• Member Since 20th Mar, 2019
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L Drkheart

A simple fan who is trying his best! Fair warning my stories tend to focus on everypony's favorite dragon!


Honorary Prince Spike Dracon Solaris has never left the safety of the Canterlot Castle, despite his want to do so. Over time Spike will push his limits at home and go out to see the kingdom he promises to protect, with the help of his sister Cadence, cousin Blueblood, and family friend Shining Armor of course. The four will learn of hidden conspiracies and lost treasures while growing to learn what it truly means to be heroes and a family.

A sweet story that focuses on family and growth other than adventures but a lot of actions and adventure will still be intersected with the slice of life stories.

Credit to Fristart for this awesome cover!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 67 )

It’s an interesting story. I like it a lot.
And Finally, the days that Blueblood is an important character and not just some jerks or half ass villain is here.

Thanks, I have ideas on where to take each character, while they all care for each other at the moment each one has to spend more time with each other. Cadence and Shining love each other but neither has used the word love or even use the word date not to mention they are still in the crush state so true love is something built over hardship, Blueblood has always been told how important and special he is with the nobles of Canterlot always agreeing with him but here he faces people who have no reason to lie to him and either make he would grow as a person or stay the way he was taught to be, and Spike will learn from each one on how to be and to avoid the mistakes that they made.

Yeah Blueblood wasn't always treated best with the comics or show so I want to give him more here and while he is up for helping the others to avoid getting into trouble or if something is in it for him, slowly he would change into somepony that he could take real pride in.

Celestia won't so much change as come to terms with her past and be shown as the ruler she is not to mention that she will soon take another under her hoof.

Ok I like this premise, love your take on Spike & the royals here!💖

Looking forward to see how they will grow in the upcoming chapters, especially Spike & Blueblood!😎

Wonder if a certain purple filly will meet Spike soon in this story since we already saw Shinning, guess we'll have to wait & see. 😉

Aww thanks! Spike being the kid who wants freedom was easy due to the premise and I plan for him to get snarkier as the story goes since he is around Shining and Blueblood but the others were more challenging when I was thinking of what they should be. I wanted something that could be related to who they are in the show. Shining is a trainee and while he has a sense of duty to the royal family and love for Cadence this Shining is far less brave when it comes to talking about feelings and would rather fight or prove himself to her even if she likes him the way he is. Cadence is somewhat easy also but I plan for her to have to deal with the life of a princess and how the people expect her to behave and act when all she wants is to be herself. Celestia will not change much but show how far she is willing to go for her family and maybe have to face past mistakes. Blueblood was the hardest as he is a jerk in the show and I didn't want him to be just a plain hero so he is more so in between due to factors I'll explore later. He is the one who may face the most change and in the end choose who he is and who he wants to be.

I do have a plan for that particular filly but may take a bit of chapters seeing that the summer sun festival has yet to occur but we will hear about her progress as it goes along. Other characters we know will show up in small cameos though as long as they make sense of course. Like in the next chapter I have somepony in mind.,

I'm very happy to see another Momlestia & Spike story here, definitely gonna keep my eye on this one, see where it goes. Keep up the good work!

Heh next chapter will have two stories, a slice of life with Blueblood and Celestia and a small adventure with Spike Cadence and Shining. I'll be doing my best to make this story reach it's potential! Celestia being a mother is something I feel someone like her would pour all of her heart into and that relationship is what I hope to show through this story. Thanks for the comment and if you ever have any ideas or anything I'm always up to listen to them.

Once the story really starts picking up I might have a few ideas, until then feel free to bounce ideas off of me, I can PM you my Discord if you want.

Sure but maybe tomorrow would be best as I just got home from a new job and I'm a bit out of it.

Yeah, sure thing. I'll send it later tomorrow.

okay! i'll be here thinking up new ideas

Hey there! Interesting story setup. Curious to see where it'll go.

For now, let me give you a few tips! For one, writing convention is when two characters address one another, put a comma before the name, or after when the sentence starts with the name. That helps avoid misunderstandings. For example:

"I want to come inside Rainbow Dash!"


"I want to come inside, Rainbow Dash!"

See the difference? To pull one from your story:

"I know you are Spike, but don’t worry I’m okay and I should thank you,"


"I know you are, Spike, but don’t worry I’m okay and I should thank you,"

Another tip is, keep in mind which character the reader is meant to follow. Meaning things like start a new paragraph when speakers change. Look at this part:

“Oh, Spike? He umm got a cold and so we wrapped him up to make him feel better. I’m sure the little guy is too tired to talk, you know how he gets!” Celestia raised an eyebrow while giving her an unbelieving stare.

That looks like Celestia is speaking, but it's actually Cadance. Try it like this:

“Oh, Spike? He umm got a cold and so we wrapped him up to make him feel better. I’m sure the little guy is too tired to talk, you know how he gets!”

Celestia raised an eyebrow while giving her an unbelieving stare.

That's much more intuitive for your readers.

This Is here is why I need an editior ugh. Thank you so much and I'll have back to fix this. I must have forgotten the rules of commas. My poor teacher would have my head haha. Anyway thanks again and I'll go back when I get the time!

u could always have some one like The Great Derpsby be your editor or use spell check but that is not always reliable.

>>L Drkheart i just finished reading this all over again and i am loving it even more. If u need ideas i have lots in my head just waiting to get free.

Sure im up to listen and give them thought I'd ask but I'd hate to impose.

Oh wow, was not expecting such a fun outside outing! And for Spike meeting RD as well was a plus! :rainbowwild:

For a sec there I thought Celestia wasn't gonna find out but oh well! Still hope it's not gonna be the last time Spike gets to experience life outside the castle walls. :raritywink:

In a far corner of Equestria, the unicorn bowed before their leader. “Sir the attack on the Wonderbolts failed due to a guard and the princess of love. I was also attacked by a filly and… a dragon of all things.”

“A dragon? In Canterlot?”

“The child seemed to have been in disguise, if I may, I believe that he may have something to do with the princess.”

“Hmm… good work, let’s see what we can find out about this dragon… he may yet prove useful to our master’s resurrection.”

Oh boy guess we haven't seen the last of these guys, can't wait! :moustache:

Heh yeah we'll see them again but next chapter will take things easier before serious plot comes back. I did actually plan for Celestia to not find out but in my mind Blueblood slipped during their movie and accidentally revealed them.

as always your work in totally awesome:twilightsmile:. Thanks you for the great work

Spike and Momlestia? You have my full attention, its weird with Cadence being his sister rather then cousin but I can live with it, it's your story. I like how in character you have them and I await Luna's return.

Oh yeah, very much in character for Rainbow to be at a Wonderbolts show. You did amazing with this chapter, a few errors but I'm sure you can find an editor. You have my full attention and I'm very excited to see more.

They are really cousins but with the group living together in my own experiences living for years with my cousins they do become like siblings so this relationship was more so based off my own kind. Luna was something I been thinking about more and more when I remembered something really cool. This cult and their leader will all come back to Celestia and Luna in the end. The sins of their past will have to be faced by Spike, Cadence, Shining, Blueblood, and a certain purple filly.

I'm the same way with my cousins, I'm an only child so I know what it's like and I agree. Ooohhh...very excited for more. I hope you like any of my work that catches your eyes. I'm a huge Spike and Momlestia fan.

I wanted the main six to appear if it made sense and with them at the wonderbolts who better than Rainbow to be there? All the rest though may not appear as none really have a reason to be in Canterlot except for Twilight. Maybe Pinkie since she seemed to travel a bit before she made it to Ponyville and Applejack if she is with her mom or dad delivering apples to the castle.

That could make for a fun chapter. Just make sure you do your research on her parents so you don't make OC's.

Yep! If anyone to get right it should be Bright Mac and Pear Butter.

Awww that was a very sweet gesture from Spike in helping out Blueblood here, I totally enjoyed the time with his *date* so to speak!😀👍

Yeah but Scarlet will be back later as will Blueblood's bitterness of Cadence. He loves her and Spike but a part of him does hate them and that is something he'll need to face

Everything is so cute!!!!

Cute fluffiness is what I'm good at haha

Very well crafted chapter, a few errors but nothing major, I loved how in character you made them all, I'm not normally one for OC's but you did well.

Honestly I'm not either but I'd like to try to make one interesting so I used Scarlet to help the prince. Scarlet Rose though will be more important than this chapter showed. It will be cool if it all works out good.

Hey inferno I had a question if you were free

One of the best interpretations I've seen of blueblood on this whole site. Most cases they make him two-dimensional, no character or personality other than being the antagonist.
This story makes him more fleshed out, more likeable.
this chapter can even explain his actions in "the best night ever", rairty was only interested because he was prince nothing else, so he acted the way he did to teach her a lesson
Well done Author

Aww thanks! Yeah Blueblood has never been given full proper respect because he was basically the rich prick you see in a lot of media. With this story, I wanted to show a bit of that Blueblood. the one we see in the show but then expand on his character by giving him people who care. He acts stuck up because he honestly doesn't know better having been raised by his parents who are famous because they are distantly related to someone famous. By meeting Cadence he was giving someone who doesn't show him respect and treats him like a normal pony. Shining gave him a friend and rival who he can treat bad at times but has full trust in when there is real danger. Spike gave him a person to care for and when we see Blueblood training Spike he is training him completely different than how he was trained. Blueblood is a jerk but we see why and I want to give him more later on.

Great Story! Just Wondering, Not Trying To Sound Rude/Impatient, But When's Chapter 5? If There Even Will Be One.

No worries I have chapter five actually nearly done. I was gone for a long time, writer's block and family issues and then my laptop broke. After getting this new one I had to reread all my stories and then start writing again. I have almost chapter for each of my stories and chapters for new stories. I plan to have a week of just updating things maybe starting tomorrow or the next day. There will be a chapter 5 I promise that, the next chapter will be on the Summer Sun Festival and Spike will meet his life-long friend.

Ah, I Was A Little Concerned About This Being Cancelled, But Take Your Time, Sorry For All Your Going Through, And This Story Is So Good, It's Really Fun Reading, Chapter 5, Here We Come!

Nah I was just going through things, I am getting plenty of art done too. even got one for this story

If you wanna see what I got so far for one of my new stories I'm always looking for feedback and could use a editor.

I Mean Sure, I Could Give An Editor Job A Shot.

I'll send it over in the morning then it's pretty late. Thanks for the help

No Problem Man! Happy To Help.

Glad to have you back with such an epic action chapter, love how Pear Butter could see though Celestia's ruse regarding Spike. The little dragon can really take charge at times like these. :rainbowdetermined2::moustache:

Also things are really heating up with these *Children of Grogar* radicals, can't wait to see what S.M.I.L.E brings. :moustache:

Thanks it feels great to be updating my stories again! I have a direction I want to take them all and hopefully, nothing happens.

I really wanted to give Pear Butter a moment where she was able to give some wisdom to a new mother. I hope I did her justice but this also kind of explained a bit why we didn't see her or Bright Mac saying goodbye to Applejack when she went to the Oranges, she is getting to the point of pregnancy where she can't move much and Bright is with her.

Yep Spike is getting more and more confident after each time they are attacked. Pony Terrorists, but we'll see the group is more dangerous than we think and this isn't the last time we'll see Lost Legacy.

Next chapter will revolve around Cadence though and really flush her out and how she sees herself. The chapter will be called, Cadence the Princess of Love.

I wonder if this will be updated soon.

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