• Published 27th Jul 2020
  • 3,490 Views, 251 Comments

Harmonious Destiny - OverlordCornutt

It was simple, test Drifters new piece of tech. Get Paid. Of course, things rarely ever get to stay that simple. Now a Guardian finds himself and his ghost stranded on a strange planet, with very colorful denizens.

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Chapter 19 - Ishtar’s Light

Chapter 19 - Ishtar’s Light

Drifter leaned back against the wall as he watched Elsie inspecting his latest build of their little science project on the workbench. The exo had made a point of “checking his work” to ensure that nothing went wrong when they attempted to activate it for the initial test run, and she didn't want to have it malfunction after all this hard work after all. The room was mostly silent save for the thrum of the Derelicts salvaged engines and various Knick-knacks that Drifter used for spare parts or small distractions while on the long road to and from Gambit arenas. Every piece had a story, one that was embellished to wow bright eyed Guardians when making his “Sales Pitch” about Gambit and the real stories. That’s not to say there weren’t a few interesting tales that were nothing but the truth, but you can only explain you found some scrap in a burnt out lab or sand blasted city so many times before everyone starts to get sick of it.

Still, he’d rather have a hovel full of stories and mysteries than be cooped up like the others in the Tower. Even if they did have some good eats down there, it was just a bit too stationary for someone like Drifter. Too vulnerable. As he was ruminating to himself , Drifter was jostled by the sudden cough from the Exo stranger, something he still wondered how they did without vocal cords.

Elsie turned to him after dusting her hands off “Well Drifter, I’ll admit you look to have everything out together well… given the materials we have to work with” she said, Drifters smile got just a smidge wider as he chuckled, shrugging his shoulder high as he replied “Aw shucks sister, that means a lot coming from one of the legendary Bray’s! Don’t suppose you're hiring?” He cackled as Elsie rolled her eyes at his antics. She was really wondering if Eris was right about him growing on folks, or if she really had been that desperate for a friend that didn’t constantly ask about making enemies into guns.

Elsie walked over to a small alcove that was relatively clutter free and leaned against the opening. “All that’s left is one final component, something we can use to try and predict where our wayward Guardian was sent and to maintain a stable portal, and there’s one on Venus waiting to be repurposed.” her voice drifted off as she watched the Drifters eyes widen a bit.

“Whoa now!” He exclaimed, throwing his hands up towards the exo, eyes widening as he realized who she was speaking of. “You never said we would need to go pissing off the Vex! They hold one hell of a grudge… just ask Saint or Osiris” he said. Already he could feel his skin crawling at the idea of trespassing into one of those Vex simulations… he may have been all too happy to watch them get scrapped in Gambit, but he wasn’t about to go hunting for some relic on their home turf. He had heard all the same stories about what happened to folks who went in and never came out. He didn’t want to become one of those tales either.

Elsie huffed at Drifters theatrics, crossing her arms before saying, “I understand having a healthy fear of the Vex, especially when they have the home field advantage so to speak, but,” she leaned towards the raggedy man, “we NEED to know we can keep the portal open and their tech is perfect for it. Besides I worked with enough of it to learn how to keep it controlled and concealed after working in the Crypt.” She assured the fidgeting lightbearer.

Drifter wanted to continue voicing his concerns, but a look from the exo was enough to make it clear there would be no dissuading her. With a heavy sigh he raised his hands in defeat and walked off to start scrounging up some useful trinkets for their coming excursion. If they were fighting time traveling robots, they’d need all the firepower they had. Not for the first time during this little “quest” did Drifter think to himself how baffled he was that Cyrell could do this sort of thing all the time, it was truly exhausting.

Venus wasn’t somewhere you could find many Guardians these days, outside the odd newbie just learning how to fight Humanity’s favorite metallic nuisances. Most had moved on to more critical areas or were staying closer and closer to Earth after the Cabal tried flinging their defunct star killer at the Last City. Not that anyone blamed them, it seemed more and more that the final safe haven place on Earth was being targeted by their enemies more and more recently.

For the three figures currently striding across the arid landscape Venus was known for, their mission here would ensure that one of the most crucial individuals in recent memory for defending that last bastion of humankind would safely return home. Preferably in one piece and with their Light still burning strong.

Together they silently made their way through the towering ruins of the former jewel of this planet, the Ishtar Collective. A group some might say dabbled too much with power and technology they scarcely understood, the consequences for their hubris now taking the form of Vex corruption slowly transforming the planet to fit the insane machinations of the mechanized time travelers. Moss and kudzu spread across long dormant computer offices and cracking cement walls. Lights blinked and fluctuated as power generators continued to hum despite centuries without maintenance of any kind. Despite the apocalypse life went on in one way or another here much as it did throughout the rest of Sol.

Drifter, Eris and Elsie paid attention to none of this though, their heads on a constant swivel for any patrols or sentries that might give away their presence to the metal horde. They had entered one of the larger core buildings in an overgrown plaza, which had served as the original invasion point for the Vex during the Collapse. That gateway was no longer in any use at this point by the occupying Vex forces, but it was still functional and that was all they needed.

The group quickly took up positions, Drifter and Eris searching for any hint of a Vex incursion, while Elsie quickly took to her work in redirecting the Gate to their desired location. Thankfully Elsie’s time at the Crypt had made her all too familiar with not only Bex tech, but their gates specifically as she worked alongside her grandfather and other esteemed scientific minds like that of Dr. Sundaresh. Soon the gate came to life as Elsie finished tinkering and silently nodded, all three swiftly entering the portal as they continued deeper into the heart of the Vex’s territory. It wasn’t long before any semblance of humanities touch was completely overtaken by the bizarre architecture of the Vex, its peculiar ancient stonework interlaced with advanced circuitry and wiring along every surface around them. To Elsie’s recollection. One could determine why the Vex seemed to gravitate to this particular form for their various outposts or lairs. Compared to their gateways and robotic chassis the crumbling stone columns served as a distinct contradiction to the Vex’s rigid existence.

The trio had stalled for what felt like hours, avoiding solitary vex wandering the halls and vaulted connection points leading ever onwards into the facility. Until at last they came across a barrier that held their prize just beyond. They all walked into the room together, Eris and Elsie checking to see if there were any hidden Vex to deal with as Drifter approached the barrier. The vagabond had seen his fair share of Vex artifacts roaming the system, to say nothing of his own manipulation of the chrome clankers in Gambit. But the Sliver of Crystal he saw just beyond his reach was bringing back a slew of very different memories. The artifact was clear, a small amount of light glowing within as lines of binary code could just barely be seen racing across the various faces of its clear glass-like surface. While he may not have been one to go around the baddest places humanities enemies called home nowadays, he had heard and seen plenty of Guardians talk or even try to pawn off similar looking crystal shards that they claimed had come from none other than the infamous Vault of Glass. Most of course were little more than Vex building materials, harmless for the most part and of no real value except to an idiot who knew no better. But this… this was the genuine article alright, as he watched it float unmoving above a pedestal in the room beyond the barrier, that there was a rare and sought after bit of tech known as a Vex Looking Glass, or at least that’s what regular folk called it. Drifter never cared to use the more dry, overly long technical name those stuffy cryptarchs had given it. This right here was the key to them recreating the portal, with the Looking Glass serving as both portal focus, power source and coordinate finder all in one. The Vex were after all nothing if not efficient in their design.

Drifter let out a low whistle as all these thoughts swirled in his mind, before saying “Well sister, you certainly found quite the little trinket” his voice uncharacteristically void of his usual underlying mirth, as he continued “but we all know something this bright, shiny and powerful isn’t going to come quietly. I hope you two are ready for a hell of a fight once we pull that thing off its fancy pedestal.” He grimaced as he saw his two companions walk over to him. Elsie stared at the artifact for a while, it wa only thanks to her curse that she had even known this was here in the first place, the result of a timeline where she and Ana had attempted to try and rally the Vex to a truce, only for them to have betrayed the sisters in favor of gaining more data for their simulations. Now she could turn the painful memory into a tool to help prevent another failed timeline.

“This is the best chance we have, you and I know that” came Elsie’s curt reply, she kneeled down to an access relay pulling out a custom “lock pick” she had made for just this occasion. As she began carefully plucking her way through the layers of Vex authorization fire walls she faintly heard as Eris said “Regardless, we must exercise caution. Failure here would spell doom for all of Sol”, the sentence hung in the air like an oppressive fog. They would need to-

Suddenly the Barrier’s access was cut off from Elsie, as she was just about to bring it down and all around them the tell-tale signs of incoming vex began to fill the room. Drifter readied his hand cannon as the first wave of goblins began marching towards them, shouting “Y’all get to cover!” As he returned fire at the robotic invaders.

Shot after shot rang out, blowing off limbs and “heads” from the Bex until the damage became too severe. And they crumpled in a pile of smoldering junk metal. But they were swiftly replaced as more goblins, flanked by hobgoblins and an intimidating Minotaur came to offer supporting fire. Drifter scrambled back behind a column adjacent to the Barrier taking shots from his newfound cover as to slow the march of his aggressors. Across the way Eris and Elsie were in a similar situation, the lightless guardian and exo firing into their own squad of Vex as they approached their modest fortification. Bolts of high intensity energy peppered all around them as the Vex slowly marched towards them.

Eris may have been an expert on the Hive, more so than anyone else in Sol could boast to be sure, but she had also been a Guardian before the Hellmouth changed her, and she was no stranger to dealing with the Vex. In a Flash her Paracasual Focus screamed out into the fray, bursting through the radiolaria housing tanks within a group of goblins causing the entire unit to crumple in a heap. She then pulled out a throwing dagger and for a moment channeled the years of combat expertise she had accumulated to fling it effortlessly into the eye radiolaria tank of the lead Minotaur, watching as it slowly fell to its knees before falling over. She quickly then reentered cover as a new wave of incoming fire rained down on them, Elsie next to her quickly returning fire and killing yet more Vex. She quickly formed a chunk of darkness in fuse dice in her palm before tossing it between the two converging Vex groups, a wave of bone chilling air rushing g out from the impact and freezing multiple Vex in place as Drifter quickly unloaded his hand cannon into them, starting a chain reaction that saw each Vex explode into a glittering g shower of ice shards that then shredded their reinforcements.

Eris capitalized on this channeling hive magic and unleashing it right under a group of goblins and their Minotaur leader, sending them sprawling in pieces along the floor and opening the way for Elsie to regain access to the barrier node. Elsie saw that chance and sizes it quickly sprinting before diving behind Drifter and once more setting to work on disabling the barrier. All the while Vex continued to pour in and fire on their positions, Drifter and Eris each doing their best to destroy as many Vex as possible. Elsie silently cursed beneath her breath as she desperately blasted through each lock and fire wall until eventually she was successful! The barrier began to slowly dissipate as Elsie ran out once more being covered by both her compatriots. She wasted no time grabbing the Looking Glass and placing it into a protective canister before diving into cover once more.
“We’ve got it’s” she yelled to Drifter and Eris, “Now let’s work on making our grand exit”.

Drifter chuckled to himself, despite the situation, “Sister you're crazy, but lucky for you I like crazy haha!”. All three began to unleash volley after volley of bullets and paracausal energy against the maddened Vex. Before long the ground was littered with broken Vex bodies and pools of spilled radiolaria. It seemed they had made it through the onslaught, breathing a sigh of relief and converging on Drifter. Elsie lifted the container showing her companions their spoils with small smile. “All that’s left is to leave and get back to testing” the others nodding along with her until they felt something storing in the air.

Their moment of victory was suddenly ruined, as a massive Vex Hydra suddenly appeared in the center of the room, letting out a digitized war cry as once again Vex began to converge on their position.all three scrambled to regain cover as they were once again thrown into the fire. Drifter knew they were gonna need an out and fast, so he pulled out a special little trinket he’d been saving in case he needed to deal with these robotic menaces, just in case. Appearing in his hand was a solid chunk of metal in the shape of an engram, its surface covered in a series of electrons and a small interface. He quickly began mashing his fingers into the various buttons near said interface before the device began to let out a deep thrumming sound, which wa all Drifter needed to hear before he reared back and threw it right at the non-existent feet of their new Hydra pal. All the vex turned to look at this strange… weapon? Their collective red eyes worth g and scanning before suddenly arc energy began to streak across its surface along the electrodes, the thrumming getting louder and higher in pitch until Elsie and Eris heard drifter say “Get ready to run like hell!”. Immediately after he shouted that out a blinding flash followed by a massive wave of Arc energy engulfed the Hydra and multiple surrounding Vex, the jolting energy then sparking out and striking even more Vex .

Immediately Drifter, Eris and Elsie began to run back the way they came, sprinting past the Vex while firing off rounds at those that had been too far from the initial shockwave to be affected. It was all too soon though that the rest of the Vex recovered and immediately began to pursue, the three of them ducking as Harpies began to appear to chase them down, all the while the screeches and digital sound bytes on the Hydra and its entourage marched closer and closer. Thankfully Elsie had also come prepared, stopping briefly to trigger some access nodes she had inspected on their initial trek inside, causing walls of incomplete Vex architecture to materialize blocking their pursuers. Drifter couldn’t help but let out an impressed whistle as he saw the portal leading back to the initial portal they had used before to enter the Vex’s lair. Elsie quickly led them from there shouting out directions, “Follow me!” She shouted out, pointing toward a hallway to her left. “There’s a courtyard that we should be able to call them in just through this corridor!” She shouted, all three panting as they ran for their lives.

Elsie couldn’t help but recall how she had met Cyrell here all those years ago, back when the Traveler was on the verge of being lost to Darkness. She hoped that this would all be worth the trouble soon, as the exit to the courtyard quickly came into view. She remembered how she had to will herself to make the gamble, after all she had seen the way other versions of Cyrell had turned out, in one Timeline he, like others many, became a Dark Guardian Allied with the Black Fleet In another he succumbed to madness, becoming a ghost killing rouge that other guardians spoke of only in hushed voices. On and on it went timeline after timeline. Yet somehow this had seemed… different, as if something deep within her could tell this time things wouldn’t go like they had before. She just hoped that this wasn’t all for nothing.

She was pulled from her reminiscing as Drifters flying eyesore came into view. “It’ll be a moment, Transmat needs to warm up just a bit” he said as he looked up at his ship. Eris couldn’t help but sigh, “Just let Holiday fix the damned things already, she is more than capable” clearly exasperated. This was clearly not their first time having this particular conversation.

“Aw c’mon Moondust!” Drifter pouted, “You know it’s about the principle of the matter! Them Tower Guardians will never let me live it down if I go geet my beaut worked on by someone else! It’s gotta be all Drifter~” tugging at his best as he said the last bit, seemingly proud of his… handiwork. Elsie would admit he wasn’t as incompetent as his ramshackle devices and nature would first make you think, though his aesthetics were in dire need of refinement.Drifter grumbled to himself, his pride clearly wounded, pressing a series of buttons and muttering “Transmat firing I guess” though lacking his normal flair as the exo and witch chucked to themselves before disappearing from view.

Rituks scanned the horizon ahead of him as his unit slowly made its way to a prime ether drilling spot their new ally had pointed them towards. They had been warned of a group of Diamond Dogs that had recently entered the area and were causing trouble for the Hive. While he did not necessarily see it as important his Kell had impressed upon him that removing such inconveniences would only strengthen their bond with the changelings and allow for greater cooperation. He was a simple warrior so he simply nodded along and chose to defer to his Kell on the matter. Normally the flat and arid Badlands geography would make the notion of a surprise attack laughable, especially in Grogar’s Folly, as it was mostly flat with little in the way of landmarks or cover. But these Diamond Dogs were unlike most creatures on this planet, as they preferred to make their homes underground in large mine like dens. This meant that Seviks would need to be on guard along with the rest of the gathering crew if they wanted to be ready for a potential ambush from below, a thought that had put Eliksni and Changeling alike on edge from the moment they had arrived by Skiff.

Silently the mixed group drew closer and closer to their destination, the group crested a small incline that led down into a deep valley. The center was where their marker was taking them and so they all began the tedious journey down the dusty slope towards their ultimate goal, saviors slowly and fearfully ambling closely behind. With a grunt Rituks said, “Alright, get these things started, the sooner they collect the ether the sooner we can return to the castle” his two lower arms gesturing for the servitors to begin while their handlers “encouraged” them. One of the changelings fiddled with its experimental vambrace, a splinter of darkness surrounded by fallen tech that in theory should allow them to utilize the Darkness much like their House Salvation Allies. “Carlyle, you’ll freeze yourself messing with that thing” Rituks rebuked the creature as it was shaking its front foreleg. It had the decency to look embarrassed before returning to attention as the servitors continued drawing in bright blue wisps of ether from the surrounding area.

The silent wasteland around them was eerie and discomforting, the changelings were especially on edge. Each looking at every tumbleweed and dusty cloud that was picked up on the lazy wind blowing across the barren ground. Rituks shook his head, he was certain these Diamond Dogs or whatever they were would likely remain in their den, afterall they had brought no gemstones which Surikskell had informed him were apparently their most desired treasure to hoard. Without that or something equally shiny and gem-like he was sure they’d have little interest in his squad. The group remained there for some time, until eventually the servitors let out a series of strange woom vroomp’s indicating that all the available ether had been harvested. Rituks chuckled to himself, satisfied that they could finally begin the trek back to their temporary home successful in their mission. This ether would be yet another contribution to the upcoming war effort, soon they would have more than enough surplus to ensure that no matter what happened, House Salvation would be over supplied and well fed. The group quietly fell back into position, slowly ambling back up the slope leading out of the valley, servitors in front with the Eliksni members directly behind them and the changeling support surrounding the flanks and rear.

Rituks was getting ready to once again crest over the edge back the way they came when suddenly there was a help, he turned around just in time to see two large paws had attached themselves to one of the changelings hind legs and was attempting to pull them underground!

“Ambush! Take defensive positions!” Rituks barked as he aimed and fired his Shock Pistol with his lower right arm, Arc energy bolts impacting the meaty arms cause them to release the changeling as the creature underground yelped in pain. Soon large holes began appearing all around as strange bipedal mammals wielding crude melee weapons began to emerge from below them. They were odd lo oking, their limbs overly long and bulbous as they reached their paws. Their faces reminded him of pictures from earth of human pets from their past. Rituks found them equal parts ridiculous and ugly. A me go the changeling guards had managed to use its magic to ready a Shrapnel Cannon that utterly eviscerated one dog as it was climbing out of its hole, chunks of meat and bone flying off as the heated metal tore through the unarmed combatant. Soon the rest of Rituks squad joined in, a combination of Eliksni firepower and changeling magic flying at their new enemies while the dogs used their ever increasing numbers to rush their would be prey.

One dog managed to heft one of the dregs with them by its leg, picking it up and slamming it into the ground before brutally beating it with a mace, its flimsy chitin of little help as it was quickly killed by the brute. Rituks pulled his main weapon, a custom Wire Rifle he had modded and began to lay down covering fire, sending the dog scattering away and letting the rest of his unit fall back to a firing position, each member adding to the deluge of ranged firepower. The same changeling from before that had. Even messing with its vambrace suddenly began to channel magic into its foreleg, and soon the tell-tale signs of Stasis power began to manifest as it shot out a ray of cosmic ice from its foreleg toward a rushing trio of dogs, freezing them in place before the changeling ran up and and shattered them with a mighty buck.

Similar scenes played out as Stasis energy was channeled and became barricades to divert charging dogs or grenades to freeze and slow them down. Wide Rifles and Shrapnel Cannons released a devastating barrage of firepower shattering frozen targets and lipping apart their unfrozen reinforcements in bloody chunks of limbs and bone. The barren ground was quickly being watered with the blood of the dog ambush, as more continued to appear, their tactics now changing to adapt to the ranged enemies before them. One dog leaped up out of the ground striking Rituks in the chest with a solid metal bat, the dog grinning from ear to ear as a loud THWAK rang out from its strike. But Rituks did not budge and his chitin remained unbroken. He chuckled as the dog's grin morphed into confusion then quickly again to terror as Rituks grabbed the bat and easily crushed the metal in one of his claws like it was nothing. Rituks reared back and allowed his opposite upper arm to become invaded in Stasis as he punched the dogs head clean off from its body and both freezing on contact. The dog's frozen fearful expression shattered a few feet away soon after.

On and on the fight continued, changelings using magic to transform themselves into exotic and deadly monsters or channeling Stasis via their vambraces, Eliksni u leashing their superior ranged firepower and likewise utilizing advanced forms of Stasis power upon their enemies. Soon nothing was left around them but shattered Stasis crystals, blood and the broken bodies of their would-be attackers. The unit slowly panted as they observed the carnage they had wrought, with only minor injuries inflicted on themselves and one dead Dreg, but Rituks doubted that one fatality would even be noteworthy in his report. He did however find that the changelings were clearly more capable and adaptive then they had first thought, and he was more confident than ever that when their combined armies marched on the enemy, it would be nothing short of total victory.

After composing themselves and attending to the more glaring wounds to their squad Mayes, the combined Eliksni and Changeling Ether Collection Crew began the long journey back toward the Obsidian Castle, eager to report their victory and revel in the accolades for their prowess and success. Equestria had no idea the terror that was about to be u leashed upon it.

Princess Celestia stood within the war room of Canterlot Castle looking over the latest proposed operation alongside her sister, Captain Stalwart Defense As well as Sorceress Flashpoint, Starswirl the Bearded and Cyrell. The time had come for them to finalize their next assault, and the group had come to a consensus on where they would target next. Celestia eyed every piece of the map that showcased this new Strike, codenamed Dark Tide by the Captain and Cyrell. She glanced at Luna and saw she too was critically analyzing every proposed unit, its movements and so on, mumbling to herself as she often did when deep in thought. Her eyes drifted over to Cyrell, who was discussing placements and strategies with Flashpoint. They had decided to try and divide and conquer this time, as the Diamond Coast was teeming with an abundance of corrupted fauna and flora alike over a much larger area to their previous excursion, so they would need to have squads attacking as many targets as possible. This of course meant that each squad would be harder to reinforce or for Cyrell to assist should anything happen, but the results would mean that this area that had been uninhabitable for over 100 years would once more be of use to Equestrian and its resources available to her ponies.

As concerned as she was seeing the Sorcerers and Guardsponies so spread out, she knew that in the end the risk would be worth it. Prior to the initial talks, Flashpoint had begun collaborating with Starswrl and Cyrell to study the Motes of Darkness he had been forming and felt confident they could replicate the technique using magic just as easily and safely. Luna of course had voiced her concerns alongside Celestia but both of the wizened Magic users assured them that they had tested everything thoroughly and even had Twilight double check their test results as well. With a heavy sigh she composed herself, shutting out the worrisome “what ifs” from her mind before turning. To her sister.

“Well sister,” Celestia began, “I can’t find anything more to adjust from my perspective. Do you believe we are ready?” The question hung in the air as the younger Alicorn maintained her gaze on the map before them. Slowly she began to nod her head before wordlessly locking eyes with Celestia. “We’ve done all we can, now we must trust both our new friend and our ponies to see this important mission through” was Lina’s reply, the two princesses turned to see their collaborators regarding them both with confidence.

“Very well” Stalwart said, “I’ll inform the Guard and get started on prepping the Majestic for a sortie, your majesties”. The Captain gave a low bow to his Diarchs before leaving the war room to begin assembling their forces. Cyrell silently shifted his stance, nodding to the two princesses himself before saying “I’ll go prep nut ship, let me know if you need me for anything before we depart” the Titan then gave a polite bow himself before marching off, his heavy armored form noisily thudding down the hall. This trend was followed by the remainder going off to converse with their group or assemble this team, until Celestia and Luna were alone, glancing at the Diamond Coast map in silence.

Author's Note:

Heya, long time no see! It should probably come as no surprise that I was struggling to get this new chapter out. A combination of life just getting in the way and the fallout that was 2023 regarding Destiny as a whole made me just…. Not very in motivated to work on the story.

So I took some much needed time away from both the story and game. It honestly was the best thing I could do and I’m glad I did it, as now I’m much more ready to continue than if I had forced myself to keep going when the passion wasn’t there. Sorry it took so long but I hope this was worth the wait! No timeline for the next chapter yet, I’ll begin planning it out once I’m able to have some more free time. Until then, thanks for reading!

I’ll see you starside.

Comments ( 6 )

Cool you updated the story, Please keep going. 🙏

That’s the plan! The hiatus really did a lot of good. I had this chapter sitting partly started for a while before I had any desire to even think of Destiny after all the controversies just a few months ago.

Oh well well well, what do we have here?
You sir have a problem with those slow hands, you practically had an entire expansion happen during the last chapter and this one lmao
Good to have you back tho.

Haha! Yeah it was a bit rough there for awhile. Had this one sitting half done for months and just couldn’t find the spark to finish it. Hopefully the next won’t take as long

Ahhh yeah, I know that feeling.
Most Destiny stories suffer from the same problem, they kinda get stuck in time in the era from the DLC they released from. I mean, I myself am still writing my own Destiny fic, and that thing has SHADOWKEEP for a starting point because that was the latest DLC at the time.
What Im saying is take your time. This fic like many others is now a time capsule stuck in the Beyond Light era. Although it is a shame Cyrell would not be able to use Strand or Prismatic lmao.

I honestly don’t mind its “dated” nature. It was more so that the huge controversies and bumbling from late last year made anything Destiny related leave a bad taste in my mouth.

I took a multi-month break from the game and anything about/based on it with the hope that things may change. Thankfully that seems to have worked out and I’ve been feeling more invested in D2 as a result. It gave me the push to finish this and to go back to the prior chapter and fix some things as well.

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