• Published 11th Jan 2020
  • 2,981 Views, 25 Comments

Batman Restarts - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Dark Knight finds himself in a strange colorful world filled with magical ponies while in search of one of his enemies. He must also stand against a rising combined evil in Equestria.

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The Epilogue: “I Never Said Thank You”

Everything was back to the way it was before King Sombra took over. The people of Gotham were turned back to normal, and both Gotham and Equestria were no longer under Sombra’s reign of terror. As the people stood up on their feet, they marveled at the beauty of the Crystal Empire and its entire landscape. Everything somehow looked animated and cartoonish; however, when they cast their eyes on the ponies, they were surprised even more.

“What is this place?! This is so weird!” some of them exclaimed in wonder.

“How did we get here? I don’t understand this!” a woman added.

While the people were murmuring and exclaiming their amazement, Batman went over to Crane who was sulking in his mixed emotions. He summoned an orange robe with black spots via his crystal magic and clothed the wanted fugitive with it since he was naked after the mutation tore off his own clothes. Crane looked at him surprised and angry at the same time. Just then, he started to cry. “Why?...why did this happen to...me?” he sobbed.

“You brought this upon yourself, doctor. This shows how crime actually treats people like you in reality.” Batman told him. He picked him up and handed him to Gordon.

“I hope you’re ready to receive a full sentence for your crimes, Crane.” Gordon said, handcuffing the sobbing villain. He took him away and handed him over to Commissioner Loeb and the other officers who were fully recuperated from the brainwashing.

Once they took him, Engine Run trotted to his victimizer and threw a mud ball at his face with scorn. “This is for traumatizing me back in my train, you cowardly fiend! I hope you never come out of prison in your world ever again!” Engine said. Crane said nothing to retort.

“Wow! Looks like you have a lot to answer for, doc. Take him away, boys.” Loeb ordered. They took him away along with the other criminals whom the police immediately subdued after they were all turned back to normal.

Loeb then faced Engine Run who smiled at him. “You look like an interesting character, little fella. What’s your name?” Loeb asked kindly.

“I’m Engine Run, the engineer for the train of Ponyville. What’s yours, sir?” Engine said.

“I’m Commissioner Loeb of the Gotham City Police Department. A pleasure to meet you in this...strange world here. How did we get here?” Loeb asked.

“From what I heard, King Sombra mind-controlled you guys and made you nearly take over Equestria. Luckily, Batman and our own heroes were able to save the day!” Engine said.

“Batman?? He’s here too?!” Loeb asked, shocked.

“Yup! He saved me from that Scarecrow guy and defeated King Sombra! He’s right over there!” Engine said, pointing to the Dark Knight who was talking to Gordon and Alfred. Considering both Run’s statements and what the hated vigilante had done, Loeb walked over to Batman.

Batman noticed him and faced him with a mild glare. “Batman, Batman...I never thought I would talk to you face to face.” Loeb said, keeping his hatred and prejudice at bay.

“Here I am now, Commissioner.” Batman said.

“I came here to say—hmm—t-thank you for saving our people and these colorful horses I’m seeing around here.” Loeb strained to utter as if his pride was trying to choke him.

“No need for thanks.” Batman stated.

“Still, this does not change my opinion about you, Bats. But we’ll see what will happen soon. It might change, it might not. I’ll be watching you...always.” Loeb threatened before walking away sullenly.

“Well, that went well.” Gordon chuckled. “Never thought I would ever hear those words come out of his mouth. Very satisfying to see him humbled. Hehehe.”

“I second that. In fact, all of Gotham and the ponies are apparently grateful for what you have done, sir. Look...” Alfred mentioned, pointing at the Gothamites and the ponies shouting Batman’s name in praise.

“BATMAN! BATMAN! BATMAN! BATMAN! YAYYYYY!!” they cheered and clapped their hands and hooves together.

Scootaloo, Twilight, and the Royal Sisters joined with the heroic trio. “They’re applauding you, Batman!! You saved them all!!” the pegasus filly observed. Batman grew a slight smile from the hearty gratitude and praise he received from them. It was a rare thing in Gotham for Batman to be thanked and upheld continuously, especially by the majority of the police force, but here, it was sincere and true.

“You must be the Batman.” Celestia said, warmly smiling. Batman turned to see the Royal Sisters giving a slight bow in gratitude and respect for his heroism. He nodded his head in acknowledgment.

“It is truly remarkable that the first human from another dimension not only visited our home world but also saved us and our world at the same time from its dangerous threat.” Celestia said. “And for that, we are eternally grateful for what you have done for us—all of us.”

“I’ve been desirous to ask you, Dark Knight: are you a watcher of the night by any chance? Since you are a hero dressed up as a bat, I imagined you becoming active in fighting evil only during the nighttime.” Luna asked.

“You could say that.” Batman replied.

“My, my...it appears we have something in common already. I too am busy during the night—having to comfort ponies in their dreams from their nightmares. A task, I’m sure, you would understand.” Luna said.

“I’m glad you have that job. Nightmares can cause emotional responses from the mind such as fear—fear that can always overtake us when we fall.” Batman lectured. “But there is one thing which I’ll never forget: Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.”

“A very wise saying, Dark Knight.” Luna agreed.

“Excuse me for one moment.” Batman said. He levitated in the air with his crystal magic and opened a large portal for all of Gotham to enter through.

The city of Gotham was experiencing a new morning at that moment. After they finished their invigorating conversation with the crystal ponies, they all entered back to their home through the portal. However, some of the ponies from Ponyville were curious as to what the human world looked like. Thus, they entered therein with the people before it closed.

Batman then flew down, took Scootaloo and Twilight in his arms, and flew to the top of the Crystal castle. Luna looked at him with dreamy eyes. “What an attractive figure. I should write some letters to him some time.” she said. Everyone looked at her amazed and confused. She blushed in embarrassment.

Batman bent down before Scootaloo and held her head, “I want to take the time to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to get to know you ponies and to show me that there is a world where peace and true happiness does exist—including friendship. Since you were the first pony I’ve met, Scootaloo, I will confess that I will miss you the most. You’re very courageous and strong.”

“Awww, Batman, thanks...” she said while wiping the tears from her eyes. “Do you really have to go? Why won’t you stay with us?”

“Gotham needs me. Evil will continue to smite it, and it will soon destroy Gotham if I’m not there to protect it.” Batman replied. “However, I will come back some day.”

“Really?! You will?!” Twilight asked, smiling widely.

“Yes.” he replied before gazing on the crystal heart on his bat symbol. “How did I get this power? How is it I received this magic while I was trapped in Sombra’s dimension?”

“That’s because it saw your heart.” Cadence said, flying above them. “I’ve seen this so many times before. When a creature’s heart is filled with passionate love combined with a mighty willpower to do what is right, especially in a situation where evil threatens to conquer the world, that magic is endowed upon the receiver. Thus, it happened with you, Batman.”

Batman then contemplated on the new information. “I see.” he said. He then took a mysterious Joker card from his utility belt and looked at it. He raised his right arm and shot a beam of magic which turned into a portal half a mile from the castle.

“I’ll miss you, Batman. Thank you so much for everything. I hope you could visit us again.” Twilight thanked. Scootaloo nodded her head in agreement.

Batman nodded before walking towards the ledge. “Wait!” Cadence shouted. “I never said thank you!”

Batman stopped and turned his head to Cadence. “And you never have to.” he replied. Then he jumped from the castle and opened his cape as wings to fly toward the portal. He took Alfred and Gordon in his arms via telekinesis. The Princesses, the Mane 5, Spike, Shining Armor, Engine Run, and the Royal Guard waved goodbye at them.

“Bye, Batman!! Don’t forget to catch any party poopers!!” Pinkie called out, waving her hoof. The others chuckled with her. Twilight, Scootaloo, and Cadence smiled as their hero and friend flew off back home.

Batman, Gordon, and Alfred entered the portal before it closed. The blue aurora of the portal then turned into a huge bat symbol and levitated itself in the air.


Author's Note:

Thanks to everyone who read this story! I really enjoyed writing this. If you enjoyed this story, please give this a like and favorite if you wish. Stay tuned for the sequel which will shortly come after my brief break from writing. Comment down below what you think or if you have any suggestions!

And Batman...be prepared for what I have in stored for you. 😈

Comments ( 10 )

And Batman...be prepared for what I have in stored for you. 😈

...are you going to torture him? ...again?

...so long as the Pegasus are safe.

I'll prepare the torches and pitchforks, just in case.

Say what happened to Zsasz?

Read chapter 15 to know what happened to him and his comrades.

great job on story:twilightsmile:

That was one awesome story, and I'm glad to see more love being given to the Dark Knight Trilogy, as they're awesome films, and seeing this being a sequel of sorts to Batman Begins is even more awesome!

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