• Published 28th Dec 2019
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The Collar - Kentavritsa

A girl checks in, at the Twilight hotel; where she finds a collar, she is putting on. She is later finding herself; in the process of being transformed, into Twilight Sparkle.

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Granted; the Sex of your Idol: 6

Author's Note:

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The girl, known as Ms. A had just fallen asleep, in her bed. Time to tend to her now. Epona is picking up the Fetish, representing the girl; looking at her, with great interest.

“I am granting you the sex of your Idol: Twilight Sparkle!” Epona offers, as she is picking up the two tubes; representing the change intended for its target, freshly printed.

With the offer pronounced; she is putting the tubes into the body of the Idol; vaginal and finally the anal tubes in order. The Idol, now equipped with the intended equine orifices; that is her sex represented. Ms. A, no longer possess her original Human sex. However, she is still able to use her facilities, as they were; when she moved in.

“There, perfect!” Epona pronounces; “Now you have her sex!” she concludes.

She is placing the Idol, back in its niche; where it will be waiting, for the attention awaiting it the next night.

Strange!” I ponder; “Nothing had changed?” I continue.

Of course, something had changed; even if I had failed to put a finger, on exactly what it is that had been altered today.

The changes, forced upon me, slowly, persistently transforming me into someone else. I always notice these changes, even if it may take me a moment to detect and recognize these changes.

There is a pattern, to my changes, even if I have not yet fathomed, or recognized it. Though it is slowly becoming clear to me, where I am being thrust towards. Something, that will be obvious, once the changes have been completed.

Most of the changes have come during the night, while I am fast asleep. These changes always come, while I sleep; even if I do not know, exactly when they were placed upon me. Then I have the changes, I had accepted; like the manicure and hooficure at the local Spa, aided by Aloe herself.

On second thought; I had chosen, and accepted the hooves I have. While I had not known, or realized it; at the time, but I had nonetheless been choosing it actively. The Crescent Moon shoes I had been wearing. What if I had chosen to wear other shoes, what would have become of me, then? I have no idea. Though I do know, I had options; but I had never chosen them, back then. Why? Should I have?

Then again, I enjoy being a Unicorn; even if I barely know, what it means to me. Not yet, but I guess, I will learn; before I leave the hotel. All assuming; I do indeed leave the hotel, in the first place. Then again; where will I go, from here?

After a moment, I lift my right hand out, above the top of the quilt; pushing it out into open view. The hand is indeed not changed, since the night before. Just as expected, of course.

My hand, just like the skin is still purple: the nails, the touch-pads, the suction-cup; unchanged, remaining exactly as they had been. I guess that is, just the way I had wanted it, all along. Why complain? Maybe this is, exactly how I will end up, looking; when I leave the suite, and the hotel? I will be quite fine, with that.

I fold the quilt, up against the wall; sit up, as I slide my hooves out from under the quilt. Now I push myself forwards, raising to my own two hooves; turn around, before I am folding the quilt back in order. With that, I am leaving the bed; just as I had found it, the night before.

Yes, my hooves are looking; exactly as they were, when I had left the Spa!” I ponder; “Aloe had done a great job, at it; I am quite pleased, with the job she had done for me!” I continue.

While I do feel the floor, under my hooves; I can by no means feel, what the hard front is touching. These are after all true, equine hooves; with a hard front, and a soft sole underneath. Just as soft and sensitive, as my feet had ever been.

I find myself, instinctively direct my ears; to hear the sounds, my hooves are making as I am walking over the floor. This is most frequent, early in the morning; though it does occur, when I hear new noises, caused by walking on a new and unfamiliar surface as well. It is something, I simply will have to get used to; even if I enjoy it most of the time, though it can be distracting at times.

I walk over to my wardrobe, sliding the twin double sliding-doors of the wardrobe; examining the options, I have before me. While I am scanning the interior of the wardrobe, I slip the old pair of panties down; leaving them on the floor of the wardrobe, in a small pile. Just the way I always leave my clothes here, when I am changing into something new and fresh.

Since the clothes never stay in place, I had been imagining; these clothes are either cleaned up for use, or recycled for crafting or printing new clothes for someone who needs them. Okay, I guess it is some-pony else, now. Silly distinction? I am starting to change my vocabulary, as I am becoming more Equine, rather than Human now. I had become more Mare, than Girl. I could as well acknowledge this change. No point, in denying it, now is there?

With the panties, on the floor of my wardrobe; I extract a fresh pair of panties, stepping right into them. I pull up the panties; before I afford them a few tentative tugs, in order to secure that perfect fit I enjoy them so much for.

Once the panties are on, I extract a new and fresh skirt; step into it and pull it up. Affording it a few tentative tugs; once, twice and thrice.

I extract my top, from inside the wardrobe; pull it down over my head, and afford it a few tentative tugs. There; now I am fully dressed, for the day.

I don't think; I need the gloves, today!” I ponder, giggling; “Since Aloe extended the manicure to me, I already have everything the gloves I like had to offer!” I conclude.

As I once more scan the interior, of the wardrobe; notice a mirror, giving me a reflection of myself. It is a full-length mirror, from floor to ceiling. While the clothes are preventing me from seeing the entire mirror; I know the mirror is covering the entire inner wall in the wardrobe. One single, seamless mirror; not several composite-mirrors, in order to make a larger item. The effect may seem similar enough, but it changes the style; on a larger issue, leaving me feeling as if I am worth more to them.

I am not Rarity, I am Twilight; though I can still be sensitive enough, to appreciate the difference and the effort put in, on my behalf. This is not a glass on silver mirror, but a sapphire on iridium mirror; several magnitudes better, not to mention the durability. This mirror would come with a lifetime warranty, something you never attach to a regular glass on silver mirror. You can't afford it, considering how easy it is to break the glass.

Day by day, this curious item had come to my attention; as I am slowly becoming more and more Twilight, as I am starting to understand what I am looking at. I am appreciating the mysteries, placed before me. Curiosity killed the Cat, not the Pony; Since I am Pony and not Cat, I don't need to be worried about this. Or, do I? Either way, I am still curious and inquisitive no end.

I like to know, and in order to learn; I ask the questions, I feel is going to yield the answers I am looking for. How else, am I to learn? How else, could anyone learn anything? I question; there-for, I am. I do exist. Do I not?

While I may still have both gloves and stockings, that does not mean; that I feel the urge to put them on and wear them. I can choose to put them on, or not. If I feel like wearing them, I will put them on. Right now, I do not feel like wearing them; thus these garments remain, in the wardrobe. I keep them, for later use; if and when, I choose to wear them again.

If my skin had changed, turning purple; I have hooves, just as I am a Unicorn, what remains to change?

What aspect of me, is due for an update; when I became Unicorn, that has not already changed?” I question.

Wait!” I ponder; “Don't tell me, that my sex has been altered!” I continue.

I reach down, placing my right hand on the mound; feeling what is directly under the skirt, I am currently wearing. The mound is there, naturally; I have not become a male, that certainly would not have made any sense. I have seen no males; walking, or trotting around. If they had intended, for me to become male and stallion, why have I not seen any males, working here or otherwise? I have no idea. This simply could not compute.

As interesting as it may have been, but I am still a mare at heart. I have no interest, in becoming a male and stallion. Not right now, and not any time later.

If I had wanted to explore, being male, could I have found a pair of panties, granting the experience?” I ponder.

On second thought, the change, my sex had experienced; is not a gender-reassignment, but it has been realigned, to the Equine mode of my Idol: Twilight Sparkle.

Wait, based on what I know; Equines have hooves, and the sex is routed differently, compared with a Human female!” I consider.

I guess, I can still enjoy sex; even if the reproduction has been rearranged!” I ponder.

I had dressed up, and closed the wardrobe; so I am walking over to the door, to the living-room. As I am approaching the door, I am extending my right hand,; placing the palm onto the plaque, spreading my fingers to open the door. As I am spreading my fingers, the door is sliding up; I have done this so many times, it is routine. Nothing more to it. It is as easy, as it had been to open the door; at home, where I had used to live.

The door is open, so I am stepping into the living-room; the door is sliding shut, just as I had stepped over the threshold. This is also routine; I have grown used to it, as if it had always been the way things are. It is, the way things are. Why question it now? What good, would possibly be accomplished. I can change nothing. I have no magic.

I may a Unicorn, but for now; I still do have no magic, which sounds odd when you put it that way. Wouldn't it?

If I have no magic; could I find a book, teaching me?” I ponder, as I am stepping over to my books.

If I am indeed Twilight Sparkle, I have books; or, I could never have been Twilight Sparkle. Or, could I? Of course, I never was Twilight; before I came to this hotel, so why should I be her now? Whoever she could possibly be? Or could have been? Or, could become? It may be a bit confusing; this is after all new to me, and I have no idea, as to who Twilight Sparkle is. I was never taught, about her. None even told me, who she is. Why should anyone tell me?

If she is not a historical person, why do I have to know. If she is a character, in a story of some kind; I had no interest in her, and who she may be. Though I am becoming her, so I am bound to find out; even if this may be considered the hard way. At least, it feels like it; to me, right now.

I have books, lining the shelves of my book-case. The book-cases are glassed in, with sliding-doors; keeping and maintaining the precious books, stored in the individual cases. The cases are containing a special, preservative atmosphere; maintaining these invaluable tomes, in perfect condition.

If the wardrobe could print and recycle my clothes; could the book-case produce my books, in the same fashion? Is this technology, or magic? I have no idea, but the questions keep popping up, in my mind. I can't shake it. But, why should I want to? When all I need, is to find the answers to my insistent questions.

The books are all organized, and categorized; in the natural order, of Twilight Sparkle. The glass, is crystal-clear sapphire; thus not brittle, or prone to break like regular fashioned glass would have been. These are blessings, protecting the treasure before me. I could not complain. Why should I?

Just as none, other than me could open the door to my room; I am the only one, who can extract these books from their respective shelves. Magic. Powerful magic, indeed. I am eternally grateful, beyond words; even if I do not know it, just yet.

I examine the selection of books, case by case, and shelf by shelf; finally ending up, before the case and shelf I had been looking for, all along.

What book am I looking for?” I ponder; “Which of these books; hold the key, to open my magic up for me?” I continue.

Magic, and its basic principles; for beginner and advanced wielder!” the title reads.

This just may be it, looks like a book I need to read!” I consider, as my eyes cross the title before me.

I open the case, extend my right hand; extract the book, and close the case after myself. With the book in hand, I walk over to my sofa.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop!” is heard; as my hooves are hitting the floor, on my way to the sofa in the far corner.

Once I finally do reach the seat, I had in mind; I sit down, comfortably. Now I scan the face of the book; front, back and the side. At first, there is nothing to the book; just an ordinary looking book, like any other you may have come across. Maybe that is the point, after all? If it looks ordinary, you don't bother looking closer; unless you know what you have before you, and know what you are looking at. You need to know magic, in order to read a magical book; particularly one, on the topic of magic and its principles. This is just such a book. Just imagine, that.

I hold the book before me, in both hands; the thumb on the edge of the cover, back and front. First now, I can truly open the book; in order to read its content, and to learn the secrets hidden within this book. As I feel the warmth, I feel a heart-beat; now I gently part the covers, thus opening the book before me. Now, once the book is open; I can enjoy the fruits, of the work represented in producing the original manuscript for this book.

As I flip the pages, I feel the scent of the printed ink on each page; just as I feel the scent, of the aged leather, the ink had been printed onto. This is, the heart of the book; just made manifest, before me. Printed, as the book in my hands; manifested, in the book-case of my living-room. I am imparted; with the hidden truths, of this book.

After a moment, I am at the first page of the book. I can once more read the title of the book, knowing what book I have before me. I look at the page, reading the delicate, highly decorative inscription, engraved onto the page.

In doing this, I am dedicating my time; to reading this book, and to understand the secrets hidden within. How long this will take me, I have no idea. I will take the time, in order to learn; to access my magic, still unlocked within me as a Unicorn. I am in essence reborn.

Once I had read the title, and observed the title-page; flip the page, before I begin anew. Reading the text, but also reading the intricate calligraphy and interpret the illustrations. This is indeed an illustrated book; not for the faint at heart, or the uninitiated.

I can not quite put into words, what I am experiencing; as I am reading this page, of the book I am holding in my hands. Maybe, it is better I do not even try; but rather, read the book in the search of the truth before me. Because, the truth is out there. The truth is in there; hidden within the book, printed onto each page of this book.

“Focus!” I hear a voice urging me.

“Focus?” I inquire, not quite knowing or understanding.

Not just yet, but I will. Soon.

“Yes, yes; focus, focus hard!” the voice echoes; Focus, as if your very life had been depending upon it!” It then reiterates.

Since I have nothing else; I focus on the voice, and the words it had just uttered, still echoing in my head. While it refused to make sense, at first; I continue, focusing. At first, I focus; as if I could apply the force of physical power, which promptly fails. I should have known. Shouldn't I?

I renew the effort; slowly exploring the intent, behind the words. A brain has no physical muscles. Neither have my horn. One means of focus, seems to be the exclusion of all other thoughts. Is this the way? Or, simple folly.

I can not shut all else out, lest I am to suffer the consequences. I know this, but I do not even know; that I could indeed force out all else, which should by all means suggest I would stop breathing and my heart would stop. This is, why the consequences are so dire. Isn't it? Could I do it, if I tried? Do I even want to try, if it had been required?

To focus, is to open up one's mind; to no possibilities, and towards what is before one's eyes. It may be hard, when you try to deny something that is inconvenient, or uncomfortable. The truth can only be denied, for so long. Though it could only be seen clearly, if and when one is actively looking for it. Or, it tents to be coloured; by one's desires and believes.

Do I believe, in magic; but I know, I am a Unicorn. I knew my name, as I had thought, I knew myself. Maybe I had been mistaken, or maybe these facts had changed? I am no longer the girl, who arrived here; I am, who she had become, and what she is becoming. I take an active part, in navigating my options and possibilities. Am I making the correct choices, for myself? I have no idea. It is too late, but it is not quite yet time.

What do I see, when I open my eyes? Will I see myself, and the room surrounding me? Will I see magic, and the power it is wielding? The power, it could choose to impart me with? But alas, I will see. Will I not?

I continue to read, even if I do not even realize; my eyes are closed, but I still do see the text before me. How could this be? I have no idea, but I do not ask. I do not question. I merely focus. I focus, on what could be.

All of a sudden, I feel something; a chock, and see a blinding light. It is not light, as I had known it. This is magic, the force hidden deep within me. What I had been given; when I became the Unicorn, I am now.

“Open your eyes!” I hear the voice.

I look around, confused; then I do open my eyes, finally. The room is still there, but it is all the same. As if nothing had happened. Nothing happened? I am questioning, what is before me.

“Now, open the door!” the voice echoes.

At first, I intend to raise to my hooves, to walk up to the door and physically open the door. Just as I had done, so many times. Thought his is clearly not what the voice has told me to do. I soon realize it. I had made a mistake, but I do not permit this to hold me back. I am eager, inquisitive; ready to explore the adventure before me. Or, so I think.

“Look!” the voice echoes; “Look at the door!” it continues.

Since I had detected, found the magic; I can open the door, and light up my horn. I am focusing, channeling the magic; through the horn, and into an action. At first, my horn light up; just like a lightbulb, and growing brighter as I focus on the effort.

As I focus, the light in the room is growing dimmer. This is not because I am drawing power, from the same source; or because my magic is influencing the light in the room, but because the light is actively dimmed. It may not be directly under my command, but the light in the room remains the same.

I raise to my hooves, finding myself standing up. I am still holding onto the book; reading, and focusing. I close the book, but the voice is still there; as I am focusing, my horn remains alight. As I continue, the focus is growing easier. I am gaining control.

I leave the book, on the table. From there, I am walking over to the door. Once I reach the door, to the cloak-room; I extend my right hand, pressing the palm onto the plaque. I feel the ambient magic, filling up the room. Though I can not by any means, open the door by force. It is not just resisting, it is pushing the magic aside, then easily negating it. Drawing on the power, rather than straining under a pressure.

As I part my fingers, the door is sliding up; as if nothing had happened, and I am stepping through. As I am passing the threshold, the door is closing behind me.

The light in the cloaking-room dims, in order to compensate; for the light I carry into the room, by my glowing horn. I do understand the principle, but it is pointless to me. Why light my horn, if the only effect is that my internal light compensates for it? I am not using the magic for anything practical, or useful. I need to practice, before I could do anything more than this.

I know, I was never one to brag; I have no use, of lighting my horn now. I do not wish to show of, or demonstrate my magic; just to show of, and prove I have this magic. Now I change my focus, and the horn cools down, the light slowly fades.

While I am still standing in the middle of the room, I manage to stop the flow of magic. I could have better use, for this magic; later, if and when I need to do something important with it. I will know, what that is; if, and when I am facing the occasion. Wouldn't I?

Maybe I do not need the boots, or the shoes; but I still like to wear them, even if I really do not have to. It is my choice, to wear these, and I make that decision all by myself. I walk over to the shoe-rack, in the cloak-room; bend over, and pick up the boots, right and left. I slip the right boot on, before I am slipping the left one on. I like the feeling, of doing it; not just because I can, but because I feel like doing this. With the boots on, I pick up the shoes right and left; putting the right in, then the left. I am dressed up, ready to go out.

Oh, wait; I think it is time, for my breakfast!” I ponder.

With the shoes on, I am ready to go out; so that I can have my breakfast. I turn towards the door, and walk the few steps over; approach the door and extend my right hand. Now I press the palm of my hand onto the plaque; spread my fingers, and open the door. I step out, only for the door to close behind me; while I continue towards the elevator.

Since the door is closed, I know my belongings are safe; even if I effectively ignore these items. I walk all the way up to the door, of the elevator; extend my right hand, pressing the palm onto the plaque.

Strange, just how accustomed one could become; even to something, one did not like, or found uncomfortable at first. Now I am routinely using the plaque, in order to open doors and controlling lights, taking a shower; not even realizing it, enjoying the brief contact for all it is worth.

I had spread my fingers, opening the doors of the elevator; as easily and comfortably, as if the door had been part of my anatomy. I step into the small space, not quite noting just how small the space is; but it is partially due, to the fact that I can not see the entire space or where the space is ending. If I can not see the end, I know the room is larger; than my perception is letting on, and what my eyes had told me. Of course, the lack of seams may help me knowing, the room can not change shape or size either. The elevator is not relying on thin, fragile cables; but is leaning between the outer walls, and the inner core that holds it in the desired place. I can not fall, uncontrollably, but Ellie can take me, where I want to go; in the highest speeds, she deems safe and comfortable for me.

Ellie is operating this elevator, almost as if it had been her body; knowing what is safe for me, and what I am finding comfortable. It is both in how she is interacting directly, with me in the elevator; and what I tell her, when I access the plaque in order to enter and exit the elevator. Simple, but ingenious; with perfect control, beyond reasonable expectation.

“Good morning, Ms. A!” she exclaim, as I am entering the elevator.

“Good morning, Ellie!” I respond.

Could I control the elevator, directly?” I ponder, knowing the failure I had experienced, when I had tried to open the door in my own home; “The answer is a resounding no!” I know it; “I can't!”.

The elevator is already moving upwards, towards the destination; accelerating, just as fast as I recall, from the previous mornings. She is riding the limits, taking me to where I want to go; as fast as possible, within the borders of my safety and comfort. I am eternally grateful, for her action and integrity. She has never let me down, before; just as she is not about to let me down now, or any time in the future. It is simply not in her nature, to do so.

Ellie is utterly incapable of hurting me; mentally, physically, or in any other way. Her elevator, is the safest place one could possibly find. While I still have not figured out; just how she operates, or how her elevator works.

“Such a nice day; for a breakfast, at the top of the world!” she exclaims, on the way up.

“Yes, it is!” I respond; “But with you, any and every day is bound to be great; for as long, as I am staying here!” I respond, giggling.

“You are quite welcome, Ms. A; but I could not make it, any other way!” she responds; with a warm smile, giggling in delight.

“Maybe; that is why I like you, so much?” I admit.

“Yes, but of course!” she responds; “You are here, your breakfast is awaiting you, Ms. A!” she points out.

Naturally, she could not mention anyone else; she speaks to me, about what I like. Thus she could not mention others, by any means. Actively remembering them, would interfere in her service, making me comfortable.

“Thank you, Ellie!” I respond.

The doors open, and I spill out; the doors close, and she is gone. She will be here, when I return; after I have had my breakfast, that is. No need to fear. Even though I am very high up, in the sky. This is after all a very tall building.

I open the door, to my home, as I had just returned, from my lunch. It had been great, and I had indeed enjoyed the meal royally. Why shouldn't I?

“Clip, clop; clip, clop!” I hear from my hooves hitting the floor, with each and every step I take.

This is a very comforting little noise, when you have grown used to it; just as I have, since I have been hearing it every day I am here. It is how walking sounds, when you live at the Twilight Hotel. Most everyone has hooves, or accept the illusion of having them. I had done this, by wearing the Crescent Moon shoes, when I arrived, too.

I wear these, because I like how they look; not to mention how they sound, and how they feel to wear. I am not about to beg forgiveness or apologize; for how I feel, and the choices I had made here. Why? What's the point?

This is after all the Twilight Hotel, if you do not like it; why did you come here, in the first place? I came here, because I had booked the room, or suite; initially, but I still did look forwards to what she has to offer too. It grew on me, but why not? It is a delightful place, and it makes me feel great, as they provide the services I enjoy.

Should I really take these shoes, and boots of?” I ponder; “I do love wearing them; both for how they look, and for how they feel when I wear them!” I continue.

I can always put them right back on, any time I like!” I consider; “Maybe I should be wild, trying to explore something new and different, today?” I continue.

I had always loved to explore new things. Though I guess; now it is new, to take these off of my hooves, and possibly wear these girl's stockings? Maybe I should try this, if for nothing but the new and exciting adventure in doing it. I know it could not hurt, just as I know it would never take these beautiful hooves away from me.

I had been changed, and the hooves are mine; even if I can try the stockings on, again. When I am naked, I have hooves; no matter what, because it is who I am.

Since the door had closed behind me, I walk up to the shoe-rack. Once I approach the rack, I slip the shoes of; right and left, putting them back in their place. Now I pull the boots off of my hooves, right and left; placing them in the rack, leaving there. Why is this always such an emotional time, just taking the shoes and boots of?

Had I changed that much?” I ponder; “Or, had I truly felt this time before I had arrived here, at the Twilight Hotel?” I continue.

Bare-hoofed, I continue to the door to the living-room; extend the right hand, pressing the palm onto the plaque. Now I spread my fingers, opening the door to the living-room; step into the room, only for the door to close once more behind me.

I lick my lips, in excitement; imagine myself, once more emerged into the book and reading it. Stretching forth, to puck the fruits of the knowledge the book contains; learning its secrets, enjoying what these secrets will be doing with and for me in the future.

For now, I forego the book, passing this up for but a brief moment; as I continue towards the door, to my bed-room. It is, where I have my wardrobe; where all my clothes and garments are stored, for when I need them. Now I desire, to try out something new. It is new, mainly because I have hooves now; as opposed, to the feet I had as I arrived. It is new, because the situation had reveres. This will be a new experience, to explore for me. Why not?

As I reach the door, I extend my right hand; pressing the palm down eagerly, before I spread my fingers wide. The door slides up, before me; I enter the room, and the door is sliding shut behind me. Operating the door now, is as natural as breathing; you really contemplate this, because it happens without a thought. Why bother, if it works better; if you don't stop to think, about it? How it works, or why? It works; I can suck in the air, and enter the room.

I continue towards the wardrobe, approaching the doors; open the wardrobe, only to stop and scan its interior. Searching, for the one item, I desire to try on and to wear. Just for the experience, of wearing these garments now.

I had worn the stockings with Anime-feet, and short socks with rudimentary doll-feet; now I am trying something new, going the other way. These are toe-stockings, right; I want the once with fully detailed toes, possibly slightly exaggerated if possible. Just slightly, and not too much. Too much, just makes it look and feel silly; pulling me right out of it, killing the immersion right then and there. Once that happens, the point is nigh. Why bother? I want the real deal; to feel it and explore what it is like, right now.

Full-length stockings!” I ponder; “These does look just right, for me!” I consider; as I find a pair, with skin-tone pink hue.

Will these fit me, now; I will simply have to try them on, to see!” I ponder; “Though I have never found a single garment; that does not fit me, before!” I consider.

If garments would not fit, they are removed from my wardrobe; possibly replaced, with something that would fit me in the current situation. I have seen this, time and time again; knowing from experience, I have the once fitting me.

I pick up the right stocking, lifting the corresponding hoof; slipping it into the stocking, before I am pulling the stocking all the way up to my crotch. I afford the stocking a few tentative tugs, just to ensure the perfect fit. For a moment, I have the strangest notion; the stocking, fusing with the panties I am already wearing. Why? It would be odd, wouldn't it? These panties are matching my purple hue, not the pinkish skin-tone of these stockings.

Once the right stocking is on, I place the foot down, onto the floor, comfortably placing the weight onto it. Now I extract the left stocking, as I am lifting the other hoof; slipping it into the stocking, pulling it all the way up. I have the same, strange and slightly discomforting notion, feeling as if the stocking tried to fuse to the panties I am currently wearing. Is it the missmatch, that bothers me; or is it something deeper, troubling me? Possibly the fear, of losing the hooves? I am accustomed, to these hooves; since the second day, at the hotel.

Before I am about to change my mind, I slip the purple panties of; slip them down and place them, onto the floor of the wardrobe. I know, I will never see these panties again; since they will be cleaned and recycled. Replaced, by identical panties; to be put on, and worn if and when I choose to. Whenever that may be. Soon, most likely.

I may not be nude, by my mound and vagina is clearly exposed, once the panties had come of. I guess I do not mind, it is an excuse; to explore this, just a little bit further.

The petals of my orchid, standing out slightly; due to the excitement, I am currently experiencing. It had been expected. Overtly, the mound and vagina is unchanged and untouched; but I can still feel something, changed under the surface. I can touch myself, caress the petals of the orchid; to feel the excitement and arousal, as if nothing had been changed. Maybe I had become more sensitive, throughout my stay here; with the progressive changes and alterations, making up the overall transformation I am still undergoing.

I can't help myself, but take the opportunity, to explore the sensations, enjoying the way I feel as I am touching myself. Even if it is for but a moment, maybe a few minutes. The mound is smooth, like silicon; slightly wet. The petals feel coarse, under the slippery juices coating them as I caress them. The inner walls of my vagina are slippery and smooth, also coated with the juices, brought forth by my current level of excitement. I feel the elasticity, as I keep probing inch by inch into my vagina. Why not? I have the time, and do not wish to pass the experience and exploration up. Not right now. I could as well explore now, as I am at it. Couldn't I? Why? Or is it; Why not?

At first, everything is exactly as I had been expecting; and why not, I had not seen a change to my mound, orchid or vagina before. I am still quite capable of having sex, the same way as before, just as I can enjoy it, just the way it had been too. I find everything in order, I will be able to use my mare's room; just as I had before, nothing new there, either. Why should there be? Everything seems in order, as far as I had bothered probing.

Now I am moving my left hand, over to my rump; exploring it from the outside and in. What I find, at first; carries no change or surprise. Why? Should it have been changed? The rump is just as tight as before, if not slightly tighter. I guess I could explore this, later. The surface feels slippery and wet; mainly due to my excitement and arousal, caused by exploring and touching myself.

I find myself quite elastic, if and when I am challenging this aspect, but I do not dig in, in order to explore this further right now. A few inches in, I do find a surprising anomaly; comparing what I had been expecting, based on my experience and knowledge of female anatomy. Is this the change, I had undergone; during the night, this time? Maybe?

Well, why not?” I ponder, as the reality is sinking in; “I am a mare, now; after all, so my anatomy should reflect this change!” I consider; “Equine anatomy, places the passage to my womb differently; compared with my original, human anatomy!” I conclude.

The girl, who redesigned me; had spared me, the pointless embarrassment!” I ponder, as I consider the ramifications, of the changes I had been given.

The Equine ears and Unicorn horn will be a challenge to properly explain; as will the Equine hooves, I had been given!” I ponder; “I can't hide either of these aspects, changed; even if I guess, I could wear these stockings!” I continue, giggling as the silly excuse.

Sometimes, a girl wants to be nude; and sometimes, she is expected to be stark naked. If I am truly naked, I can't hide these changes. Can I claim to be naked, now; with these changes, clearly visible? Then again, why bother or worry? I can't change this; as if I had wanted to, in the first place. Besides, I really do not want to change. I am happy, with my body; just as it is, right now. I can explore options, given to me. I just slip these stockings on, exploring the feet I have right now.

After several minutes of exploring myself, and contemplating the situation, I withdraw my right and left hands, pulling out. In doing so, I change my focus; towards the interior of my wardrobe, and the items stored inside.

Since I slipped the original panties of; I feel like trying a pair of panties, matching the stockings I am currently wearing!” I ponder; “The same, pinkish skin-tone hue as the stockings; just as I know Rarity would have demanded, or she would have been whining all day about the fashion-massacre?” I consider, giggling at the image; I do not have to suffer, in the flesh.

I can enjoy the image, when Rarity is not here; I am not wearing the mismatch garments either though.

After a moment's searching, I had found the panties I am looking for; perfectly Human looking, and a match to the light pinkish skin-tone hue of the stockings I am wearing. These panties do both look and feel like skin; just as my skin had felt and looked; before I had arrived at the Twilight Hotel, just a few days before.

Since my sensitivity and sensibilities had changed; I can't compare, even if I had recalled this well enough. Maybe my recollections of before are slowly changing over time; as my time here progresses, and I experience life as Twilight the Mare of Ponyville. I may not be a Pony, but I am slowly transforming into her.

I like being Twilight Sparkle, but the transformation may be at least partially responsible: had I not liked it, I should have taken in on the Rarity Hotel, or something? I guess I could have, but I had chosen this hotel; the Twilight Hotel, and not the Rarity Hotel or any other place. I had enjoyed the simple clothes I had found in my wardrobe, befitting the Idol. Had I preferred other dresses; maybe I should indeed have taken, the Rarity Hotel?

Stepping into the new pair of panties is easy; they fit me just as well as the previous pair and is a perfect match of my stockings too. I had ended up, pulling them up; before I had afforded them the customary tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. With that, they are in place; fitting as if they had been me? It almost feel, and look; as if the stockings and the panties had been the same garment now; a pair of tights. What is up with that? I guess I do not mind. I have the look I had been looking for; for the perfect illusion of the human anatomy, under my purple silicon skirt, that is.

When approached, it really feels as if I had been nude, under the skirt. I can explore myself, as much as I like; feeling exactly, as if I had been nude. I take a moment, just for the sake of exploring this now. I can not wait, when I can do this now. Maybe this is the inner Twilight speaking? Demanding that I perform this exploration, right now.

Everything is back, to the expected norm; the factory-settings, as it were. Just feels strange, to express it with these words. The expression, clearly referring to manufactured goods, or inanimate objects; not living flesh, part of one's own body.

As I am finishing the exploration of the crotch and my sex or genitalia, I am casting a glance down, observing my feet, looking almost as they had. My feet are looking, like human feet; just slightly exaggerated, and perfectly crafted.

Another strange expression; when I think of my body, not a mere blow-up sex-doll to play with and leave behind.

I am a girl, or mare; not a doll or a toy. I like myself, just as I am; just as I like to explore, and ask questions. Just for the joy of learning, and hear the replies I am given.

On second thought; my feet are slightly smaller than they had been before, even if I include the toes. The toes, seems to be longer, than before; just as they look just right, not too perfect for me. I can clearly see my toe-nails, just as I could have seen them before I came here. The nails are perfectly filed down, as if I had just had my pedicure; which feels natural and normal, for this item. Why leave my toes, looking as if I had neglected them? I may not be Rarity, but I don't leave my body in a state; that screams out, that I ignore the state of myself and my body.

While I do not actively feel the panties, or the stockings; I know I am wearing them since I just put them on, that is enough for me. Maybe my inner Twilight is enjoying this; it is like her, not to wear much anything in Ponyville.

Maybe, I could have that pedicure tomorrow; if I wear these stockings, or another just like these?!” I ponder.

“Right now, however; I have a book, waiting for me in the living-room!” I mumble to myself, in obvious excitement.

With that, I close the doors of the wardrobe and turn around; walking over to the door, and extend my right hand towards the plaque. I place the palm of the hand on the plaque, spreading my fingers wide; opening the door and entering the living-room. Just as intended. The door slides shut behind me, but I do not even notice this now.

Another thing I had failed to notice, is how I hear nothing; as I walk over the floor, of my suite. My feet produce no sound, no noise and not even a tiny squeak. How odd.

Naturally; I do feel the floor under my feet, as if I had been walking, barefoot. This is, how it would have felt; while I was new here, the first night. Though I guess, the stockings are slightly different; from what my feet had been, back then. That was however, a few days too far back; for my recollection, to be as accurate as one may have hoped for in this case. Not that I care. It feels, as if these had been my original; human feet, all along.

I can not slip, as I am walking over the floor, now; the way I guess I could have, had I tried to. I just never tried, but why should I do that? What is the point? What could possibly have been the good, in trying? I do not want to slip.

I am still a Unicorn, even after I had slipped on the stockings. Though I guess; this could be considered a reverse, on the Satyr and Minotaur. Curious, but amusing. Quite amusing. I have all the characteristics, of the Unicorn. I have the horn, on my forehead; I can also wield the magic, of a true Unicorn.

I go by the name: Ms. A, here; the name I had booked the suite in, and thus it is who I am. I could not be Twilight, or Twilight Sparkle; because everyone here, would be Twilight, or Twilight Sparkle. If everyone is Super, no-one and no Pony is. Simple as that. A name only carry meaning; if everyone recognizes the person, by the name. I could never recognize anyone, by the name here; if we all were going by the name.

Ellie, the Waitress is operating the elevator; like in elevators, of olden time. That is, after all how it was; in the beginning, when the elevator was new and the latest scream. Now they are common-place; and everyone has them, everywhere. Now, you just push a button; the elevator takes you, to the floor you asked for. Simple as that.

It is an elevator, because of Ellie? Though I have not seen a lift, or single escalator; in this hotel, as far as I could recall. I could have asked Ellie, she is bound to know; if there ever have been either of these, or if one is planned to be installed. She never mentioned either, even though I guess I never asked. Why? Do I need to ask? Do I care if they have either? I don't, and I don't know or understand why I should care. Maybe I could ask, if there are any hang-gliders; anywhere at the top of the building, or anywhere I could be safe using one? I could; and maybe that would be interesting, too.

I had noticed, that the book is where I had left it; when I left my suite for the restaurant, for my breakfast. It is still there, exactly where I had left it.

As I reach the table, I pick it up; sit down and crack the book open. I flip pages, until I reach the page, where I had left of. I had not gotten all that far. This may be a very thick tome, but still.

I sit back, comfortably leaning against the back of the seat; relaxing, enjoying the moment as I once more start reading. Finding the spot, where I had left of; is quite easy, when the book actively had marked it for me. This is a magic book, not just a book about magic. Though this is primarily about the principles, more than it is about spells and actively wielding the magic itself, as such. Still, if I understand the basic principles; magic is much easier, and the spells comes just after that.

Is the voice here?” I ponder; “Will it come back, and will I hear its instructions again?” I continue.

The voice does not come back, to answer the question. The voice is not here, to answer any questions, or my questions. It is here, to explain, and to instruct me as the reader, in how and why. Almost, but not exactly; as if it had been a mere recording. However; it is by now means, an instructor.

I continue to read, eagerly eating; what I am served, learning what is before me. I am focused, focusing on the task at hand. Slowly, I read word for word; what the book has to teach, and to offer me. Page by page, I continue; reading the text, and the subject it deals with. Magic; and most certainly, the basic principles underpinning it.

As I am still reading, I am pulling my feet up onto the sofa; curling up, enjoying myself. With focus, comes control. I am focused; focusing on the subject, at hand. Though I am also focusing, on myself and my body. I am focusing myself, more and more; into a single spot. Am I turning into a ball? Can I uncurl, at will; if and when, I do need to?

The question, had never occurred to me. Should it have? I have no idea. That is something, I will have to consider; only if and when that is a question of import. Right now, I am focusing on the book and the magic.

With my horn aglow, I give of a blinding light; even if I do not see it, partially due to the ceiling, absorbing part of the excess output. Though, I could guess the magic is shielding, and protecting me as well.

“Focus!” the voice echoes; “Focus, on the flow!” the voice continues.

Now, I do feel a flow; I can see and feel it, as I focus my attention and effort towards the given goal.

“The voice is back, just as I had expected!” I realize; “There it is, as I had hoped!” I ponder, feeling a smile spreading out over my lips and then my face.

My focus may not be perfect, or as strong as one may dream of; but it is enough, to give an output on the glow, beyond what I like. It is just my horn glowing, as I continue to focus, without actually using the magic; directing it towards a desired purpose, or spell. How much more could I hold, and how much more could I control; before it is starting to become unstable, and inevitably become rogue? I have no idea, and I do not wish to find out.

With my focus, on the flow of magic; I barely feel myself, or my body. It may not be that deep; it is just that it is distracting me, from everything else before me. It feels good, as if I had been floating in a warm blanket. Sounds silly, but it was the best I could think of, at the time. Maybe I am not a Poet, but I have some grasp of the word.

Since I do not directly feel my body, I am oblivious as to where my hands and feet are. Had this been the same, if I had not slipped these stockings on? I do not know, and I doubt I will ever know. Why? Do I have to, or need that?

My fingers, absentmindedly caressing the souls of my feet; slowly, almost as if I had been touching myself, or if I had been eating a mare-friend?

“Focus!” the voice echoes; “Focus, on your position!” the voice continues.

“My position?” I inquire; “I am still sitting in the sofa!” I add.

“Are you?” the voice echoes, indicating I may very well be somewhere else.

“Of course!” I respond, before I realize what is implied; “Wait?” I add, as I open my eyes, to see where I am.

I do not exactly open my eyes. My eyes are still closed, gently; but I do see, or feel where I am. I am already hovering above the seat, still moving upwards. I am a single point, as I had curled up in the sofa; even before I had realized it, or what I had been doing.

“Now, where are you?” the voice echoes; “Focus!” the voice instructs me, gently, yet forcibly demanding.

“I am!” I respond; “Several feet over the chair, it would appear!” I conclude.

“There!” the voice echoes; “That is better!” the voice continues.

“Better?” I inquire; “Oh, yes of course!” I continue; after a moment of contemplating the previous response.

“Exactly!” the voice echoes; “Levitation!” the voice elaborates.

“That..” I respond; “I had not even realized!” I continue.

“Focus!” the voice echoes; “Without purpose, or direction!” the voice continues; “What is the point?” the voice concludes.

Time had passed, but I had not noticed it. I had focused, been focusing. I had forgotten, what I was focusing on, and why. Now, I am aiming my focus; on a single point. I am still caressing, the soles of my feet; only now, I am growing aware of it. I am slowly experiencing the weight, of the action; the effect, of what I am doing. What I had been doing. Slowly, I am uncurling; even if I still have my feet, just under me. I am sitting up; just above the seat of the sofa I had been sitting in, as I started to read.

I feel the room, I am feeling the room surrounding me; more than I am seeing the room, and the contents contained within its boundaries. Four walls, the ceiling above and the floor below. These, are the boundaries containing me.

I have a sofa under me, the table before the sofa, the TV set before that. There are book-cases, along one wall, and the windows opposing the book-cases. Within the book-cases, numerous books are stored; for later, when I am in the mood for reading. For when I had let go of the one book, still in my grasp. The book, currently teaching me the principles of magic. The basic principles, that is.

Wait, what? I have walls, but I also have doors; but the doors are like walls; unless they are permitted, to open and let me pass.

Now I find myself, standing up in the middle of the room. I am not standing on the floor, or on the table; I am still levitating over the sofa. On a whim, I move forwards, approaching the center of the room. I giggle at the apparent absurdity of it all. Then I stop myself; I am Twilight, and this magic is plain and simple to me. I just need to practice.

Practice, I love to practice; and magic is a perfect field and subject, for my practice. What is wrong with that? I just had never been faced with this, just as I never had found the book, I am currently reading.

Wait, I am not reading the book. Maybe I am within the book, just experiencing this; as if I had still being in the room, and reading the book. Magic can be very fickle, and confusing; if you are careless. Maybe I had been careless?

All of a sudden, a chime is going off; alerting me, I have to stop. It is time, for me to have lunch. I lower myself down, to the floor Should I stay as I am; or, should I dress up as I had been before?

I am still wearing the skirt, why should anyone be looking under my skirt?” I ponder.

I place the book on the table, before the sofa. From there, I walk over to the door to the cloak-room; extending my right hand, placing the palm of the hand onto the plaque. As I spread my fingers, the door is sliding up; once the door is open, I step into the cloaking-room.

Would they notice, or will they even care if I am wearing shoes?” I ponder; “Maybe I should explore the option, to go barefoot; even if I technically am wearing a pair of stockings?” I continue.

In the end, I choose to leave my feet bare; as I approach the outer door. I extend my right hand, placing the palm of the hand on the plaque; spreading my fingers, thus opening the door. As the door slides up, I step out; the door closing behind me, as I had passed the threshold.

I extend my right hand, pressing the palm onto the plaque; as I spread my fingers, the doors are sliding up before me. I enter, and the doors close behind me.

As expected, Ellie is walking up towards me; approaching me, just after the doors had closed behind me.

“Hello, Ms. A!” she exclaims, just as she is always doing.

“Hello, Ellie!” I respond.

“Time for adventures!” Ellie suggests; “Oh; and you are looking great, today!” she then adds, as if it had been an afterthought.

“Yes, of course!” I respond; “Thank you, for noticing!” I add.

Of course she would notice, even if no others could or would. In her case, it is not a matter of seeing the details; she picks up on everything, both from the new scan and my interaction through the plaque. There is no bypassing her.

While I had not known it, but I guess I have noticed just how perspective she is; bit by bit, when she sees the little details, or hear the inflections on my voice as I am speaking to her. She does not report anything back, that would only diminish the trust in her; but she is still ready to act, if and when something is needed.

“Ellie, you really do know; what a girl needs, even before she knows she needs it!” I offer.

“It is my job, to offer you what you need; I do have years of experience, in picking up on these details!” she admits.

Of course, she would know; after all the people she has served, and pleased through the years as operator of this elevator. While she may be operating the elevator; she also holds several other tasks, providing services, to these who desire her services. She eagerly guides me, to where I want to go. She helps me find the restaurant, that serves me the food I desire. She is even scanning me, in order to give me the tailor-made clothes I need, each and every day, even if it is just for a moment of fun or pointless exploration. She is there, serving me with everything there is to offer.

“Is there by any chance a pool, available today?” I inquire, eagerly awaiting the response; hoping she knows where I need to go, just like she always knows where everything is, and exactly where I need to go.

“Yes; there is a pool, silly!” she points out.

“There is?” I inquire; “Thank you, Ellie!” I add.

“Of course, there is a pool!” she points out; “Though I am primarily referring, to the pool you are asking for!” she then adds.

“Yes, of course!” What hotel, would have no pool?” I offer.

She does not have to make the point, pointing out just how many are taking in at the Twilight Hotel; knowing people do like to have a bath, and not just in a tiny private tub on the room. Had I asked for it, I could have had a room with a tub. I guess I just had not asked, because I had not cared enough. I have a shower, so I can be fresh and clean.

A public pool, is a social event; while a private tub or shower is for personal hygiene!” I ponder, giggling.

When I had asked for a pool, I had not asked for the hygiene; while I know the water will be clean and fresh. In this case, I am looking for a different adventure. One that requires a pool, that is.

“The pools are on the back, of course!” she points out; “But I feel; you are a bit adventurous, today!” she offers.

As she had pronounced the words, the elevator shoots up; towards: the top of the world. I feel the exhilaration, under the pressure of the intense acceleration and gravity; then the acceleration turns into deceleration and the elevator stops, just at the very last floor. The floor comes to a stop; just before the floor is dropping from right under my very feet. How convenient; that I am walking on feet, today?

I barely manage to keep my feet on the floor, under the acceleration, on the way down, but she stands on the floor as if nothing had happened. Free-fall is one G. The acceleration is just about that, already; climbing further. She certainly is living up to her promise, of an adventure; for me, even if I guess one had expected something different. Then again, this is her Domain. So long as I am safe, this is all fine.

Maybe, I should try to reach the ceiling; in the hopes to reorganize myself, in the room?” I ponder.

This is a drop, well in excess of a full mile. If she forgot to put the breaks in, I would not even have the time to notice it, when we hit the bottom. Would I? I guess, that is a relief.

“Adventurous, enough; for you, Ms. A?” Ellie inquires, smiling at me; giggling in excitement, as we continue.

“You really do know, how to shake it up; for the adventurous girl, like me!” I respond, giggling at the situation.

“Not quite, what I had been expecting; but I guess I will take it, nonetheless!” I offer.

“No!” she responds; “Of course!” she points out; “But adventure, is not to ride it safe; doing exactly what you know, Ms. A!” she concludes.

“By the way; is there a sauna, or any similar facilities connected to the pools?” I inquire, as the thought hits me.

“Yes, of course there is a sauna, by the changing-room; is it even possible, to exclude that from the pool?” Ellie responds.

“Possible, yes; practical and economical, probably not!” I respond.

“If you are interested, there is a back-door to the Spa; if you are interested in manicure, or pedicure!” Ellie elaborates.

“I was hoping for a little pedicure, yes!” I respond; “Is this going to affect me, on any deeper level?” I ponder.

“I guess; you missed the pedicure, the first time!” Ellie suggest; “It is a very special treat, similar to the manicure I know you enjoyed!” she adds.

“Ooh?” I mouth; swallowing air, like a fish on dry land.

“Exactly!” she points out; “it is that good!” she then offers.

“Then; I can by no means, miss out on this!” I declare.

Now the elevator starts to decelerate; in order to make a complete stop, on the bottom of the elevator-shaft. I feel the weight coming back; as the deceleration continues. The elevator stops, at the bottom; only to start to move up, towards the top, at the Top of the World. She had successfully turned her elevator, into a Roller-coaster on the spot. In her very own fashion, similar to running on the spot? The exhilaration, similar in intensity, as well.

Knowing Ellie, she just had to milk the event; making the most spectacular event, out of it. If she could do it, why stop; before the effect had accomplished, the spectacle intended?

“I hope, you enjoy my little adventure!” she offers, after a few minutes more.

“I have never experienced Zero Gravity, before; I just could not have imagined, it being quite like this!” I respond.

“You could try, to explore that effect; if you like to experience it, for all it is worth!” Ellie offers, generously.

Only now, we are bound for the top; the gravity is reflected, in this fact. I feel, as if I had been double my regular weight. Just lifting a foot, is a serious challenge, taking an effort to accomplish. I try to walk around the core of the elevator, just for the fun of it. Though I guess, it could also be considered a grand exercise.

“You truly are in an adventurous mood; aren't you, Ms. A?” she inquire, smiling.

“So it would appear!” I respond; “This is more fun, than I could have expected!” I continue.

“This is a fun exercise, when you put it like that!” Ellie exclaims; grinning from ear, to ear.

“I like to experience new adventures, from time to time!” I point out; “An adventure, every now and then; does make life more exciting, I think!” I respond.

“I have noticed that!” she agrees; “I love having you with me, on this ride!” she then exclaims.

“Oh?” I respond; “And now you tell me?” I exclaim, in a mock impression of chock.

Now she is laughing, in what could have been an impression of Pinkie Pie herself; when something is hilarious. Though this is more of a filly's laugh, than a mature mare one knew her to be. She is infectious, just as the original mare could be; when she is in the mood, all going with her Element.

I guess, I should have been expecting as much!” I ponder.

The laughter is filling the small room, that makes up the elevator. In the end, I am not bothered; but rather amused, and I do enjoy hearing the sound of her laughter. Maybe it could have been likened, to the sound of beautiful bird-song? You just enjoy hearing the sound, for the quality of it; and how it is affecting your mood, for as long as you hear it.

While Ellie does work her shift, diligently; I have come to notice, that she does play the Jester from time to time. I can't complain, exactly; considering just how much, I am enjoying this side of her personality. Not exactly, what you had expected from her?

Within the confined space, of this elevator; I am starting to feel like an Astronaut, being put through my paces in the initial training-program. Not that I mind; but it had been a very unexpected element, of my stay here. I never had been the Astronomer, or Astronaut before; but this only puts light, on how little I had known about myself. Prior to arriving at the Twilight Hotel. Doesn't it?

This elevator-ride, had taken me considerably more time, than I had been expecting. Considering the acceleration, this elevator is capable of; that only makes it all the more remarkable, and chocking in hindsight. In the end, the elevator does stop; where I had intended to go, and the door is opening towards the pools I had intended to see.

“Okay, I guess it is time; for you to get to the pool, Ms. A!” Ellie exclaims, indicating the now open door.

“Thank you, Ellie!” I respond, as I step out of the elevator, and continue towards my intended destination.

The door had slid shut, behind me; just as I had exited the elevator, just as it always had. Now I continue, forwards; towards the pool. I extend my right hand, pressing the palm of my hand onto the plaque; spreading my fingers in order for the doors to slide up. I step over the threshold, entering the lobby of the pools; approaching the desk in the middle of the room.

The door behind me had closed, but I had not noticed it, or afforded it the light of day. Why?

“Greetings, Ms. A!” the girl behind the desk in the lobby exclaims.

“Greetings, is there a chance; I can get into a pool, today?” I respond.

I notice a hall, behind her, leading to the right and left. This is, how I am going to find my pool; once she has directed me, to the pool that is available, at the moment.

“Place your hand on the plaque, please; and I will find your pool, Ms. A!” she offers, generously; with a warm smile on her face.

I extend my right hand, placing the palm onto the plaque; just as she explained, to me. I feel the now familiar experience, as the system is recognizing me; greeting me and selecting the desired option for me.

“Thank you, Ms. A; take the hall, on your right!” she instructs me; still grinning widely, at me.

I follow her instructions, and continue down the hall on my right. There are doors, lined up; leading to the pool, including the one I had just booked for the day. At the end of the hall, I find the entry; the door to the Spa's back-door.

As I reach the end of the hall, I extend my right hand; pressing the palm onto the plaque, before I am spreading my fingers. This is routine, by now. The doors slide up, before me; I enter the room, as the doors slide shut behind me.

“Hello, Ms. A; you want your pedicure?” Aloe offers.

“Yes, please; that would be nice, Aloe!” I respond.

Aloe had noticed my pinkish, skin-tone legs and quite human feet; as I entered the room. She had been notified, of my wish for a pedicure; when I had confirmed the request, finding the first available time for me. If I had been lucky, or there had been a room reserved and ready for me; before I had requested the service, but it is available for me, right now. It is indeed convenient, to me.

“Follow me, Ms. A; right this way, please!” she responds.

She is eager, not merely duty-fully accommodating my wishes!” I ponder, grinning in delight.

I follow Aloe, as she is leading me into the first room available; for a session of pedicure. Something I had been missing; due to the fact, that I had already been imparted with the equine hooves, as I arrived to the Spa. Now I can have my pedicure.

“Have a seat, please; Ms. A!” she instructs me, as the doors closed behind us.

“Thank you, Aloe!” I respond; as I approach the seat, she had just offered me.

“Now; if you make yourself comfortable, Ms. A!” she suggests, as she is preparing the first step of my pedicure.

The seat, she had offered me; is quite comfortable, matching style with the establishment and the hotel at large. The room, and its decor; also matches the general style. I guess this is a high fashion style, intended to be comforting.

While I am making myself comfortable, in the chair; she is producing a bucket, and fills it up with my foot-bath. At first, it looks like regular, clear water; lathering, based on soap. I do not know, and I do not ask. If she would explain, but I do not need to know. I am not going to open a Spa, anywhere. Why? I would rather visit one, to be pampered up.

“Place your feet in the pedicure bath, please; Ms. A!” she offers.

“Thank you, Aloe!” I respond; as I lower my feet into the warm liquid.

Somewhat thicker, than I had been expecting!” I realize, while I am enjoying the reinvigorating effect of the warm liquid.

“There; how does that feel; Ms. A?” she inquires.

“Wonderful, thank you!” I respond, as I feel a smile spreading out over my face.

I was right; I would not miss this, for the world!” I ponder.

Aloe takes a step back, leaving me to enjoy the foot-bath; for the intended duration. Though she is serving me a cup of tea, for me to enjoy; while I wait for the effect to sink in, fully. This may have a practical and functional meaning; but is not taken out of the service; just because she knows I am wearing the stockings, I am to enjoy the full effect, of what she is offering me. There is no way around it, naturally. Why? I do enjoy her services, this far.

I sip on my tea, slowly; enjoying the flavour, ignorant of the function of my tea. Normally, it does serve a more important role; than merely calming and soothing me, while I wait for the bath. This may be a well-protected family-secret; she is not prepared to share with any outsiders or customers, like me. Why? Is there a point of divulging, and permit me to know? I prefer, to simply enjoy the tea; as I wait, for her to come back.

As I empty the cup, she is back; filling it up, for me to once more enjoy. I am relaxed, just as intended.

After an hour; she is back, helping me to pull my feet out of the water. My feet are dry; because it was never actual water, and on the account of the stockings I am wearing. This does not change, what she is doing. She is prepared, just making minor adjustments; in order to compensate for the differences. I need not worry.

While my feet may be perfectly dry, she is producing a towel; polishing my feet up, to a delicious gloss. She starts with my right foot, from my toes; continues up, all the way to my knee. From there, she continues; repeating the process all over, with my left foot.

“There, perfect!” she suggests; “Now; I can continue with your pedicure!” she continues, with a delighted smile.

“Yes, thank you; Aloe!” I respond; “That would be delightful!” I add.

Aloe produces a clear gel, applying it onto my right foot; spreading it out over my skin, before she is caressing the skin and rubs it in with deliberate care. She had started at the toes, and worked her way up my foot; all the way up to the knee. From there; she is repeating the process, with my left foot.

“How is that?” she inquires; as she is leaning in, over me.

“Relaxing, thank you; feels great!” I respond.

“Excellent, excellent!” she mumbles, under her breath; as she is preparing, for the next step.

She is producing a pair of silicon-white gloves. I notice, how she is slipping in her right and left hand, into the respective glove. Aloe had been prepared, and primed; for performing massage and similar services, primarily.

While I do not know what the gloves are for, it is something I am about to learn; once she is picking up my right foot. She is holding the foot, in her left hand, while she is rubbing the sole of the foot, with her left hand. I feel the coarse surface, of the palm of her hand, as she is rubbing the thick skin. Little by little, she takes the thickness of the skin down; leaving me with a foot, covered with baby-skin. I realize; I can enjoy this treat, as if I had still had my human feet, like I had when I arrived at the hotel. Curious.

Once she had tended to my right foot, she is picking up my left foot; repeating the process, as she is tending to my left foot. As she is letting go of the foot; the skin feels softer, than I could have imagined.

“Oh, oh; ooh!” I sigh.

“I know, it always feels great!” she responds; “Flex your feet; and move your toes, a bit, please!” she then suggests.

“Oh, but of course!” I respond, as I comply; enjoying the new-found flexibility, with the smooth and highly elastic skin on my feet.

“Oh, oh; oh, oh!”I breathe, under my breath.

“Exactly!” she responds; while she is producing a new gel, intended to be applied under the soles of my feet.

Now she is taking the gloves off, of her hands; before she squeezes gel into the palm of her right hand. She is grabbing the right foot, before she is rubbing the gel into the skin under the sole of my foot, caressing me. I notice that she continues to caress the sole of the foot; for several delicious minutes, then the gel is worked into the skin.

Now she is squeezing gel into her right hand, all over again; before she is grabbing my left foot, and finally rubs the gel into the skin of the sole of my left foot. She had sealed the effect of her work in, in the process; effectively changed my feet, for all times. It is not, as if I am about to complain. Why: Even though, I guess I don't know it yet.

She had let go of my feet, and capped the tube of gel; before she is producing a second tube of gel. However, this tube is intended for the entire foot; not just the sole of the foot.

With the tube uncapped; she spread gel into her right hand, before she is grabbing my foot in her left hand. Now she is spreading the gel out over the skin of the foot; slowly rubbing it into my skin, from the tip of the toes, all the way up to the ankle. She is taking her time, rubbing it is; saturating the skin, with the gel.

She lets go of my right foot, before she is spreading gel in her hand, all over again; now grabbing the left foot in her left hand, spreading gel over the skin. I feel her caressing the foot, as she is working the gel in; as she is repeating the process. Only now, she had once more sealed the work in; leaving the skin soft and elastic.

“There!” she exclaims; “How is that?” she inquires.

“Marvelous!” I respond; “I never realized, a foot could feel this good!” I add; smiling back at her, in thanks for the service.

“The only problem, is that you don't need to come back!” she points out; but it does not mean; you can't come back, just to enjoy the treat again, if and when you feel like it!” she offers.

“Yes, that is a problem!” I respond; “But, I think I should come back; just to enjoy this moment, again!” I add.

“You know, Ms. A; it is not the first time, I have heard that!” she continues; “And they do come back, again!” she concludes, truth-fully.

“Of course!” I respond; “How could you not come back, for this treat?” I offer.

“There is one small point, for me to attend to; before I could possibly let you go, Ms. A!” she points out.

“Oh!” I respond; “Of course, the nail-polish!” I then add.

“Exactly!” she merely concede; as she is producing the vial of fire-ruby polish.

“I think this red jewel should be perfectly you!” she offers.

Ruby is a lovely deep red, should go well with my skin-tone!” I agree.

“Exactly!” she agrees, as she is uncapping the vial; “I know, I know!” she then adds; as she is grabbing my right foot, in her left hand; the brush in her right hand, as she is preparing to start polishing my nails.

She starts with the first, big to; from the top, center and draw a perfect, even stroke all the way over the tip. Now she continues; right and left, right and left. Applying the polish outwards, until she has coated the entire nail. Now she continues down, toe by toe, until she finished each of my five toe-nails of the right foot.

She lets go of my right foot, putting it down onto the floor, under the foot; before she is picking up the left foot, polishing each toe-nail in turn. Meticulously, methodical; carefully polishing each one in turn.

Once she had finished polishing each of my toe-nails, right and left; she starts over, with the nails of my right foot, then the nails of the left foot. She only waits for the polish to cure, between each new foot.

Each nail, is given three coats of the polish. Once she is done, and each layer of polish had finally cured, my nails are perfectly, deep red. Well, the nails had actually turned into perfect fire-ruby. While I do not know it, or understand it; they are durable beyond my understanding, and looks perfect to me. I can't complain. Though I guess, I do not need to return, for that refill; just as she had told me, before. Yet, I can still return; to enjoy the treat, she is offering.

“Thank you, Aloe!” I exclaim; “Stunning!” I add, smiling.

Aloe had indeed done her job, perfectly; even if I am sure, she knew I had just had my hooficure, not too long ago. She offers her services, for the joy of the work; and to see me smile, as I am enjoying myself, and the result of the job she had just done for me. Though that goes for each and every girl, entering her Spa.

“Take a moment, before you continue; to what and where you are going, if you like!” she offers.

“Thank you, Aloe!” I respond.

“Would you like a cup of tea, Ms. A?” she inquires.

“Yes, please!” I respond.

With that, she pours me a cup of tea; leaving me to enjoy the moment, and the cup of tea. Mean-while, she is off; to tend to the next girl; waiting for her, and the services she had requested. I do not mind. I have a pool, waiting for me. I am just enjoying a cup of tea, before I am going to the pool. I do not need to hurry, no need to stress out.

As she walks out of the room, I pick up the cup, taking a sip, as I am watching the door closing behind her. The room is empty, quiet; as I am sipping my tea, enjoying the moment. I may be alone, in here, but that is just fine, by me.

As I empty the cup, I put it down. I leave the cup, as I am raising to my feet. It may feel a bit strange, after a few days; walking on hooves, in a different stance. Nothing to do about it, but I can still enjoy this, for another moment.

I walk out of the room, leaving it as it had been, before I had arrived. Now I continue to the pool.

A dip in the pool, should do me some good!” I ponder; “I could make good use, of a swim; too!” I continue.

Now I extend my right hand, as I find the door to my pool; press the palm of the hand, onto the plaque. As I spread my fingers, the doors are sliding up; I step into the room, and the doors close behind me. I am alone.

The room is small, but it has all the space it needs; for a seat, on which I can sit and change into my swim-wear.

I open the locker, and look into the small space; all but empty, containing nothing but a pair of clear tubes. An anal tube, and an oral tube. Now I slip my skirt down, leaving it on the seat by my side; then I pull the skirt up over my head, and leave it on the top of my skirt.

“Okay, here goes!” I mumble; “This is the strangest swim-wear; I have ever seen, or even heard of!” I continue, giggling at what I had found.

For intents and purposes, I am nude; ready to slip into the swim-wear; I had been offered. Of course; I know they only supply the suits I may be using; so this is, what I am to wear. I will not be worrying, about if anyone is watching me. Maybe the other girls, and mares wear the same swim-wear? Most likely.

I extract the tubes, and close the locker; after I had deposited my skirt and top inside, leaving them there.

Now I extend my right hand, pressing the palm of the hand on the plaque; spread my fingers, thus opening the door. I step into the next room, only for the door behind me to close behind me.

I am standing in the air-lock, with the tubes in hand. I slip in the anal tube, from behind; feeling the clear silicon sliding inside, easily and eagerly penetrating me. I feel a distinct pinch, as the tube is riveting itself into my rear orifice; before the next event is taking place, as my legs start to fuse together. I watch, as my legs are turning into a fish-tail; thus turning me into a mermaid, of sorts. Now I notice, how water is seeping into the room; slowly filling up the tight space, with fresh water from the pool.

I insert the second tube, into my mouth; feeling the silicone sliding over my lips, as the tube is penetrating my mouth. There is a distinct pinch, as the tube is riveting itself into my mouth; now coated with clear silicon, once making up the material of the tube I had just inserted.

Before I had even had the time, to realize what is happening; the tube is changing my face and lungs; permitting me to breathe water, just like a fish. Then again, I am already immersed into water; up to my chest, and water still flooding into the room. For a moment, I was about to panic; before I had gathered myself, reasoning taking over and I am once more calming down.

I am not about to die, drowning in the pool; they have no interest, in drowned girls in their pools. Not even, if they had been changed; beyond recognition, so that they could never be identified. They are not about to dispose of me.

Maybe it is Twilight Sparkle, just as I have been transformed into her the last few days, from the first night I had been sleeping here. Her logic, guiding me. I am calm, and collected; perfectly reasonably reasoning, enjoying the moment.

The second pair of doors slide up, just as the room had been filled up with water; spilling me into the larger, main pool. I am breathing, as if I had been walking on the grass; walking in my own yard. Though my tail is now that, of a mermaid; more correctly attuned to me, than the fish-tail could have been. My former arms, now a pair of equine fore-legs; my hands a pair equine hooves, even though they have fin-extensions. Had I known, I would have recognized my form. I look, almost identical; to what Twilight Sparkle was looking, as she was visiting the mer-ponies in Seaquestria.

From the waist down, my tail is the same pinkish skinned legs had been before; while the rest of my body is the lavender, light purple hue of Twilight Sparkles coat of fur. Incidentally, the same hue as my skin had turned, during my first night at the Twilight Hotel.

My hooves are a solid, metallic bloody red hue; while my fins are a deep ruby-red, like the polish Aloe had just applied to my toe-nails. This is no coincident; the match is far too close, for that.

Since the doors had opened, and I had entered the main pool, I can swim freely, as if had been in the open sea. Though this is by no means, open sea; it is a small pool, behind the hotel.

While the changing-room I had entered, had been small; the pool in which I am now, is huge. This is no mere Olympic swimming-pool; it is a tank, you could have kept whales in. I had been on the second floor, when I had entered the changing-room; in the pool, I believe it is far further up. I could easily see a few miles of clear water, in front of me; while I am turning my back, towards the changing-room.

This is by no means, a fresh-water pond; but a salt-water tank. I am alone, in the water. For how long? I do not know. Why bother?

I had stopped, just before the outer air-lock of the changing-room; when I had stopped, as the momentum had ebbed out. I had not put in the effort, to maintain the momentum. Maybe I should have, or maybe it was just better, for me to stop where I am, taking the time to get my bearings. I scan the expanse before me, and to the right and left.

Maybe Ellie had intended, to prepare me; for what I am experiencing, right now?” I ponder, where I lay in the open water.

I hang, where I lie; as if lifted by invisible threads, or levitating on am unseen force. I feel, as if I had been weight-less. The initial impression, is similar enough; though I am not in a small room, in free-fall. I do feel water, surrounding me; pressing in, from all sides. The pressure is not exactly over-whelming, but rather comfortable.

Maybe there is a deeper meaning, behind me staying in place; it is not intuitive, how to swim in my current form. At least, not right now. I need to decide, where I want to go; before I can consider how to swim. I had never been a swimmer, before I signed in; staying at the Twilight Hotel, for the initial week I had booked. I will have the suite, for a week; though I am able, to extend the stay, unless someone was to book my room. I doubt, anyone had booked this room; while there are other rooms, still not occupied. Though I have no idea; of how many of the room are occupied, or booked at this time.

Maybe, I could just try to swim; in the manner I should have, before I had been turned into a Pony, and then a Mer-pony? Maybe? Could it possibly be that easy?

My tail is moving, similar to how my legs would have; but similar is not exactly the same, just as I had realized.

I guess, the fin-extensions of my hooves could prove adventurous; permitting me to move, and swim in the pool. Now I am making the first attempt, in moving my hooves in a manner, I hope could propel me forwards. At first I am merely flailing my hooves uselessly, but after a moment I notice how I am getting forwards. With a few alterations, in how I move my legs and how I use the fin-extensions; the swimming is starting to take me somewhere.

“That was fun!” I exclaim, after a moment.

Just as I learn, that the first piece is falling into place; I realize, that my tail is also moving with my front-legs. Now I am indeed swimming, and I am getting forwards; towards where I want to go, even if it is just forwards. For now, at least. I have to take it slow, learning the ropes; rather than flailing uselessly, exhausting myself before I know how to swim.

I had gotten too far, for me to pull myself back in; before my initial forward motion had been swallowed by the friction in the water surrounding me in the pool. The irony would have been embarrassing and mortifying, even for me.

Maybe I should go up, to the surface?” I ponder; “Even if I guess I do not have to, just for the chance to draw in air!” I add; giggling, at the image.

The pressure is just fine, by me; though I guess it would have started to be uncomfortable before, not to mention what it would have felt like a few feet down. I doubt, I could have managed to dive; to the ground-level; before I had arrived, and been transformed into the Mer-pony I am now.

However, now it is perfectly fine; maybe due to the change into a Mer-pony form, largely. As a Mer-pony, this is not exactly overwhelming depths, but fairly comfortable. How deep, into the water; I could get into this form, I have no idea, I will simply have to explore it, and investigate this later. I can only get to the bottom, and this is nowhere near the limit for me.

Since I could not explore the depth, I can as well enjoy the water; and swim around, to enjoy the moment in water. The freedom implied, in unlimited movement: up, down, right, left, forwards and backwards. This new to me, in a way; causing me to be excited and elated, in an unexpected manner and point in time. How am I supposed to react, on this.

On second thought; the water feels warm and somehow more slippy, than I had thought it would be. Maybe my mer-tail is the culprit, in the crime before me. Though it makes it easy, to swim now; I can't exactly complain, in my situation. How could I? I can’t recall myself; as one prone to complain, about things when they went my way.

What if the water had felt like thick and sticky syrup; dragging me back and make my skin sticky? Just for a silly comparison, the notion; that had come unbidden, into my mind.

Why had this particular image popped into my head, I have no idea; but maybe, it is what would have happened, if I had been Human or Pony? I can speculate. Not exactly the image, I had liked to see; I certainly do not enjoy the image, in the least. Should I have? Why? Why, indeed.

At first, I am just swimming forwards, towards the window on the back of the building; never seems to get closer, but I am not swimming particularly fast. Why? Why should I? I am merely getting the hang of my new form, and getting used to swimming; as the natural mode of movement, for me as a Mer-pony. After a moment, it feels perfectly normal, to me, just as it had felt, when I had been walking into the lobby as I arrived. Just as it would, for a Pony like Twilight Sparkle, trotting and galloping. That is the image, I like to imagine.

I like swimming, and it feels comfortable; perfectly normal, to me now. It is natural, for me to swim.

Since it is natural to swim, for me, I can be more bold, and adventurous. Now I can see, how fast I am, how deep I could go, or how far up it is to the surface. I can turn to the right, or the left. Up, or down; as I please. Now, I can enjoy myself, and the new-found freedom; liberated, in my natural element.

For a few minutes, I had simply been swimming forwards; lazily moving in the one direction, as I was getting into it. Now I am moving faster, in a more fluid motion; picking up speed, and feeling the water flowing through my mane. It feels good, now as I had gotten used to it. It is easy, natural and fun. I enjoy the new experience. Now I am relishing, in exploring; who and what I am, in the water of the pool just opened up to me. While I know, the pool had been here, all along; I had merely taken the time, to find and explore it now. Should I have gone here faster? Earlier? Maybe? I am here now, though.

For now, I do not consider how it would have been; how it would have felt, had I come earlier. Maybe, I had not been ready, before I had developed enough. Now, I am ready. I am Twilight, in her Mer-pony form. I relish in it.

As I had picked up the speed; I find it much easier, to raise to the surface. Now I can move freely, no worries about the drag or buoyancy. I have the speed; that enables me to move, as freely as I want to. Of course, I know the water contains drag; preventing me from move too fast, holding me back. This is, why I need to be this fast.

As fast as I may be, I still just can not reach the other end of the pool. Maybe, if I continue for an hour? I have no idea, but I guess; I do not care enough, to find out. To continuously move in a straight line; is boring, and feels rather pointless. At least, right now.

While I know I am still breathing, I had never put any thought into it; I merely breath, as naturally as I ever had before. I can breathe, unhindered, just as I can swim in the water, unhindered. I could but assume; there is enough oxygen, in the water surrounding me. Or, I would have felt out of breath. Wouldn't I? Why wouldn't I?

I swim to the right, and I swim to the left; making a sinus curve. I swim up, and I swim down; in a new sinus curve. As I combine the two, I get into a spiral; fun, fun fun. I can spiral to the right, and I can spiral to the left; just as I could spiral up, and spiral down. I manage to make a few loops, just for the fun of it; I had to try, just to experience how it feels. Why not? I had nothing more important; before me, right now. Unless I harm myself, what could possibly be holding me back? I do not feel, like being lazy. Besides, this is a good exercise for me. I need it.

This is fun!” I realize; “I think, I need to come back here; and try it again, before I leave!” I exclaim, without a thought.

Of course, this pool can only be found here; at the Twilight Hotel, and nowhere else. While I could swim elsewhere, but it could never be quite the same. I am enjoying this, and I am enjoying myself; thus I wish to come back to the experience, to explore it in much greater depth. I guess, it simply is in my nature. I am the natural explorer.

While I may have instinctively sensed the water, filling the cramped space of the airlock; the sense had quickly evaporated, as I had regained my natural equilibrium. After that, the water is like air, to me; just as it is also holding the place of the ground, under my hooves. This is inconceivable, and irreconcilable; to one walking on the ground, but perfectly natural and normal, to one aquatic dweller. The land and the sky had fused together, but there is a new and very different sky; above the waterline, where these concepts still remain separate, even to me.

I never did get, to the other side of the pool, though I did manage to reach the surface. I can clearly feel the distinct difference in the depth; just as I would have before, but it is no longer an issue or an obstacle to me. Not now, not here in the water under the surface. Maybe the depth is simply not great enough; for it to be an issue, or cause me any challenge? How much further down, would I have to go; in order for this to be a nuisance, not to mention a real problem? I have no idea, but I do not really need to know. Not right now, and probably not ever. I am curious, and inquisitive; but I have no need or desire, to challenge my health in any such manner. Why?

For now, I am making due; with my comfort. I do not need to risk my life, for a discovery; even if it may be useful, to know how far down I could go. I can not see another person; Human, Pony or Mer-pony. No problem, I can make due with just a few books, or a field of exploration. I am exploring; therefore, I am doing fine. At least, so far as I am not risking my life. I have all the books I could possibly wish for; up-stairs, in my room. The book-cases are containing them for me. I need but open the case and extract the book of interest. Then I can read it from cover to cover. I will be going back up, in order to read; when and where I can read, to my heart's content and then some.

As I reach the surface, it is exciting, and I breach with a splash. For a moment; it feels odd and strange, to be above the water that is my natural element.

Since I can still breathe above the water, it never really became an issue. If I can breathe, everything is fine. I can swim, on top of the water; just as well as I could below the surface, just without the freedom to swim further up.

Maybe this should never have bothered me, there is no need to worry. The only thing I could worry about, is to be stuck on dry land; where I can not move, since I am currently native to the waves of the sea or lake.

Now I scan the horizon; for what is above the waves, I had found so accommodating and comfortable before. The water, and the waves are still comfortable; but now I am on the surface, and everything looks different.

Should I have been worried, about the world and the air above the water and it's waves? Now I am simply curious; to see and to explore, everything I could see and touch. Is this part of being and becoming Twilight Sparkle, or is this still part of who I had always been; I do not know, and I can not tell the difference. Maybe this is, because each and every change is occurring during the night; while I sleep, and thus wake up to the new me? Is it, because the changes had been so small, and so gradual; I could never have detected them, in the first place? Should I worry, or thrive upon this? I have no idea, but I don't know that I should be worried. What should worry me, in the first place?

I am taking it slow, exploring and feeling my way through. How else could I possibly do it? Had I been at the Rainbow Dash Hotel; maybe I would have been rushing forwards, dashing around. I am not there.

Would they even have a Spa, with manicure, pedicure and hooficure; if this had been the Rainbow Dash Hotel? Though I guess, they still would have the massages, and possibly the mud-bath. What else would they have; the things I never asked for, and the things I never cared for?

I imagine, they would have a pool, but one filled with air, for them to fly around in. Obstacle courses and race-tracks to compete at. It is funny, how the perspective changes; based upon who is the observer, of a subject or event.

Had it been Fluttershy Hotel, there would have been wood-land critters all over the place. She would also had a petting-zoo, with cute and lovable pets in each and every room. Or so I would imagine.

Pinkie Pie Hotel would have had an enormous, continuous party going on. Everything would have been sweet and pink. That would have been fun, and silly; with friends all around. Now, I am not there.

This is at the back of the Twilight Hotel. No party, no wood-land critters, no dresses; just a large pool, in which I can be swimming. I am feeling rather contemplative, right now. Anything, and everything may set me of, at any moment; for the slightest of reason.

The pool had been relaxing, and I am still enjoying the new experience. Maybe I should be returning to this pool, later. While this is not a book, or a friend; but it is still relaxing to me, and I think I do need a moment of relaxing as well. I do enjoy relaxing, of course.

The sad thing is, that all things has to come to an end; even the good things, and I will have to get back to my room, eventually. Thankfully, I can still stay here, for a moment longer, and I can still enjoy myself.

If I had not reached the other side, of the pool; but it will take me a while, to swim back, to the entrance. I don't mind. I enjoy the swim, for a bit longer. I need the exercise, too.

At least, I had not swam in a straight line; I have been exploring the pool, and myself in the process. I have been enjoying the time, I had spent in the pool. If I could teleport, could I teleport all the way out of the pool? I have no idea, but I am not experienced enough; to even try that, just yet. Maybe I will, tomorrow?

While I am still enjoying myself, but I guess it is time; so I turn back, swimming all the way back to the entrance. The door opens for me, as I approach. Thankfully. I swim in, and the doors close behind me. I am back.

Let us see!” I ponder; ”How do I revert, back to my old self?” I consider; ”The oral tube, of course; it will have to come out!” I conclude, as I start to probe my lips, for the clear tube inserted into my mouth.

Once the doors behind me had closed, the water is starting to seep out; replaced with air, pumped into the small room. Little by little, inch by inch; the air is pushing the water aide, out of the room. I am still floating, in the middle of the space; while I continue to probe my lips. After a moment, I do find what I am searching for; I manage to get a grip, and slowly pull the tube out of my mouth. It feels strange, pulling the tube with the hooves of a Mer-pony.

Of course, that Mer-pony is me; though the correct term would be more in the order of Mare-pone. Or, so I think.

Wonder, if this form could be found, in one of my books?” I ponder; ”There has to be a book, on these things; somewhere in my library's collection?” I consider.

Once the oral tube had slipped out of my mouth, the changes start to reverse; just as I had been expecting, and I can see and feel how I am reverting. The fins and fin-extensions are the first to go. My hooves and my fore-legs soon coming, after that; as I can see, how I am getting my hands and arms back.

Now, I guess this could be a Mer-maid form; but I need to change completely; before I can leave the pool, so that I can get back home!” I ponder; ”Even if they may have a restaurant, where they serve food and drink?” I consider.

I examine myself, and find the original, anal tube; probe it, until I find the grip. Once I manage to get a grip, I am slowly pulling it out. Though it seems, it is resisting every bit of the way; stretching and pulling back. I still manage to pull it out, feeling it snap back at me; once it finally loses its grip of my rump and I start to revert. The tail slowly splits up, and then form the right and left leg. A moment later, I am once more back, to the original self, I had been as I entered this room. However, I am still wearing these panties and stockings. With that, I have what appears to be human legs and feet. I guess I do not mind.

The water is seeping out, and the floor is dry; the doors before me is sliding up, so I step out of the small space.

That was fun, but is it high time, for me to return, to my room!” I ponder.

I feel hot air flowing into the room, once the doors behind me had slid shut; but I am already dry, thanks to the changes I had experienced, and the garments I am wearing. The silicon-wear barely touch the water, in the first place.

Thank Celestia, for these wonderful garments!” I ponder; ”And for the gracious gift, of the form I have now!” I conclude.

Of course, it is not Celestia; who granted me either the form, or the garments I am currently wearing!” I realize.
I do not need who it was; but I am still grateful, for what I had been given.

Once dry, I pick up my skirt, and step into it; affording it a few tentative tugs, once, twice and thrice. Once I am fully dressed, the next set of doors slide up, and I am out of the air-lock. I am free to go.

I walk out of the pool-area; still within the confines of the lovely Spa, I had been enjoying so dearly before. I continue, to the door, out of the Spa; extending my right hand, pressing the palm onto the plaque. As I spread my fingers, the doors are sliding right up; I step out, and the doors are closing behind me.

Ooh, that was fun!” I ponder.

From the Spa, I continue down the hall; to the door, of the elevator. I extend my right hand, pressing the palm onto the plaque; spreading my fingers, and the doors slide up. I enter the elevator; and the doors side shut, behind me.

”Hello, Ms. A!” Ellie exclaim, greeting me with a wide grin.

”Hello, Ellie!” I respond, smiling back.

”You did enjoy the Spa, and the pool; I take it!” she offers.

”Yes, I certainly did enjoy that!” I respond.; ”Quite royally!” I add.

”I thought as much!” she responds, giggling.

She knows me, far too well!” I ponder; ”But I do enjoy; how well she knows the hotel, though!” I continue.

I certainly could not complain, considering just how well she is serving me. She guides me, to all the spots I need to see; so that I can enjoy exploring, all they have to offer. All, within the week I had intended to stay here.

The elevator is moving upwards, taking me to the floor where my suite is located. The elevator stops, smoothly; at my floor, and the doors slide up before me.

I step out, and the doors slide shut behind me; then I continue, to the door of my home. I extend my right hand, pressing the palm onto the plaque; as I spread my fingers, the doors are sliding up before me. I step in, and the doors slide shut behind me; I am once more at home, comfortable and content. Well, I am happy, but tired.