• Published 25th Aug 2012
  • 21,071 Views, 569 Comments

Capturing the Heart of the Moon - Noponyatall

Second person fiction between you and Princess Luna.

  • ...

Yes, Totally Going to End... Well. You'll See.

"Come now, I need to show you around the castle." Celestia called back to you, the stumbling and downtrodden pony struggling to keep up behind.

"Princess Celestia," You began. "one does not simply 'come now' after learning just the basics of walking in an equine form." You were walking by taking a step with your front right hoof, then a small pause, then taking a step with your front left, then a small pause, then your hind left and a small pause, then your hind right and a small pause. Wash rinse repeat. "Why can't I have wings just this once? Then I could just fly everywhere and not have to worry about all this stupid walking."

You felt the warm aura of Celestia's magic lift you up and bring you close to her. "Let me explain something to you. Pegasi spend much of their time in flight school learning how to fly efficiently and quickly. It takes years for somepony to develop their flight skills enough to fly around everywhere. Even Rainbow Dash has to walk sometimes, because believe it or not, wing muscles tire faster than leg muscles. Since you don't know the first thing about flying, if I gave you wings then you wouldn't know how to use them. Therefore, we're walking. Now follow me, we're almost at our first stop." She drops you on all fours.

You lowered your ears a little. "Okay, okay. Geez. I'll try to follow as fast as I can."

"Good. Right this way." Celestia cooed.

A question suddenly pops into your head. "Say, what spell did you mess up on anyway?"

Celestia thought for a second, then decided that it couldn't hurt in telling you. "Well, I had originally planned to summon myself a delicious brownie, but I got you instead."

"So, this was you messing up me and a brony?" You replied.

"Actually, it was between 'brownie' and 'brony.' The fact that it happened to be you was purely by chance."

"Whoa, I feel special!"

"Indeed, you should be. There are literally millions of bronies that could have been summoned, and it happened. To be. You."

"Yep, it happened to be me." You beamed proudly.

Inside Celestia's head, a thought ran through her mind. Yes, it did. Now, why did it have to be you!? A brony that doesn't have the smallest grasp on the severity of this situation.

"So what is it you have to show me?" You asked, attempting to peer into the room.

Celestia, snapping back to reality, shoved a hoof to her side which prevented you from clumsily advancing any further. "This here is the royal kitchen. As long as you stay here, you may help yourself to anything so long as you simply ask one of us royal pony sisters in advance." She led you into the large room.

After your heart did back-flips in your chest upon Celestia's implication of you asking... Luna to do something, you took a look around the room. It was pristine and white, with many unicorns and even a few griffins working the different culinary contraptions. There were ovens, toasters, toaster ovens, blenders, fryers, and even some appliances that you did not recognize. There was a griffin with a very tall chef's hat, who you assumed from your knowledge of professional kitchens on earth that he was the head chef. He raised a large curved bladed knife, which glimmered in the light, and gracefully brought it down. The blade glided clean through a celery stalk he had on top of a marble cutting board. He then proceeded to julienne cut it finely with the utmost speed and precision. Not even some of the best chefs on earth could cut it that fast. Perhaps griffins were just agile that way. Over to your right, you smelled something that made your mouth water. A unicorn opened one of the ovens and pulled out a tray of brownies. Man, did they look good.

"So... why didn't you just get a brownie from the royal kitchen?" You asked, connecting her mis-casted spell and the fresh bakery goods.

Celestia levitated one up, cooled it off, and took a bite. Her eyebrows raised in satisfaction. She swallowed then answered your question. "Magic's faster."

"Oh." You acknowledged. "I guess when you really want a brownie..."

Celestia nodded and finished for you. "You really want a brownie. Now for our next location. Come with me." She walked away with the grace of royalty.

You followed with the grace of boiled ham.


Princess Luna opened the doors to her room and did a childish leap onto her bed, landing with a springy thud and a slight rebound. She was still very young at heart, and showed that in many ways. It would be a while before she could participate in any super serious official business. Luckily for Celestia, Luna wasn't bitter about that at all. In fact, she liked this life. She had little responsibility, a large castle she half-owned, and loads of free time. What did she do in all this spare time?

Have you ever heard of a PlayStallion 3? It was by far her favorite thing in the world. She had all the latest games and enjoyed playing online with some of the friends she made there. Luna was quite the gamer, although nobody but Princess Celestia knew it. The guards never entered her room, so they never saw her playing her games. Luna didn't want anypony else to know, since if the online community knew, she might get some unwanted attention. Anyway, her black controller was enveloped in a purple aura and brought near her majesty's face. She turned on the system and started playing one of her favorite games; Batmare! Saving Seaddle. She placed a bluetooth headset into her ear so nopony would hear her.

"We recognize that look on Celestia's face any day, she's bucked something up and doesn't want us to find out. Unfortunately for her, she underestimates our ability to find things out. We have our ways." She cackled mischievously.

Just then, she stopped her train of thought. "Wait a minute, what are we thinking? Why should we care? There's just a lowly earth pony in the castle. Though rare, it's not unheard of. Our sister may just be doing negotiations with a representative of Ponyville. We should just mind our own business..." She trailed off. "But, why did we care?"

She thought for a little bit. "Well, we did think he was a bit cute. Cute for an earth pony that is, it's not like we can ever be together with him. We are a princess, and by custom, romances between earth ponies and royalty are unheard of. We don't want Equestria to think that we are any more absurd than we already are. Besides," She put on a nervous expression. "We think he'd make a much better friend, anyway."

Realizing she was having an entire conversation to herself about you, she let out a sigh and went back to her game. "We swear unto our name, We won't make a big deal about this any more." She lied.

Yes, Luna had the mental equivalency of an adolescent. She didn't age when she was banished to the moon, and in turn, she lacked the security and emotional maturity her older sister had. She had trouble making friends, and was seen as 'weird' and 'unorthodox' by the posh upper-crust unicorns that inhabited Canterlot. Still, her older sister loved her dearly, and Luna wouldn't have it any other way. She did sport a minor crush on your, but that was simply because of your looks. It wasn't anything more than that, and so Luna was able to keep you off her mind... for now.


Celestia had shown you the Royal Library, the Royal Garden, the Royal Towers, and the other less notable parts of the castle. Over time, your walking got progressively better. By now, it was actually good enough for you to keep up with Celestia with minimal stumbles and wobbles.

"So, do you want to know where you'll be sleeping?"

You began to think of some places you'd be quite happy sleeping.

"No, you're not sleeping anywhere near my sister." Celestia narrowed her eyes a bit.

You drooped your ears and hung your head. Wait, does that mean she know-

"Oh come now, of course I know you have feelings for my sister. That was painfully obvious when she walked in the room."


"Actually, I was kidding in the sense that I'm really not that against you and my sister." She drew her face closer to yours. "However, I will say that it's not a good idea. My sister still follows the old Canterlot customs 1000 years ago. Even I do to some degree. Earth ponies and Royalty don't get together according to those customs, it's a class division issue."

Your spirits were severely weakened, and you considered just going back now if you didn't at least have a shot of getting together with Luna.

Celestia, sensing your loss of spirit, felt a little bad for being so harsh. "Buuut, I suppose you can really try. There's no harm in that except perhaps being looked down upon by other royalty. I can't picture my sister judging someone just because they aren't afraid to show how they feel. Even if they are of a lower class."

Your spirits soared back up, a goofy grin plastered on your face.

Celestia chuckled a bit at your inability to hide your excitement. "And I don't suppose you care if those posh unicorns look down upon you, do you?"

You shook your head, still having that same goofy grin on your face.

"Alright then, my little pony. It's actually about time for dinner to be served. Care to join us?"

You nodded vigorously with that same goofy grin.

"Okay, stop that. That's seriously getting creepy." Her eyelids lowered in unamusement.

Immediately, your face went blank. Wow, it looks like she was improving your poker face already.


Dinner with the royal pony sisters! Ha, your brony friends at home would be so jelly you could spread them on toast. The dining hall was a very long room with a high ceiling and a royal purple carpet. Stain-glass windows and various portraits adorned the walls, and a long rectangular table with a fine white cloth sat in the very center. You noticed that each spot was set like a normal table would be, with plates, silverware, and a napkin. However, you're a pony now. You have hooves. How can you use the silverware without magic?

Celestia sat at the head of the table, and was patiently waiting for dinner to be served.

"Where's Luna?" You asked.

"Oh don't worry, she's always a bit tardy." Celestia said with a smirk.

As if on cue, Luna opened the doors and did a flight propelled leap across the room, landing gracefully in the seat across from you. The gust of wind generated by her powerful wings caused the intricately designed and elaborate chandelier above the table to rattle a little bit and sway back and forth. There was a suspenseful silence as you all hoped that it would not fall. Luckily, the swaying subsided and you both looked at Luna.

"Umm... sorry?" She said sheepishly, raising her shoulders and putting on the cutest blush.

Just then, the double doors leading to the kitchen swung open.

"Deenner es served!" A heavy french accent decreed from just outside the kitchen. Two carts of food were hauled out by a four unicorns, two to each cart. The source of the voice was none other than the Griffin you saw earlier. He walked alongside the first cart, which was brought to Celestia's location. He opened the silver lid covering the tray and placed the food on Celestia's plate.

"For ze Princess Celestia, one celery and sugarcube salad a la Marnay!" He decreed proudly.

"Thank you, Chef Gustave LeGrande. I'm sure it's lovely."

Wait wait wait! Back the fun bus up a little bit here! ...That's Gustave LeGrande? The chef in the episode MMMMystery on the Friendship Express? How did you not recognize him before? Wow, if he was able to make it this far as to be the head royal chef, he must be better than the show portrays him to be!

You were pretty excited on what he made for you, since you didn't know what it was. All you knew was that Celestia told him to make you something he would like. After all, humans and Griffins are both omnivores.

Chef Gustave went to Luna's seat next. "And for mademoiselle," He lifted the lid and put on a mild face of disguist. "ze usual... pizza."

"Woo! Luna raised her hooves into the air and placed it on her plate. Gustave headed to your seat and you could faintly hear him mutter under his breath. "Ugh, how can she eat zat stuff." He reached your seat and held his head high. "I heard zat you, despite being an earth pony, have a griffin's fine taste, so I proudly present to you ze national dish of my fellow griffins!" He lifted the lid off your tray and served you... oh dear.

"Behold, rabbit eye casserole!" He beamed with pride.

Oh fuck me!

You put on your best (worst) poker face again. "Uh... thanks chef! I think I'll love it!"

"I know you will, because it's a national favorite and also very good for you. How can you, someone who appreciates meats like rabbit NOT love et? Bon Appetite." He then retreated back into the kitchen.

A few minutes passed, you didn't touch your... rabbit eye casserole *shudder* for two reasons. One, it looked like vomit, and two, you didn't know how to use silverware. Rather than just wait for dinner to be over, you decided to problem solve.

"How do I use this thing?" You said casually, pointing a hoof to your spoon.

Celestia and Luna both looked up in silence, both in the middle of chewing their respective dinner. Luna swallowed her food first, but then started to laugh hysterically. She laughed so hard slammed her hooves on the table.

"Princess Luna!" Celestia bellowed in a firm voice, which stopped Luna's laughter immediately.

"Yes, sister? What does thou wish for us to do?" She asked innocently.

Celestia put on a smirk. "Tell him how to use a spoon."

You gulped, and Luna placed her hoof behind her head nervously. "Surely, thou jests! It is hardly a fitting task for one of our stature to teach a subject how to use a spoon."

"Luna, be quiet. You don't do much around here anyway." Celestia then put on another smirk. "Unless you don't think you're able to do something as simple as explaining to an earth pony how to use a spoon." Celestia knew she had Luna now, playing on her ego like that.

Luna stood on her hind legs blushing profusely. "W-what art thou talking about!? Of course we can teach him. Just you watch us."

Celestia, satisfied with her sister's answer, nodded slightly. "Alright then, don't mess up." She teased.

Luna looked at you with an intimidating gaze.

"LOYAL SUBJECT!!! DOTH THOU WISH TO USE A... SPOON!?" She boomed using the full power of her royal Canterlot voice.

Your mane was disheveled and both you and your dinner got blasted against the wall in a flurry of air.

Celestia's eyes widened. "Luna, the royal Canterlot voice was uncalled for." Celestia scolded, peeling your poor battered body off the wall with her magic.

You moaned weakly in agreement.

Luna gave Celestia an innocent look. "But Tia, isn't it customary to use THIS MUCH VOLUME WHEN ADDRESSING OUR SUBJECTS!?"

Celestia face-hoofed. "That was 1000 years ago, Luna. This is now. We don't use the royal Canterlot voice as of 500 years ago. Too many complaints of damage. Also, I haven't heard you practicing referring to yourself as one pony instead of 'we' since earlier today. Now, try it again, and this time, don't mess up. I mean it."

Wow, Celestia knows how to handle her sister.

Luna, looking over your messed up figure, acquires an apologetic look. "We're- I'm sorry." It wasn't the most heartfelt or sincere apology, but it would work for you. It was Luna after all.

"Apology accepted. Now, there isn't much of a point in using a spoon, since my dinner was thrown against the wall." You replied.

"We cou- I could get you another serving if you wanted." Luna offered.

"NO THANKS, I'M GOOD!" You said quickly.

"...Okay." Luna gave you a quizzical look.

Celestia decided to speak up. "I'll explain after he goes to bed, Luna."

"Okay." Luna said contently, switching moods rather quickly.

"And as for your question on how to use a spoon, just place your hoof over it and imagine you're holding it."

"How does that work?" You asked.

"Earth ponies can hold things, because they have their own kind of magic. However, that's the only thing it can do. Well, that is if you don't count their ability to work the land well."

"Interesting, I'll practice that later."

Dinner went on without another word. You lost your appetite, so it didn't matter to you that your dinner was splattered on the wall.

After dinner, Celestia went out back to the balcony with Luna and you. There, you witnessed her lower the sun. It was an amazing sight to behold. Afterwards, Luna raised the moon. The dark sunless sky was soon gently lit by the mild glow of the moon. However, there were no stars yet, so the process wasn't done yet.

"I'll do the stars later, I have an entire night ahead of me." Luna said.

"Are you sure? Our guest will be going to bed soon. Don't you want to show off for him?" Celestia teased.

Luna blushed again. "Tia! Don't joke around like that!"

You hoped she was trying to hide the fact that she liked you, but you didn't keep your hopes up.

"Anyhow, I need to show you to your quarters. Follow me." Celestia said to you.

"But I'm not ti-"

"Now, mister."

You sighed. "Yes, mom."

Celestia rolled her eyes.

You were led to the east wing of the castle, where the guest quarters are. Celestia opened the door to one of the rooms and showed you inside.

"This is where you will be staying as long as you are in your 5 day trial. If you should stay, you'll have to get a job to afford a house here. I won't kick you out immediately, but just know you can't live here forever."

"Gotcha." You then looked around. It was like your basic apartment. It had a bed, a full bathroom, a dresser for clothes if needed, and a small closet. It would definitely do. You walked in and flopped onto the bed. Comfy, yay!

"Mmm, well g'night, Princess Celestia." You were still psyched out that you were even saying that.

Celestia looked at you acting so young and happy. It made her think back to her younger years living with her sister. Celestia always had to be the more mature one, since she was ruler of Equestria. Her younger sister never really got that burden, though Celestia knew she would have to eventually. For now though, it was nice to at least have her sister back after so long. "Goodnight, my little brony." She said with a wink, then she shut the door with her magic and went to her quarters. Celestia needed her sleep as well, and with Luna up to take care of the night, she could finally get more sleep than before.

You smiled contentedly and attempted your first night's sleep in Equestria.

About an hour later...

You were still wide awake in bed. Why were you? You were dead tired about an hour ago, but you've been getting progressively more awake as the night went on.

You considered reasons. For one thing, You were in Equestria, and the excitement of that was finally starting to sink in. You're probably the first human here ever! And what's more? Princess Luna, best princess, is in the castle with you! Granted, she's on the opposite wing, but still! Just then, another realization occured, you were thirsty. Using your reasoning skills, you decided to go to the kitchen and get a glass of water rather than just use the faucet in your bathroom. Why? Maybe you'd run into Luna along the way...

Rolling out of bed, you landed on all fours and walked towards your door, taking extra care to open your door quietly before stepping out. So far, so good. You haven't woken anypony up. You started to head towards the center of the castle where the kitchen was located. There was a small gust of wind that hit your rear end, making you jump a little and spin around suddenly. When you realized you were alone still, you shrugged it off and continued on your journey.

You were near the kitchen doors, when suddenly you heard a faint noise that sounded like flapping. You stood dead still and waited. Using your same great reasoning, you thought that standing still would somehow prevent whatever it was from seeing you. Judging by how you were near the kitchen, you assumed it was Gustave. Hopefully he wouldn't mind you getting a measly glass of water by yourself right?

"Hey." A quiet voice whispered from behind.

You jumped out of your coat and let out a squeak of fear. "Y-yes? Who is it? Don't tell anyone I'm here! I'm innocent I tells ya! Innocent!" Good god, you sounded pathetic.

"Just calm down and turn around." The voice said, not too amused.

You turned around, and you came snout to snout with Luna. She wore a rather stern expression. "Innocent huh? Just what are you doing out here anyway? We-I would very much like to know."

Your legs were quickly becoming jelly. "I-I was just going to get a glass of water." You said weakly.

"Oh, that's ok then." Luna said, her face lightening up as well as her tone. "I mean, Celestia recently told me about where you came from, so naturally I had to be a bit cautious, you understand, yes?"

Her quick change in mood surprised you. "I guess so..."

She beckoned you over with her head. "Come, I'll get a glass of water with you. You have to tell me all about... bro-knees." The Lunar princess said, trotting into the kitchen.

Gosh, she's so cute when she's nice. Oh what am I saying, she's cute all the time. You thought to yourself.

A few minutes later, you were walking out of the kitchen with two glasses of water being levitated by Princess Luna. While you two walked towards the balcony, you were conversing with the most gorgeous of all the princesses about how on your world, she was celebrated throughout the brony community and the favorite pony of many of your kind. It was weird actually, she was so loved where you're from and yet she isn't nearly as respected here, you found out.

"I have a question; why am I so loved by your kind?" She inquires.

That, you didn't even need to think about. "Believe it or not, your social awkwardness, personality, and power are all traits that we find rather... attractive." You started to blush upon saying that.

Luna stopped dead in her tracks, a blush of her own burning across her face. "Wait, is thou saying that we are... attractive to thou?"

Uh oh, you had to worm your way out of this one fast. "Ah, well you see, everyone does, so yeah! Nothing wrong with that, right!?" If only you had known how rude that sounded.

"Oh...we-I see, so it's nothing special?" Luna did her darnedest to hide her disappointment.

"Nope, every brony thinks you're super attractive! None of them have any problem with you being an equine." You lied, though you wish it were true.

"Oh... well, you're here, which sets you apart from the rest. If only I could meet more of you some day, I would love to teach them all how to use spoons." She teased.

You gulped. "That's quite alright! I'll do the honors, Princess."

"Please, call me Luna."

"I'm sorry, Luna."

"Quite alright." She then leaned in a little closer. "While we can, how would you like to watch us make the night sky?"

You held back a squee, successfully this time. "Would I?"

"Would you?" She asks, clearly not understanding that you meant 'yes.'

"I would."

"Okay, follow us, wierdo." She taunts, passing you and brushing her ethereal tail against your back leg in the process, causing you to visibly shudder.

At the balcony, you see Luna concentrating on her work at the night sky. She points her horn in various directions, lighting it up every now and then. You were sipping on your water, using the new grabbing technique that actually seems to work. Just then, she strains, her horn glowing extremely bright, and in a flash of light, all the stars appear at once.

The sight is spectacular. All the stars glimmer wondrously and give the sky a glimmer that you swear you always see in Luna's eyes. She sits next to you, admiring it as well.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She asks.

"It's more beautiful here than on earth, that's for sure."

Luna chuckles a little. "I like you already. Maybe the princess was wrong when she told me to stay away from you."

"Say what?"

"I'm just kidding, jeez." She playfully nudges your shoulder. "Anyway, it's late for somepony like you, you should probably get to bed soon."

You turned to face her. "I suppose you're ri-wait, what is that?" You zoomed in your vision on her right ear, then gasped when you realized what it was.

Unbeknownst to the princess, she had forgotten to take her bluetooth set out of her ear. It was small and partially hidden by her crown, but you could clearly see it up close. Luna with technology? That must mean that...

Oh my god! Is Luna really Gamer Luna!?

Luna, realizing that you've discovered something she didn't want you to, gave you a sheepish grin. "Well goodnight!" And suddenly you were teleported to your room.

Wow, Gamer Luna may be canon? Nothing could wipe the grin off your face now, not even Celestia.

Despite this great possibility, you eventually did fall asleep.

Author's note: Yep, Luna isn't going to be a tsundere girl like Applejack. However, this will by no means speed up the romance. I just can't picture Luna being that resistant to the attention of someone else, especially since she yearns for friends.