• Published 3rd Aug 2020
  • 599 Views, 13 Comments

Star Fox Equis - Pronche

From Equestria side to the Lylat System, everyone is living a happy life. However, fifteen years after the events of StarFox Equestria, another invasion is coming and this time, it's from outer space. Only Star Fox can destroy it. Once again.

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Fifteen years after the events of Star Fox Equestria

The frigate was stationing millions of kilometres away from Equis, its invisible cloak making it impossible to be detect except by military technology… like the one used by the Cornerian Defence Forces.

Observing the planet at a safe distance, data was collected all around the globe by drones. Fresh pictures and videos were sent to the mothership. The results seemed extremely interesting, making it a prime candidate for their plan. A male simian with brown fur and almond eyes walked to the commander seat and bowed in front of his boss. The latter stayed silent for a long moment until his eyes moved to the man now standing on his right side.

“Resume me the current situation again.” He rasped. “I want to be certain one last time before we engage.”

The monkey nodded, turning himself to look at the planet.

“World called by its inhabitants Equis, we can estimate their numbers to fifty millions, divided in many mythical species: Dragons, griffons, Unicorn, Pegasus, insects named Changelings who are able to take any appearance and many others. Their sun and moon do not move on their own but by one pony, an Alicorn from what we gathered. There are four of them and they’re all dangerous, we must get rid of them first. Our strategists propose to invade the pony capital first, Canterlot, and then, the whole country.”

The pictures switched to different parts of Equestria, showing the major cities. “The algorithm used by the computer is also tending to this scenario. If we go full force on them, chances of winning are 93%. The 7% rely on our biggest opponent, the current Princess ruling: Twilight Sparkle.” A picture of her, standing in the Castle Gardens was then displayed on the gigantic screen. “We don’t know the extent of her powers, killing her would cause two effects on the population, either they rebel and end up wiped out or her death is considered as an example and they get in line. However, the numbers lower a little when confronted to the others countries, especially the Dragon Lands. They’ll be the most difficult to tame.”

His superior smirked.

“Indeed, we just want to suck their world dry of any resources after all. A few casualties during a battle or some accidents tend to happen, it’s always a shame. Please, continue.”

“Yes sir. There is also one situation that can be considered a little difficult: Hippogriffs. They are living atop a mountain and in case of danger, they retreat under the sea. They have a kingdom in the water but there isn’t a big chance they could interrupt our coming activities. Except this, our invasion will not get many obstacle on our way and if it’s the case, they don’t stand a chance against our army.”

“Perfect… still, if they retreat to that place, send troops to prevent them from leaving. What about outside interventions Ruben?”

The latter looked back at his superior. “Corneria left them on their own, they send a satellite once a year to compare the events from the previous years but never intervene. When we’ll be done with these prehistoric creatures and dompt their ‘magic’ for ourselves, the Lylat Council will never know what hit them.”

“Indeed.” The two of them began chuckling, until it transformed into a full-blown maniacal laughter. They stopped a minute or two after, trying to catch their breath. “Now, get back to work. We need to know everything about the locals during the comings weeks before we launch our attack.”

The simian suddenly stood at attention, raising his right hand to his head. “Of course sir, we’ll keep you informed at each important discovery we find.” He left the commander on his own, returning to his place to analyse any new information and store them in their database.

“Soon Pepper… soon.”

Six months later

It was a beautiful day in the capital of Equestria, Canterlot. The sky was empty of any cloud, the weather team scheduled it to stay that way for the whole week. Fortunately, to compensate, the temperature during this spring was warm but with cool wind from time to time. The city was buzzing with life, as per usual, the nobles were walking with their noses high in the air and upright, as if they had a broom where the sun doesn’t shine and the commoners acted more carefree. All kinds of business were filled with clients, from the most renowned restaurant in town to Pony Joe and his well-known donut shop.

Even for the princess of Magic, Twilight Sparkle, everything was going just fine. During the ten years since taking office at the head of the country, she went into the same routine as her old mentor: wake up, breakfast, court, lunch, court/meeting and then, dinner followed by projecting herself from dream to dream during her sleep to watch over her little ponies. However, she was glad to be relieved from some of her duties, especially meeting the ambassadors from the different countries, by Spike. The later had found a knack in negotiating and exchanging with reluctant allies on some subjects.

However, this moment of peace was coming to an end.

Princess Twilight was currently sitting at her throne, reading a file that was floating in her deep pink magic, about financing a project for a medical school in Las Pegasus. The master builder, a light green mare in her thirties, was standing a few meters away, a pearl of sweat falling down at the side of her face.

“It costs a lot.” stated the Alicorn, plainly, while her eyes were still on the papers.

“I know Princess. But the materials we need for the thermal insulation are not cheap and since the government decided to help ponies for this…”

The element of Magic sighed. “I’m aware of what I decreed and how much money leave our chests to fund those kind of buildings. I’m just a little surprised by the amount for something like this and the sums seems to match. It really is complete, you did your job well.” She closed the document and nodded before putting her seal on it, before giving it back to its owner. “I’m approving it, give the bill to the royal treasury and we’ll send the money. But, one of our experts will also supervise the construction to be certain it is spent exactly where it needs to be.”

“Thank you, thank you Princess. I’ll send you an invitation to inaugurate it.” Her subject smiled widely, relief visible on her face and in her eyes.

“I’ll be happy to. Now go my little pony, you have a long journey back to Las Pegasus.”

Twilight smiled, happy to have helped in creating a place where more nurses and doctors could be trained before being send everywhere in the country to heal those in need. Nevertheless, while she was observing the Pegasus mare leave the room, the natural light in the place began to quickly darken. The princess furrowed her brows, any stray cloud from the Everfree would have been spotted and taken care of before she could remark it. Curious, she stood up, walked down from her throne and to the nearest window.

Her eyes widened in shock when she saw the sky was totally filled with black shapes, some far bigger than others. She only saw this once in her life, fifteen years ago. Moreover, that many of them didn’t bring any good news, the tall mare was certain of that.

If they were friendly, she would have received a call from her vulpine ally beforehoof but no.

Using her magic, she mentally called for Spike, who was actually a few rooms away, talking about treaties for exchanging merchandises. Suddenly, her old friend, Rainbow Dash, current captain of the Wonderbolts, entered the throne room, panicked.

“Twi! I came as fast as possible. We saw those things came out from space in an instant. They began invading and destroying buildings at Cloudsdale when I left to warn you but it seems they’re already here! Nopony is hurt yet, it looks like they to want to incapacitate or capture ponies from what I’ve seen on the way. Say the word and the Wonderbolts will intervene to kick their flank.”

Not long after, her number one assistant arrived with Tempest Shadow, the actual Captain of the Royal Guard. The latter bowed before standing up, explaining the situation. “Twilight, some of our scout saw those invaders land and deploy units on the ground. I’m currently sending every guard on the battlefield to prevent them from reaching the upper part of Canterlot but they’re extremely well organized. If we don't act quickly, the capital will be overrun. What are your orders?”

The princess turned her head away from the window and looked at her friends, every probability and possible outcome running through her brain. Slowly, she closed her eyes and opened them at the same rhythm, a long exhale leaving through her nose. She knew what she had to do. It was a small hope, something that could only work in the long run… retaliating violently wasn’t the pony way and it would cost innocent lives if they decided to fight back. She didn't like this idea at all, preferring to solve the problem by herself or with her friends but it was their best option.

“Rainbow, I want you to go back to Cloudsdale. Gather everypony there to the Wonderbolts Headquarters. Tempest, deploy every guard to evacuate Canterlot or put the civilians in a secure place within the city. Spike, I need you to go to my chambers, look into the first drawer at my desk, you’ll find a metallic device, retrieve it please.”

“Of course, Twi.” The tall dragon rushed out of the room, running as fast as possible to his objective.

Her blue-furred friend went to her, shock evident in her voice. “We’re going to surrender? You won’t use your magic to get rid of them?”

“No. I may be the embodiment of it, able to move the sun and the moon but I can’t get rid of that many enemies. They’re literally covering the sky! There's a limit to my power.”

“But, what are we going to do?”

The corners of Twilight's muzzle went up, forming a small, hopeful smile. “We will call someone who CAN and WILL repel them. An old friend of ours.”

It took a moment for the Peagsus to understand whom she was talking about. “We don't even know if he'll come! And if it's the case, it could take days or weeks for him to make the trip. Do you really want to bet the future of Equestria on just one group?"

"Celestia did it numerous time, she put her faith in me, in us when this world's fate was at stake. Everytime it paid off, so yes, I'm willing surrender myself if it means buying time until they arrive."

Even if she hated going down without a fight, Rainbow knew they were outnumbered and outgunned. Her friend was right, it could worsen the situation if they fought back. "Fine. I don’t like it but I’m trusting you.” She finally relented. “I hope for you that your plan will work or we’re all doomed.”

She then flew through the front doors, reaching the necessary speed for a Sonic Rainboom in less than five seconds. The horn-broken Unicorn walked to the Princess, a little unsure. “I may not know what you’re talking about but if Rainbow Dash follow your judgement, I’ll do the same. I’ll try my best to limit our losses or wounded.”

The mare with purple fur and amethyst eyes lightly nodded, thanking her silently before Tempest also ran toward the city. Twilight heard the commotion outside, the sound of ionized plasma destroying different constructions, ponies yelling in fear, calling for help or looking for a lost member of their family.

Her older friend arrived a few moments after, the round object in his left hand.

“Perfect Spike, now I want you to press the white button on it.”

“Okay Twilight.” He did as he was told and the metallic ball began humming before flying out of his hand, floating at eye level. It looked everywhere before stopping on the Alicorn. The camera was on her, a light scanned her body from head to hoof before letting out a ding of approval. “Subject Twilight Sparkle recognized, emergency message begin in five seconds!” said the device with a robotic voice.

After the countdown, a small red dot appeared next to the lens.

“We need your help, Star Fox!”