• Published 11th Jan 2020
  • 2,982 Views, 25 Comments

Batman Restarts - TheClownPrinceofCrime

The Dark Knight finds himself in a strange colorful world filled with magical ponies while in search of one of his enemies. He must also stand against a rising combined evil in Equestria.

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Chapter 14: Batman vs Scarecrow

Gordon witnessed the king of shadows taking over all of the Gothamites. He was shocked beyond belief at what he saw; a mysterious dark equine making a scene in brainwashing the entire city of Gotham, including the very ones whom he worked with? “What the—my God!! What is that?! He’s taking over all of Gotham!! I have to do something!!” Gordon shouted as he ran back to his house.

“Sweetie! Sweetie, listen, listen, I need you to stay here no matter what. You understand?” Gordon somberly ordered. Barbara was a little stunned by his abrupt appearance at first but still nodded her head in understanding.

“Yes, yes, dear. What’s going on? Is something happening?” she asked, worried.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it. I love you, dear.” he said, kissing her goodbye. “Keep our son safe too.”

He exited out of the door once again and re-entered his cruiser. He turned the engine on and activated the sirens. Once he drove off, he tried to contact his comrades in high hopes they were not under Sombra’s control. “All units converge on northwest of Gotham, 88th Street! All units, do you read?!” he called out. The call went static as there was no answer.

“Come on!” he vented. Suddenly, a familiar car appeared next to him. Looking through his right window, he immediately recognized the driver of the vehicle—Alfred Pennyworth. The latter also briefly looked through his left window and saw Gordon next to him.

They both pulled over to the side of the street and exited the driver doors. “Alfred? I wasn’t expecting you this morning.” Gordon said.

“Well, I was, including all the officers of Gotham. Have you seen Master Wayne by any chance?” asked Alfred.

“No, I haven’t. Why?” Gordon asked.

“He hasn’t returned home since yesterday! I tried to contact him to see if he was okay, but he made no response! I started to become worried sick about him!” Alfred said, completely worried.

“Are you serious? I have much trouble on my end too! I have neither seen or heard from Batman during all this time! I have no clue what happened to him or where he is but he’s gone too! Are there any more people disappearing?” Gordon shouted.

“I really hope this doesn’t lead him to suspicion and asking unneeded questions.” Alfred thought. “Not that I know of.”

“Well then, have you noticed a strange being making a scene here in this city?” asked Gordon.

“What being?” Alfred asked. As if on cue, a gigantic purple crystal rose up higher than a skyscraper on which King Sombra stood. He wickedly laughed on top while he beheld his handiwork. “Ohhh, that being...”

“Slaves of Gotham City, today is the day of triumph and destruction! We march against all of Equestria and take what is rightfully ours! Once, we rid ourselves of those disgusting ponies and their high-minded rulers, we will rule over that land and this planet...FOREVER!! Hahahahaha!!” Sombra spoke. The Gothamites cheered for him while shouting his name repeatedly.

“FOLLOW ME!” Sombra commanded as he ignited his horn and shot a dark beam of magic toward Wayne Tower. The beam struck the building, but it did not destroy it. Instead, it created a large portal through which they could enter Equestria and commence their conquest. He morphed into a shadowy fog and entered the portal. All the Gothamites followed him through the portal. Gordon and Alfred saw his work and the portal.

“I think I have an idea where Batman and Bruce might be.” Alfred said, smirking. Gordon looked at him surprised.

“You gotta be kidding me.” Gordon doubted.

“We must be careful. We might want to keep a low profile.” Alfred suggested. They hid behind several cars and trucks to avoid discovery from Sombra’s mind-controlled minions. They ran past the vacated buildings while still keeping a sharp eye on the Gothamites. Once they were very close to the portal, they saw the approaching army entering the portal. They waited until the right opportunity presented itself for them to enter therein.

Suddenly, a police car exploded due to its dark crystal impaling its engine. This caught the attention of the remaining army. Seeing them distracted, Alfred and Gordon walked past the vehicles and quickly entered the portal. Right after that, the remaining army all entered the portal before it closed behind them.


Scarecrow walked past all the hostages who were tied up against the walls of the throne room. Recognizing what he had accomplished, he was ecstatic of what King Sombra will reward him in the end. “Excellent job, gentlemen. Now that we have taken over the whole empire for him, he will give us what we have always desired since the beginning—all of Gotham!” Scarecrow celebrated.

“I dunno, boss. Do you think he will keep his word? I know a power-hungry tyrant when I see one.” Steiss doubted.

“I know a benevolent monarch when I see one!” Scarecrow argued. “Surely, a king knows how to benefit his own subjects. Is it not one of the requirements of being a good ruler?”

“Seriously, Crane?! You actually believe his—whoaaa!!” a thug screamed as he saw an approaching figure via a glass-stained window. The Batman burst through the window and landed before the villains. The hostages were frightened at the sight of the dark being. He rose up and glared right at the criminals in battle stance.

“Ahhh, if it isn’t the great Batman. I’m quite surprised you managed to find us here.” Scarecrow said.

“Good thing I asked for directions.” Batman said before he uttered his intimidating stern words. “Release the hostages now and surrender, Crane.”

“Why should I? Don’t you see you’re in a disadvantage here? There’s twelve of us and only one of you.” Crane evilly smirked.

“I am not asking again. You know what’s in store for you.” Batman again sternly threatened.

“Very well.” Scarecrow said before snapping his fingers, signaling them to attack him. His men angrily shouted as they charged at Batman. Batman ducked under one who was going to punch him and smote him on the chest and the head; he falcon-punched another one while he grabbed another thug’s arm and threw him against Steiss. Zsasz grabbed his gun and shot at Batman, but the latter raised his arm to block the bullets and threw his batarang at the gun which caused it to blow up.

Two more thugs raised their guns as well and began to shoot him. He jumped high in the air and tackled them to the ground; he bashed both of their heads together to knock them out. He grabbed his grappling gun and shot its hook at Steiss who was just recovering; his leg was caught by the grapple which dragged him over to Batman. Three other thugs with Zsasz ran to him to take him down, but Batman spun Steiss in a circle three times before throwing him against them, knocking them down.

Zach raised his gun to shoot until Batman seized it and punched him in the face. He smashed the gun on the floor, breaking it to pieces. He then turned to Scarecrow. “It’s just you and me now.” Batman said.

“Indeed.” Scarecrow agreed before running to him. Batman blocked his punch by locking his arms together and pushing it back at Crane. Batman then made several punches on his face and kicked him against a wall. Scarecrow got up on his feet and smiled sinisterly.

“You have no idea whom you’re really up against, Batman. How predictable.” Scarecrow taunted.

“What do you mean?” Batman demanded.

“Ra’s Al Ghul may be dead, but I have a new master who will give me everything I ever desired—including Gotham.” Scarecrow boasted.

“Who is he?” Batman said before grabbing his throat. “WHO IS HE?!? WHERE IS HE?!?”

“That is so cool!!” the same voice shouted. Batman immediately recognized who it was. “Scootaloo?”

He looked towards the doors and saw her standing right by the doors. Unwilling to put her in danger, he knocked out Scarecrow and untied the hostages. The crystal ponies were amazed at seeing their unexpected hero fighting those monsters with skill and tact. They were clueless at first but then shook themselves from their stupor and thanked their savior. “Don’t thank me yet. There is apparently more to come. Run toward Ponyville immediately for safety. Do not stop for anything else.” Batman sternly commanded.

They nodded in understanding and left the palace. Batman then turned his attention to Scootaloo. “What are you doing here? Didn’t I tell you to stay at Ponyville to alert them of the danger?” he scolded.

“I know, I just wanted to see you in action! You were so awesome back there! All those moves and fighting gestures were just eye-catching! Good thing you took care of that Scarecrow guy, huh?” she said.

“Yes. But this isn’t over yet. From what Scarecrow spilled, he was a puppet for someone else. But who would plot to take over the Crystal Empire?” Batman wondered.

“Umm, maybe King Sombra?” Scootaloo guessed.

“Twilight told me that he was defeated. However, it could be possible that he could return considering his might and power. But if he comes back, then there would be a higher chance of him destroying everything in his path with greater vengeance than ever before.” Batman concluded.

“Wayyyy ahead of you, Dark Knight...” a dark, deep voice spoke. Batman and Scootaloo turned to see King Sombra appear before them in his shadow form until turning to his kingly equine form. “Ahhh, Batman...in the flesh.”

“IT’S KING SOMBRA!! HE’S BACK!!” Scootaloo screamed in horror and hid behind Batman. Batman was a bit shocked at his appearance and then understood what he really looked like.

“You must be King Sombra.” he said, glaring at him. “And how do you know me?”

“Precisely, Dark Knight. I have been watching you for a long time. Your strengths, your weaknesses, your victories, everything...ohhh, also, I have a great surprise for you.” Sombra said, pointing at the approaching army outside of the castle. Batman looked through the broken window and saw his very people under the dark king’s control. Shocked and angered at the sight, he faced him.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” Batman shouted in rage.

“I’ve been quite busy in Gotham. You see? Of course, I can’t have you trying to stop me from achieving my total victory.” Sombra said, shooting his dark beam of magic at Batman. The latter shielded himself but unfortunately, the beam got to him anyway. He grunted in pain from the blast.

“BATMAN!! NO!!” Scootaloo shouted before being restrained to the wall by Sombra’s magic.

“I want to thank you for detaining my prey, Scootaloo. I wouldn’t have done it without you.” Sombra taunted. Scootaloo then began to sob.

“NOO! Leave him alone! Please!!” she begged. Sombra then levitated Batman via his magical cage he made and took off through the window while maniacally laughing in triumph.