• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 5,337 Views, 525 Comments

Star Trek: A Knights Gambit - Sparky Brony

The Enterprise is off on another adventure...but this time, sentient quadrupeds?

  • ...

Chapter 2.

Author's Note:

In the vast darkness of the empty space, a single chess board sits, illuminated from above by a seemingly immaterial light source. The onyx pieces standing neatly in a row, seem to absorb all the light around them. Slowly a claw like hand enters the light and strokes the dark queen, "Soon, Luna, soon."

Princess Celestia stands there for a long time, looking at the human that has presented himself before her. She examines the furless creature, attempting to understand the expression on his face beyond that it may be a smile. She briefly considers calling for the guard as protocol would dictate again before dismissing the thought. His clothing is fairly form fitting, though somewhat flat in color, and she seriously doubts that any sort of large weapon could be secreted away, magical ability on the other hand is still at question. She puts down her hoof and clears her throat. “By in danger, I would hazard a guess that the threat is not from you.”

She notes that, for a moment at least, he looks vastly uncomfortable before he covers his emotions, that gets her ears to flick. She gestures to the small table. “Please, have a seat.” She turns around and heads towards the door of her suite. Her magic chimes as she opens the door.

“Is anything amiss, Princess?” One of the two guards stationed outside her door asks.

“Oh, no. I would like tea for two, I think a nice Valerian blend will do, no service is required, simply knock on the door when the cart arrives. I will handle the service myself.” Looking to the second guard, “And when Twilight Sparkle arrives, let her in immediately.”

“As you command.” The guard gives a quick salute before turning to head down the hall to the kitchen, the second guard closing the door before returning to his position.

She turns and walks back to the small writing desk in her sitting room. In only moments she has dispatched a small piece of parchment, it disappearing in a flash of fire. The kitchens are efficient as always, and it only requires a few minutes of waiting before there is a quick knock at the door. Celestia doesn’t even step towards the door, merely glancing at it, her horn lighting, as she opens it and pulls the wheeled cart towards her.

“Thank you, you may collect the cart from the hall, in the morning,” She nods thanks to the steward as she closes the door and pulls the cart behind her into her bedchambers.

Picard is sitting on a cushion, though his legs are crossed to easily fit under the table which is rather small compared to his frame. He moves to get up but is stopped by a look from her. Her magic pulls the steaming teapot from the cart and sets it on the table, two cups and saucers fly over, one landing before him gently.

He leans forward. “I apologize, I am not used to being served tea by royalty, Princess. May I at least pour?” He reaches out at her nod while she puts the milk and sugar on the table. He pours the two cups and looks at the sugar then at her questioningly. He spoons sugar into her cup and pushes it towards her. She takes her own spoon and stirs the tea. She settles onto her own cushion regally and takes a sip of her tea.

“Given the fact you appeared in my bedchambers, despite there being a specific ward to prevent teleportation. And you came at night, which I don’t think would be within typical diplomatic protocol. Unless of course it is normal for your species to appear in a strange mare’s bedroom at night.” She looks at him. “Given that, I would guess there is an urgency or time requirement for this, that you did not wish to present yourself to the ponies en mass, and that you studied us at least in part. Would you mind explaining what exactly is going on?”

Picard nods and starts to talk. As he explains, she finds herself fascinated by the translation system on his chest, she has no idea if the voice she’s hearing is his own, or some magically created artificial voice. But she listens intently as he explains.

“You surely must see my dilemma, I have a populated member world in danger, with a population of billions. That danger is from your world. I must act, but the fact there is life here, civilization, makes my job much harder.”

She sets down her half empty cup. “And likely the damage would be twofold, the damage to your Betazed and my world would also be gravely affected by coming so close to this planet.” At his nod, she continues. “And you feel the only viable way to save the most lives would be to move the population of my world, which numbers in the tens of millions between the ponies, griffons, hippogrifs, minotaurs, yaks, dragons and other species on my world.”

He nods, getting her to sit back. “With one ship? It must be huge to accommodate such a mission.”

He frowns, she’s starting to understand more of his facial expressions, no ears to watch, no wings to notice uncomfortable shifting. “I have sent a message to my people, asking for whatever ships available to assist. Sadly, we only have a matter of weeks before this system is physically a danger. Even with every Federation flagged ship and any private ships along with any allies, we would be able to transport a lot of life from this world and get them safely to a similar class planet. There are a few within reasonable journey time, though the time frames involved would necessitate one, perhaps two trips per ship, space is vast, and travel through it takes time.”

Her ears splay back. “So, no matter what, you will have to act. What would you do?”

Again, he looks vastly uncomfortable. “We have weapons on board the ships, we would have to break up your world and use tractor beams to shift the orbits. In the end, this world would become a new asteroid field outside the orbit of Betazed.” He looks down. “I’m sorry, Princess, I don’t see any other way, but I must act to preserve the most life I can.”

“And condemn millions to their deaths. Not just the sentient life, but all life on this world.”

He nods. “We are working, Princess, to find other ways to mitigate this problem. But if all other efforts fail, we must act to save lives wherever possible. The only alternative is the death of millions on this world, and several billion on Betazed, the projections show the gravity shear would be enough to crack the crust of the planet, causing a definite worldwide extinction event, some life might survive, but the death toll would be catastrophic.”

“With them being a member of your Federation of Planets, there is a definite political component to this as well.”
He nods. “While that is true, our number one priority in this matter is the preservation of as much life as possible. I am the first to say politics be damned in many instances. But in this case, your planet has less to lose. Your planet is in motion, your planet would need to be stopped in any case.”

She nods as she sips her tea, thinking furiously. Her eyes widen as the main door to her suite is opened. “Princess?” A soft voice with more than a little panic in it intones.

“In my bedchambers, my faithful student.” She calls out. Picard gets to his feet as the sound of the clopping of hooves announces the arrival of seven ponies and a baby dragon. All of them stop as they see the human sitting there.

The one in the lead, a lavender alicorn, stops and looks at Celestia. “What is going on here?”

Picard steps forward, "My name, is Captain Jean Luc Picard, you may find this hard to believe but..."

Pinkie Pie starts pronking on the spot, "Oh, oh, oh, I know this one, You're a human Captain of a large starship currently in orbit around our planet. You're a representative of a multi-planet federation and are here to avert a massive disaster."

All eyes fall on Pinkie blinking, "Pinkie let him talk." Twilight says, leaning over towards her friend.

"Tarnation, how did you get all of that?”

"It's been two weeks since we had to save the world, it was obvious." Pinkie says giving one of her huge smiles.

Celestia smiles at her. “Why yes, Pinkie Pie, you have a good grasp of things. Though he has been explaining this problem to me, and I wish for you to hear as well.” She looks at the Captain. “Would you like to explain again? Or shall I tell her?”

Picard is able to muster a smile once again, glancing at the pink pony bouncing in place. “I would be happy to, this situation is grave enough that I would explain until I’m blue in the face.” He launches into the explanation once again. He could see, though, that this other alicorn isn’t as schooled in the nuances of politics as Celestia is. More than once, her wings flare in surprise, and her facial expressions tell him what she is thinking almost as well as if Deanna were next to him, though the news is grave enough that even the pink one is looking somber by the end of the explanation.

Finally he winds down, Celestia clears her throat. “First off, Captain, I had Twilight and her friends come here because any solution to this problem will likely come from her.” She smiles at her protégé before continuing. “I am also bringing them into the fold, so to speak, when it comes to this problem. You see, Captain. So long as there is a sentient being on this world, I will not leave.”

Picard starts to sputter, but Celestia holds out a hoof. “There is no compromise on this, Captain, either we all go, or we are all saved. My fate will be that of the rest of Equestria and the surrounding nations. I will assist wherever possible. In the morning, I will summon every ambassador that I can, and will explain there is a serious problem. But unless every sentient is brought off this world, I will not be leaving myself.”

“But Princess.” Twilight says, her voice shaking. “If what he says is true, there is no way they can bring enough ships to pull every last sentient off this planet.”

“I know, my dear student. But my fate will be the same as theirs. I cannot call myself the Crown Princess of Equestria without being willing to make hard decisions like this.” She looks over at the human, her gaze penetrating his very soul. “Captain Picard, I would hope that you and your crew are working diligently to avert this catastrophe without loss of life.”

Picard swallows. “Of course, Princess. My crew will be working around the clock, though we have sent messages, as I’ve told you. And ships should start arriving within a few days to start the process. Would it be permissible for some of your population to be among the first to go on those ships?”

Princess Celestia inclines her head. “I will make notifications, and anypony who wishes to help establish a colony on a nearby world will be welcomed and your first ships can make their voyages and work to build the infrastructure of a new place for the ponies to live. Shall I have some sort of landing area prepared, for your ship to land to take on passengers?”

That gets a smile from Picard. “We can use transporters and bring the ponies up that way. Though the Enterprise will not initially be performing the evacuation. If necessary, we will do so, but as it is, we need to gather up as much information as we can, we may also try to perform experiments, to see what is viable. But have no doubt, the Enterprise will be doing her part in this.”

Celestia nods. “Then I shall leave you be, it has been a long day for me, and I must get some sleep.”

Picard nods and looks at the assembled ponies. “Since it is night here, I am now extending an invitation for you all to join me and visit the Enterprise, we can send down away teams once the sun rises.”

Celestia is standing by her bed. “Captain, I would like you to join those away teams, I want you to see as much of our world as you can, so you know the stakes involved.”

“I assure you Princess, I am quite aware. But I will be visiting, I am utterly fascinated by your planet.”

That gets a smile from the Princess as he gestures for the other ponies and the small dragon to gather around him. He takes off his com badge. “Picard to Enterprise, lock onto my location and nine to beam up. Leave the communicator behind. If Celestia needs to reach me, she can use it.” He turns and places the device on the table before standing tall. “Energize.”

Celestia watches as her student and her friends, along with the Captain, dematerialize.


As the transporter effect fades, the ponies and the dragon all look around.

“Well, it doesn’t look all that big.” Rarity says.

Pinkie Pie bounces over to O’Brien. “Oh oh oh! That was the craziest thing I’ve ever done!”

The transporter operator looks at the Captain helplessly as the pink pony bounces up and down before his control panel. He steps to the side, putting his body between her and the panel. “Please, don’t touch.”

Picard leads them from the transporter room and down the corridor. Shortly he stops at a turbolift door. He turns back. “It might be a bit crowded.” Though two of the ponies, a light blue one with a shocking rainbow mane, as well as a yellow pegasus with a pink mane, are floating above the others, their wings beating slowly. He allows the rest to precede him into the lift before crowding in behind them. Twilight, as well, takes to the air, giving the other four enough floor space to join Picard. “Bridge.” He says as the doors close. The lift starts to go sideways, though its own inertial dampening prevents even the fliers from being slammed into the wall. Picard briefly wonders how it works. Given their size, there is no way their wings could produce enough lift. Though with three of them flying in such a small space, he would expect the air moved by their wings would produce a significant amount of turbulence. But he barely notices any air movement as the lift stops and shifts to vertical movement. In only moments the lift opens up to the bridge. The ponies follow him out of the lift, the rest of the crew is staying professional and focusing on their workstations, Will Riker walks around from the command area.

“Good day, I’m William Riker.” He says, looking at the lavender alicorn.

She ducks her head shyly. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, these are my friends.” She points at each pony as she names them. “This is Spike, Rainbow Dash, Starlight Glimmer, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.”

Riker smiles genially. “What colorful names.” He looks up at Picard. “We are holding orbit, though the proto-sun seems to have a will of its own, nearly all active scans are simply being reflected. We’ve pretty much learned nothing about it while you’ve been planetside.”

Picard nods. “Thank you, Number One.” He looks around. “Where is Commander Data?”

“Astrometrics, with Geordie, they are trying to figure out this little pocket of the universe as best they can.”

Picard turns to the ponies, who have clumped together, all of them looking curious and more than a little scared. “This is the main bridge of the starship, where most of the operations of the ship are handled. I will be heading to Astrometrics to help with our efforts here. Will, would you continue to escort the ponies around the ship, show them what is going on, and how we are trying to figure out how to save their world?”

“I would be glad to, Captain.”

“Captain?” Twilight Sparkle speaks up. “May I join you? I’m not the student of astronomy that Princess Luna is, but I have some knowledge in that regard.”

He nods, gesturing for the alicorn to follow him back onto the turbolift. Will stops as he watches the captain and the pony disappear into the lift, then he looks down at the ponies and small dragon standing before him. He’s given basic tours of the ship to various dignitaries many times over the years, but this is the first time the dignitaries barely reached his waist in height, and were all quadrupeds. He clears his throat nervously. “Well, since you’ve seen the bridge, let us start by heading this way, into the observation lounge.”


Twilight stands next to the human captain in the little room they called a turbolift. She knows of lifts, usually in tall buildings to make it easier to get between floors, but this one, after dropping several levels, has shifted to go sideways. She briefly lights her horn, just to feel around, and confirms that, yes, the lift is travelling sideways. She looks up at the Captain. “How am I not feeling the acceleration? We are moving quite quickly.”

Picard smiles down at her. “Starships have inertial compensation. Sensors determine acceleration and produce a gravity field directly opposite of that acceleration to cancel it out. It’s not perfect, but it does protect the crew. The turbolift has its own system, for the safety and comfort of those onboard.”

“Generate a gravity field?” She narrows her eyes. “I know spells to generate gravity effects, but they are really advanced…” Her eyes widen. “And you have machines do this, automatically?”

He nods. “Our technology is quite a bit different than what you are accustomed to, Princess.”

“Just Twilight, please.”

He looks at her for a long moment. “As you wish, Twilight.”

“I mean, you are working hard to save my world, I would think we should be on a familiar basis.”

He smiles. “That is true.”

She taps the floor. “So you have faster than light travel, you have magical gravity built into your ships, weapons powerful enough to carve a planet into pieces. Ponies have airship travel and are barely mastering electricity.” She frowns. “If this weren’t such an emergency, wouldn’t you be afraid that your technology might hurt another civilization that wouldn’t be ready for such things?”

Picard looks at the pony princess standing next to him. “In fact we have very strict rules regarding different societies and their technological advancement. It is called our prime directive, it mandates us to leave developing cultures alone until they discover faster than light travel. Had circumstances been different, we would observe you, for months if not years, before anything else, watching to see if you would make the leap to the stars. Only when your kind would have discovered how to bend space and time, then we would have initiated first contact, and gotten to know your leaders and your citizens.”

She looks up at him. “So, because of where my system is going, that is why we meet?”

He nods. “If it weren’t a life or death emergency, I would not have waived the requirements of the Prime Directive.”

The door opens and Twilight follows Picard down the corridor. She looks around at the various crew members walking around. More than one gasp reaches her ears, along with quite a few crew members stopping what they are doing to see her. She nudges closer to Picard. “Why are they surprised? I would think you see aliens regularly in your line of work.”

He guides her through a doorway and stops in the small antechamber. “In our experience, quadrupeds such as yourselves, don’t achieve sapience, much less tool use and other requirements that lead to spacefaring. Your species, in fact, your whole planet is quite unusual by our standards.”

She scoffs. “How can that be?”

“Most, but not all, planets end up with one sapient species, they dominate the other species, and those that are threats to them end up going extinct. Add in the fact that equines such as yourself, are typically prey. Which is also another strike against becoming sapient, though there are exceptions, for example, the Denobulans. But with all of that, Miss Twilight, your species is quite unusual in your success on your world.”

“Something that might be destroyed in a matter of a few weeks.” She says softly.

He gestures for a larger door to open, she walks in and stops, sitting down quickly. He steps up next to her. “Breathtaking isn’t it?”

A large catwalk extends into the center of the large spherical chamber. Computer controls and a couple of seats are set up at that center station. Two are standing there, a pale human looking creature, but something is off to her about his movements, and a dark skinned human, who is wearing some sort of device on his face. Picard steps forward to his crewmembers. “Princess Twilight Sparkle, this is my chief engineer, Geordi LaForge, and my chief of operations, Lieutenant Commander Data.”

Twilight offers a hoof, and the dark skinned human shakes it. The pale one called Data comes up next to him and also shakes the pony’s hoof.

“Okay, this whole evening has been an absolute whirlwind.” Her horn lights for a moment, then she gasps. “You aren’t even alive.” Her eyes are glued to the operations officer.

“You are correct, I am not biologically alive, I am an artificial life form, an android.”

Twilight shakes her head as though a gnat is buzzing around her ear. “And are you a half android?” She looks at Geordi.

That gets a short bark of a laugh from the chief engineer. “No, I’m blind, I use this device.” He touches the VISOR on his face, “So I can see. With it, my vision is different than how humans see, but I can see a lot of things you cannot.”

Twilight drums her hooves on the floor quickly. “If I wasn’t so overwhelmed, I would be wanting to take you apart to see how you work.” She looks over at Geordi. “And I would love to see how that works, and also what can be done about your eyes, why your natural ones don’t work anymore.” She stops, sinking her front half to the deck. “I’m just…I don’t know. This has been an utter shock of an evening.”

Picard kneels down, putting a hand on her withers. “Princess, if you need to rest, I can show you to some quarters.”

She shrugs his hand off. “Saving my home is more important than anything, Captain.” She claps her forehooves together. “Alright, let’s see what we have to work with here.”


Commander William Thomas Riker has given starship tours to dignitaries dozens of times as first officer of the Enterprise. But right now, he’s seriously considering to never do that again. The pink pony, Pinkie Pie, has both impressed him, and has been driving him nuts with her outbursts. If he didn’t know better, he would think he were in a cartoon, since she’s fit her body in impossibly small confines, and has done other things which he would have said was completely impossible.

He keeps the diplomatic smile on his face as he passes through the doorway. “This is our ten-forward compartment. This is a lounge for when crew members are off shift, to allow them a communal space to converse and enjoy food.”

The white unicorn, Rarity, walks up next to him, then she slowly walks to the massive windows in the front of the compartment. “That is our world? Our home, from orbit?”

He nodded. She gazed out at the blue, green, and white orb seemingly hanging motionless before them. Her tail waving, she seems absolutely mesmerized by the view. One by one, the other ponies crowd over to the many viewports in the front of the compartment.

“So, these are our guests?” Comes a new voice, getting every pony to turn and look at the dark skinned humanoid in flowing robes and large hat.

“This is Guinan, she runs ten forward.” Riker said with a gesture.

Rarity walked up to her. “On our tour, I’ve seen so many different aliens, and now another hoomon.” She sticks her tongue out a bit at the odd word to her. “And even among hoomons, you have a rather narrow coloring scheme, going from very pale, to as dark as you are.” She cocked her head to the side. “But I must say, your garments are absolutely beautiful. Have you considered some diamonds or other gems along the hemline? I think it would set off from that beautiful skin color you have and really shine.”

Riker has very rarely seen Guinan flush, but the bartender flushes a bit with a shy smile. “Why thank you, my dear. But I’m not human.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything.” Rarity sputtered.

Will comes to the white pony’s rescue. “Not all humanoids are human, Miss Rarity. Guinan here is a long time friend of Captain Picard.

“You seem to be looking at me a lot?” Pinkie pie said softly, her ears cocked to the side.

Guinan shook her head. “I’m sorry, but there’s something about you…” She sighed. “I’m sorry, was not trying to be rude.”

The pale pink pony with the multicolored purple mane stepped closer to Riker. “While I do appreciate the tour of the ship, and getting to see all that you hoomans have made. I would like to know more about what is being done to save our world. I know Twilight Sparkle is off starting on this mission. But we all are here to help.” Her horn starts to glow. “Can you help me learn the basics of how your computer systems work? You’ve mentioned the main computer of this ship many times. How do I use it? Research what is necessary?” She glanced at the other ponies around. “Please, Mr. Riker. This is our home, we want to help.”

Riker glances between the ponies before nodding. “While I’ve been conducting this tour, we have been working on one of our science labs to give you as much access as you would need to learn as much as possible. We will also be showing you a couple of candidate worlds that we would work to relocate as many as we can from your home.”

Starlight Glimmer stamps a hoof on the carpeted deck. “I do appreciate the idea of moving our population. But we all know that even a ship this size cannot move enough. My goal, and the goal of everypony here is to make sure we save our world.” She looks around. “Both worlds. Who would I talk to, to send me back to Canterlot for a short time so I can get magical reference materials? Perhaps we can find a way, using your technology and our magic, to fix this horrible problem.”

That gets a smile from Riker. “I will take you to the lab, let you meet your liaison, his name is Reginald, and he will get your friends settled to start work. Then I will go with you, help you pick up what you need, sound good?”

She nodded. “Thank you, Mister Riker.”

“Call me Will.”