• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 962 Views, 4 Comments

Sunset's Love Life - In Loving Twilight - Lil Sunny

Sunset and Twilight are ready to embrace their future together.

  • ...

Still Much to Learn

The next day Twilight awoke to find Sunset already awake but still holding her, she looked up into her lover’s eyes and smiled.

“Good morning sleepyhead. Man I could lie like this all day Twi. You’re so soft and cuddly.”

“I’m not a plush toy Sunset.” She giggled. “But I do admit this is heavenly.” She sighed in bliss. “If I can wake up like this every morning, I think I’ll be very happy.”

After some coaxing Sunset finally released Twilight with a pout saying. “Fine but you owe me snuggles later.” As Twilight giggled and the pair made their way to the kitchen for breakfast. Cereal was on the menu and Twilight ate in relative silence, still lamenting that she couldn’t cook yet. Something she hoped to remedy today.

“Sunny, I’m going out for a bit. I’ll be back later OK?”

“Twi, I’m your girlfriend not your mom, you don’t need my permission to go out you know. I’ll see you later sweetie.” Sunset kissed her goodbye.

Once outside Twilight thought about who could help her learn to cook. First her thoughts turned to Applejack believing that if her grandmother was the lunch lady at CHS then Applejack must know the basics. However she discarded that thought when she considered Pinkie Pie. As Pinkie was going to study Home Economics and Cookery at Canterlot College plus the fact she’d heard Pinkie taught her girlfriend Vinyl Scratch how to cook too, Twilight knew who the right choice was. She called the number and Pinkie picked up on the other side.

“Hi hi, you’ve reached Pinkie Pie, what can I do ya for?”

“Hi Pinkie, it’s Twilight. Listen, Sunset’s birthday is coming up soon and I want to cook her a delicious dinner. But I’ve never cooked in my life. I heard you taught Vinyl to cook, so do you think you could teach me?”

“Sure thing Twilight. If Scratchie here can learn to cook then anyone can. Whatcha looking to make her?”

“I don’t really know. She’s vegetarian but I don’t know anything good I could make.”

“Well it’s a good thing momma Pinkie’s here Twilight, I know just the thing and we’ve got everything here to make it, come on over and I’ll show you the steps. I’m sure a smarty pants like you can remember a few instructions.”

“Thank you Pinkie, I’ll be right over.” She hung up and began the walk to Pinkie and Vinyl’s apartment. Knocking the door she was greeted by Vinyl.

“Oh hey Twilight, sup girl? Been a while.”

“Hi Vinyl. Pinkie told me she’d help me learn to cook for Sunset’s birthday coming up.”

“No kiddin? So that’s why she’s setting all that stuff out, I don’t question her crazy anymore honestly, I just roll with it.” Vinyl chuckled. “But yeah if there’s one gal that can help you cook a rockin’ dinner it’s Pinkie. She taught my lazy butt how to cook for pete’s sake.”

“Well I’m sure you’re not bad yourself now too.” Twilight smiled.

“Yeah I guess, but she’s the real chef. She’s gonna study that crud at college too, dunno what she’s gonna do with it but hey. Whatever she wants to do, I got her back.”

Twilight was shown to the kitchen area where Pinkie had all the ingredients set aside for a vegetable pasta bake.

“Alright Twilight. You want Shimmy to love her birthday don’t you? Then this is the perfect piece to make her smile. Plenty of flavor, healthy too and super easy once you know what to do.”

Twilight beamed as she slowly chopped up fresh vegetables and simmered them in a pot of canned tomatoes making her own sauce. A few herbs and spices followed before the mixture was placed in a baking dish with some pasta and mixed thoroughly. Finally it was placed in the oven to bake, removed shortly before completion to sprinkle cheese over the top and allow it to melt without burning. Once finished the three girls taste tested the dish and all agreed it was a success.

“Wow Pinkie, this is great, I can’t believe I did it. But don’t you usually have to follow a recipe or something for this kind of thing?”

“Cooking isn’t that strict honestly. You just need your ingredients and cooking time. Everything else you can just do on the fly. Sure with baking you have to get all the measurements right but for this stuff, it’s easy.”

“Well, it’s a start. But I kinda want to get her an actual present too. I have no idea what she’d like though. This will be her first birthday where I’m living with her so I want it to be special. With a present from the heart.”

“Well, me and Scratchie were going to hit up the mall later, wanna come with? You might find something cool.”

“Sure, if I’m not intruding in your personal time.”

“Nah girl, Pinks and I can totally help you find something kick butt to give your gal.” Vinyl said putting an arm around Twilight.

Pinkie and Vinyl dressed for the day as the three girls made their way to the mall together.

“Well, if you two need me you know where I’ll be.” Vinyl said heading for the music store.

“Oh Scratchie, of course you’d go there first. Well come on Twilight, let’s check out the clothes shops.”

After half an hour they failed to find anything. The same with the music store, game store and toy store.

“Let’s just face facts Pinkie, I don’t know what she’d like. It could be staring me in the face in one of these stores and I wouldn’t even know it. If only I knew someone who could think like me to ask.”

Pinkie thought for a moment. “Why don’t you ask yourself?”

Twilight was puzzled. “Pinkie, that’s absurd. How can I ask myself if I don’t know the answer?”

“Not you you, the other you. Doesn’t Sunset have a magical book thingy she talks to her with?”

Twilight realised what Pinkie meant. “Ohh, Princess Twilight. That’s not a bad idea Pinkie. But I’ll need a distraction to use the book unnoticed.”

“Leave that to me Twi Twi, you get home and think about what you’re gonna ask.”

Twilight returned home and embraced her girlfriend before they sat down for dinner and videogames.

“Hey Twi, it’s my turn to go out now. Pinkie and Vinyl want me to hit up the nightclub with em. I’ll be back later but Pinkie said it’s probably not your kind of thing. I’m sure you’ll be fine without me for a bit.” She kissed Twilight before leaving the apartment.

Twilight looked around and found the familiarly emblazoned book before opening to a blank page and writing.

“Ok, so how does this thing work?”

“Sunset? You know how the book works, who is this?”

“Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle. I hope I’m talking to the other Twilight from that parallel world.”

“Hello Twilight. Yes I am Princess Twilight of Equestria, why are you using Sunset’s book?”

“It's her birthday soon and I have no idea what to get her. I was hoping you might have some ideas.”

“I know just the thing. Meet me outside the CHS portal on Thursday night.”

“Thank you so much Princess.”

She closed the book and sat down to another book, this time it was one she could read instead of writing in.