• Published 3rd Aug 2020
  • 599 Views, 13 Comments

Star Fox Equis - Pronche

From Equestria side to the Lylat System, everyone is living a happy life. However, fifteen years after the events of StarFox Equestria, another invasion is coming and this time, it's from outer space. Only Star Fox can destroy it. Once again.

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“To conclude this lesson on aerial maneuvers, only use this one if you’re in a tight spot: the barrel roll. Whichever the ship you’re flying on, it’s biggest downside is that it makes you vulnerable after doing it. It disorient you because you lose your bearings and you don’t know where your foe is going to be when you get out of that spin.”

A light blue and white, furred hand rose in the air, patiently waiting for the professor to acknowledge him. “Yes Mr. McCloud?”

The teen fox, in his early thirteen, lowered his arm.

“But sir, can’t we gain time by dropping a Nova Bomb to distract our enemy?”

“We can since your starfighter is not affected by its own explosives. However, dear Marcus, the numbers of bombs a ship can transport, may it be an Arwing or a Cornerian Fighter, is limited. So, it should be used wisely.”

Grumbling to himself, the vulpine nodded sadly. “That’s what Uncle Peppy keep saying…”

Before the teacher could continue, the bell rang, signalling the end of the lesson and the day. All the young adolescents started to tidy up their affairs. An orange frog, with eyes as blue as a sapphire walked to Marcus, patting him on the arm. Everyone who heard him could feel the wonder in his voice. “Woah, it’s your father who taught you that?”

At the second the student opened his voice to answer, the yellow Labrador they had has a teacher for theorical flying practice was behind him.

“McCloud, could you stay after everyone left? You don’t need to leave Toad, since your parents know each other.” The former nodded and the trio waited until they were alone.

“Young man, your input was interesting. Even if I don’t condone it because of the reason I explained a little earlier, having someone relating a case that happened is good. However, I hope that all the people attending this class will not have to use it, you two included.”

“Yes sir!”

Their superior nodded, satisfied with his answer. “But, just like your friend, I’m curious as to how you learned it. Care to share this knowledge?”

Using the same mimic as his father when he was embarrassed or put on the spotlight, the vulpine scratched the back of his head. “U-um, sure! Dad told me he was forced to use this trick when he fought uncle Falco, four years after the Lylat Wars.”

“Ah yes, the Titania Incident. I’ve read the rapport your father sent to General Pepper.”

“Yeah, so those two engaged in a dogfight and at one moment, Dad barrel rolled but just before he ended his manoeuver, he released a bomb. It stopped Falco from shooting him down.”

“Dangerous indeed, yet I understand why. Everyone who have done the same in his place. I’m releasing you two, have a good weekend.”

The duo did the military salute and rushed out of the class. Taking their books from their individual lockers, they quickly left the main building. Many students were waiting by the bus to be seated in them, Marcus sighed because he was one of those, since his parents were living half an hour away from the capital. At least, he was glad to make the trip only twice a week and not everyday, since he was living at the Cornerian Academy.

However, this time proved to be different because of a crowd, forming a semi-circle around two people. Looking in direction of the commotion, the vulpine and the frog spotted a tall blue avian, the color around his eyes red and his beak yellow and a dark green amphibian with yellow glasses chatting together, completely ignoring the people around them.

“Uncle Falco!”

“Grandpa Beltino!”

The group separated in two so the adolescents could greet their seniors. The ace pilot fist bumped the youngest McCloud and both Toad hugged each other. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, I wanted to see your father about a recent mission and seeing at what time I arrived, I decided to surprise you. The old man had the idea to do the same so the whole Toad family spend their weekend together!”

The ex-research director of the CDF saluted the light blue fox. “Hello young one, it’s good to see you.”

“You too, sir.” He replied, lightly nodding.

“So, how are your studies going?”

“Until now, I aced all my tests on papers and I did a perfect on the virtual simulator!”

Falco snickered. “I ain’t even surprised. Just like your father, and you Adrian?”

The latter smiled, eyes filled with pride.

“I’m not far behind Marcus, I’m ranked #6 of all those of the 1st year.”

“I don’t remember Slippy being that high in the leaderboard when he was your age.” said Beltino, scratching his chin as he tried to remember his son’s performance. “Yeah, me neither.” added the blue bird. “He was average, at best. Yet, it was more than enough to graduate and obtain his pilot license.”

“Indeed. Anyway, it was good to speak with you again.” Beltino and the ace pilot shook hands, the latter then nodded. “The same to you, old timer. Say hello to Slippy and Amanda for me.”

“Will do!”

The two adolescents said goodbye to each other before the frogs walked away, toward a car waiting for them, less than a hundred meters away. The crowd had already left, their fanboyism satisfied to be in presence of two legends and their phones filled with enough pictures for a lifetime. Afterward, the avian handed Marcus an helmet before putting his own on his head. It was at this moment the green-eyed fox spotted a motorcycle. This one was colored in deep blue, almost like a sapphire, while its wheels were a vibrant red and in homage to the past, it had tires and thermal engine. The long fork, coilovers, footrest and the engine itself were chromed. Only people who had a passion for these vehicles and enough money could afford it since everything was hand-made and the petrol they used was synthetized.

Once on it, Marcus put his arms around his uncle-in-name’s waist. Falco took it as a sign he was ready to go and started the motorcycle. A moment after, they entered the road traffic, slaloming between floating cars and trucks. After ten minutes, the duo finally escaped from the city, the landscape around them quickly transforming into plains and mountains on their left while they had the possibility to admire the sea if they turned their head to the other side. A never-ending flow of ships of various sizes were either going to the capital or leaving the atmosphere to go to other planets of the Lylat System.

The engine's roar echoed as the motorcycle drove along the cliff, wind blowing in their ears. Marcus couldn’t help but smile broadly at the feeling of pure joy it created in him. In addition to that, even if Falco’s vehicle was more designed for comfort and calm journey, it did not prevent him from driving above the speed limit. His heart was beating loudly against his torso, excited by the ride.

The young McCloud let out a chuckle as he imagined his mother discovering this and berate the avian for putting her son in danger with his reckless driving. After another fifteen minutes of riding in silence, they finally reached their destination. Marcus put out the helmet and got off from the back seat.

“Thank you for the ride!”

The blue avian parked his bike, killed the engine before also taking off his protection, then winked at the adolescent fox. “Anytime kiddo, it's always a pleasure to spend time with you.”

The house’s structure was made of wood, with modern elements inserted in it, for ecological and economical purpose, so its inhabitants wouldn’t have to spend a fortune to keep it warm or fresh when it was necessary. It had a ground floor and a first floor. Fox wanted to keep it simple and small for three people to live inside of it but big enough to welcome friends for the night.

The two of them walked to the front door and made their way inside. “Dad! Mom! I'm already home, Uncle Chicken was kind enough to drop me home.”

“I am not a chicken, you little brat! Next time I'm driving at the front of the Academy when you're supposed to done for your day, I'll let you take the bus.”

One orange vulpine appeared through an open door, at the end of the corridor. Even in his mid-forties, his fur was still glossy despite some part of them tarnished. His vibrant green eyes glistened with life and happiness at seeing his son being back and his best friend behind him. The latter was the first one to detect his presence.

“Foxy! Just the man I wanted to see.”


The blue vulpine rushed to his father, who took him in his arms and hugged his boy tightly. “Welcome home Marcus. How was your week?”

“Good! We’re actually going through the most basic stuff, everything I already know… so it’s a little boring but I like to help a few students who struggle to understand some things.”

Fox smiled at this, pride filling his chest. “That’s good! Hey, why don’t you go upstairs to wake up your mom? I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you.”

“Sure!” On those words, the pup rushed upstairs, in direction of Fox and Krystal’s bedroom. The leader of the mercenary team then walked to his best friend, fist bumping each other.

“So Falco, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Well, I wanted to know when we’ll be paid for that escort mission I did with Fay one week ago.”

“Oh, soon enough. Our client just sent me the money and I transferred it to your accounts, it should appear in a few days.”


The tan vulpine hummed approvingly. “Do you want to take a coffee and stay for dinner? I’ll prepare it soon.”

“Sure, it has been some time since we spent some time together.”

The two buddies walked to the kitchen, Fox brewing some fresh coffee for them and boiling hot water so Krystal could infuse and drink her post-nap tea. A moment later, they heard the footsteps coming down the stairs. A magnificent vixen, wearing a white shirt with the logo of the team and grey shorts, then appeared in the doorway between the hall and the kitchen. Her blue eyes, in perfect adequacy with her blue fur, scanned the room. Her view fell on Falco, giving him a wide smile and a nod before locking on the man of her life.

Fox smirked back at her. “Hey there love, slept well?” She nodded, humming happily, before walking to him and letting her weight fall on his chest, her eyes lost in his. Instinctively, he put his arms around her.

“Indeed but my nap would have been infinitively better if you had been here.”

“I know, I know. I had some important things to do, administratively, and also take care of the garden. However, to be forgiven, I prepared your tea.”

Krystal gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek. “You’re an angel.”

“I try my best.”

She then poured the hot liquid in the bowl, letting it slowly infuse. “My hearing is still good enough to hear your bike coming. Why are you here? It had to do with the last mission I suppose?”

“Yeah, I wanted to ask Fox when we’ll be paid.”

“I see.” She blew on the recipient. “You’re staying for dinner?”

“Already asked him and he said yes.”

“In that case, what are we eating?”

The leader of the squadron replied without hesitation. “Turkey.” Falco’s reaction was immediate as he crossed his arms and glared venomously at his superior. “Fuck you!”

The three McCloud guffawed loudly at his response, since it was an inside joke between all of them, to try to cook the ace pilot during a national holiday, in which you eat turkey, since he was a bird. A few hours later, the quartet was sitting around the table, indeed savouring a roasted turkey with mashed potatoes and herbs. Everyone was enjoying a good time, the adults telling stories of their common past, each of them adding their little perspective to it, even if it led to some disagreements on how a few events happened.

However, as the dinner was irreducibly ending, the group was interrupted by a ringing telephone. However, this one was different from the public line. This one was reserved for cases of extreme urgency and only two people could be on the other side of the phone: either Peppy or the robotic operator of the Great Fox. Even Marcus knew what this call means as they all looked at each other, curiosity laced with a tint of worry in their eyes.

Fox stood up and walked to the phone hanging against the wall, he pressed two buttons, one to answer and the second one to put it on speakers.

“This is Fox, what’s the urgency?”

“ROB64 here. The Great Fox had received a distress signal, addressed to you specifically.” The light brown vulpine furrowed his brow. He didn’t remember giving an emergency line to contact him directly if necessary, unless… “Origin of the S.O.S: Planet Equis. Sender recognized as Twilight Sparkle.”

His eyes widened in shock as he put two and two together, his head slowly turned to the others occupants of the room. Equestria had a serious problem, big enough to require his help. “U-understood. I have Krystal and Falco here with me, call the rest of the team to the mothership and prepare it for a long flight. And when I mean the rest, it’s everyone. Fox out.”

Releasing a shaky breath, his mind replayed his last visit to the equine world. What could have happened after all this time that required his expertise?

“We’re leaving immediately. Marcus, you’re also coming with us.”

“Wait, what?” asked his wife, stunned. “You want to bring our son in an unknown place? Somewhere that could be dangerous for him?”

“Krystal, we can’t leave him alone, he’s a little too young for that.”

“And why not make him stay with Peppy?”

“That’s a good idea, I won’t deny that. However, it’s the perfect occasion for him to have a first real experience. The safest place for him is on the Great Fox, nothing could have a chance to hurt him if he observe us from a distance.”

She let out a frustrated ‘tsk’, crossed her arms and replied. “You weren’t so adamant to see me on the front lines a few years ago.”

Chuckling, Fox shook his head. “I learned from my mistakes. I want Marcus to be as ready as possible for when we’ll definitively retire. He need to see how a team works and in truth, I’d like him to see what make Star Fox renowned and feared on the battlefield, so he see the full potential of our squadron. Also, a small part of me want to have him with us because I never got the possibility to live this kind of thing with my dad.”

“Fine.” She easily relented, her eyes softened at the latest explanation. His father was a sensible topic and it helped making him cope with this loss to share this kind of experience with his own child. “But if he end getting injured Fox…”

“It will not happen. I’ll be sure of that.”

“Perfect. In that case Marcus, pack your bags for…?”

The older green-eyed canine also turned his head to his offspring. “A month, at least. We don’t know the gravity of the situation there and our stay could be prolonged. I’m sending an email ASAP at the Academy explaining the situation; they don’t have much of a choice but to accept it.”

An hour later – Location: Corneria Defence Forces Spaceport, inside Star Fox’s mothership

Twelve people were standing on the deck of the Assault Carrier. The eleven members of Star Fox Squadron (Fox, Krystal, Fay Spaniel, Katt Monroe, Miyu Lynx, Slippy, Falco, Amanda, ROB64, Lucy and Marcus), General Peppy Hare was also present. Fox clasped his hands together.

“Everyone is here, perfect. I’m sorry for ruining your weekend Slippy and Amanda but I need every person available.”

“Nah, it’s fine.” answered his amphibian friend. “We left the children under my father’s care and they’re old enough to watch each other back.”

“Still, thank you two for coming.”

A lynx with orange fur, black markings on her body and blue eyes sat on the nearest chair. “So Foxy, why did you summoned us?”

“ROB called me not long ago to tell me he received a transmission on a private line for me. It’s related to a solo mission I did fifteen years ago. Because of a black hole, I was sent on an unknown world, inhabited by strange creatures: pegasi, unicorns, dragons and more. In exchange for repairing my damaged Arwing, I had to investigate a local disturbance and gained a few friends along the way. Needless to say, I confronted a tyrannical being, not unlike Andross, who managed to corrupt a specie and make them work on repairing Venomian ships that had derived in space for years, before crashing on their moon.”

“Slippy, Peppy and Falco arrived during the final battle, thanks to a distress signal I set up and together, we destroyed the fleet. I then delivered the fatal blow to the monster behind all of this and we flew back home. I came back on my own not long after and gave the locals a device to contact me if necessary. Corneria decided to observe them afar, once a year and the story never got out to the public.”

“And you think they need us?” asked Katt, genuinely curious.

He nodded. “Celestia and Luna are extremely powerful beings. The physical laws and science on their planet operate differently from ours, those two have the power to move the sun and the moon! They wouldn’t have send this S.O.S if the situation wasn’t dire.”

Nobody added anything. Fox took this as a sign to continue. “ROB, play the message please.”

[Briefing Theme]

Suddenly, the holographic table in the center of the room lit up, showing the face of purple pony. Fox immediately knew it was Twilight but she looked older and far more mature. Her horn was longer and it was the same for her mane, which was twinkling and flowing, just like the other two Alicorns.

“We need your help Star Fox!” Her eyes filled with fear. “An army of flying objects had appeared in the sky without any warning sign.” The image then switched to a nearby broken window. There were thousands of drones, individuals ships, transporters and heavy carriers. A lot of them were flying above the capital, destroying houses, public places and companies. Everyone heard the cries of fear from the citizens. “Rainbow Dash told me that Cloudsdale has already been overrun. I’ve sent the Royal Guards to evacuate the city and put the remaining civilians in security but we’re going to lose Canterlot soon enough. I’m going to surrender myself and hope they don’t hurt my little ponies… I will buy as much time as I can but I don’t know how long I can gain. So Fox, if you receive this, please come save our planet.”

The message ended after this. The tan vulpine’s knuckles were so tightly closed that he was on the verge of drawing blood.

“Fox, if I may add. Equis is not under the Cornerian jurisdiction.” reminded the old rabbit. “The army can’t do anything for them. However, Star Fox is totally free of any law for an otherworldly rescue mission. And it don’t mean I can’t help in the logistics.”

“ROB, when was sent the transmission?”

“Two weeks ago if the internal clock of the camera is still working correctly.”

“How long will it take us to stock enough food, water, fuel and ammo for a month? And do the necessary check-ups on the Great Fox?”

“Two hours, at most.”

“In that case…” he muttered to himself, before raising his voice. “I want everyone to be ready to leave at the end of the two hours. All of you know their job in this kind of situation. Briefing’s over!”

“Yes sir!” everyone replied as they quickly left the room to prepare the mothership and themselves for the journey. Fox then turned to his mentor. “Our usual sellers are still asleep at this hour, can we buy our supplies from the army?”

“Sure, I’ll send you the bill when you’ll come back.”

“Thank you Peppy, you’re a lifesaver.” The general winked at his protégé. “My pleasure.” He left the room, leaving the vulpine and the robot on their own.

“ROB, let’s go over every point to check on the list. I want to be certain we’re ready because I’ll engage our Assault Carrier in active fight. We’ll need every ounce of firepower available.”

“Understood, I’m transferring the check-up on your tablet as we speak.”

When the timer was up, everyone reunited again in the main room. Slowly, the mothership rose from the ground, quickly gaining height and velocity, until it reached Mach 1.4, its maximum speed in the atmosphere. The few civilians still roaming the streets at this hour got the chance to see this spectacle, as it was quite rare to observe nowadays. Once it had left Corneria’s orbit, it settled at cruising speed. The Great Fox then fired a green beam that stopped ten thousand kilometers away, creating a large circle.

“Portal complete. No interference detected. ETOA: ten seconds.” Informed the robot.

A few moment after, the flying base of operations went through it and arrived a little away from their destination. Globally, Equis looked a little like Corneria, a majority of land spaced by large bodies of water. It was beautiful to see but its outer charm was only a façade in comparison to what was currently happening on the ground.

“Star Fox, get ready for the counterattack…”

Comments ( 5 )

Help: Inbound.

What, no Bill Grey? That suck.

The problem with the StarFox games is that we don't have a lot of lore, so we need to base on the few information games give us, instructions booklets and comics. Fortunately, Arwingpedia is the best source for things like this. Anyway, here's what I found on the subject: "Fox knew that Bill would join Star Fox if asked to, but didn't want to pull Bill into his troubles." https://starfox.fandom.com/wiki/Bill_Grey So, that's why I decided to stay canon to the games and not add him as a member of the squadron

Personally, I was half expecting Dash Bowman. But then I remember that he had a 66% chance of ruling Venom at this point. Command's "CYOA" endings give me a headache. :facehoof:

So where's next chapter ?

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