• Published 27th Jul 2020
  • 3,468 Views, 251 Comments

Harmonious Destiny - OverlordCornutt

It was simple, test Drifters new piece of tech. Get Paid. Of course, things rarely ever get to stay that simple. Now a Guardian finds himself and his ghost stranded on a strange planet, with very colorful denizens.

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Chapter 13 - Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 13 – Calm Before The Storm

Cyrel watched from across the dimly lit room as his ghost continued to scan a strange stone the ponies military had given them. They had sequestered themselves for the morning here every day the past week to allow her access to her current fixation. The room was out of the way, and allowed a level of privacy for Cyrell to keep his necessary belongings away from any potential prying eyes. The room itself was of a smaller size, with a spacious counter top on one wall, and the rest of the walls covered in a combination of bookshelves and cabinets. The books had proven to be interesting, ranging from History to poetry and even myths from the different ages of Equestrian and even some Pre-Equestrian society. His eyes fell back to the relic Selene was scanning, watching Light pour from her singular eye as she analyzed evry aspect of it.

To him it looked less like a stone and more like a crystal, it’s surface a shining emerald color. Inside the stone was a small orb of magic, which according to their hosts allowed any pony to speak with another using a similar stone in a radius of around 100 or so miles.

The Titan shook his head as he listened to his studious ghost babble on and on about the strange enchanted relic, seeking a means to reproduce its unique signature with the light. With any luck they’d finally have the means to speak with Stalwart Defense and his team from long distances.

With this final hurdle overcome their first operation would finally be nearly ready to begin. All that was left then was to begin collecting the different Equestrian forces and finalizing the launch of the REN Majestic, a large airship that would serve as the Equestrians mobile command base providing support to Cyrell and Selene during their Strike.

“Eureka! Haha! I KNEW this would work!” Came Selene's sudden cry, causing Cyrell to jerk his head towards her. The ghost happily spun around in the air laughing. Cyrell let out a long sigh, dismissing his Solar Hammer. The Titan adored his ghost, she was his closest friend and confidant after all, but he would be living if he said she didn’t worry him sometimes.

“Used to be a lot more subdued before I let you go on that trip with Sundance” he murdered to himself as he walked up to his celebrating companion. Selene turned to him, her eye glowing brightly with Light.

“I take it you’ve found the frequency” he asked, opening his palm for her. She quickly landed in it, looking up as she replied.

“It’s taken a few days but I’ve finally worked it out” she replied , her eye closed as she struck a pose for her Guardian. She paused for a moment, cracking her eye to look at Cyrell before continuing.

“Now we just need to check up on our entourage and we can start getting that paracausal energy!”

Cyrell nods as Selene dissipates, before turning around and marching out of the room and into the brightly lit halls of Castle Canterlot. By now he had become accustomed to the castle's layout as he met the different Equestrian officials. First of course was Captain Stalwart who was over the military as a whole with his various advisors and generals. Over the course of the past week they had met with the Battle Mages Leader Sorceress Flashpoint, herself an accomplished Pyromancer though she excelled at most of the more combat heavy magical arts as well.

Cyrell chuckled as he thought back to their initial encounter. The memory was one he would not soon forget.

Cyrell stood straight and proud as he marched into the Battle Mages Hall of Magical Defense. He had on his most ornate set of armor, earned from the former Emperor of the Cabal Calus aboard the Leviathan. He had never cared for Calus as an individual, he always seemed like he was scheming to Cyrell with his many gifts and boons, but he could not deny that the armor was perfect for making a strong first impression.it’s bright white and purple fabrics accented nicely by the golden armor plates and shingling gemstones. He’s fit right in with Stalwart and his guardsponies if he wore it more during their time together no doubt.

Beside him was Stalwart Defense himself, his signature cape and armor as splendid as ever. He’d offered to help with introductions since Cyrell would no doubt be working with the Battle Mages a great deal for as long as he was seeking the necessary Paracausal energy to power the NSL Drive. When, or rather if, the time came to incorporate other aspects of Equestria’s military he had assured Cyrell that they would prove more than amiable if he could earn Sorceress Flashpoints approval.

The Hall was as ornate as all other areas of the Castle, with the Heraldry of not only Equestria but also of the Mages Guild and various Houses of notable mage families. The large silken Banners hung from the walls proudly showcasing the rich history of Equestrias magica combatants and their origins. It reminded him of the way the Factions often would do the same in their districts and facilities.

“So this Flashpoint is sh-“Cyrell began before Stalwart cut him off. “Sorceress Flashpoint my friend, you must use her full title for the time being. She’s earned that much for her skill and military record.” Cyrell was slightly taken aback, but decided to simply nod and continue.

“Very well, Sorceress Flashpoint, what’s she like? I’ve dealt with a wide variety of personalities so I want to be prepared” Cyrell said as they continued deeper into the Halls.

“She’s very amicable for the most part, but her upbringing is as textbook As it gets. Comes from the prestigious House Blaze” Stalwart began, stopping for a moment as he heard a chuckle from Cyrell. He turned to the large biped, his face deadpan as he arch his brow at Cyrell. “Yes I know it’s a rather simple name but the founder, Controlled Blaze, was not by any means somepony to underestimate and the same is true for his descendants.” Stalwart continued.

The Hallway had begun to shift around them. Slowly but surely the standard gold and royal purple accents and marvel walls had surrendered their dominance to much darker tones of blood red and steel grey. Torches that played host to crimson flames provided light from their perches on the now obsidian brick wall. In addition, where the other halls had been almost devoid of any pony, now the robes members of the various divisions could be seen meandering to different areas of the Hall.

Each mage wore a robe that matched the color of that practitioner's combative style. Pyromancers wore cri soon red robes with black accents and brilliant clasps inlaid with topaze. Another passed in a bright a white robe with red accents and a shimmering Ruby clasp, another in green robes with brown trim and an emerald clasp. More mages flitted from room to room with a wide variety of colors to them.

Cyrell began to wonder just how many different types of combat Magic these halls played host to and how numerous each ones numbers were. Stalwart peered at his associate from the corner of his eye and smiled to himself.

“Most don’t realize just how seriously the Battle Mages take their specialties, you’ll find that there Also more kinds of combative magic and defensive magic than you’d think” the unicorn guard said as they entered into a larger hall with a pair of immaculate ebony doors at the end. Etched into them were the emblems of the Battle Mages and Equestria, each with golden trim and detailing. Large banners of House Blaze also hung above the doors, with a metal plaque just under denying the room beyond’s title: Sorceress Study.

Cyrell and Stalwart halted in front of the doors and wired a few moments, each steeling themselves for the encounter ahead. Appearances were checked, throats cleared and as one they each raised their dominant hoof and hand, knocking on the foreboding doors in unison.

A moment passed, and then another. The final reverberations of their command knock slowly echoing into nothing. Suddenly the two doors slowly opened, silently with any withers assurance.

“Welcome friends, come in and let’s get started” came a feminine voice further Inside the chamber. From the entryway Cyrell could see large bookcases of solid mahogany stuffed with books, scrolls and maps. Stepping in he saw that accompanying these shelves were large tables of similar make with a variety of scholarly tools, gloves and papers. In one corner the walls were bare save for large slabs of blackboard that were being used to write out what looked to be formulas and notes for different spells and magical experiments. The chamber was bright and warm, the latter provided by a large hearth with a large fire inside its brick laiden depths. Surrounding this hearth was a single desk that was just as covered in magical artifacts and papers as any other along with a set of comfortable looking benches in each wall.

To the left of all this and directly in front of the well kept fire was a smaller circular table with chairs set out for three individuals, though only two were empty. In her own chair sat the Mare of the Hour, Sorceress Flashpoint. As they came into view she gave a nod in greeting, but didn’t speak just yet.

Cyrell took in the new pony as he approached, finding a sturdy looking chair that was just his size. She was draped in robes like most mages but hers were not the color of the Pyromancers like he assumed. Instead her robes were a solid black, with silver trim and detailing across the back. The clasp held not a gem but instead an ornate marble emblem of a tree that Cyrell recognized as a depiction of the legendary Tree of Harmony. He recalled Twilight and mentioned the Trees' importance not only in helping to curb the more dangerous magic within the Everfree Forest but also for being the origin of the Elements of Harmony themselves.

The mare in question had her hood pulled back, though it’s brow was still visible as it flowed down her front, letting him see that it had gems that matched each of the different clasps he had seen on the different mages in the halls leading here. The mare herself had a bright Orange coat, with patches of dull white at the ends of her legs, around her muzzle and eyes and the tips of her ears. Her cutie mark was also visible, depicting a large blue flame with what looked like a stylized “flash” in the middle. Her mane was a youthful blonde, moderate in length, kept together at the end by a small braid while the rest was allowed to flow naturally. The unicorn mare looked to be fairly young, or atleast young to Cyrell, to any other creature she would have looked to be getting close to the start of middle age. Her green eyes looked Cyrell up and down slowly, the mare taking in the Titan as he stood behind what was no doubt his seat.

Cyrell did a small bow as he approached the table, before speaking “Greetings Sorceress Flashpoint, I’m honored that you agreed to meet with me”. Cyrell knew that he needed to play things safe until he could get a grasp on what kind of individual Flashpoint was, for all he knew she was as no nonsense and distant as the Awoken Queen Mara Sov, or she could be the spitting image of Ikora Rey. Raiders him Stalwart followed Cyrell’s lead and bowed his head as he approached his own seat.

Neither moved to sit, instead waiting as the mare of the hour sipped from a small tea cup held in her bright yellow aura. After a few silent moments, where she kept her eyes fixated on Cyrell, she placed the cup down before festering to the chairs.

“Come now, really I won’t bite! There’s no need to be so serious; sit, sit both of you!`` The two complied as the mare became much more animated, a small grin on her muzzle as she pulled the seats out for them and beckoned them to relax. “I won’t have guests walking on eggshells when we have such momentous work she’s dog us.” She giggled as she finished speaking, her emerald green eyes sparkling a little now.

Well that’s just adorable Cyrell thought to himself.

Her tone was soft, but still more than loud enough to hear in the relative silence of the Chambers. Once again the two warriors acted as one and took their seats, muttering thanks as they did so. Flashpoint was quick to begin providing refreshments, offering freshly brewed tea and cakes to her guests.

Cyrell held his cup with great care, while it may have been the right size for a man his size he didn’t want to risk his Titan strength shattering the delicate cup. He had removed his helmet, earning a shocked look from Stalwart, who he could have sworn had muttered something along the lines of “so that’s what he looks like” before the two returned their full attention to the still smiling Sorceress Flashpoint.

“Well now, it’s good to finally meet you Sir Cyrell, you’ve made quite the splash around here with that ship of yours” Flashpoint began, pausing to take a bite from her own snack, “I was quite excited to read Princess Twilight’s findings on it and I do hope you’ll allow me the chance to study its functions for myself when possible. I may be more magically inclined but my family has always found that the best magical spells are formed with ideas rooted in the laws of the physical world, to some degree anyway” she smirked as she observed Cyrell’s neutral expression.

“So long as the proper precautions are taken I think that should be fine” Cyrell said, “I thought you’d be interested in the Drive since it seems that what you call magic is somewhat similar, in a way, to what I call Paracausal Energy” he continued. Flashpoint's eyes widened, as did her smile as he mentioned the NSL Drive.

“Oh yes! Though I’m more so interested in this Light you keep referencing, I have no interest in the Darker aspects of that or any power.” Her smile became much thinner for a moment, “Many great mages have ruined not only their legacies but I numerabile innocent lives with such selfish grabs for power and prestige”.

A single silent pause and she was back to her previous frame or and continued “I’m very curious to see how my thaumaturgic sensors react when presented with this… Paracausal Energy of yours. Perhaps we could schedule a scan of yourself and that little golem if yours as well?”

She said, watching as Selene materialized at herself being mentioned.

“Actually I prefer to be called a ghost, with all due respect, Sorceress Flashpoint” Selene replied. She flirted toward Flashpoint who quickly nodded her head toward the small ghost.

“Oh my, of course!” Flashpoint's eyes widened as her hooves flailed in front of her. “My apologies dear I meant no offense, please forgive this silly mare her familiarity bias.” She pat the ghost softly on her top shell before gesturing back to Cyrell, “If you are both willing I’d also love a chance to do some tests on her as well, seeing how a being made from this Paracusality will no doubt help me to better understand how it works”

Cyrell raised a brow at that, from what he had seen and been told there really was no limit to the power of Paracausal beings, besides what they themselves imagined and if they could generate enough power to accomplish their goals. Cyrell looked at Selene, the two nodding to one another. “I’m sure that’d be fine Sorceress, but do keep in mind that Paracausality is less based on rules and more about enacting change on the Universe based on the entity’s will and level of power” Cyrell demonstrated for her as he summoned a Hammer of Sol and held it before Flashpoint.

Flashpoint’s eyes widened at the display, shocked at the sudden appearance of the object. Her horn lit up in the now familiar dandelion aura, a similar field encompassing the Hammer. “Fascinating… no spell matrix or even hint of any kind of energy output. How do you usually summon it without any kind of catalyst?” She asked.

“It’s because he willed it there” Selene answered, “Cyrell has been fighting the good fight for a long time, it’s how Guardians like him grow in strength! The more they use their Light the stronger it grows! The Light isn’t just something he wields, it’s a part of him, like how your muscles and mind can grow so too can his connection with the Light.” Selene began, pride laced in her digitized voice.

“So all he needs to do is think about the Hammer and Paracausality, or Light, does the rest even if the laws of the Universe says it’s impossible because it’s Paracausal it happens anyway. It’s how the Traveler was able to terraform planets as well’” she explained.

Stalwart smiled as he listened to the three discuss the ways that Cyrell and Selene had used the Light or seen the Light used by others. She in turn discussed the basics of magic and how it works, going down a rabbit hole with Selene as the two began to theorize on the possibilities of Paracausality mimicking magic and the possibility of the opposite occurring.

“I hate to cut in when you are all getting on so well” he began “But let’s not forget the reason for this meeting, hmm?”.

Flashpoint blushed a bit, before clearing her throat “of course Stalwart you are completely right, apologies dears I tend to get rather excitable when it comes to new types of magic and the like” she smiled apologetically to the two as she levitated ama few papers from her desk.

“No worries Sorceress Fl-“ Cyrell began before Flashpoint began tut tutting.

“None of that! You have been a wonderful guest and if we are to work together then you shall not be made to keep using that silly title. To you I am Flashpoint, and I look forward to working with you.” Her smile became much warmer, her eyes regaining that faint shimmer to them once again.

Cyrell chuckled and nodded to the mare. “Very well Flashpoint, I can’t wait to get started”. He held out his fist, Flashpoint reaching out and bumping it with her hood. “Let’s make History, Sir Cyrell”!

Cyrell was pulled from his musing as he and Selene made it to their destination, a large meeting room in the Lunar Wing called the Magenta Lounge. Ducking his head to enter, Cyrell saw that some of their group were already assembled. Over at the eastern end say a set of bookshelves and tables with a variety of different devices and notes splayed out. Speaking rather animatedly was none other than Princess Twilight as Sorceress Flashpoint listened with rapt attention. The two briefly paused as he entered the room to wave before immediately returning to their conversation. Cyrell chuckled as he continued further into the room. He saw Princess Luna speaking with Captain Stalwart, no doubt discussing the logistics of their voyage and their current force numbers. Luna had taken the initiative for preparing this first Strike on the Royals side and had taken to the role like a fish to water, her tactical mind had proven to be as sharp as even Commander Zavala’s when they were discussing how the combined force would approach the target area and what contingencies would need to be planned for.

Over by a small table with snacks and drinks was her sister, Princess Celestia, her gaze drifting to the various groups with a content smile. From Twilight and Flashpoint, to the Captain and her sister to the various squad leaders, mages and commanders who looked to have had another brief. Her eyes lingered for a few moments before landing in a new group, going around the room while she herself appeared to simply sit in contentment by the cakes and lemonade. Cyrell walked up, taking a spot next to the Solar Princess, but her vigil remained as subtle and unchanged as before. Or at least it appeared subtle to most. Spending so much time with the likes of Zavala and Ikora meant he was more accustomed to the subtle way a leader observes those around them.

They both were there for what felt like hours, silent as each simply observed. Both had come to feel a contadine in more than just the pressure of protecting their respective people. Their shared extended lives had allowed each to witness many things, both wonderful and horrifying, from great celebrations and feasts to gut wrenching atrocities. Finally Celestia spoke, “Do you remember when we had that first discussion, about your origins and abilities?” Her eyes remained on their preset path around the room, her head and posture as still as if she were carved from marble. “I was so shocked to learn how long you had been alive for, in this second life of yours.” She looks to her sister before continuing, “you and I both know all too well the loneliness of immortality it seems”.

Celestia paused briefly, her eyes lingering on her sister before starting away, her voice filled with shame as she continued “without my sister, life just wasn’t the same. I loved her more than anything, my dear beloved little sister who I would move the very heavens for.” Her voice quivers for a moment.

“To this day I berate myself for how I failed to see the hurt I caused her, the pain my inaction and youthful vanity was inflicting on her day after day. I always hoped that she was asleep during those thousand years, that she didn’t have to suffer that slow March of time alone in the cold darkness". She continued, her voice soft, her words threatening to crack her facade into pieces. Her eyes briefly drift up to Cyrell “I can not tell you how much it meant to have her back, to finally be able to hold the sister I love close and tell her how sorry I was for all the grief I caused her” she looked back to Luna, “I’m so proud of the mare my sister is, of the Princess she is”.

“I do, I recall giving you the long version of my history, a rarity given just how long I’ve existed for now” Cyrell responded. Silence followed as the two continued watching the others. They watched as time ticked by slowly right before them, much like they each had for hundreds upon hundreds of years. Cyrell broke the silence this time, “Sometimes I wonder if explaining it to them would even make sense” he began. Celestia’s eyes were on Captain Stalwart, the. Shifted to Sorceress Flashpoint.

“I wonder…” Cyrell continued, his voice low so as to keep their conversation secret. “I wonder if perhaps I would have gone mad if I had been unfortunate enough to have been brought back somewhere besides Earth. Somewhere where I wouldn’t have been as lonely to run into other guardians, or just other people.” Celestia remained silent, and Cyrell shifted on his feet slightly. “I’ve had to bury many friends and… loved ones. That pain never leaves, but it has filled. I imagine it’s why most guardians prefer to keep each other’s company” he said as he too observed the mortals of the room now.

“But I wouldn’t change it, because I was able to witness their lives and all the beauty in them. You're fortunate to have such wonderful friends and family Celestia, and I know they feel the same about you.” Cyrell Turks his head to look at Celestia, his helmet obscuring his face, but not the sincerity of his words. “I cannot thank you enough for aiding me, you, Luna, Twilight and Cadence have been a Traveller sent gift in this unfamiliar land”.

Celestia smiles, the corners of her eyes barely holding back tears as pride surges through her at the sight of both her sister and Twilight as they go about their duties. “One day” she whispers, “I would very much like to visit your home. If the rest of your people ar Elaine you I would gladly call them my friends Cyrell”. She turns to look Cyrell fully in the face, or as much as she can with his helmet on, and beams as small tears subtly fall down her cheeks. “Thank you got giving them a chance to shine like the stars I know they always were ''.

Cyrell says nothing, he understands the Princess, no… Celestia’s feelings. He himself has felt the same about the people he has had the privilege to watch grow and thrive.He matches her gaze fully before finally replying.

“And thank you for giving me hope, Celestia”. The two would stand there for a few more minutes before walking towards the Captain and Luna to begin finalizing their preparations for the coming Strike.

Author's Note:

Well! Long time no see strangers. Sorry for the extended delay but I hope this chapter serves as an adequate apology.

As I was preparing to get this chapter made I stopped to consider how our resident Guardian relates to the ponies around him, or rather how he hasn’t really had a chance to as in depth as I’d like. So, I figured what better way to mix things up then to explore how our brave Titan interacts with some ponies, both new and familiar.

Yeah won’t lie, writing the interaction with Celestia was an absolute joy, and I can’t wait to see what other interesting dynamics can be explored with him and other characters.

As always please let me know what you think about the story this far and I’ll see you all again soon!