• Member Since 26th Nov, 2011
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This story is a sequel to Midnight Rendezvous

A sequel to “Midnight Rendezvous” by RainbowDoubleDash, itself a sequel to “We Finally Did It” by Rated Ponystar.

After Sandbar's announcement about him and Yona having done "it" provoked a lot of confusion and embarrassment, now it's Smolder and Ocellus' turn. Their own announcement about "it" creates a different kind of confusion, but still a lot of embarrassment.

Contains discussion about, but no depictions of, sexual topics.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 97 )

Oh wow, you've written so many of my favorite Smolder/Ocellus stories! I'm flattered you stopped to take a peek!

It’s like being nibbled to death by cats.

I heard you was putting in Babylon 5 references like I wouldn’t notice. Also the “slamming book closed on head” part.

I know we all said this a lot once you got back from Tiatarta, but congrats again on becoming a couple!

Continuity! Although Trouble in Tiatarta isn’t in continuity with Midnight Rendezvous. They are spiritually connected, though. But I didn’t want to necessarily force Rated Ponystar’s work into something that I was gonna write no matter what.

I feel like I’m missing something.

I am 100% confident that Sandbar smokes weed recreationally. Like, he’s just got that vibe.

She flew over to the chalkboard and proceeded to do just that

Oh God. And the emergency council meeting…

However, a certain white rabbit, perched on her head, simply nodded his approval at them.

I’m imagining an anime-style Stern Mentor pose. And of course the rabbit approves. They are good at multiplying…

as well as Pharynx

I can imagine like twelve different ways Pharynx might take this, all of them hilarious.

This was great! Everything I was hoping for!

Smolder hugged Ocellus possessively and stuck her lengthy tongue out at the griffon. “You’re just jealous that I got the best one.”


“Gonna have to argue with you on that, but it’s nothing personal.” Sandbar chuckled. “I know we all said this a lot once you got back from Tiatarta, but congrats again on becoming a couple!”

I see you there you saucy dog

“Chapter four, section thirteen?”

“You shouldn’t change yourself because you think it’ll make other creatures like you better.”

“Chapter two, section eight?”

“Friends do hurtful things to each other without explaining why because they hope their friend will just understand.”

“What? That’s not it…” Ocellus frowned, consulting the chapter.

Smolder shrugged. “Well, that’s what I got out of that one.”

This bit was really cheeky and clever. I really enjoyed that and—I still don't have much of an idea as to what Mare Do Well was about past "don't be a cunt" either

Fun story! This made for a really wonderful reprieve from the schoolwork I'm supposed to be doing hah


They're a wonderful pair. My ride or die OTP really. I'll always read a story with them, and yours was super nice.

“Can you remember the lesson for chapter four, section twenty?”

I caught that.

GLEE! Mission accomplished!

If the response is good enough, you may very well get to see how Pharynx and the others reacted to all this.

Thank you so much! I've watched this show since mid-Season 1 and I never really got into OTP shipping for any of the characters the way I did with these two. I dabbled a bit with Rainbow Dash in various ships because, well, she's the best pony and I liked seeing her with other characters I liked. These two? They fit SO well together that I just can't really see them being with anyone else; something your stories only helped cement in my mind.

Yeah, I admit, I can never pass-up an opportunity to dunk on "Mare Do Well," the prototype for all the worst episodes of the series. It's like Linkara and "One More Day": if I have a chance to throw some shade at it, I will do it gladly because it freaking earned it.

But yes, Smocellus OTP FTW! True story? I shared the draft of this with a friend a few weeks ago. Two days ago, she sent me an email asking for a favor. She writes, and I quote: "Can you please, please give me some more wholesome Ocellus/Smolder stuff to read/look at? Kind of been going through a bad patch there and topped it off with a serving of unrelated and rather unwelcome bigotry, for lack of better word choice. Just in need of something super wholesome to help pick me back up and only just getting myself back in front of the screen again."

That is how sweet and adorable this couple is.


I heard you was putting in Babylon. 5 references like I wouldn’t notice. Also the “slamming book closed on head” part.

In my defense, I've done that in other stories even before I realized you made that your thing. For example, from my main story, "Rainbooms and Royalty."

Twilight bit her lip as she weighed it all in her head. “I—I don’t know. I thought for sure that there would’ve been something that could have told us how Nightmare Moon was stopped in the first place. But what the Queen said was—”

“Short, vague, utterly useless,” Rainbow Dash checked off, “and totally consistent with what I've come to expect from Celestia.”

Also, now I'm imagining the Student Six as Babylon 5 aliens: Smolder is a Narn, Gallus is Centauri, Ocellus is Minbari, Yona is Drazi and Sandbar is a boring human. Or maybe a Vorlon--at least in terms of saying nothing actually useful. Silverstream is a bit hard to pin down--a Gaim? Vree? Dunno.

Now that was hilarious. You can just see the snow piling up on the mountain until finally the ling snaps...

And now everyone knows. Literally everyone. Including the emergency library delegation. I can only hope to see the aftermath.

These two really are adorable together.

A sequel to “Midnight Rendezvous” by RainbowDoubleDash, itself a sequel to “We Finally Did It” by Rated Ponystar.

Wait, so this is a recursive fanfic of a recursive fanfic?

It’s not enough. We need to go deeper.

This looks like a job for Calm Crowd Control ft. Spike and Gabby.


1. I read the title and first thing I thought of? This:

This is a good thing, mind. I friggin' love that song. :D

2. This was quite funny... but it got drawn out too long for me at the end. I was Ocellus by then, too.

3. Overall, though? Really cute and funny. I enjoyed it.

follow-up to Silverstream/Gallus plz


Not really in a position to comment on any particular part right now - Thanksgiving, natch - but this was absolutely the follow-up I’d hoped for.

You see what happens when you speak in vague terms, Sandbar? This is all ultimately his fault.

Thanks! Can't wait for you to put in your longer thoughts when you have the chance!

Of course it's Sandbar's fault. Everything always is.


Neat set-up-in-plain-sight twist at the end.

“Just what kind of a school are you running here?!”

exclaimed literally everyone who ever tried to figure out what its curriculum actually is...

Our little Ocellus—has a steady girlfriend!

Yeah, while I saw a bunch of different ways Pharynx could possibly have taken this, there was never any doubt that Thorax would react like this. He is such a giant dork, I love him.

That dancing-in-place thing is probably where the tap-dancing Thorax phrase comes from...

Ember blinked. “I’m not upset. Should I be?”

Yeah, this is exactly how I figured Ember would take it too. "Look, I told her to come to this school and learn friendship, she's done exactly that. I've got no reason to be mad."

“You better not!” Starlight stomped her hoof. “I-I mean, you know, since Trixie is my best friend and all, and I want anypony who’d really care about her to be totally committed to her because we’re such good friends!”

I read some fic, forget which one, where "BEST FRIENDS" was a Canterlot euphamism for a lesbian relationship. Really feeling that euphamism with this line.

That isn’t a criticism!

And then immediately segues into criticism...

By the way I swear I'm trying to do more than just pull a quote from every single line, but seriously, you nailed this chapter and I've got good things to say about all of it. I'm trying to avoid quoting literally the entire thing and saying "IT'S GOOD!"

“Wait, marriages can be used to strengthen an alliance?” Pharynx pondered for a moment. “I have been wanting to bolster the Hive’s defenses with Equestrian magic. If it’ll make the Hive safer, I’ll agree to marry the Princess.”

I am...80% certan that Pharynx is messing with Twilight here. 75%. Honestly I will read the alternate universe story where Twilight exlcaims "WHAT" and then suddenly we're in Canterlot with another royal wedding and Twilight is trying to figure out how they got here.

I bet Pharynx would look great in a tux.

Maybe I am!

Oh God I had a flash to the MADverse version of Starlight here. Pretty sure this line would get her to invent a Thinking Cap a la The Thinker from The Flash, and from there things would...escalate.

To repeat my earlier question: what are you teaching these kids?

See first comment.

Though maybe Luna went a little too far when she sent him those ‘warning’ dreams

Shining Armor: "I'm pretty sure you met me before you met Cadance! Why are you doing this? I thought you actually liked me!"
Luna: "Worry not, Captain! I must leave thee with this dread nightmare-beast, but I go now to the Princess of Love's dreams to impress upon her the scale of my ire should she break thy heart!"
[A short while later]
Luna: "Ah, thou hast slain the nightmare-beast."
Shining Armor: "No thanks to you! What did you do to Cadance?"
Luna: "'Twould be more accurate to inquire what she did to me I MEAN what happens in the dream-realm remainest within the dream-realm, Captain Armor."

“Way to go, Ocellus! I’m so proud of you!”

Yeah, I also expected this from Pharynx. He's too much of a secret softy to be genuinely against Smolder and Ocellus, or at least his opposition would be born from worry about Ocellus.


Wait, seriously?! The best go at figuring out the pony's ages that I know of puts Twilight as around 18-20 at the start of the show, which would make Spike somewhere in the vicinity of 11-13 - and by the time of Season 8 about four or so years have passed in-universe if you use the Hearth's Warming episodes as markers, so that puts Spike at around 15-17. He hasn't had the talk yet?

But not nearly as much as Gallus … and Silverstream.


Yeah, Spike has an actual job and everything, he's definitely not a kid.

“I don’t have feelings for Trixie!” Twilight exclaimed.

“You better not!” Starlight stomped her hoof. “I-I mean, you know, since Trixie is my best friend and all, and I want anypony who’d really care about her to be totally committed to her because we’re such good friends!”

Is Twixie no longer a thing? I miss when that was a thing, though I guess TwiDash can do all the things Twixie can do...

But Cadance merely tossed her head. “He isn’t exactly wrong. True, it’s a little passe and not the most healthy expression of feelings, but it isn’t something unique to Pharynx. You should’ve seen what Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna did when Shining Armor started dating me.”

Yeah, all parents need to turn into nosy hyper-aggressive jerks around a significant love interest. It's not like a part of their job is teaching maturity.

Please more, I firming love this stupidly great series:rainbowlaugh:


exclaimed literally everyone who ever tried to figure out what its curriculum actually is...

I love the students, but I really dislike the school as a setting, a premise and its execution.

Yeah, while I saw a bunch of different ways Pharynx could possibly have taken this, there was never any doubt that Thorax would react like this. He is such a giant dork, I love him. That dancing-in-place thing is probably where the tap-dancing Thorax phrase comes from...

Thorax really is an adorable weenie.

Yeah, this is exactly how I figured Ember would take it too. "Look, I told her to come to this school and learn friendship, she's done exactly that. I've got no reason to be mad."

I figure dragons are pretty pragmatic with relatively fewer societal hang-ups about such things.

I read some fic, forget which one, where "BEST FRIENDS" was a Canterlot euphamism for a lesbian relationship. Really feeling that euphamism with this line.

The vibe between Starlight and Trixie was so apparent it felt like the writers were trolling us.

By the way I swear I'm trying to do more than just pull a quote from every single line, but seriously, you nailed this chapter and I've got good things to say about all of it. I'm trying to avoid quoting literally the entire thing and saying "IT'S GOOD!"

Thank you so much! I may have had even more fun writing this one than the last. As soon as I started writing, the characters practically seemed to take over. I haven't had a scene flow this naturally in quite a while; the way they react to the situation, to each other, bounce off one another... it was actually kinda of amazing.

I am...80% certan that Pharynx is messing with Twilight here. 75%. Honestly I will read the alternate universe story where Twilight exlcaims "WHAT" and then suddenly we're in Canterlot with another royal wedding and Twilight is trying to figure out how they got here.

A friend suggested a joke like that and I ran with it. Like Ember, Pharynx is a pragmatist and his big issue is strengthening and defending the hive. If that means doing X, then that seems like the rational course of action.

I bet Pharynx would look great in a tux.

There's a reason Chrysalis thought he made the reformed look work.

Shining Armor: "I'm pretty sure you met me before you met Cadance! Why are you doing this? I thought you actually liked me!"
Luna: "Worry not, Captain! I must leave thee with this dread nightmare-beast, but I go now to the Princess of Love's dreams to impress upon her the scale of my ire should she break thy heart!"
[A short while later]
Luna: "Ah, thou hast slain the nightmare-beast."
Shining Armor: "No thanks to you! What did you do to Cadance?"
Luna: "'Twould be more accurate to inquire what she did to me I MEAN what happens in the dream-realm remainest within the dream-realm, Captain Armor."

Oh mai....

Yeah, I also expected this from Pharynx. He's too much of a secret softy to be genuinely against Smolder and Ocellus, or at least his opposition would be born from worry about Ocellus.

He seemed like ideal the counterbalance to Thorax: the over-protective papa to Thorax's lovey-dovey nature, but not a bad egg.

Wait, seriously?! The best go at figuring out the pony's ages that I know of puts Twilight as around 18-20 at the start of the show, which would make Spike somewhere in the vicinity of 11-13 - and by the time of Season 8 about four or so years have passed in-universe if you use the Hearth's Warming episodes as markers, so that puts Spike at around 15-17. He hasn't had the talk yet?

I've long since stopped trying to make rational sense of the MLP timeline. That way lies madness... (stupid "moons"). Spike never once struck me as a mid-teenager. Maybe a preteen or early teen at the very latest. But regardless, I can't see Twilight being all that good at The Talk (tm). Either she'd be so mortified that she'd try to put it off until he was 50, or she'd get so technical in her terms that it'd go over his head.


Hey, Ponystar's story about Yona and Sandbar prompted Ocellus and Smolder to think about their relationship and where they stood. Why not have Gallus and Silverstream react similarly? I'm just paying it forward, if some writer who loves Gallustream wants to take a crack at keeping this daisy-chain of awkwardness going... XD

Thanks so much!

You should’ve seen what Auntie Celestia and Auntie Luna did when Shining Armor started dating me.”

Hate to be that guy, but wasn't Luna just a teensy bit banished to the moon when that would have happened?

The show never really established when they started dating. While the comics are fun, I don't view them as canon.

Haha yes. Babylon five references. This has made my night

Given that Luna was rescued in season one, and the wedding happened end of season two, as much as two years could have passed since Luna got back.

So do the CMC yet they're still not considered old or mature enough to go on a train ride by themselves.

Absolutely Fantastic read!
Everyone was so character this can be an episode.
The whole conversation was so entertaining i had make sure i wasn't laughing like a madlad
It even had a good moral, being fully aware of what may come in a intimate relationship
Well done and Well written Author!
(PS: looks like gallus and silverstream may need that sex-ed as well)

Wonder how Cadence will react of Spike and Gabby going steady?

Well I just spent the last few minutes in stitches. This is wonderful.

I’m pretty sure Discord was technically there the whole time. Quantum nonsense. No evidence you say? Gestures vaguely at everything.

“Nine glorious chapters and two hundred-twenty two lessons, plus several special entries and there’s even talk of a supplementary tenth chapter coming out separately!”

Having the completed book there hit me squarely in the feels.
What a fun, delightful story! I love how you flipped the scenario from everyone assuming something naughty to no one understanding, even when they were blunt.

And that was when Smolder flipped the table at Princess Twilight Sparkle before she turned and, still clutching Ocellus tightly, absconded through the library window.

I’m not entirely sure how she absconded through a window in full view of the entire campus and a visiting delegation, but suffice to say that with sufficient motivation and an A average in Pinkie Pie’s classes, or a Game Genie, anything is possible.


“Wait, marriages can be used to strengthen an alliance?” Pharynx pondered for a moment. “I have been wanting to bolster the Hive’s defenses with Equestrian magic. If it’ll make the Hive safer, I’ll agree to marry the Princess.”
I am...80% certan that Pharynx is messing with Twilight here. 75%. Honestly I will read the alternate universe story where Twilight exlcaims "WHAT" and then suddenly we're in Canterlot with another royal wedding and Twilight is trying to figure out how they got here.
I bet Pharynx would look great in a tux.

I'm pretty sure him and Luna would make a great couple.

Although I think for the wedding I'd put him in a dress and Luna in a Tux... maybe both of them in Tuxes.

Hah, I'm gratified to hear that!

“Have you tried Mare Krishna?” Starlight feebly offered.

Okay, massive points for the Muppet Movie reference. :D

Anyway, crazy chaos there. I think you got everyone's personalities down very well. Great job.
Yeah, neither do I. They contradict too much, and I loathe the changelings' origin story.


Yeah, neither do I. They contradict too much, and I loathe the changelings' origin story.

To be fair, in that comic, it was implied that Chrysalis was just making up that story about the Changelings origins to mess with Twilight.

All right, thank you. I hope that's all it is, because as it stands, it's so rife with unfortunate implications it makes my skin crawl.

Actually while the comics might have just been Chrysalis messing with Twilight, the Tails of Equestria book The Bestiary of Equestria does directly cite it as the origin of the changelings and Queen Chrysalis, so it's got a fair bit of "oomph" as a second, distinct licensed Hasbro product that uses it as the origin. Specifically, in the entry for Chrysalis, it says:

Queen Chrysalis is the oldest and largest of th changelings, born from an ancient carnivorous plant by the foolish mistakes of a kind hearted wizard. A master of deception and with very little care for any creatures that are not Changelings, Queen Chrysalis has been a parasite upon Equestria for over a thousand years. In that time she has led her cursed Changelings from meal to meal, feeding upon the love and kindness that ponykind shares but never filling her stomach. This is becasue the need for love inside a changeling cannot be satisfied by stealing from others, but only by sharing love freely.

Queen Chrysalis oes not believe this. Her life has been one of hardship and starvation, her battles have been for survival and she does not trust others enough to open up freely.

Personally I've always liked it for being a suitably fantastic, almost mythic origin story. I think the only real potential unfortunate implication would be that changelings were born evil, but then again Thorax and Reformation in general proves that that isn't the case, no matter what Chrysalis said. Plus like you probably noticed when I wrote Trouble in Tiatarta I think it's rife for establishing reasons for why Chrysalis is the way she is. The very first thing she ever saw was starving changelings fighting each other. The very first thing she ever had to do was claw her way free from dead tree.

...oh, also there's a bitchin' poem about Chrysalis in her entry.

Chrysalis is wondrous, she wanders with us.
Chrysalis is power, a most vicious flower.
Chrysalis is protection, feeds on affection.
Chrysalis is fear.
Chrysalis. is. fear.

I never thought too much about the comics. I respect the creators and generally love the art, but the Mane Six (and others) always seemed like caricatures of their actual show-selves: a little bit cruder, a bit dumber, a bit more exagerrated in their flaws, etc. Still, I preferred when the comics tried to be their own thing. When they started trying to have them tie-in to the show more, with preludes or epilogues to episodes, I thought the quality took a step down.

I'll agree that the comics were better when doing their own thing. Nightmare Knights was a great arc, you should read it.

I've read 'em all! I think my favorite arcs/mini-series are Nightmare Knights, Feats of Friendship, Legends of Magic, Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair and Niegh Anything.

If I'm remembering things correctly, during Princess Twilight Sparkle, Celestia said that it had only been a year since the events of The Mare in the Moon and The Elements of Harmony. So, no.

Unless I'm wrong, of course. That's been known to happen.

Yes, but it makes more sense for that to be a script error than for it to be true


Trying to make sense of the show's timeline is a rabbit-hole I have little interest in diving down because it's unintelligible. I've seen folks try to incorporate every reference to the passage of time to establish a comprehensive timeline, and it always collapses under the weight of its own impossibility and non-coherence.

Yes, the show did establish at the start of season four that just one year had passed since the beginning of the series. I wouldn't call that a script error per se--at least not in the sense that it was something they said by accident and would've changed if they could've. I don't think they would've. Rather, it's reflective of the fact that, for whatever reason, working out a comprehensive timeline just was not a priority for the show runners. In Season One we had Winter Wrap-Up come two episodes before Fall Weather Friends. We had Tank hibernating for winter and then have the next episode be a clear sunny day, and Tank himself pop up again without explanation a few episodes later. You had a Hearth's Warming episode take place before a Nightmare Nights episode, and so on.

Speaking as a fan of Star Wars' Expanded Universe, I have nothing but sympathy for fans who try to make sense of all the contradictory information and try to establish plausible explanations for them and create a singular, rational timeline ... but the simple fact of the matter is that for some shows or franchises it just cannot be done. There are too many mutually counterposed things said and shown in MLP that cannot be reconciled in-universe. Sometimes you just have to acknowledge the metatextual reality that the show contradicts itself because different writers said different things and it wasn't a priority to make sure everything lined up in-universe. Sometimes it's minor stuff that you can shrug off. Sometimes it's more blatant and harder to rationalize. It's fun to try to come up with in-universe explanations for things and sometimes you get interesting, plausible or at least inventive theories that do shore up the holes. Other times you get ludicrous theories that hold less water than a Flat Earthers' sieve.

As for the specifics of when Cadance and Shining Armor started dating -- there is, to my knowledge, no information on that score in-show. I don't tend to go by the comics since their cannonicity is fluid at best. There are really two options: one is that Shining Armor and Cadance had a very quick courtship, fell in love quickly and moved to get married fast a.k.a. the traditional Disney formula. That's a problematic narrative that has been endlessly deconstructed, including in newer Disney movies so I don't feel the need to comment on the issues.

However, I find I dislike the other alternative more. That's the idea that Shining Armor had been dating Cadance for a longer time, including back when Twilight still lived in Canterlot, and neither Shining nor Cadance nor their parents nor anyone else who knew ever bothered to tell Twilight for no reason. That makes them all look really bad and damages their likability. It comes down to personal preference, but for me: I'll more readily accept an weaker story with likable characters over an arguably more sophisticated story but with unlikable characters. Good characters can elevate a pedestrian premise. You can have a great story, but if I don't care about the characters, there's little chance of being invested.

Thanks! I freely admit to getting a lot of mileage out of that joke and others that I've grabbed from the Muppets.

True story: after Applejack got trapped by a wall bed in Rainbow Roadtrip, I was appalled that none of my friends saw that as (potentially) a homage to a similar gag in The Great Muppet Caper. So i insisted that we watch it that weekend for our weekly movie night. It remains awesome.

If you want a good appreciation of comedy, I recommend a steady diet of the Five M's: Muppets, Monty Python, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Marx Brothers and Mel Brooks.

This was an enjoyable read, well done!

I freakin' loved reading this! It was funny, enjoyable, and honestly made me feel happier than what I was before reading this. It was super fun, and made me smile. This was awesome! I wouldnt mind reading more, if some one decided to make this into a series. My point being, I loved this and it was super well written. Please continue to write wonderful and amazing things =^±^=

“It’s the new version of the professors’ old Friendship Journal, now updated and turned into a textbook!” She buzzed her wings and chirped happily, rubbing her cheek against the spine. “Nine glorious chapters and two hundred-twenty two lessons, plus several special entries and there’s even talk of a supplementary tenth chapter coming out separately!” She hugged it tightly to her chest. “It’s the perfect book for class!”

Wut u did thar. I c it

“They are tossing a lot of assignments at us lately,” Smolder noted with a sigh as she sat down. “Most of them aren’t too long or anything it’s … ugh. It’s like being nibbled to death by—by—what were those animals Professor Fluttershy brought in last week? The ones with feathers, long bills, webbed feet, went ‘quack’?”

“Cats!” Silverstream excitedly tossed out before any othercreature could. “It’s cats!”

“Right, cats,” Smolder nodded. “Thanks. It’s like being nibbled to death by cats.”

Babylon 5 reference ftw!

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