• Published 27th Dec 2011
  • 10,675 Views, 389 Comments

Leap of Faith: Twilight Vs. The Great and Powerful - Wolokai

Somepony's causing problems in Manehatten, and Twilight won't believe who it is!!!

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Chapter Nine - Cold Hearted Nightmare


Fatass. She thinks I'm not onto her little game, but I am. Oh...I so am! I don't care what she says about trying to help me, she's a fucking LIAR! I smirked as I laid my head down on the couch cushion, hoping to get to sleep soon. The Alcohol had done a beautiful job of numbing me, as usual. I found it to be no trouble at all to start feeling that gentle tug of sleep, that calming abyss of emptiness. My eyes wandered around the room slowly, my vision blurred and my tongue hanging out of my mouth slightly. Queen Purple of the Fatass Brigade seemed to be off in her own little world, staring at me with this pathetic frown and eyes that looked sympathetic. Right...like I need HER sympathy! I don't need her friendship crap, I don't need her advice, I don't need ANYTHING from her!

I had only just told her about not going outside, knowing about how dangerous it could be at night. Just as she started to open that big, smart mouth of hers, I cut her off quick and proper "Just...forget what I said. It's not safe to go out at night and I don't need to wake up to a Twilight Pancake splattered all over the side of my house and windows..."

I grimaced as she flashed me that small, cute little smile and whispered "Are you worried about me Trixie?"

Against my deepest will and wishes, my cheeks burned with a maddening blush. I rolled my eyes and spoke...in a higher voice then I would have liked "What?! No! I...I just don't need Dad kicking my ass for your dumb mistake is all! Stay indoors, got it!?" Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why couldn't she see...why did she have to turn it around on me!? Oh...wait, I forgot...she's good at that kind of hateful shit.

I closed my eyes, my grimace still plastered on my face as Fat-flank Sparkle-hips whispered "Whatever you say Trixie.."

Ugh...she's so full of herself! How can she stand to put up with herself?! Whatever, I hope she does go outside! That'll show that punkass who's top-pony around here! Then again...dealing with Dad's anger would be more of a pain, and I'm not really in the mood to put up with it.

I let my eyes close slowly, my blurred vision mixing with the beautiful color of black and my grimace finally fading as sleep finally held me close in its tight embrace. For awhile I swam in the inky blackness of blissful nothingness, floating quietly along a river of peace and numbness. Something was...wrong though. I didn't know exactly what it was...but something felt off. I felt...incomplete, broken even, as if I was scattered about across this abyss and left to float like rags in the wind. I grew cold, my skin rippling with goosebumps under my fur, shivering from an icy wind. I opened my eyes and let out a sharp, ragged gasp as I found myself partially buried in a large pile of snow. The sky and everything else around me was a pure, black, nothingness, the only area visible around me being a house-sized area of snow.

I looked around in absolute fear, wondering where I was, how I got here, why I was here. This couldn't be real...it couldn't be! I was still at home, it's a dream....or is it? I got up to my hooves slowly, shaking my body free of snow and letting out a hot puff of steamy air from my dry mouth. I looked around me slowly, still frightful of this place but knowing that I couldn't stay in this spot forever. With weak, semi-frozen movements, I slowly trudged forward through the cold, hateful snow.

I don't really know how long I walked through the endless plain of cold misery, because for some reason...I knew time in this place didn't matter. All that mattered was the pain, the pain of this place...the pain of the snow...the pain of my heart. And then...for just one, split-second, I felt it. A soft, but noticeable pang in my heart. I missed her...I missed the company. I didn't want to be alone and I wanted to see her again! "Twilight!" I shouted, looking around and shouting frantically "Twilight where are you!? TWILIGHT!!!" The echoes of my voice floated about the abysmal plains, carrying my desperate message to regions unknown. When she didn't answer me...I let out a weak sob and fell to the snowy ground. I buried my head under my hooves and pushed my cheek up against the snow, resolving to just sit and wallow in my own self misery.

But then...just as I weakly called out her name "Tw...Twilight...", a deep rumble rose up from the ground. It was like an earthquake, complete with thunderous sounds of ice cracking and what sounded like thunder. Over the sound of this...I started to hear them, the voices of other ponies, some familiar...some not. They all said the same thing however...the same thing I was forced to hear for so long growing up...

"Fat flank!!!"

"Where's your mommy? Oh, that's right, SHE'S DEAD! HAHAHA!!"

"Great and Powerful? More like Worthless and Weak!"

"Does Daddy do bad stuff to you instead now that Mommy's already dead?"

"Shut up!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I cried, sobbing and rolling over on the ground, writhing about as if I was being attacked.

"You deserve to die, you sicken me!"

"You should have been sent up with Luna, that moon might have done you some good!"


"Why don't you just die already? It'd do us all a favor!"

"Trixie...it's ok..."

"Not an Orphan? Don't worry, Daddy will probably kill himself soon because you're such a disappointment"

"I'm here Trixie...I'm here, look at me!"

I looked up slowly, hearing her voice mixed in with the others that taunted and stabbed at me. I gasped as I beheld her form gracefully moving and parting the snow where she walked. It was as if her body and presence were so warm that not even the unrelenting snow could keep her at bay. "Twilight..." I wheezed, holding a hoof out towards her, trying my very best to reach her. She smiled and stopped in front of me, slowly lowering herself to her belly and putting her head over my own.

"You're not alone" she whispered. It was just those three words...those three that made me cry with joy. I let my warm tears flow freely, soaking the grassy ground no longer covered with snow. It was in that moment that I heart it...the Thump-Thump of a heartbeat. It sounded as if it was echoing all around me, rumbling through the ground and roaring across the sky. Twilight whispered again as I stared towards the ground in amazement "You see? You're not as cold-hearted as you thought you were. I promised you that I was here to help you...and help you I will, no matter what."

In a flash, the snow evaporated rapidly and the black outlines of the area gleamed with a warm, yellowish glow tinged with orange. The Thump-Thump of the heartbeat sounded again, and I felt...warm, in my chest. I felt warm, peaceful, and most of all...calm. I felt better then I had in months, with Twilight here to comfort me and my thick, frigid shell surrounding my heart finally cracking. I laid my head upon the warm, grassy ground, smiling a little as Twilight laid her head down upon me and whispered "Sleep...". I nodded slightly, closing my eyes and taking in a warm, blissful breath of fresh, clean air. As I breathed out, my vision blackened again and I felt myself waking up, away from the beautiful landscape I had only just been in.

I opened my eyes slowly, my vision registering just one color: Lavender. I watched in amazement as Twilight's horn stopped glowing, the rod of power resting gently against mine. She was laying next to me on her belly, and had leaned over to...to...help me. It was real, she was really there! I whispered quietly "Twilight...", making her pull her head away from my horn and smile, looking down at me as a mother would her filly.

She whispered quietly "Sleep ok? I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't stir, so I thought some magic might help calm your nerves."

I blinked in surprise, whispering back "What....time is it?"

She smiled, looking over with weary eyes towards the clock and muttering "Eight-Thirty in the morning, I sort of lost track of the time." I gasped as a wave of realization passed over me, knowing exactly what all she had to do to...it couldn't be!

I whispered towards her, horrified "You...you stayed up...the entire night, to help me sleep?!" I could easily spot the bags under her eyes, the weak, tired look in those violet eyes of hers. "Twilight tell me you've at least gotten a little sleep tonight!?"

She shook her head slightly, a smile till on her face as she whispered "Nah...I've had longer nights then this. I couldn't just let you suffer the whole night...it was nothing really."

I shook my head and sat up, raising my voice in worry "That...you shouldn't have had to do that, I never asked for you to do that for me!"

Twilight shrugged and said simply "So? You've been suffering for so long Trixie...I figured you deserved a good night's sleep for once." I felt tears creeping up into my eyes as she said that, my heart throbbing with a feeling I don't think I ever felt before. I cared...about her, I cared about her well-being as she cared for mine. Knowing this, I let a look of determination spread across my face and jumped from the couch. Before Twilight could question me as to what I was doing, I put my hooves on her side and rolled her over on her back. With as weak as she was, I found it easy enough to do.

As I levitated a blanket over from my lounge chair, Twilight whispered "Trixie...? What are you-"

"Shhh..." I whispered, cutting her off and draping the blanket over her. "It's not healthy to stay up the entire night...you deserve some sleep too."

"But what about you?" she whispered, a look of concern on her face as sleep started to tug at her consciousness.

I smiled and gave her a small kiss on her forehead, whispering "This is the first time I've actually woken up in the morning...I think I'll go enjoy the sunrise and maybe some breakfast..."

She smiled at me and whispered "All right...good night Trixie..."

I smiled down at her and whispered back, my hoof gently on hers "No Twilight...good morning."


I sat outside, watching as Celestia's sun slowly rose up over the far mountains to the east. It was the first time in years that I had seen the sunrise...and just beholding its warm, glowing embrace was enough to get me to smile like an idiot. I got to my hooves after the sun finally rose up over the tallest of the mountains and went back towards the house. Prior to this, I managed to find an old, beat-up mailbox sitting in a pile of trash down the street. Me being the resourceful pony that I was...I thought it was a nice addition to a lonely house-hold. I opened the mailbox and pulled out what I dubbed 'The Usual', bills and an advertisement to grow my horn. I sighed as I sifted through him with magic and quickly shredded them all, scattering them about the wind.

I had to admit...Twilight really did a number on me. Sure I was still a little hesitant to accept her help...maybe even a little distrustful still but, it felt better to have her around anyway. Who knows, maybe I could squeeze a few more nights sleep out of her, maybe breakfast in bed! I smiled at the thought, but frowned as my stomach growled at the mention of food. I trotted inside, closing the door softly behind me as to not wake up Twilight. Walking into the living room with a light sigh, I smiled as I looked over a sleeping Twilight, tucked in so...cutely, into the couch. Her mane was ruffled and messy, a light blush on her cheeks and a small puddle of drool forming on the couch cushion. I walked over quietly, wiping away the puddle with the blanket and gave her a small pat on her head. A light moan escaped her and she shifted a little under the blanket, making me smile a little wider and trot towards the kitchen.

A breakfast for two...suddenly sounded pretty good.


(Note: Okie Dokie, well, um. Good news and bad news! The good news is...um, things are on schedule! YES! Bad news...may have to cancel Muffin Vs. Baked Bads and Generosity Vs. Kindness. Just looking over them and the content, I'm not really comfortable putting them out. It seems like too far a stretch and I'd hate to beat a dead horse [scuse the pun...'], so that said, there's going to be this Leap of Faith, and two more. The next Leap of Faith is, sadly, the last "Official" one of the series, but there will be a bonus surprise one! It comes after the surprise I have for you all that I mentioned in my blog which is on my FIMFiction profile page. So technically it's the surprise...after the surprise...if that makes any sense, heh...

ANYWAY, I'm sorry about the two cancellations, I may change my mind but it's not looking good so...enjoy this story anyway! BE SURE to pay attention to any announcements on my profile page's blog or any I put here, they be important ya'll!

Oh, and don't be afraid that the writing will stop after Leap of Faith and the surprises! There WILL BE MOAR!!!!!
