• Published 27th May 2020
  • 8,717 Views, 537 Comments

A Pup Named Fenrir - MisterEdd

After his death at Ragnarok, Fenrir finds himself reborn in a strange new land and as a pup!

  • ...

The Hunger

I spent the next hour playing with Pound and Pumpkin, chasing them and playfully nipping at their bellies as we chased each other around and wrestled on the floor. Hel, there were times in which they were just entertained by my mere presence, rolling over giggling at the sight of me wagging my tail and panting. Who knew that infants were so easily amused? The way that they looked at me and squealed in delight was giving me a kind of warmth in my chest that I'd never felt before. It was sort of like getting heartburn after devouring a herd of oxen, except without the burning pressure.

The truth was, other than my mate back in Jotunnheim, I'd never interacted with others of my own kind, forming those close bonds that wolves often forged as pups. I was a lone wolf, a pack of one, and thus I'd skipped out on playing with other pups. Growing up in Asgard made me become used to my own company and that of non-canines, causing me to, at times, feel like less of a wolf and more of a mutt locked in a golden kennel. With every lunge or chase, I found myself recovering whatever innocence I thought had been burned out of me through years of imprisonment and loathing. These foals, who I had previously looked down upon, were giving me something I knew I could never be able to repay.

Every now and then, a patron would watch us play, enjoying the show while gobbling down their food and drinks. I heard the words "adorable" and "precious" being thrown around and while not particularly fond of them, feeling that they were somewhat patronizing, I still continued with my games. Now I laid on my stomach, Pumpkin resting on my back while Pound had secured his own spot nestled up against my right side, both exhausted and now fast asleep. A smile had wormed its way onto my muzzle, the twins' added body heat contributing to my overall serenity. I soon found Pinkie leering at us, a hoof poorly covering the grin she'd developed observing us.

"Awww, all tuckered out. Let's get you two upstairs."

She tenderly lifted each foal up into her forelegs and I had to literally bite back the snarl I'd almost made at their absence. It was a good thing Pinkie didn't notice my momentary glare, nor the trembling of my lips as my jaws begged to be open. This was somewhat troubling to me, as I'd almost inadvertently attacked Pinkie and lost my place here in Ponyville. I was originally defensive growing up, this was true, though it was due to being ripped from my home and placed in a hostile new environment that I didn't know amongst strangers who despised me. Now here I was coping with aggressive anger over the departure of my new playmates.

I was truly becoming domesticated, wasn't I?

Pinkie returned and, after graciously retrieving me from the playpen, placed some small pieces of tanned quick bread before me.

"Here you go! Some muffins for a good boy. Yes you are!"

She petted my head and gave my nose a quick kiss, which I surprisingly didn't mind.

Well, she brought me treats and a head-pat, so all is forgiven.

I prodded at one "muffin" with the tip of my tongue and, liking what I tasted, greedily devoured the treat. I would later learn that it was made from cinnamon and bananas, a winning combination in my book. Its siblings followed suit, one right after the other lost to my gullet. All four were soon gone and yet my voracious appetite had yet to be sated. I had to have more.


No, it cannot be!

It was...well, not exactly a voice per se, more like a sort of push in the back of my skull. The emotion of fear was one that I had experienced in only a few rare moments and this was one of those moments. It was the Hunger, an unbearably painful avarice for consumption, an affliction I'd not felt since during my upbringing in Asgard and subsequent growth to gargantuan size. It was the very same hunger that led me to being chained up on Lyngvi, one that I thought I'd conquered but now it was back for me. How or why, I could not rightfully say.

My stomach rumbled, begging me to put food in it, completely ignoring the four muffins I'd just eaten. A pain hit my gut, my insides aching as though my intestines were being twisted into knots. My heart pounded in my ears, the organ furiously beating to a wild rhythm only it could hear. Every scent became amplified to the Nth degree, so much so I could almost vividly taste them on my tongue. I blinked, a crimson haze filling my vision, little golden arches flashing around everyone and everything, bouncing in the air like visible sound waves.


I dug my nails into the floor and clamped my eyes shut in intense concentration. I had defeated the Hunger once before and by Fárbauti, I would do so again. This was my world now, my home and nothing, not even me will spoil it! The last thing Equestria needed at the moment was an eight-hundred-foot, rampaging wolf-demon bent on devouring everything in sight.

I took several deep breaths. Although I knew nothing of magic, my mother was a powerful enchantress and her blood flowed in my veins. Bearing that in mind, I dug deep inside of myself and searched around for that same power. I thought of what I'd lose if the Hunger won: Fluttershy, Pinkie, Winona, Pound and Pumpkin Cake. Even Angel, as irritating as he is.


Finding the magic, I grasped it and hauled it to the surface. The faces of those I cherished most flashed before my eyes, giving me focus, sharpening my resolve. Slowly, the pain in my stomach began to subside. My heartbeat settled, then rested, picking up its natural rhythm. I kept on with my cycle of inhaling and exhaling until I was completely relaxed and in total control.

Soon, the Hunger was gone and my grip on the floorboards ceased. I opened my eyes, finding myself once more in the establishment surrounded by grinning, eating ponies. Thankfully, I was no longer literally seeing red. If anyone noticed my little episode, none of them appeared to give any indication of their awareness. Good. I didn't need any unnecessary attention.

Having had my fill of sweets for one day, I turned and exited the building.

Author's Note:

Pronunciation Guide:

Fárbauti (far-bait-tee): Jotunn; father of Loki and grandfather of Fenrir