• Published 27th May 2020
  • 8,718 Views, 537 Comments

A Pup Named Fenrir - MisterEdd

After his death at Ragnarok, Fenrir finds himself reborn in a strange new land and as a pup!

  • ...

Celebration Time

I slept uneasily for the next few hours, my rest peppered with unintentional awakenings and half-remembered dreams. I saw nothing of Princess Luna nor my birth-mother and for once, it was actually nice to be alone in my own head. There came a point where I rolled onto my back and simply stared at the ceiling, tracing the wood-markings in little revolutions. My old friend boredom had returned to play and I was not looking forward to their visit. Fed up with the monotony, I exited the doghouse to head up to the cottage when I found myself face-to-face with the CMCs and Winona.

"Oh, yer up!" Winona chuckled somewhat awkwardly. "Good-good t' see ya. Great."

"Hey Fen," Apple Bloom greeted. "We thought we'd swing by an' see how ya were doin'."

"Yeah. We were really worried about you!" Sweetie Belle added.

Scootaloo was oddly quiet. Whereas the others were practically nose-to-nose with me, the young pegasus stood off to the side, her head hanging low in shame and her tiny wings lying limply at her sides. I looked at her, then at the others and cocked my head in confusion, throwing in a baffled whimper. I hoped they'd get the message and correctly interpret my body language, which they did as Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle shot each other a glance of discomfort.

"Well, see, the thing is, Scootaloo feels really bad about the thing with the chimera," Sweetie Belle explained in a low tone.

"It's true," Winona affirmed. "She blames herself fer yer injuries."

"What? That's ridiculous."

Winona jerked her head back in Scootaloo's direction. "Let her know tha'."

My shadow fell over Scootaloo and she finally raised her head to look up at me, albeit with guilt and shame. In my past life, if anyone found themselves in my presence, they'd be staring up at me with fear and hatred and for good reason. Heaving a sigh, she blinked to rid herself of the oncoming tears.

"I'm...sorry, Fen," she sniffled and rubbed her nose with a foreleg. "It was my fault you got hurt. I told you to go onto the right path because I thought it'd be quicker but I misremembered."

I chuckled and licked her cheek, pulling her into an embrace.

"It doesn't matter. You and your friends are safe."

Even though Scootaloo didn't understand my words, she appreciated the gesture, practically choking me with a hug. We withdrew and I gave her a little nuzzle. She giggled, giving my head a good scratch and playfully shoved me away. I couldn't have her believing that she was responsible for the chimera attack so it was nice to see her happy once more, the weight of her guilt dropped from her shoulders. Rejoining her friends, I turned to Winona and found her giving me an enigmatic grin.


Winona merely shook her head amusingly. "I'm just relieved that you're not dead."

"Me too."

She passed by me, her tail swishing against my nose.

"Well, Ah'm gonna take th' fillies back ta th' farm. Why don't ya come on up an' see me sometime?"

Tossing me a wink, Winona gave out a bark and ran, leading the CMCs to chase her down.


Entering the cottage, I found Fluttershy seated in her favorite green chair, a porcelain tea cup in her hooves while Discord was lounging across the couch with his chin resting on his hands. Interestingly, he was grasping a cup within the sole of his lizard foot while using his tail to pour tea into it, the fur at the end of his tail acting as a third hand to hold the kettle by the handle. Nearby, there was an inverted pink cake floating an inch above the plate's surface, the white frosting and strawberries staying perfectly still despite the change in gravity. Discord began reciting a rhyme about a crocodile luring in fish with his alluring smile, all the while sipping tea and blowing puffs of steam out of his ears shaped like fish, which actually began to swim around the ceiling. Just what in Equestria was Discord and did his bizarre powers have any limits?

"Ah, Fen, so glad you could join us!" Discord cheered while steam poured out of his nostrils, forming into a grinning crocodile that proceeded to wave at me. "Take a seat, my canine compadre."

I laid at Fluttershy's side and she kissed the crown of my head.

"How are you feeling?" Fluttershy asked.

"Much better. I just needed to get up and move around."

A loud ringing permeated the air and judging from the vibrations within Discord's chest, the sound appeared to originate from him. He tugged at a zipper that had magically appeared and unzipped his chest, digging around inside of it like a rucksack until he pulled out a comically large wind-up alarm clock, the device shaking hard enough to cause his whole body to vibrate. Flipping a switch, the clock fell silent and Discord stuffed it back into his chest before zipping up the crevasse. He gave an overly-dramatic sigh and shrugged at us.

"So sorry to cut this visit short but it appears I have an appointment to attend to."

SNAP! Now he was wearing what appeared to be a red and black one-piece uniform of some kind, a badge consisting of an arrowhead inside of a circle pinned to his left breast.

"Mon capitaine needs me. I shall return shortly!"

He vanished in a bright shower of blue light accompanied by a mysterious whooshing sound.

"Does he always do that?"

Fluttershy smiled sweetly. "You get used to it after a while."

With how this land and its inhabitants function, I doubt I'll truly ever get used to anything.

"By the way, I got you a little something."

Quickly fluttering upstairs, Fluttershy returned with a small blue box, a yellow ribbon wound around to form a bow. She set it down in front of me with all of the delicacy of someone handling glass and pulled off the lid. Inside, there lay a dark-red collar lined with a fuzzy light red interior, the exterior adorned with a ring of little brass stubs. A steel paw print-shaped tag hung from a brass loop on the front, glittering softly in the light. Fluttershy lifted the collar out of the box and proudly held it up.

"What do you think?"

Memories of being chained up by the Aesir flashed before my eyes, a tight pressure forming around my neck. When I finally escaped Lyngvi, I swore to myself that I would never again be helpless, to feel the constriction of a leash or the humiliation of a fetter. This collar represented everything I loathed, a symbol of restraint and bondage that I wanted to tear to shreds. One look at Fluttershy's face, however, one glance at those massive baby blues and wide, innocent smile, and all of the rage dissipated. She didn't want to enslave me or make a fool of me, just wished to give me something nice to wear, to show that I had a place in both her household and her heart.

Besides, canines usually wore collars anyway; this was nothing more than a harmless custom.

"It's very nice," I managed in a convincing tone, even throwing in an appreciative simper.

Fluttershy let out a little squee. "I thought you would!"

She secured the collar around my neck, ensuring that it fit snuggly before clapping her hooves together and taking a step back to appraise her gift.

"Aw, you look so cute! I'm so glad you like it!"

Admittedly, I felt like an ass, though if it meant making Fluttershy happy, then I suppose it couldn't be too bad. If anything, the fuzzy interior and slight looseness meant that it sat comfortably in place. Fluttershy enveloped me in a hug and I happily reciprocated it, as she gave the best hugs. In fact, I would've preferred a hug rather than anything else. Okay, almost anything else as I was hankering for some bacon.

"Thank you, Mother."

Fluttershy's hug tightened.

"You're welcome, Fen."


Afterwards, Fluttershy said there was work to be done downtown, as not only was it to help set up my "get well soon" party but it was also to welcome Princess Celestia for her annual visit to Ponyville. I offered my assistance and although Fluttershy told me that she appreciated the offer, she would prefer it if I rested and when I tried to convince her I was feeling fine, she refused and flat-out ordered me to refrain from physical activity. Fluttershy may appear shy and demure but she can be very assertive when she wants to be. I'd heard talk of some great power she kept in reserve known as "the Stare" and though I've had yet to witness its might, I was nonetheless in awe by the thought of such sorcery and didn't wish to be on the receiving end. So I laid down on the living room floor and curled up into a ball like a good boy, complete with a wagging tail.

I soon grew bored of simply lying there so I picked a random book from the shelf and carefully set it down in front of me. It was a medium-sized hardback book that was a cobalt-blue, carrying with it the dusty scent of old paper. The front cover was decorated with a wavy silver border and featured the detailed image of what I assumed to be an equine's heart. It was presumably a book on anatomy and piqued my interest as I knew little about pony biology. I nudged the book open with the tip of my snout and used a nail to skim through the pages with all of the delicacy of a bird sitting on its eggs.

Subverting my expectations, the book lacked any kind of illustrations, instead consisting of more nonsense. I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get to see exposed bones and muscles but decided to stick with this selection and return to my usual routine: start with a random page, I stare at it, then flip to another and repeat the process. Ten minutes flew by, the incessant ticking of the nearby clock gradually wearing down my patience until I wanted to toss the thing across the room. As satisfying as that would've been, I respected Fluttershy enough to refrain from damaging her property and managed to get a tight grasp on my anger. Reeling it back and stuffing it deep down, I returned to my solo reading lesson.

I squinted at the misshapen collection of squiggles, struggling to decipher them and ready to quit when something unexpected happened. The squiggles were surrounded by a semi-transparent white light, leading them to bounce and fluctuate in place. They began to erratically rattle around until:

"...-which I shudder to reflect, that I have been the miserable origin and author? Cursed be the day, abhorred devil, in which you first saw light! Cursed (although I curse myself) be the hooves that formed you! You have made me wretched beyond expression. You have left me no power to consider whether I am just to you or not. Begone! Relieve me from the sight of your detested form."

I blinked once, then twice, then thrice in bewilderment. Without any explanation, the words on the page made complete sense to me! I thought back to my stay in the hospital room and my comprehension of the television's written text. I hadn't thought much of that moment since I'd chalked it up to post-coma disorientation and thus ignored it. Was it possible I could somehow read Equestrian unimpeded now?

I skimmed further along in the book. Again, the words were coherent:

"Such was my sentence, and on that night would the demon employ every art to destroy me and tear me from the glimpse of happiness which promised partly to console my sufferings. On that night he had determined to consummate his crimes by my death. Well, be it so; a deadly struggle would then assuredly take place, in which if he were victorious I should be at peace and his power over me be at an end. If he were vanquished, I should be a free buck. Alas! What freedom?"

I flipped the front cover over, noticing the words that were scrawled in silver above the heart:


Deciding that I'd had enough of reading for one day, I placed the tome back where I found it and resumed my place on the floor. What was happening to me? Was this another as-yet-unknown ability I possessed that hadn't manifested until now? I briefly entertained the notion of Discord's involvement until I realized that making me literate was far too prosaic for the loud and theatrical mischief-maker and quickly nixed that idea. So then what was the case?

"Hey Fen," Angel greeted me, then peered at me concernedly. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure. I-I'm literate now."

"You're what?"

"I can read," I replied flatly.

"Wait, you can read now?"

Cracking Frankenstag back open, I turned to a random page and recited:

"'Cursed, cursed creator! Why did I live? Why, in that instant, did I not extinguish the spark of existence which you had so wantonly bestowed? I know not; despair had not yet taken possession of me; my feelings were those of rage and revenge.'"

Angel's mouth was formed into an O.

"You can read. Your eyes were moving along the page and everything. How did you do that?"

I shook my head in frustration. "I don't know! These things are just happening to me!"

"Okay, okay. Easy. Breath..."

I rubbed my head with a paw. "What do I do now?"

"How about this?" Angel beckoned me closer with a toe. When I acquiesced, he took a breath and then shouted at full volume: "TELL FLUTTERSHY THE TRUTH, YOU MAROON!"

Ow. Well, at least he'd regained some of his wits after I'd scared him half to death.

Once my ears stopped ringing, I sighed and hung my head.

"You're right. I should tell her. I can't keep up this lie anymore."

"Whew, that's a relief!"

Angel grabbed a paw-full of fur on my side and hoisted himself onto my back.

"Let's get going!"

He directed me through the town and towards a multi-tiered, pavilion-like building topped with several flags and a cupola. It was something known as a "town hall," a place for community meetings and social get-togethers similar to the folkmoots Asgardians and Midgardians organized. I'd walked past it many times but never once went inside; the desire to explore it just never surfaced. Currently, a crowd of ponies had congregated in front of it, all of them brimming with excitement. Above their heads, a banner proclaimed, "WELCOME PRINCESS CELESTIA!"

What caught my attention, however, was the pure-white alicorn merrily chatting with the Element Bearers, minus Pinkie, her informal behavior and manner of addressing them very intriguing to me. Similar to Princess Luna, Princess Celestia wore a crown and neck-piece, except hers were golden and featured gemstones in place of crescent moons. She too had a flowing mane but unlike her sister's star-littered blue hair, The Princess of the Day's mane consisted of strands of light blue, green, dark blue and pink. Whereas Luna was more serious and reserved, Celestia appeared warm and outgoing, the difference literally being night and day between the siblings. Despite Luna's claims of co-rulership, here was the true sovereign of Equestria, the one the ponies honored and worshiped above all others.

Just then, the crowd parted to allow Princess Celestia and the Element Bearers to pass, making a beeline straight for me. I was a bit nervous at first but then I recalled that the last supreme god of a realm I'd interacted with ended up becoming my meal and my anxiety petered out.

"Ah, this must be the famous Fen," Princess Celestia greeted, flashing me a serene smile. "Let me formally welcome you to Ponyville. I apologize for not coming sooner; my duties often necessitate my need to stay in Canterlot."

Lowering my front half to the ground, I bowed my head respectfully.

"No apologies necessary, Your Majesty," I replied. "A thousand blessings upon you, Sun Goddess."

Upon Fluttershy's translation, Princess Celestia let out a snicker and waved her hoof.

"You are too kind but please, enough of this 'Sun Goddess' business. Just call me, Celestia."

She then took notice of the rabbit seated upon my back.

"I see you've struck up a very unique friendship. Amity knows no bounds between species."

Her pink eyes were soft but ancient, carrying with them both compassion and joy but also untold sorrow and the weight of living for centuries, even millennia. There was a moment where she gazed at my features with such heated scrutiny that I felt my insides cooking. Mercifully, the moment passed without incident and Princess Celestia turned her attention back to her fellow ponies. Did she know who or what I was? Or was her soul-piercing examination simply a quirk?

We soon headed over to Sugarcube Corner, where Pinkie Pie greeted us with two hoof-fulls of confetti and a three minute song-and-dance number, complete with fireworks and balloons. Princess Celestia found this amusing, applauding Pinkie and thanking her for the show. Pinkie then turned her attention to me.

"Hiya Fen! I hope you enjoy your 'Get Well Soon-slash-Thank you for Saving the Cutie Mark Crusaders' party!"

"I'm sure that I will," I commented and gave her a couple quick licks on the cheek.

Which she then copied.

Okay, here's a tip for anyone who is not an animal (sentient or otherwise): don't lick us. It's not cute or endearing. Unless you're a tiny pink horse on a twenty-four-hour sugar-binge.

Angel climbed down and raised a front toe.

"Don't forget, Fen: tell Fluttershy the truth. Don't chicken out this time."

He then hopped on over to the refreshments table.

I couldn't help but notice that this party was noticeably smaller. Apart from Angel, Princess Celestia, the Element Bearers, Spike and the Cakes, it didn't appear as though anyone else was invited. When I questioned Fluttershy about this, she told me that she noticed my discomfort during the last party and convinced Pinkie to keep it as a private event. A few more guests were due to arrive any minute but that was it and for that, I was eternally grateful. Given my past, it was still jarring to have a celebration thrown in my honor, especially for performing a good deed.

It wouldn't have been surprising if the surviving gods back home raised their horns to toast my demise.

I nearly bumped into Discord, who was lounging in mid-air with a plastic cup of punch in his eagle claw. He then grabbed his antler and pulled, his eyes spinning in their sockets like knattleikr balls and when they stopped, his eyes each had images of three cherries. A wild alarm rang out and a series of flashing lights popped out of his ears. A geyser of gold coins poured out of his open mouth and created a small pile on the floor. He smirked, then picked up a coin, holding it out in front of my face.

"A bit for your thoughts, chief?"

All of this seemed a touch extraneous for a punchline but I let it go.

"Sorry, I was just deep in thought. Listen, I never properly thanked you for saving my life."

Discord waved his lion's paw. "Oh, say no more! If there's ever a moment where I can help my best friend in all of Equestria, then I will gladly jump at it."

"Nevertheless, I want to express to you my undying gratitude. I owe you a debt that can never be paid-...."

A noticeable glint shone in Discord's eyes.

"Did you say, 'debt'?"

"...I did."

He rubbed his mismatched hands together. "Oh, now this is delicious! You're saying that I can call on you for a favor at any time and you can't refuse?"

I regretted opening my mouth.

"Basically, yes."

After a moment of pondering, Discord stuck his tongue into his cheek and grinned wryly.

"Then I suppose I ought to hang onto this for the time being."

"What are you planning?" I shivered.

"Moi? Planning? Don't worry your fuzzy little head about it and just enjoy the party."

SNAP! And like that, he was gone.

Of course.

Fluttershy was chatting it up with that big red stallion I met at Sweet Apple Acres, rather, doing the majority of the talking while the stallion nodded and said, "Eeyop." As I recalled, he was Applejack's brother, a rather quiet fellow known for his great strength and reliability. I felt that old familiar fear rising within me, keeping me frozen in place. Drawing on my inner strength, I managed to break free from my petrification and nervously walked to their corner of the room. Given my size, they immediately noticed me and ceased their conversation.

"Oh, hey Fen! You remember Big Mac?"

The stallion appeared as though he was ready to cry.

"Yer th' one tha' saved muh baby sister. Ah can't begin t' tell ya how grateful us Apples are fer th' service ya provided us wit'."

"Er, you're welcome. Flut...Mother, can we talk?"

"Fen? What's wrong?"

"I need to tell you something. And you might not like it."

A certain mare planted herself in between us like a pink wall of flesh.

"Who wants peanut butter-chocolate cookies with cream fillings?"

"Not now, Pinkie! This is important."

I turned back towards Fluttershy, whose eyes were practically bulging out of her skull, the same with Big Mac. In fact, a cursory glance told me everyone was staring at me. Wait, could they actually understand me now? I decided to test this theory out with a joke:

"What? Do I have something on my face."

Pinkie calmly picked up a cup of punch, took a sip, and then spat it out in a purple mist.

"You can talk?!"

I tried my best to ignore the gawking faces and addressed Fluttershy:

"I have a lot of explaining to do, don't I?"

Author's Note:

Pronunciation Guide:

Folkmoot (folk-moo-t): "folk meeting"; a community assembly
Knattleikr (gnat-lye-kerr): Ancient Norse game similar to field hockey or lacrosse