• Published 25th Aug 2012
  • 21,071 Views, 569 Comments

Capturing the Heart of the Moon - Noponyatall

Second person fiction between you and Princess Luna.

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Oh Goody, Almost Every Brony's Wildest Dream! This Can Only End Well. (Edited)

Capturing the Heart of the Moon
By: Jexxazrez

"Oh Dear," Said Princess Celestia, looking at what she just teleported before her. "...this isn't good at all."

Princess Celestia had meant to summon a chewy and delicious brownie. However, even royalty makes mistakes, because she ended up summoning something completely different. Celestia knew what it was, and quite frankly, she was debating in her head whether she just did Equestria a favor, or an injustice.

You on the other hand, had very different thoughts buzzing through your head after realizing you weren't in front of your computer anymore.

Jesus Jetfuel Christ! What the HECK happened!? Was the first one, then you tried to make sense of the situation to answer the aforementioned question.

Okay, let's see, I was in my room reading a rather sleazy fanfiction starring my favorite pony, and five minutes afterwards, I'm suddenly inside what looks like Princess Celestia's study.

Oh God!!! Does she know!? If she does is she here to lecture me? Or perhaps something else?

Okay, okay. Just calm down and put on your best poker face.

You put on your worst poker face.

Celestia just sat there, deep in thought. It was highly unprofessional for her to screw up a spell this badly. She just took you away from your world, your family, and everyone you've ever known. She could send you back, but perhaps, you wanted to stay. Logically speaking, if you really liked the show as much as her knowledge of the brony fanbase suggests, then it's only fair if she offered for you to stay.

"Well," She began. "I'm terribly sorry for that little mishap. Are you alright? Did the teleportation process make you motion sick? I get told that a lot."

You blinked twice before asking the stupidest question possible. "Where am I? Is this all a dream?"

You mentally slapped yourself for saying that line. Come on, really? That's all you think of saying? How unoriginal. You're sounding like the human in every HiE fiction you've read.

Celestia, reading your thoughts, mentally rolled her eyes at you and answered your questions. "Well, to answer the first part of your question, you're in Equestria. Home of ponies, griffins, dragons, animals and the like. I'm sure you're familiar with our world judging by how you're wearing a shirt with one of my subjects on it."

You chuckled nervously and grabbed your arm. "Ehehe, yeah I am." You weren't acting as formal as you probably should have, but that's because you really thought this was a dream.

"As for the second part," She continued, "why don't you pinch yourself and find out."

"So, I'm in Equestria apparently. This is definitely a dream. It... has to be. I can't really be in Equestria, it doesn't exist! All I have to do is pinch my arm and I'll wake up."

"Knock yourself out, my little po- err human." Said Celestia, slightly more amused than concerned now judging from your reaction.

"Well, here goes!" You brought your hand to your arm and squeezed your two fingers together.

You felt the pinch, however, you did not wake up.

"Yep, gonna wake up any minute now..." You pinched your arm a few more times, really hoping to wake up.

Still, no waking up was occurring.

You began to panic. What, of course you would! If you were in Equestria, (and it was looking like you were) then you would have no idea on how to react! You could be excited, because ponies are the greatest thing on the face of the earth and you were now able to see them in real life. Or you could be worried sick because you had no idea if you could get back or not. Since you were away from your family and friends, and if it turned out you were suddenly trapped here, you would have a hard time accepting this new life despite it being in the world you loved so much. However, there was a really pressing question on your mind at the moment.

"What am I doing here?" You asked with that same amazing poker face.

Celestia leaned her head down a little. "You were brought here by accident. My mistake, really. If you want, I'll send you right back. I'm sure there's something you would miss dearly."

"My entire life on earth... yeah... but ponies... I dunno, just give me a minute to think this through."

"But of course, take your time."

You noted that Princess Celestia's poker face was infinitely better than yours.

You thought about her offer for a while. Of course, you really wanted to just accept her offer immediately, but you just couldn't. This surprised you, since you have always wanted to be in Equestria in your private fantasies, and here was the opportunity of a lifetime to live there. However, you began to really think about the repercussions. The most pressing concern was that you may not ever see your friends and family again. That is, assuming you will be able to be sent back if you change your mind. Also, everything you've ever owned, loved, and cherished would never be seen again either. Would you have to be a pony? Would being a pony mean that you would be able to choose your race? Would you get your cutie mark off the bat? Would you immediately develop a taste for hay, grass, and the like? It was definitely a lot to consider. There was a lot at stake if you decided to stay. You never thought being brought to Equestria was such a big deal until now.

Celestia read your thoughts, mildly impressed with your in-depth thought about this. Not many bronies she observed even gave a second thought when asked whether they wanted a life in Equestria or not by their peers.

"Say that I agree to staying here...what will become of my other life? Will I ever be able to return?" You decided to do the logical thing and test the waters first.

Having read your mind beforehand, she was prepared with an answer. "I admire your regard for your own world. I also admire your regard for this one, so I will cut you a deal. You may stay here for five days. If you enjoy being here more, then you may stay here forever. If not, then I will send you back and we shall never speak of this again."

"Couldn't you just replicate the spell to bring me back if I really had something I wanted to do there?" You asked.

"Do I look like a TARDI- whateverit'scalled that travels through time and space? Plus, I brought you here by chance. It was never my intention for this to happen." Celestia had a sense of humor, oh goody.

"Well shoot." You said, placing your hand to your chin and pondering this pretty sweet deal. "I like that idea, but what about my family? Won't they notice I'm gone?"

Celestia raised her head up a little. "When creatures travel out of their respective dimensions, time stops in the original one. If you were to be sent back, time would resume in your dimension and it would be like you never went there. On the other hand, if you stayed, time in that dimension would stay still, but an alternate dimension where you were never born would continue on. So to answer your question, no they wouldn't."

"Whew, that takes a load of guilt off my shoulders. I'd hate for my family to think I was just trying to get away from them. That's just mean."

Celestia only nodded. "So, have you made your decision?"

Eh, what have I got to lose? You thought. "Yes, I'm going to stay here." You beamed triumphantly.

"If you say so." Celestia closed her eyes and nodded ominously. "Now, your five days starts tonight of course, but before you even leave this castle, I need to teach you about equestrian etiquette. Much of it is similar to human etiquette, so I'm sure that won't be too hard. Also, we need to do something about... your current form."

"What about my current fo- oh." You said when you realized what she was talking about. "I like being human I guess, but I suppose it'll be a damper if I was the only human in this world..." Your voice trailed off.

"Oh don't worry about that, you'll be turned into a pony. It's easier for me and you both. Plus, you saw how the ponies reacted to something as closely related to their anatomy such as a Zebra, I don't want to think how they'd react to you." Celestia said with a smirk.

"Oh, yeah." You looked down a bit, then perked up. "In that case, I wanna to be a Pegasus! Flying is awesome!" You stared to get excited.

"Sorry, no can do."

Your spirits were crushed. "Wha... why not? Unicorn then?"

"Can you fly or do magic?"

You paused. "No."

"That's why. Moving on, as for your color and whatnot, you just have to think about the color you want to be during the transformation process and that's the color you will be. Your name is completely up to you. Are you ready to begin the transformation process?" She looked down at you with a serious look.

You took a look at yourself in the conveniently placed mirror, this is your natural body. You were about to have it perhaps permanently changed to that of an equine. The idea was scary, yes. However, it was you who made the decision to stay here and live amongst the ponies, therefore, you had to face any consequences that living here entailed.

"I'm ready, go ahead Princess." You said with an all serious tone.

Was that a smile you detected on her lips? No matter, the process had already begun.

First, Celestia raised her mighty horn, which began to glow a blinding yellowish white color that consumed your outline and lifted you into the air. You could feel the warm aura enveloping you. The aura of Princess Celestia. It felt safe and cozy; like gentle sunbeams hitting your body all over. It was a unique experience no doubt. Just then, you began to feel the first change, the fur growing on your skin. It itched more than anything. although it was a very thin coat, it sprouted up along your entire body giving it the feel that every inch of your skin had a bug of sorts crawling on it. Next, you felt your joints morphing into that of an equine. It hurt to have your bones broken down and reconstructed to a more fitting shape for your new body, yet not nearly as much as you would have thought. Maybe it was her magic? Perhaps you would never know. You felt yourself grow a tail and your hair changing into a mane. It felt pretty much how you think it would, relatively painless but definitely odd. The last thing you felt was your snout elongating. You felt your nose break and yelped in pain, but the pain disappeared after a little while as the bones fell into place.

There was a poof and a flash, and then it was over.

"Well, how do you like your new body?" Celestia said while she lowered her horn, which extinguished it's light.

You opened your eyes and looked up. You felt different, that's for sure. You moved your front hooves forward, getting used to the difference in ways the joints bent. You faltered a bit at first, but with some minor practice, you got used to it.

(Believe me, I won't bore you with petty details on how you got used to walking.)

You glanced at your flank. "Hey, where's my cutie mark?"

"What was your cutie mark before you came here?" Celestia retorted.

"It was...I just...wait I...I didn't have one...?"

"And so you will have to earn yours like everypony else." Celestia said matter-of-factly.

"Oh...fine. Makes sense I guess..."

Just then, the door opened.

"Tia! We're out of carrot juice again and I don't know if we-oh?" Said a feminine voice that radiated power.

Don'tsqueedon'tsqueesdon'tsqueedon'tsquee!!!! Your brain commanded when realizing who the voice belonged to.

You squeed anyway...but you did so hopefully in a way where nopony heard you. You were in the presence of the great Princess Luna, no doubt! She is best princess for certain and a very gorgeous pony. Her mane, dark blue and flowing, cascaded over her shoulders like a conflagration of black and blue fire being blown to the side. Her hooves were long and slender, just like her body. Her regalia was as black as the night sky she ruled over. Her gorgeous aqua blue eyes could calm even the most violent of beasts and at the same time stare a hydra into submission. She had large vibrant blue wings and a perfectly sculpted slender horn to match. She was perfect in every way, and she was standing only a few feet away from you. Luna wore a quizzical look on her face until she got a devious grin.

"Luna, I can explain."

"Oh, no need sister. I understand that it gets lonely ruling the land. I didn't know you went for earth ponies though...

"Luna, wait! You have it all wrong, I simply..." Celestia started to say, a blush burned across her face.

"I'll just leave you two alone here...with nopony else to bother you..." She trailed off before shutting the door with her magic. She then chuckled as she went down the hallway to ask the royal cooks to place an order for more carrot juice.

You lowered your ears, (which was a cool thing to do, but you'd still have to get used to it.) and looked at Celestia.
"Did she just assume that we were..." Your voice trailed off.

Celestia let out an exasperated sigh. "Yep."

Great, your one shot at impressing the princess, blown.

"Something wrong? You don't look so happy." Celestia said, trying to offer you some support.

You looked to the floor and sighed. "Goddammit!"

Alright, the edits are in. As you can see, the story flows just a bit differently now, but the premise is still the same. Just to clear things up, no clop scenes will be in this story. I will try and update once a weekend, and I will answer any questions you may have on Skype. (If you don't have it, just ask me. I'll be happy to help.)

Let me know what you think :D