• Published 28th Dec 2019
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The Collar - Kentavritsa

A girl checks in, at the Twilight hotel; where she finds a collar, she is putting on. She is later finding herself; in the process of being transformed, into Twilight Sparkle.

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Entry: 2

Author's Note:

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I had booked the room, in advance. As I arrive, at the Twilight Hotel; I notice the lavender crystal, making up the building.

A glass and steel front-lobby is greeting me, as I approach the building. I enjoy the hedge of large peonies, lining the lobby; currently in full bloom. The large, deep purple flowers are magnificent.

I walk along the path, laid with smooth, black stone, all the way up to the entrance. The two twin sliding doors open before me, just as I am about to reach the building. I step in, setting foot on the ceramic tiles in the lobby.

A girl stands behind the desk, waiting for me. From what I can see, the desk had been made out of glass and steel; in the same style as the lobby itself. Fancy, and stylish; I can't help but approve, of what is before me. Though it is in fact clear sapphire in place of what I had taken for glass. Maybe a slight hint of a blue tinge to the crystal could be giving it away.

“Greetings, and welcome to the Twilight Hotel!” she exclaims.

At this point; I notice the purple top and skirt she is wearing, the entire ensemble is glossy and shimmering in the overhead light in the lobby. Had I looked up; I would have noticed the black silicon-coating, with pin-prick LED lights shining over the entire lobby. It is surprisingly light in the room, without adding any extra heat in the fairly small room.

“Hello!” I respond.

“Did you have a reservation?” she inquires.

“Yes, I do have one!” I respond.

First now, I notice her light lavender hue. Her nails painted in the same tone, but glisters luxuriously in the light.

At this point, her hands come to life, as she is tapping in commands into a previously unseen keyboard in the clear desktop before her.

“Under which name?” she inquires, just as the booking-prompt appear on her screen.

“Ms. A!” I respond.

“Ah, yes; of course!” she responds; “Place your right hand on the plaque!” she explains.

“Okay!” I respond; as I extend my right hand, placing the palm on the glistering, black surface before me.

In shock and surprise, I realize that the rubbery surface is warm and semi-fluid. I almost pull my hand back, before I rein in my initial reaction.

“Thank you, Ms. A!” she responds.

As my reservation is confirmed, I pull my hand back; from the warm and passionate embrace, of the plaque.

“Your suite is waiting for you; take the elevator, on your right!” she offers.

“Thank you!” I respond.

I eagerly scan the wall behind her, soon finding the door to the elevator she had indicated. Now I walk slowly; in the direction towards the elevator, I had been directed to. The door is made out of stainless steel, matching the style of the room. Very consistent.

How do I operate the elevator, here?” I ponder.

There appears a black, hexagonal plaque on the right side of the door before me; just as I approach it. The plaque is identical, to the one I had just been presented to. Of course, it seems to be a very qualified means of control.

Okay, I guess I can handle this!” I ponder; “Though it is a bit eerie, to the touch!” I continue.

With that, I extend my right hand; pressing the palm onto the surface and then spread my fingers. The feel is identical, to a T; just as I had suspected, and feared.

I guess I simply will have to get used to this!” I ponder.

Twin sliding doors open before me, presenting me with the elevator, she had forwarded me towards. I enter, into an octagonal space; with a cylindrical core, managing the elevator. As I step over the threshold, the doors quietly close, behind me. I had not even noticed the doors closing.

“Greetings, Ms. A; I am Ellie, the Waitress!” a holographic girl presents herself.

“Hello, Ellie!” I respond.

I barely noticed, how the gravity seems to increase; just as she had greeted me, indicating that we are going upwards. The increased gravity is fairly stable. I don't really notice any changes, even when the acceleration stops and reverses into deceleration. There is a smooth stop, as we are reaching the floor, where my suite is located,

“I hope, you will enjoy your stay!” Ellie offers, just as the doors slide up.

“Thank you, Ellie; I will!” I respond; just before I step out, into the hall.

Since the elevator is opening up, at the end of the hall; there is just one direction, for me to walk. I follow the hall, watching each door, as I continue down the hall. All the doors have a plaque, just like the once I had already seen; but since the suites are occupied, I can not open any of these doors. When I approach a door, I suddenly notice something unexpected; it is marked Ms. A.

As I stand before the door, I extend my right hand; pressing the palm down, onto the plaque and spread my fingers wide. The door opens, and I step into the cloaking-room. As I step over the threshold, the twin-doors are closing behind me. I barely notice it.

The Twilight Hotel!” I ponder, as I am scanning the small space of my cloak-room.

Now I approach the cloak-hanger and shoe-rack. I pull the jacket of; before I slip my shoes off of my feet. I comfortably leave the jacket and shoes, in the cloak-room.

Twilight, feels as if they indicate magic!” I ponder.

I have the shower on the right, and the girls' room on the left. For now, I assume they are merely regular facilities; nothing I need to explore, or ask how to use.

The door to the living-room is straight ahead, so I open the door; applying the palm of my right hand, onto the customary plaque. This device seems to operate everything here.

I step into the living-room. As expected; the floor and walls had been laid with the same purple crystal. It is still smooth and glossy. Not that I mind, at least it gives a fresh and new feel to it. I enjoy the touch. Maybe this is low-maintenance, too?

I have a cinematic sofa on the right; with a glass and steel sofa-table, with the controls to the TV set in the glass table-top. They keep to the high-end, high-tech style presented in the lobby. I guess I should not complain.

There is a LED screen, covering the wall opposing the sofa; which is to the left, from where I stand. The screen is a full eight feet tall, from floor to ceiling. This in and of itself is impressing, to me; they certainly do make a serious effort here.

Before me, I have three large windows. There is a door to a fairly large balcony, between window one and two. As I had entered, the windows had been clear, but they can be made to block the light as I please.

Behind me, I have a full-height book-case. Each case is two foot wide and one foot deep. Naturally, a few speakers are surrounding the screen.

“This does look promising, I am sure to enjoy my stay here!” I mumble, to myself; as I see what I have before me.

Sticking to the chosen style; the balcony is glass and steel, though the floor is purple crystal. They really do love this purple crystal.

Naturally, they have potted Peony on my balcony. Maybe I could have asked for roses, but the Peony goes so well with the colour of their choice. I have never heard of purple roses. Well, they could have lavender as well.

The door to my bed-room is just behind the sofa, where else. As I open, I instantly find the purple bed-linen covering my bed. It is a Queen-size bed, true to Twilight Sparkle. The comfort is easily fit for Royalty, just like Twilight Sparkle herself.

I even have a bed-stand, in pink cherry-wood. In the drawer, I find what appears to be a black rubber collar with a silver-buckle to open and close the collar with. Though the collar is in fact silicon.

Maybe I should try it on, just to see how it feels?” I ponder.

Since it is one of the complimentary items, that come with the room; I could as well try it on, to see if it fits or if I enjoy wearing it. On second thought; didn't the girl tending the desk in the lobby wears one, just like this too?

If it does not fit, I can ask for one that fits!” I ponder; “If I don't like it; I could always leave it, where I had found it!” I continue.

I pick up the item, place it on my neck and close the buckle carefully; before I close the drawer of the night-stand. To my surprise, it feels perfectly. On second thought, I barely feel it around my neck.

The black, glossy surface of the collar is smooth; as if polished up for my use. I leave it on, without a second thought. With the drawer of the night-stand closed, after my inspection; I turn towards the wardrobe. I have a double sliding door.

At first, I had expected the wardrobe to be empty. I had never expected them, to fill up the wardrobe; before they knew my size or taste. Apparently, I had been incorrect. I have seven sets of tops and skirts, all in a bright, lavender purple hue.

I also have panties, socks and gloves; all in the same colour, and material. Should I try them on, just to see if they fit me? Well, why not? If only I had realized; Ellie the waitress had taken my measurements, by scanning me in the elevator.

These look, as if they could actually fit me!” I ponder, as I am ogling the garments before me.

“Well, why not?” I mumble, remembering the high-tech image I had been faced with.

I will just have to disrobe, before I could try out the garments before me.

“If they fit as comfortably, as the collar; I have to try these on, and wear them!” I ponder; knowing these had been placed before me, with the intent for me to actually wear them.

I pull my top up, over my head; slipping out of it, before I place it on the bottom of the wardrobe. No I pull my skirt down, kicking it up, to slip out of it and leave it, on top of the pile. I pull my socks off of my feet, leaving them on the pile of clothes I do not expect to wear. Now I only pull the panties down, kicking them up; placing them on the top of the pile.

I find myself in the nude, stark naked; considering my situation, enjoying the thought of what I was presented with to wear. Now I pick up a pair of panties; slipping into them; pulling them up, before I give them a few tentative tugs, in order to get the perfect fit.

Smooth, and slippery!” I realize; “Glossy, and elastic!” I ponder; “I think, I could get used to these!” I conclude, now eager to try on the rest of the ensemble.

I once more reach into the wardrobe before me, extracting a skirt, stepping right into it; before I am pulling it up in a fluid motion, only stopping to afford it a few tentative tugs. The fit around my hips and waist is fairly tight; but then it is widening out, comfortably and gives a bit more freedom to move around.

Once I let go of the skirt, I reach into the wardrobe, extracting a top. It looks a bit tight; but since it is highly elastic, it should still fit me comfortably. I pull it down over my head, and gives it a few tentative tugs. Now it covers my chest, down over my rib-cage, and five inches down my arms. Interesting, it has a jewel-line neck.

Do I try on the socks, or gloves now; or do I wait, until later with that?” I ponder.

“I could as well try them on, just to see if I like them!” I mumble, to myself; “Then I can decide, if I like them or not!” I continue.

Full-length, thigh-high and knee-length stockings. Ankle, regular and short socks? Both regular, and toe-socks and stockings. So many choices, so many choices.

Which do I choose?” I ponder.

I end up, picking a pair of thigh-high toe-stockings. These does look good, but a bit pricy and on the brink of strange. Would the full-length reach all the way up, to my crotch; thus covering my legs entirely? I am not sure, I am comfortable with the idea; let alone wearing them, right now. If I change my mind, I could always try them on, later.

As I had extracted the stocking; I lift my right foot, slipping it into the sleeve. From there; I pull the stocking up, as I push my foot down into the stocking. I feel the stocking contracting fairly eagerly, as it excitedly swallows my foot hole. After a moment of pulling and tugging, I feel my foot hitting the end, as my toes had reached down.

I put my right foot down, onto the floor; supporting my weight, as I extract the left stocking and lift my left foot. From there, I repeat the process, exploring the experience and feelings as I go along.

While the stockings may be smooth and slippery to the touch; I find that I have more than enough traction, to stand up even with just my right foot firmly on the floor.

Maybe I could get used to these?” I ponder; “But then; I may have to get used, to losing them again!” I continue.

While I have the same selection of gloves, I pick the elbow-length gloves, with fingers and distinct features.

Why did they put effort, into placing these features on my gloves?” I ponder, somewhat perplexed.

Now I am extracting the right glove, from the wardrobe; slipping my hand in, and pulling the glove into place. As I afford the glove a few tentative tugs, just for the right fit; before I pick the left glove, and repeat the process.

As tight as the glove felt, it contracts firmly around my arm, from the elbow and down to the tip of my fingers. The surface may be smooth and slippery; but the grip seems fine, by all I can see.

Now I extract the left glove; slipping my hand in and pulling it all the way up to the elbow. I afford it a few tentative tugs, adjusting the fit and assuring the perfect fit.

Once I closed the doors of the wardrobe, I barely even feel the gloves. Since I have nothing more to put on, and I am comfortable in the ensemble; I turn my back on the wardrobe, and close the doors behind me and walk out.

As I reach the door, I extend my right hand, placing the palm onto the plaque; spreading my fingers and opens the door before me. I take a moment; focusing on the controls and adjust the light in the room. I see the light dim down to a more fitting level, for the bed-room.

I pull my hand back, and step over the threshold; noticing the light slowly fading out, as the doors close behind me. I walk through the room, to the next door. I open the door, but leave the light as it; stepping over the threshold, and the doors close behind me.

The style is far from minimalistic or Spartan, but it is not overdone or cluttered by any stretch.

As I open the door to the shower, I find a pair of benches in the pink cherry-wood. The wall had been laid with matching cherry-wood panels as well. I have ceramic tiles in purple, aside from the standard ceiling, with pin-prick stars of LED lights sealed into place with mate black silicon. All in all, it is clearly water-proofed and ready to use.

I find a pair of sliding doors, matching in style. Clear sapphire, in place of glass; making this hold up, without any risk of breaking in my lifetime.

Of course I have a plaque, to control the shower, as well; what had I been expecting, other than that? Water-proof, and ready to use. Safe, and without the risk of any failures. Strangely, I fear it is more precise and exact; than anything I have ever seen, or expect to see any time soon.

I think I have time, for a shower; sometime, later tonight!” I ponder.

Since I have seen the shower, I turn back; step out and face the girls' room. I take a step forwards, approaching the door, before I open. What I see; is something of a chock, to me. Not the style I am facing, by any stretch; it is quite consistent with what I have seen, this far. The floor, the walls and the ceiling are exactly what I had been expecting.

What I had been expecting, is a toilet and a sink. I guess the sink is there; but I can't find a toilet I could have recognized, as such.

“Is that an alien bidet?” I exclaim.

The utility is mounted on the wall, some Pi feet up. I have some manner of what looks like a seat, only with the mark of foot-prints, indicating it had been intended to stand upon. I will have to pull my skirt up, and probably pull my panties down; before I could properly use the utility. When I say girl's room, I guess this is indicating it had been designed for a girl, just like me. The anatomy required, in order to properly use this; require for me to have all the parts, associated with being female.

On closer inspection, I would have noticed; this is coated with clear silicon, in order to give that perfect fit. It is very smooth to the touch.

As I had seen the room, I turn back and exit the room. I turn the lights out, before I step over the threshold. No point, in leaving the lights on; when I am not in the room, enjoying it.

Something strange about the design, but I am the only one who can control the room; for the duration of my stay, then someone else will enjoy this luxury in my place.

I don't want to wear my regular, old shoes; while I am here, but I don't want to walk out the door, bare-foot either!” I ponder, exploring the cloak-room further.

If Ellie had scanned me, for measurements before; maybe she could supply me with a pair of shoes, or some comfortable foot-wear. I had become so used, to the stockings I wear; I consider myself bare-foot, while I wear them.

Naturally, my shoes are where I had left them, just a few minutes before. I would never expect anything less. For the shoes to just disappear, is utterly unthinkable. If it is possible to break in, but that is not here.

After a moment of exploration; I find three pairs of what is passing for foot-wear. These are all made out of the same purple material, all my new clothes had been made out of.

These are looking just about right!” I ponder, as my gaze fell upon a particular and peculiar pair of shoes.

While I know, I have never seen them or anything the likes of them; these are the Crescent Moon, granting me the appearance, close to that of the mythical Satyr. For some reason, I had found a liking to these.

Like high heels, but without the heels; though it feels, as if that would not diminish the balance!” I ponder.

I pick up the right shoe, slipping my foot in; feeling the tight fit, as it contracts around my foot. As my toes reach the end, I place the foot down onto the floor; putting my weight onto it, and lift up my left foot. I pick up the second shoe, before I insert the foot into the shoe. With that, I set my foot down; standing steadily, on my feet.

“Okay!” I giggle; “I guess I am ready, to face the outdoors!” I ponder.