• Published 4th Nov 2019
  • 8,930 Views, 62 Comments

"What Does Love Taste Like?" - PoisonClaw

Ocellus should have expected this question to come up someday. She really should have...

  • ...

The Only Chapter

“What does love taste like?”

“Hmm?” Ocellus glanced up from her book at the sudden and odd question. She and her friends were all gathered around a table in the school’s library, the six of them currently in the middle of a study session for Professor Applejack’s class when Silverstream had voiced the out of nowhere question. “What?”

“I mean, does it even have a taste?” Silverstream continued with her usual exuberance, seemingly unaware of the stares she was getting from everyone else at the table. “Is it spicy? Sour? Minty? Oooh, does it taste like strawberries? I love strawberries!”

“Uhh…” Ocellus just sat there with her mouth open, still taken aback by Silverstream’s abrupt line of questioning.

“You know…” Gallus suddenly interjected, happy to have any kind of reprieve from their study session. “... I’ve wondered the same thing too. So spill, Ocellus. What does love even taste like? Or does it not actually have a taste and is more of a ‘feeling’?”

“W-Well, it kinda… I mean…”

“Yona want to know too. Changelings eat love, so it must taste like something, correct?”

“It does, but–”

“I bet it takes like sugar and spice and all that stuff, doesn’t it? Especially love you get from ponies, eh, Sandbar?” Smolder said, adding her own two bits in as she nudged Sandbar.

“I’ll admit that I’ve wanted to ask you before, I just never found a good time to bring it up,” Sandbar said, tapping his hooves nervously on the table. “I mean, it’s not a weird thing to ask, is it?”

“No, it’s just…” Sighing, Ocellus closed her book and set it aside as she realized that their study session likely wouldn’t be able to go on until she’d answer her friend's questions. “It’s not really something I can give a short answer to.”

“Why not?” Gallus asked. “It’s a simple question; Does love have a taste? Yes or no?”

“But I wanted to know what it tastes like!” Silverstream remarked.

“Why? It’s not like you could even taste it, so why bother?” Gallus said with a wave of his talons.

“I was curious...” Silverstream replied, pouting slightly as she tapped her talon against the table and looked to Ocellus for an answer.

“The reason I can’t give a short answer to all this, Gallus,” Ocellus began, “is because it’s a bit more complicated than that.” Ocellus replied. “You see…”

“Oh no, here we go…” Gallus muttered as he sensed a lecture coming on.

“Gryphon be quiet!” Yona hissed at him as she leaned in closer. “Yona listening to what friend has to say.”

Indeed, everyone else around the table instinctively leaned in closer as they waited with bated breaths for whatever Ocellus had to say. Being made the center of attention like this was causing Ocellus to start feeling slightly self-conscious, but she pushed it aside as she told herself that her friends were just being curious and hadn’t meant any harm in asking. “To answer your question, Gallus, yes, love does have a taste, but that taste is vastly different depending on several factors.”

“Like what?” Gallus asked.

“What kind of love it is, for starters. After all, there’s the love shared between family, between friends, between lovers, to name just a few. There are many different kinds of love and each has its own distinct flavor to them. Some love can certainly be spicy if it’s a fiery love, but more subdued love can have an almost cooling flavor to it, kinda like mint chocolate. Plus, who the love comes from is also a factor in how it tastes. I can say for certain that no two creatures give off the exact same type of love. Different types of love can also enhance the kind of normal food we eat. Ever hear of the expression ‘Cooking with love’? To Changelings that’s often literal, as we can taste the love someone puts into their cooking.”

The table was silent again as everyone slowly digested what Ocellus had told them. Content that she had satisfied their curiosity, Ocellus reached for her book again…

“So what does my love taste like?” Silverstream asked.

Ocellus let out a squeak as she looked at her friends, all of whom were still looking at her with curious eyes. “W-what?” Ocellus stuttered, her cheeks turning bright pink.

“I mean, I just assumed that you’ve fed off of each of us at some point, so what does it taste like?”

The others all nodded in agreement, not a single look of judgment or anger amongst them.

“And… and you’re not mad?” Ocellus delicately asked. “About me feeding on you guys' love?”

“I just figured it was some unwritten rule about being friends with a Changeling,” Smoulder replied with a shrug.

“Yona know Ocellus not want to hurt friends, so Yona no mind.”

“Same,” Sandbar said, adding, “It’s cool, really.”

Gallus gave a thumbs up to show he was okay with it, while Silverstream just smiled and nodded.

Ocellus felt a warmth well up in her chest as she realized her friends trusted her enough to not care if she snacked on their love on occasion. “Thanks, you guys. I guess if you all really want to know, each of your love does have a certain flavor to it. Sandbar, your love is sweet, kind of like salt-water taffy.”

“Figured Sandbar would taste like something sweet,“ Gallus remarked, glancing over as Ocellus began to giggle. “What?”

“Well… it’s just that your love tastes just as sweet, kind of like cotton candy.”

“Wha… you’re joking.”

Ocellus just giggled even more. “I’m not, I swear!”

Smolder snickered as Gallus sat there with a flabbergasted look on his face. “So, fess up. What does my love taste like then, Ocellus?”

“Oooh, your love is super spicy, Smolder. Like biting into a hot pepper. The first time I tasted it, I was not expecting it to be so spicy. I actually had to go grab a glass of milk afterwords!”

“Nice!” Smolder said with a hint of pride in her voice.

“What Yona love taste like?”

Ocellus smiled at Yona. “You love is very homey, I can’t think of any other way to describe it. It’s like having a warm bowl of tomato soup on a chilly day.”

“That’s… good?” Yona asked, smiling when Ocellus nodded her head. "Yona like having warm love!”

“Ooooh, me next, me next!” Silverstream chirped excitedly. “What does my love taste like? Please tell me it tastes like strawberries!”

“Blueberries, actually. Blueberry muffins to be exact.”

“Oh…” Silverstream replied, appearing disappointed for a moment before perking right back up. “I like muffins though!”

With the topic now resolved, everyone went back to studying. Blissful silence reigned for several seconds before Silverstream thought to ask another question:

“So… what kind of love is it?”

Ocellus just groaned and buried her face in her book.

Comments ( 62 )

This is rather clever. I feel bad for how embarrassed Ocellus is after this. :rainbowlaugh:

Heh. Cute. Funny that you say Gallus tastes sweet, but you wouldn't be the first to claim he just puts up a good front, and I'm inclined to agree.

Ocellus a cute, as always.

“I bet it takes like sugar and spice and all that stuff, doesn’t it? Especially love you get from ponies, eh, Sandbar?” Smolder said, adding her own two bits in as she nudged Sandbar.

I’m pretty sure I know what she was getting at.

I think it is impossible to have Ocellus not be cute. It's like Rainbow Dash being awesome, it's just the natural state of affairs.

Comment posted by Trinary deleted Nov 4th, 2019

This was really good. Sad to see that the Young Six never got more storylines. They had a lot of potential.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed this fic. Great work!

“Blueberries, actual. Blueberry muffins to be exact.”
Should be
"Blueberries, actually. Blueberry muffins to be exact."


Aww, this is super sweet! (Pun unintended.) It's a neat little glimpse into their day-to-day :D

This was pretty good, just love these Young Six stories on this site! :pinkiehappy:

Dang it, this was wholesome and adorable.

Very little wrong with this (mechanically) and nothing story wise.

“That’s… good?” Yona asked, smiling when Ocellus nodded her head. ‘Yona like having warm love!”
The second dialogue opener is only a single quote.

“And… and you’re not mad?” Ocellus delicately asked. “About me feeding on you guy’s love?”
you guys' love

And the bit Nailah mentioned above.

Now the question should be: what do the other emotions taste like, and are some emotions toxic for changelings?

“Figured Sandbar would taste like something sweet,“ Gallus remarked, glancing over as Ocellus began to giggle. “What?”


Cute little piece! Love magic and how it's perceived, experienced and explained always varies subtly by author, fun to see everyone's different ideas. :twilightsmile:

Why study when you can ask your changeling friend questions about the flavor of love? :rainbowlaugh:

Cute story, much enjoyed. :twilightsmile:

Well, they wanted to know. Now I have to wonder if it's possible to change the taste of one's love at all. :rainbowlaugh:

Ocellus just groaned and buried her face in her book.

So Ocellus, what's the answer?

What kind of love she tasted on Spike?

Now I want to know what my... ‘Love’, tastes like. And can they sense more emotions then just Love?

Well, this was super adorable and cute.

I like this. Snack-sized fiction. Short and sweet and funny.

Yeah, Gallus is a softy inside. :pinkiesmile:


Alondro is a foul one, with a heart 3 sizes too small. :trixieshiftright:

Too short. I wanted more. It was fun.

Wow, so far, 0 dislikes. I wonder who's going to spoil that?

Oh dear....it's like trying to push a cork back in a wine bottle. It just keeps refusing to go back in!!

You're implying that you'd have a "cherngelerng" in your presence without killing it for more than a femtosecond. Who are you and what have you done with Alondro?

9926379 Is Alondro from an evil alternate dimension, as you can see the goatee.

The mangy mop on top of Alondros head is not a goatee. It's earwax.

Everyone asking what love tastes like but no one asking ...

...What IS love ?

Sorry , just had to do it .

Whoever downvoted this story just wants to watch the world burn.

One might as well ask what is flavor?

That was short and entertaining. Ocellus the Scholar being bombarded with a game of twenty questions.

Good read.
But I thought 'reformed' changelings didn't 'eat' love (in show canon). Though I'd imagine they could still sense/taste it.

This was adorable.

Wish there was more to that conversation at the end, hehe

The young 6 was just a rushed idea like most of what happened in the later seasons. It was pretty clear the story writers were just slapping stuff together towards the end to wrap things up.

I think it's, like, they don't absolutely need it to survive, as its not the only source of nutrition for them anymore. I think its more like, their able to *give* love now, so they don't need to take it. Their able to give just as much as they can receive. Kinda like, a puppy, I guess. During their adolescence, they rely on their mother for survival and nutrients, but as they grow older, their able to provide for themselves.

Actually, I think the question now is... What do Changelings poop?

*fails to get back to sleep ever*

Fair point. They were made just to show that the movie was canon. Regardless, I still liked the addition of them to the series.

Just because they don't need to eat love doesn't mean they can't.

Also, I like to think my love would taste like hot chocolate.

I always thought my love would taste like honey or tea.

this was fun! i love that the Young 6 are getting so much love from the fandom! in fact, i'm gonna make a new bookshelf and read as many Young 6 fics as i can today!

Well, the show never really said they don't need to eat love anymore. While it's vague on the details, all we know is that Thorax learned to share love with others, and taught the other changelings in turn. What this suggests is that changelings now simply feed of eachother instead of other creatures, not that changelings don't need to eat love ever.

9926446 *looks at the top of his own head* But nothing's there... *old baldy*

“So what does my love taste like?” Silverstream asked.


This was hilarious. I love Silver stream. And a nice little take on changelings.

9927960 But they DO eat physical food now, that's a thing.

That was super adorable! You packed a lot of love into less than 1,200 words. I love that both the boys had sugary-sweet loves 💖

To Changelings that’s often literal, as we can taste the love someone puts into their cooking.”


To Changelings that’s often literal, as we can taste the love someone puts into their cooking.”


But they DO eat physical food now, that's a thing.


This is so cute! Liked 👍

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