discord says, as both Q and Discord face palm.

“You are more powerful than we know?” Fluttershy asks looking up, “Why are we in this situation then? Our planet could be destroyed? And you do nothing?”

Discord looks at Q then back at the yellow pegasus. “Fluttershy, you wound me.” Putting a claw to his head while holding the pony, “I knew we were going to enter the Betazed system. I didn’t expect anyone to notice and would have just altered things so we’d pass through without any danger.”

Q rolls his eyes, “Then of course the Enterprise has to get involved, with their ‘we know best’ attitude.” His voice drips with sarcasm as he turns to Picard and Beverly. “This Human Federation of theirs thinks the universe revolves around them.”

“Q, this is serious. Billions of lives are at stake here,” Picard says, stepping closer.

“Lower life forms, tell me, would you take this interest if the planets involved had nothing ‘you’ would describe as intelligent life? Would you do this for billions of normal animals? Or billions of trees?” Q says with a smirk.

“Fix this little game, Q.” Picard snaps.

“I didn’t cause this,” Q says firmly, “This is a system remnant thousands of years old, with creatures here who discovered truths about reality putting them on steps of evolution far beyond anything the humans have even begun to dream of.” Making a wide motion with his arms, “While humans were worshiping idols to make it rain, building mud huts, and cowering from the dark, the ponies here were learning that they could affect the very laws of reality, bending them to their will.” He looks down at Fluttershy, actual fondness on his face. “They learned to control the very elements of nature, they made it rain, they conquered the darkness. They took the first steps.” He looks back at Picard. “Some of those steps that humanity still hasn’t.”

“They haven’t discovered faster than light travel,” Picard says firmly.

“Oh, you egocentric humans,” Discord laughs, “While learning to bend space and time was the ultimate discovery of your existence. Ponies have been bending space and time without technology for thousands of years now. Just because they haven’t visited other world doesn’t mean they haven’t discovered things that your species isn’t even close to figuring out.” He reaches out and touches Fluttershy’s wings. “Even the non-magical ponies have imbued abilities that no human can do without technological assistance.”

“What’s happening, Discord?” Fluttershy says softly, putting a hoof on Discord’s chest.

“Grandstanding, Picard here can’t accept the fact that the Continuum believes in testing the mind, and not with simple things like one plus one, but opening ones mind to the chaos that is reality.” Discord chuckles, “Fine.” With a snap of the claw…. Nothing happens.

Q blinks and twirls his hand once, then looks around, “Well that’s, inconvenient. Picard, what mess have you caused now?”

“Me, Q?” Picard looks sternly.

Discord looks at Fluttershy and back at his claw. He brings up his paw and snaps it. Again, nothing happens. “Something is wrong.” He mutters before looking at Q. “You haven’t been kicked out of the Continuum again have you? No that’s not it, I can feel my power, I can feel I am me.”

Q blinks, then twirls his finger again, “Strange, that normally works.”

“You can’t.” A new voice says, as it seems to come from everywhere at once.

Blinking Q and Discord look at each other and groan in stereo, facepalming.

“Q,” Discord says with a sigh, “What now?”

A female form appears in a bright flash of light, wearing a Starfleet captains uniform. Long auburn hair with brown eyes. “You called?” She says sarcastically.

Q storms over to her. “Why are you interfering in this, Q? You know this world is supposed to be protected.”

She holds up her hands. “I have nothing to do with this, sort of.” Looking at her hand she flips it back and forth, inspecting her fingertips. “This form is utterly dreadful, how can you spend time like this.”

Discord blinks, “It’s an acquired taste, so what is going on then?”

“The decision was made by the Continuum.” She say’s and turns flipping her hand, “I’m merely here to inform you of the decision. Something about a trial, a test, that if they want to interfere, they might learn something.” She grins savagely.

Looking at Discord, “You’ve spent your time among the ponies. You are going to have to figure, oh what do they call it? The Magic of Friendship?” She looks at Picard, then at Fluttershy. “Or all of your precious friends are going to lose their home, with most dying here.” Looking to Picard, “And Betazed will be ripped apart by the shockwave of the destruction of this system and its star. But I’m sure an… Evolved… Species would figure out a solution.”

“You can’t do that.” Q sputters.

“As I said, I didn’t.” She snaps. “The Continuum made that decision and is implementing it. I’m merely the messenger.”

“Oh let me guess, this was Q’s idea?” Q says looking annoyed.

Discord leans forward. “Something is odd here.” He murmurs softly.

Q growls. “The Continuum, well thank you Picard, due to your meddling, everyone and everything on two worlds is going to die. And I can’t have any fun.”

Fluttershy looks up between them, “You can stop this right?”

“Oh yes, because as always this is nothing but fun to you.” She snarks. She crosses her arms. “And they made the decision, One I fully support, by the way. Just to see you squirm a bit is worth it.” she says smiling at Q.

“I’ve already been punished for abusing my powers. I had to live as a lowly human. Remember?”

“Oh yes, and one little selfless action convinced enough to show that you’ve changed. But you and I both know, you haven’t. And you just keep interfering rather than letting lesser forms survive or fail on their own.” She looks at Picard, then down at Fluttershy.

Discord hugs Fluttershy tighter causing her to let out a little squeak.

“And now you really have to prove their worth.” She looks back at Q. “But at least, this time, you have your powers. You can just leave if you want, you can watch, it’s up to you. You just can’t use them to fix this problem. Before, it was a moon threatening a planet. Now…” She grins. “Two planets are at risk. And you can’t just.” She snaps her fingers. “Snap your fingers and change reality.” She looks down at Fluttershy. “And the one you care about, the one who makes you feel all wiggly inside, is in peril.”

“I can just send her offplanet, send her to the Enterprise, to another world, she’ll be safe no matter what.” Discord snaps.

“And her animal friends? Her pony friends? Her princess? Celestia said herself she’s not leaving until every single last pony is saved.” She lifts her hand, and a large pocket watch is in it, ticking loudly. “And you don’t have enough time to evacuate them all, no matter how many ships the Federation sends.”

“I see now.” Discord growls before stepping forward, wrapping his paw around the other Q’s neck. She looks defiantly at him before he pulls. Bright light is emitted from both as they briefly fight, then Discord is blown back, with something in his grip. Picard gapes as Discord holds onto another draconequus, though with a white mane and obviously female.

Q blinks. “You’ve been playing here, too? You just can’t let anyone else have any fun.” He crosses his arms over his chest.

“So you are Eris,” Discord says flatly, “I figured it was another Q, but you, Q?”

Eris grabs his paw, peeling it from her neck. “Yes, I was chosen for a reason. I’ve been to Equestria before. Checking up on a statue from time to time.”

Discord has a tie around his neck, which he slips a claw underneath as though it’s choking him. “Oh, so you know about that.” He murmurs softly. Getting a nod from the female Q and Eris.

Fluttershy looks like she’s about to faint. “There’s more of you? And she’s like you?”

Discord stands up before turning towards the humans and the pony. “While you’ve never met Q before.” He gestures to the female Q. “Apparently she’s been a visitor to this world. And her form here is Eris, Princess of disharmony and strife.”

Picard frowns. “What I find interesting is that you both chose similar forms to show up on this world, yet you show up human. Why?”

Eris looks at Picard, “A real dullard isn’t this one? We either chose the dominate life form, as if any of your species is really dominant, or an amalgamation. Easer than just being a floating ball of white light that drives creatures to insanity. So messy, nobody ever takes well to that.”

Discord points to the differing horns on his head. “When I first arrived, I took a lay of the land, I saw the abilities of the creatures on this planet.” He looks down at Fluttershy. “And their potential. Ponies were quite different when I first arrived here. They were in their own star system, no troublesome barrier to deal with. They peacefully orbited their sun like any other planet in the galaxy.” He gestures expansively. “But there were alicorns, so I chose the ultimate form. It’s a combination of all the magical creatures on this planet in one!” He looks at Picard. “Unlike an alicorn, who only has one horn. I have two!” He points. “Thus I’m at least twice as good as any alicorn.”

Eris rolls her eyes. Then she disappears, reappearing intertwining her body around Discord. “Oh, spare me the sophistry, Q.”


“Eris, whatever.” She chuckles before reappearing in a flash of light away from him. “I will admit.” She looks at an arm, visibly preening. “This form certainly suits me. Or any Q. But you know, Discord. The clock is ticking.”

Discord’s jaw drops, blinking a few times he bends over picking it up and reattaches it shaking his head. “I don’t even know where to begin. I would normally just move the system past Betazed. Now…” He glowers at Eris. “I can’t do that.” He looks at Picard before bowing with a flourish before the human. “Once again, I will have to place myself in your hands.” A quick glance at Fluttershy. “To save the home of the ponies.”

Picard takes a step back. “We are still trying to figure out what to do, Q.”

Discord looks to Q. “Do you?”

“I would guess, this yours to deal with after all,” Glancing to Picard, “Besides I have a date in the Gamma quadrant.”

“Well don’t let me keep you,” Discord says and claps his paw and claw together, causing a flash, as Q vanishes. And the taller draconequus relaxes slightly.

“Discord! Q! Eris! Whatever your name is! What are you going to do!?” Fluttershy yells.

“Oh, fine,” Eris growls, snapping her paw and causing the female Q to disappear as well. Picard looks intently as the other draconequus also visibly relaxes as the other humanoid vanishes. She turns to Fluttershy before leaning down to the pony’s level. “Discord needs to tell Celestia that he can’t fix the problem on his own.” She grins savagely before turning that evil glare to Discord. “And he’s going to have to tell his.” She raises her claw and paw and makes air quotes. “Friends.” Her voice is dripping with sarcasm. “That he’s more than what they thought. But he can’t fix all their woes with a snap of his fingers.” She straightens up before looking at Discord. “I still can’t believe I was worried about you when you disappeared for a thousand years.”

Picard holds up a hand. “Disappeared? Q? What? How?”

She turns to look at Picard. “Oh, Q didn’t tell you? It was a trivial amount of time to a Q. But Q here…”


She rolls her eyes. “Fine, here you are Discord, lord of chaos. He had disappeared. No Q could find him. We in the Continuum really didn’t have any idea what happened to him. We just figured he’d wait a few centuries and decide to blow up a star or something stupid to announce his presence.” She straightens up and stalks towards Discord. “Imagine our surprise that he was on this little pocket of the universe. Sealed in stone. And how he advocated for the Continuum to not come in and destroy your world, given the fact that you ponies had the ability to imprison a Q against his will. The ponies have potential, they could be peers.” She scoffs. “I’ve seen nothing to convince me of that possibility.”

Picard frowns. “Sealed in stone?”

Discord turns and crosses his hands over his chest. “It was trivial, only a thousand years. I could do that standing on my head.” To emphasize this, he removes his head and places it on the ground before stepping onto his head and standing on it, arms spread wide.

Picard turns to Fluttershy. “When was he let out of the stone?”

Fluttershy squeaks, flinching back. “He escaped a bit over six years ago.” She narrows her eyes. “Then we sealed you back, the Elements captured you again.”

Discord waves his paw, his head now properly back on his shoulders. “Well, that time I knew what was coming, how powerful the Elements were.” He looks down at Fluttershy. “You only captured part of me, the rest of me, what you would know as Q, was away, off world, and out of the system. I knew if I came back, I would get sucked back into that statue, and I would have been frozen there until you girls released me.”

“So, you escape from stone here in Equestria. Then you immediately start harassing us? That was about the same time frame as the Farpoint mission.”

Discord’s eyes flick between Picard and Fluttershy. “I don’t answer to you, Picard.” He snaps his claw and with a flash of light, all of them are in the Canterlot Castle. Discord sighs heavily. “Well, there are the Royal Sisters.” He growls softly.

Celestia seems to have a smile on her face as she walks slowly towards them. As she gets closer, the smile falters a bit as the shorter draconequus stands up, putting her hands on her hips. Eris looks back at Discord. “Oh, look. It’s Celestia and Luna doing that wavy mane thing again. Honestly, I think they looked cuter as foals with the pink and blue manes…”

Celestia blinks as she looks at the two draconequus, focusing on Eris. “Eris, why have you returned?”

“Discord and Q business, nothing that concerns lower beings like you. Unless you are trying to seduce Q again.”

Celestia takes a step back. “I…NEVER…”

“That’s right, you lack anything he would actually be interested in.” Eris says flippantly before disappearing in a flash of light.

Picard looks at Discord. “She’s jealous?”

Discord facepalms. “You don’t know the half of it.”

Picard looks down at Fluttershy. “Yet she’s not jealous of Fluttershy.”

Discord chuckles. “She thinks that Fluttershy is just as short lived as the rest of the ponies. If she knew that Fluttershy is just as eternal as Celestia is. If she did, she would be.”

Picard looks down at the yellow Pegasus for a long moment before clearing his throat. “Princess Celestia. I was quite surprised to find we have a mutual acquaintance.”

Celestia frowns, confusion plain on her face before Picard gestures to Discord. That gets her to flinch, “How?”

Picard nudges Discord, forcing him to step forward, his head held low. “Princess Celestia. I seem to have a confession to make.


Maud Pie exits the holodeck where Pinkie Pie has been working to feed the crew of this ship, smacking her lips appreciatively. Her sister has done her usually exemplary job of cooking a wonderful meal, and she got to hug her sister. Something she rarely misses the opportunity to do. She stops for a moment, inspecting the metal framing of the deck she is on. When she had arrived on board the Enterprise, the hooman in the transporter room had informed her of places that were off limits due to dangers, and showed her and the other ponies that beamed aboard the signs to look for to avoid. She runs a hoof gently along the metal, admiring its structure. She pushes hard, noting that the structural strength of the metal is quite good. She was told it is an alloy of metals, called duranium. She should ask if some of her excavation tools could be made of this metal. Steel is just too soft for some of the work she does. She mentally sighs and walks through the endless corridors of the enormous starship. And to think, just a matter of days ago, the ponies had no idea there was intelligent life outside of their little world.

She turns a corner, she was told there are four holodecks on this level of the starship. Making things out of hard light, that’s just amazing to the gray earth pony. She glances up at the display of this other holodeck she’s standing before. Everything is so high for these bipedal creatures of the Federation. She couldn’t read the display, but after a few moments, the computer seems to notice a pony is looking and shifts the display to ponish script, getting Maud’s eyes to widen. How interesting, the computer notices everything. Her eyes scan across the display. Calistenics program? Level Two? She scans the rest of the display, looking to see if the doors are locked or any privacy is requested. She nods in satisfaction before standing before the large doors. “Computer, please open the door.”

With a chirp, the door clicks loudly with a hiss before what sounds like a wagon wheel spinning quickly as the door slides smoothly open. She takes a moment to look at the door before she steps into the holodeck. Looking around curiously, she stops to contemplate the scene before her. Lush jungle plants, to her nose smell alive, though a little off. Ruins of old buildings, yet this is inside a starship orbiting her home world. The sound of the door closing gets her to glance behind her. As the two halves of the door meet, the wall and door disappear, apparently looking deeper into this jungle. Her ears perk as she hears what seems to be fighting seems to be going on. She walks quietly through the lush greenery, picking her path carefully to avoid making excessive noise. As she rounds a very convincingly weathered structure she can see a relatively large open area, two creatures are fighting, one with a long curved blade, sweat dripping from his bony brow. The other seems to be in some sort of armor, and actually has an insectoid appearance. The darker one, he has almost a mane with as long as the hair on his head is, gets the insectoid in the mandibles with the blunt back of the weapon, which he flips around and catches the creature behind the leg. A hard pull has the creature on its back. Though it only takes an instant before it’s on its feet and slams him in the face. He staggers back, blinking before whirling with that blade, neatly taking the creature’s arm off at the elbow before a spinning kick has it sliding along the ground before stopping at Maude’s hooves. She contemplates the creature for a moment before it disappears.

“What are you doing here? Ponies for the colonization efforts are supposed to be in the conference rooms for education.” He breathes heavily, blood trickling down from his nose.

Maud tilts her head to the side. “I’m not here for that. I came here to visit my sister, Pinkie Pie.”

That gets the tall humanoid to step back. “You are related to her?”


He blinks a few times. Then whirls around as another creature, this one more reptilian in shape, charges at him. He braces himself and lowers his body as the creature rushes towards him. This time, he reaches to the small of his back, pulling out a wickedly curved knife, swinging it and shredding the front of the leather armor of his opponent. He reverses the blade and plunges it into the heart of the reptilian creature. Maud watches as the creature slowly collapses and disappears like the previous one. “Computer, pause program.” The computer chimes in acknowledgement before the humanoid turns back around. “I am Lieutenant Worf. Chief of Security.”

She looks him up and down. “You are not a…” She narrows her eyes. “Hoo mon?”

He shakes his head. “No, I am a Klingon.”

“Different. Interesting. Training?”

He stands straighter. “Yes. Klingons are a warrior race. We live for honor and battle.”

She walks over, noticing a weapon on the ground. “And this is?”

“That is a Vulcan weapon, called a lirpa.” She reaches out to pick it up. “Be careful, they are quite…” She picks it up, rearing up on two hooves to inspect it. “…Heavy.” His eyebrows rise.

She shifts it from side to side. “Heavy? Should be heavier. Feels weak.”

“They are for combat.”

She gives it a swing, shattering the steel weighted end against a large rock, shaking her head. “They would be more effective if they were made of a denser material with an orthorhombic crystalline structure to allow for greater tensile strength and impact resistance. Add tungsten to the core.”

He looks at the remains of the weapon in the pony’s hooves. “I suppose you are right. I’ve noticed that Applejack and Pinkie Pie.” He mouth sours at the odd names he is saying before blinking and continuing. “Are exceedingly strong. Are all ponies very strong?”

She tilts her head. “No.”

He waits a moment for her to continue, then he clears his throat. “So, just the ponies without wings or horns?”


After a long moment of silence, the Klingon warrior reaches down and picks up the longer curved blade. “Well, if you will excuse me. I would like to continue with my exercise.”

“I see,” Maud says tiling her head with what could almost be considered a grin, if her expression changed at all. “Would you mind another? While rocks and minerals are my true interest, my sister says I should try new things.”

“You?” Worf lets out a loud belly laugh, “I was under the assumption that ponies are peaceful. Passive.” He says with a small sneer.

“I work alone. A lot of things try to kill me. I cannot be weak.”

Worf blinks a few times, leaning down a bit to look at the pony. “That is sound knowledge.”

“It is true we have never started a war. But we have had wars visited upon us. Princess Celestia has always made sure that any creature who thinks Equestria is a target is rather violently dissuaded.”

“Impressive. With ponies like you at the front lines? Not your magic users?”

“Each tribe contributes in their own way,” She says with a nods, “If you wish to continue, I would find it interesting to join you.”

“You would need a weapon.” He looks down. “Unless your hooves are weapons enough.”

“My hooves are sufficient in most cases. I hit hard. I like maces.” She looks up, projecting her voice. “Computer, are you listening?”


“Are you familiar with pony measurements?”


“Good, make me a long hammer. The head should be one and a half hoofs in radius, three hooves long with a three hoof pick on the other end. Overall length should be twice the length of my foreleg. The head should be a hyperdense metal, roughly five stone in weight. Hyperdense tungsten would be ideal. Shaft of old growth hickory wood.”

The computer chirps and chimes for a moment before the air shimmers before her and the hammer appears. She reaches out and picks it up before twirling it around her body quickly. She looks at Worf. “Let’s rock.”

Worf smiles savagely. Twirling his bat’leth as he moves to cover the pony’s rear. “Computer. Resume program.”