• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 952 Views, 4 Comments

Sunset's Love Life - In Loving Twilight - Lil Sunny

Sunset and Twilight are ready to embrace their future together.

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The Next Step

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle. Two girls who had been through a lot together. After everything that happened between them at the Friendship Games and Camp Everfree they both began to feel something for each other, but neither acted and Twilight began to date another boy, Timber Spruce. Eventually they broke apart and her feelings for Sunset resurfaced, feelings Sunset had never lost. It took a push from their friends but they ended up together and for the last few months they couldn’t have been happier.

Both girls had aspirations beyond Canterlot High and after graduating were both accepted into the prestigious Canterlot College. They both had decided to focus their studies on Chemistry, although they felt that something else might be their true calling. They weren’t sure what would happen with their friends from CHS considering how difficult the college is to get into. However fate often has a way of keeping things together that should never be parted and all their friends managed to get in too. Each of them having their own subjects to study ranging from music to cooking, business, art and design, athletics and biology. Each of them had their own place to stay after leaving their parents homes, be it sharing an apartment with their significant other or taking dorm rooms at the college.

Sunset had passed her driving test and had an old beat up car. She lived close enough to the college that she didn’t have to move into a dorm and could stay in her apartment. Twilight on the other hand didn’t want to leave home. She had never been on her own before and certainly didn’t want to share a dorm with strangers. Instead she thought she would stay at home and get the bus to and from college. However the long transit, late nights and early mornings were likely to leave her shattered with no time for her friends and this was something that worried her greatly. Sunset offered to treat her to a snack a month before college was due to start and the pair agreed to meet at Sugarcube Corner.

Twilight walked in and saw her yellow skinned lover sitting in a booth with her own grape smoothie, waiting for Twilight. She waved and Twilight ordered herself an orange smoothie before taking her seat opposite Sunset.

“Hey Twi. I noticed you’d been out of it for a bit and I thought you might want to talk about it over a snack.” She offered Twilight an apple fritter.

Twilight tried to fake a smile, something noticed by Sunset and took a bite of one of the fritters.

“Thanks Sunny, I just don’t know what to do. I’m not ready to be alone, but travelling would kill me if I stayed at home for College. I’d have no time for our friends, or you. And that’s something I just can’t deal with. I don’t want to take a dorm room either and I’ve already told you why.”

Sunset thought for a moment before taking her hand and replying.

“Well, why don’t you move in with me? We’ve been dating a while now after all and we’ve been friends for what seems like forever.”

Twilight smiled. “That’s a great idea Sunny! You live close to the college so the commute would be much shorter and I’d have much more time for our friends, plus I can always visit my family on break sometimes.”

Sunset giggled. “Yeah. But that’s not what I meant. Twilight I love you and I would love it if you moved in with me. You’re just thinking about what it means for your academics which is totally just like you. You didn’t think about what it means for us, did you?”

Twilight looked a little embarrassed. “No, I guess I didn’t. If I move in then we’ll be together all the time. We’ll wake up next to each other, eat together, study together and attend classes together. It sounds wonderful. I’m sorry I didn’t see that at first.”

Sunset smiled and gripped her hand tighter. “It’s fine Twilight, I know how you can be. This is a big step for you. Someone so sheltered moving out into the world. But even though you won’t have your parents all the time anymore. You’ll have me, and all our friends. I’m glad I can be the one to guide you into the real world.”

They finished their smoothies as Twilight’s face suddenly fell.

“Twi. What’s wrong?”

“I’m going to have to tell my parents. Oh dear, this could be awkward. We’ve been friends for years but we’ve only dated for a few months. What will they think when I say I’m moving in with you?”

“Twi, you know your own parents. They’ll understand and support you. Especially if they know it’s me you’re moving in with. I’ll come with you and help you tell them, then we can get some of your basics and move them over today. We can come back for anything bigger later. Does that sound ok honey?”

Twilight took a deep breath and smiled.

“Sure Sunny. Thank you so much.”

Hand in Hand they left the little cafe and entered Sunset’s car, driving nearby to the house of Twilight Velvet and Night Light. Twilight’s Parents. Once they pulled up they entered the house and the parents were sitting in the living room seemingly relaxing with nothing particular happening.

Twilight cleared her throat attracting their attention.

“Mom, Dad. I’ve got something to tell you. If I stay here, I’ll be dead on my feet at college. The journey would be too long and too early every day, I’d never have time for other important things in my life. Which is why I. I...I…” She couldn’t finish her sentence so Sunset grabbed her hand.

“She wants to move in with me, I have an apartment not far from the college and a car. We’ve been friends for a long time and as you know we’ve been dating for a few months now. I hope it’s not too soon but this is her decision to make. I hope you understand.”

Twilight’s mother and father looked at each other and then back to the couple, smiling. Her mother was the first to speak.

“We wondered when this day would come. Truthfully we thought Twilight may never mature enough to want to leave home, certainly not all on her own. But with a girl like you by her side Sunset I think she’ll be just fine.”

Her father called her over and sat her down on his knee like she was still a child.

“Twilight my girl. You’re growing up, you’re off to college and you’re old enough to make your own decisions in life. I’m glad you’ve got someone by your side just like Velvet was for me. You’re always welcome back here and I hope you’ll still come by for the holidays.”

“Thanks mom and dad. But honestly you’re right, I don’t think I would have ever left without Sunny to guide me. I’m happy we finally came together after so long admiring each other.”

Sunset pulled her in for a kiss as she blushed beet red and pulled away quickly.

“Sunny! Not in front of my parents!”

Her parents and Sunset laughed as she stood embarrassed.

“Come on then Twi, we got a month before college starts and I want to help you get settled in. Let’s pack up some of your stuff and get going shall we?”

Hand in hand they ascended the stairs towards what would be the last time Twilight called this place her home.