• Published 27th Dec 2011
  • 10,674 Views, 389 Comments

Leap of Faith: Twilight Vs. The Great and Powerful - Wolokai

Somepony's causing problems in Manehatten, and Twilight won't believe who it is!!!

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Chapter Seven - Brawling is Magic!

Twilight held both her hooves over her eye, whimpering as Trixie stood over her and screamed her head off, her star-sparkled cape flapping about in the light breeze "Who the hell do you think you are coming here!? What the hell do you want!? What, come to chase me out of THIS town too!? I ought to gut you right here and now you son of a bitch!"

The lavender mare looked up towards Trixie with her good eye, shouting back up at her "What the hell is wrong with you!? Do you punch everypony you see in the face upon greeting them!? I came to give you payment or something as a favor from Thoen, I didn't come to fight! That and I got a letter from the prin-"

Twilight didn't think it was possible...but it looked like Trixie was getting even angrier, her shouts more hateful then before and cutting her off "You WHAT!? How the hell do you know about that, who are you working for!? How do you know Thoen!? You must be working for them, the security force! You bastard, you couldn't just leave me alone after Ponyville, you had to come find me and finish the job huh!?" Twilight stuttered, trying to come up with words to prove Trixie wrong, dumbfounded at the sheer lunacy of how Trixie was seeing things. Before she could say anything however, Trixie snarled and lit her horn up with magic, shrieking "Screw it, I don't even want to HEAR THE EXCUSE! I don't need you ruining what little I have left!"

Twilight shrieked as a pinkish aura surrounded her, lifting her up and tossing her across the neighbor's yard to the left. She turned her head and gasped, watching as she came face to face with a carriage parked in the driveway next door, the window on its side displaying her frightened reflection. A thunderous crash was heard as Twilight flew through the window, the carriage swaying violently from the impact. Trixie spit on the ground towards the carriage and shouted "And stay out, ya purple shithead!" Just as she turned to head back inside, picking up the bag of bits and grimacing, a loud clattering came from the carriage. She stopped, turning her head towards the carriage as a bright red glow started to emit itself from inside. Trixie could feel the rising levels of magic, and quickly flared up her own horn, flicking the bag of bits into her house and shutting the door quickly.

She gasped as the door to the carriage was thrown open violently, the hinges snapping and causing it to tumble to the ground loudly. She blinked as Twilight stood in the doorway, her coat a dazzling yellowish white, and her mane looking and whipping about like chaotic fire.

She looked at Trixie, breathing in heavily and screaming as loud as she could, her voice partially cracking "MY COAT, IS, LAVENDER!!!!!!" She pointed her horn down, her magic flaring around her horn and around the broken door. Trixie gasped as the door was lifted up and thrown towards her like a disc, the mare just barely ducking under the lethal projectile.

Trixie looked up, her horn alight with pink magic as she growled "Oh...you want to play it rough huh!? Alright then Twifuck Shitkle, let's play!"

Twilight's fiery appearance had dissipated as she jumped from the carriage, her magic forming a bubbling shield around herself as Trixie ripped her mailbox from out of the ground and chucked it at her. As it smashed against Twilight's bubble, it quickly dissolved into dust and gleamed with purple magic, turning itself into a swarm of bees and flying back towards Trixie. The azure unicorn narrowed her eyes, her horn flashing and bringing forth out of thin air a can of insecticide. She held it in front of her and sprayed it, killing the bees instantly with the magical poison and drawing a frustrated growl out of Twilight. Before she could conjure up another spell however, Trixie whipped her head to the left in a slashing manner, setting the air in front of her on fire and jumping behind it. Holding the can up, she sprayed through the fire and screamed a furious battle cry, the poison quickly turning into a make-shift flamethrower and launching a hellish stream of fire towards Twilight..

Twilight gasped as her bubble started to melt from the magical fire, the risk of get turned into a burnt marshmellow growing more evident in her mind. She flicked her eyes up quickly and produced a large red can out of thin air, dropping it in the middle of the fiery stream. At this, Trixie could only stare in horror as the can was engulfed in the flame, her screams echoing out across the neighborhood "GASOLINE!? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MI-"


Trixie had jumped away, turning her back towards the explosion which had rocked and shattered the very ground. She did not escape injury however, a few cuts and scrapes adorning her body from the chunks of rock that had flown by. As the smoke cleared, she spotted Twilight rushing towards her with her head bowed, her eyes glowing with purple magic. Her horn flared, producing a large, purple colored rapier out of thin air.

Twilight screamed and jumped towards her as Trixie produced her own blade "En GARDE', Bitch!" They crossed blades with a loud clanging of metal, the two of them beginning a furious fencing match and jumping back and forth, trying to get the upper hoof on the other. Trixie laughed with glee as she quickly parried Twilight's blade and gave her a nick on her shoulder, the wound bleeding slightly. Her laughter was cut short however as she received a long scratch on her side, drawing out a sharp hiss of pain and another furious shout of anger.

Trixie rushed forward, giving a quick twirl of her body and smashing her blade into Twilight's. The force of the impact threw the unicorn backwards, her blade dissipating as she touched down on the ground. Trixie's own eyes gleamed as Twilight lowered her horn, the glow around it pulsating rapidly. As Twilight readied her attack, Trixie's horn flashed and turned her own sword into an assortment of six blades, her magic hurling them towards her foe. Twilight let out a heavy bellow as her horn flashed brightly and shot out a purple laser towards Trixie, the sudden rush of wind it brought sending a few of the knives off course and causing them to just barely nick her skin. Trixie turned her body to the right slightly, avoiding the deadly laser as she tried to bring her knives back around and attack the exposed unicorn.

As they readied themselves for another assault however, a bellowing voice roared out "ENOUGH!!!!". The two unicorn's immediately released their magic, heads snapping to the left as Thoendithas galloped quickly towards the scuffle. He approached Trixie, who had a look of upmost horror on her face and said "Trixie Arcanieum, SHAME on you! Attacking the mare who brought you the bits for your medication! Is that how you treat everypony who helps you!? I knew that I should have gone with my gut and escorted Twilight here, and I'm glad that I chose to come anyway! By Celestia's Sun I could see the explosion from all the way down the frigging ROAD!"

Trixie stuttered as Twilight blinked in amazement, surprised at how quickly the azure mare had fallen under the colt's loud voice "B...but she's the one who...who..."

Thoen sighed in aggravation and rolled his eyes, growling "I know who she is Trixie, she's Twilight Sparkle, the one who supposedly ran you out of town. The way I heard it though, was that you chose to run away rather then pony up and face the consequences of your actions!"

Trixie frowned and screamed "That's not fair! You weren't there, you don't know what it was like to get humiliated and ridiculed in front of everypony in town!!!"

Twilight could only wince as Thoen pushed his forehead against Trixie's and shouted "You think I don't know what it feels like!? Imagine having a Royal Guard waltz into my office to tell me my own daughter went about bragging her head off which led to the glorious inviting of an Ursa Minor to Ponyville!!! How do you think my colleagues saw me after that little episode!?"

Trixie bowed her head as she mulled over what Thoen had said, Twilight's voice barely audible over the breeze "Thoen...he's your father?"

Thoen nodded and replied in Trixie's stead, the azure mare falling quiet as she grimaced towards the ground "I'm sorry Miss Sparkle...I suppose I should have been more open about that. I knew from the moment I saw you on the train exactly who you were. I don't blame you for that day with the Ursa...if anything I thank you for it. My daughter learned a valuable lesson from that...or so I thought." He ended his statement with a slight glare towards Trixie, who could only mumble curses towards the ground.

Twilight sighed and winced from the wound on her shoulder, muttering "That's...ok I guess. Would have been better to warn me about Trixie though..."

Thoen scoffed and looked down towards the grumbling mare, a stern tone in his voice "Well I thought that my daughter would have had better manners...I didn't expect her to cause a full out magical brawl in the streets. Which, mind you, probably caused some unwanted attention! You know how the guards can be Trixie, what were you thinking!?"

Trixie rolled her eyes, simply turning away and limping back towards her house, the bag of bits scattered about the front hallway. Thoen sighed and looked towards Twilight, a small smile on his face as he whispered "Come on...let's get you two patched up...maybe we can try again with some calm, civilized discussion, Trixie!" He added the last bit with a raised voice, getting no response from her except the shaking of her head.



"Oh, did that hurt? I'm sorry, maybe if you hadn't acted like a two year old and beat up the mare trying to help you, you wouldn't be in this mess, now would you!?" Thoen retorted to Trixie's outburst of pain. A tight bandage had been wrapped around the unicorn's side, a grimace on her face as she watched Twilight, fully bandaged, take a sip out of her tea.

"Why the hell is she even here...what business could she have with us that isn't driving our name into the dirt..." she growled, ignoring the furious look that she drew from Thoen who replied

"You watch your mouth...if you want to blame somepony, blame yourself for the way things are. Now that you mention it though..." He looked over towards Twilight and muttered "Why DID you come out to Manehatten anyway?"

Twilight blushed a little out of embarrassment and rubbed the back of her head with her hoof as she explained "It's...a bit ironic actually. Princess Luna had told me about a pony-in-need out here in Manehatten...I didn't find out exactly who it was until I had knocked on her door...a lot of good that did." She shot a look towards Trixie who widened her eyes as the explanation.

Thoen raised an eyebrow in surprise and whispered "You came here on Princess Luna's behalf...for Trixie?"

Twilight nodded as Trixie let out a scoff of protest, her voice dripping with hate "I don't need your sympathy, pity, or your help! I've been surviving well enough on my own!"

Thoen sighed and gave Trixie a slight bop on the head as he whispered "Yes, but nopony should have to survive, they should be living, smiling, laughing! Look at where you live Trixie, can't you just swallow your pride for once?"

Twilight looked at Trixie with apprehension. Sure, she wanted to do her duty to help out, she wanted to be able to complete the task Luna had set for her...but Trixie? How could she stand for this? How was she supposed to help Trixie of all ponies!? How did Luna except them to be friends?! She sighed and muttered "Yes...I came here for Trixie. Princess Luna wants me to be her friend...teach her about friendship."

At this, Trixie laughed and raised an eyebrow, shouting in her usual egotistical fashion "Really? You and me...friends? Ha, don't make me laugh...no...don't make me puke! Why would I ever want to become friends with you?!"

Twilight sighed as Thoen glared at his daughter, her voice soft but strained "I never wanted to fight Trixie, I was angry, ok? I never meant for things to end in Ponyville like they did when you were there. So you got a little ego-crazy...have you met Rainbow Dash? We don't run her out of town...we accept her for who she is. If you'd just clean up your act and learn to be more accepting...you could-"

She was cut off by Trixie's scoff, the azure mare hopping off the stool she had been sitting on and trotting away, her nose up in the air. She shouted from the other room "I don't need to sit there and be subjugated to such horseshit, so enjoy your stay while it lasts Sparkle!"

Thoen sighed and shook his head, watching his daughter leave. He turned back towards Twilight and muttered "I'm sorry about her...she's just been having a real rough time."

Twilight looked down towards her bandaged shoulder and sighed "Yeah...I noticed."

Thoen walked up to her and whispered, a worried look in his eyes "Do you think you'll be able to help her?"

Twilight shook her head and whispered back "I don't know...things didn't really get off to a good start...and I blame myself for overreacting and retaliating against her. I'll try my best but...I don't know."

Thoen nodded and put a hoof on her good shoulder, making her look up as he said "Well...do your best regardless, that's all I or Luna could ever ask for. As long as you try, that's what matters. Me personally...I hope she'll come to her senses soon...she's been out here for too long, and I'm always too busy working to really come down here and spend time with her."

Twilight nodded and smiled "I have hope...who knows, maybe this won't be so-"

"If you're planning on staying overnight, don't you DARE use my bathroom! If you gotta go, pop a squat outside in the bushes because this bathroom is racist against purple ponies!"

Twilight narrowed her eyes and grimaced as she finished her sentence ".....bad."

(Pic credit goes to respective owner)