• Member Since 26th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday

Inferno demon Dash

Showing you the darker, more realistic side of MLP in my writing. Smoking, swearing and being a bastard, but that's nothing new with me. Got a cigarette?


Spike the dragon has always lived his life as a prince, even though he was hidden among the public eye. But with his sister taking the crown and throne, he wonders if he’ll ever get the chance to rule.

Luckily his family is always there to provide him answers.

Proofreader: Hope Caster

Edited by : beirirangu

Thank you both for your help.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

Frankly, Spike has no right to rule anything. Alternate Universe or not. Why? Because he's never once shown any of the qualities that would make him work as one.

The one time he did have some rule, he fucked it up badly taking over Twilight's duties. And that didn't become an even bigger mess because somepony talked sense into him.

Plus Equestria would never accept a dragon as its ruler. The Crystal Empire might though.

Fair point but he is a baby dragon. Maybe if he was older but the show never bothered to really age him up until the very end which while understandable is extremely annoying to Spike fans, myself included. The Empire would make sense if Flurry Heart was not born. But I get where you're coming from.
Thank you.

Are you saying Kings and Queens have to be qualified to take the throne, instead of simply being born first? I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying it's accurate

plus, I'd say he didn't fuck up that badly, just made one or two poor choices that had consequences he couldn't predict. And let me ask: How many things went right because of him? Do you know? Or are you only focusing on the bad things and claiming that's his entire character?

...and then Twilight, who’s not part of this conversation or master plan by Celestia, basically just appoints whoever is her student at the time she quits.

Which would be Luster Dawn, a pony so unforgettable that I can't even remember if she's a unicorn or Pegasus but I'm guessing unicorn. And while such could be true, to me dragons live so much longer then ponies. But that's just me.

I'm saying that by the merrit system Equestria seems to use to pick its leaders Spike hasn't qualified by a long stretch.

A few times does not make a great leader. Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Twilight have all earned their positions.

People seem to think Spike should have it just based on family ties. Broken system is all that is.

Speaking of Gabby, when is he going to drop the pipebomb on them?

the news of his betrothed.

What the buck are you talking about bro?

How is Spike going to explain to his family about his somewhat love interest in Gabby?

By talking to them. How else would he? Gives me an idea for a story though.

I don't know how about not getting embarrassed and, so help me, pull out the dreaded Baby Dragon Album, Ultimate Definitive Edition.

What? Naturally he'll be embarrassed but that's family for you.

Don't think non alicorn let alone non unicorn can attend the high point of noblity of Eqestria
Spike writing was hurt by series writers when he stop develop any independency and rely more on Twilight care, this story make me think about the problem with writing that Spike could take more part in action, but most of time we see him as Twilight butler, despite him could become a potential figther since he already take a part in defending Crystal Empire. Him and Twilight being a duo figthers would also prove Twilight leadership, which today I still confuse that they degrade Spike and only physical development he got was wings(Thorax got entire 6 ft new body & The final episode is just a time skip) and writers even overshadow him with Starlight Glimmer who rose to become Twilight assitant too. The overall writing in later seasons hinder his character potential as a dragon.
Also I doubt that by that point Spike would want to be a king (Well he already turn down being a dragon lord) In the end he just want to be only by Twilight side forever.

Fair point but he's got to be his own dragon sometime and since we have no clear evidence on how long dragons live I like to think he'll outlive Twilight.

It's a tough spot they put him in... but they really are right when they say he's not ready. His reactions prove he's not ready. He can't keep a level head. How is he supposed to deal with people who aren't trying their best to be nice to him if he gets so easily baited?

No. He needs more experience. Now, it might be tempting to say Twilight Sparkle herself has a habit of losing her cool and stressing herself out, but not over the big stuff. And she has her friends to help her deal with the rest.

Completely agree. I think what many people are forgetting with this story is that Spike is a teenager. Maybe 13 to 15 at the most with his wings. Twi is still completely the wrong choice in my eyes and they should have left it to Tia and Luna but...kids show I guess. Spike is to young, just like kids in the past who were forced to be kings or queens in the real world. Some shit you just have to use common sense for you know?

Instant like and fav on this before even reading for one Reason you got the song in my head now

Lol. Knew I'd get someone. But hope you like the story.

I probably will lol

Spike isn't meant for royalty. He's meant for Knighthood. He's a defender and a support, and he's been shown to enjoy and perfer that role. He fantasiszed about being a burly knight. He TURNED DOWN the Bloodstone Scepter. He clearly would be happier being Equestria's defender and the crown's right claw in all matters. He doesnt have to be a king to get respect.

That's honestly a very fair point. I didn't really think about that. So many ideas you can do with that to. Thanks for the honest thoughts.

This might be very late, but given the title, Simba didn't show any kingly qualities either before coming back.

Well he enslaved them so I doubt him proclaiming himself as king was on their list of shit to worry about.

Because he was still a cub. If Mufasa had lived long enough to pass the title to him, I'd like to belive Simba would have matured into the role by the time Mufasa would have died of old age.

We all did dumb things when we were kids.

Well then, Celestia could give Spike a lecture like Mufasa did.

And then die in front of Spike (obviously not by Luna's actions).

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