• Published 21st Mar 2024
  • 148 Views, 3 Comments

(Scrapped) Ogres & Omelettes - Tirimsil

(Scrapped) At Twilight's suggestion, Spike tries to DM O&O for "friends his age".

  • ...

Ch. 2 :: Setting the Stage

Spike hopped into his tall throne, feeling much better. He'd taken a couple days to rest and think it over.

Spike had gotten Rarity to make him a set of "real clothes" in imitation of the red-and-gold robes Discord outfitted him with in their Virtual O&O games. As neat as Discord's augmentation was, Spike was actually a bit grateful to be able to sit down and relax for the entirety of this game... but he still wanted to look boss while he was at it.

He'd carefully chosen four "friends his own age". After he convinced them to give it a shot - only one had played before - he'd taught them the rules of creating a character, given them the necessary documentation, and given them a few days to put their characters together. He reminded them to make two copies: one for themselves, one for him.

They were all here now, seated around the Cutie Map. Three of them were nervously waiting for him to approve their characters (or amend them) and start the game. The fourth was staring off into space.

He quietly, primly set up his screen as his players (other than the space-starer) fidgeted. Some O&Oholics thought that the screen was "dishonest", but then why trust the person behind it to DM? The point was to have fun, not to accurately read scripts and call out dice rolls. The DM was always "lying" by virtue of fabricating a fantasy adventure... and having to fabricate an entire new one when the players inevitably screwed up the one he'd been setting up for the last hour. It was more important to be fair and to be witty than to be "honest".

This particular screen had a quick map of the campaign he'd chosen, and some miscellaneous info he might need to keep in mind.

Twilight had helped him pick out a "stealth roller", a little padded box he kept his own set of dice in. He could thus roll silently if he was sneaky enough... or intentionally roll onto the table without explaining what he was rolling for, to make his players anxious, if he liked.

"Good morning, everypony," he smiled to his companions. "Are you all finished with your characters?"

"Yes, OobMaster," came the droning response.

"You're sure you've chosen all the Talents you want?"

🎓 Talent 🎓
Every character has five Core Talents: these are usually combat-relevant.
Every character also has two Extra Talents: these are more civic or recreational.
Using Core Talents and Cross Talents increases their Mastery up to 100%.
Every character must also choose one Flaw (which is functionally like a Talent.) For every two Flaws a character chooses beyond the mandatory one, they may add another Extra Talent or one extra item from the Starting Items List (see appendix C, Ch. 2.)

"Yes, OobMaster," came the response.

"Cool!! Slide those characters over to me real quick, if you would!"

Bommjack th Unbrekabul
Feemale Earth Ponee
STR ◆◆◆◆◆   INT ◆◇◇◇◇   DEX ◆◆◆◇◇

Core Talents
Brawlin  Chain Mastery  Fortitood  ★ Trappin  Melody :: Geetar

Eextra Talents
Anglin  Bakin  Cookin  Mercantile

Phobya :: Alierns  Phobya :: Goasts  Phobya :: Watur  Bad Swimmur  Cant Lie None

Travalur's Dustur  Despurado's Toppur  Lassow



Bommjack th Unbrekubul gru up on a bomm farm. Th trees gru bomms. She becam verry strong from bein blowed up lots. Bommjack iz always helping ponees who needs them sum help. She is relly honesst.

Lady Nightsong
Female Deer

STR ◆◆◇◇◇   INT ◆◆◆◆◇   DEX ◆◆◆◇◇

Core Talents
Fan Dancing  Lunamancy  ★ Melody :: Vocal  Remedy  Clairvoyance

Extra Talents
Etiquette  First Aid  Vampirism

Naive  Allergic :: Dust  Pampered

Common  Deerish

Starting Items
Courtesan's Fans  Fine Robes  Terran Parasol


A beautiful doe, and the daughter of a tribal chief, Lady Nightsong was captured by Diamond Dogs and rescued by the party. Also she is a vampire.

Starbolt Shine
Male Unicorn

STR ◆◆◆◇◇   INT ◆◆◆◆◆   DEX ◆◇◇◇◇

Core Talents
Staff Fighting  ★ Astromancy  Golemancy  Pyromania  Summoning

Extra Talents
Alchemy  Herbalism  Imbuement

Refined Palate  Bad Back  Bad Manners

Common  Draconic

Starting Items
Shepherd's Crook  Blue Robes


Once an esteemed wizard who served as advisor to the Princesses, Starbolt Shine's horrible personality led him to be dismissed. He now wanders the lands searching for some great quest to regain his prestige - or a terrible artifact to take respect by force.

Male Griffon

STR ◆◆◇◇◇  INT ◆◆◇◇◇  DEX ◆◆◆◆◆

Core Talents
Swashbuckling  Gymnastics  Larceny  Stealth  Tracking

Extra Talents
First Aid  Herbalism

Phobia :: Mice & Rats  Telling Accent  Bad Reputation

Common  Prench

Starting Items
Iron Cutlass  Crude Buckler  Rogue's Vestment  Lockpick x 10  Smoke Bomb x 3


Do not ask; Gyver will not tell. But for the right price, or for the sake of a beautiful lady, Gyver will not ask questions, either...

Spike looked up at the three nervously grinning (and one contentedly smiling) foals around him. Apple Bloom was leaning on the table facing him, head on hooves, a saucy look on her face. As soon as their eyes met she started, jumped up with a blush, and looked away.

"Apple Bloom," he began as though nothing happened, "Is your character basically just Applejack?"

"I knew it!" Sweetie Belle suddenly squeaked, causing Spike to wince. "Remember why Scootaloo didn't want to play?!"

Apple Bloom smacked her hooves on the Cutie Map. "Y'all tole me I could be 'anythin' feasible'! I wanna be Applejack! She's feasible enough on 'count she really exists! Except that she's Bombjack, which is why her Special Talent's Trappin', 'cause that's the bomb Talent."

🎓 Special Talent 🎓

One Core Talent must be chosen as the Special Talent.
The Special Talent maxes out at 120% Mastery instead of 100%.
Some Powers may only be available when the Power's Talent is the Special Talent.

Apple Bloom crossed her forelegs and pouted. "And since Sweetie Belle's just gonnna be Rarity anyhow --"

"I am not!"

"Girls!" Spike pouted, and they quieted down at once, sitting bashfully in Applejack's and Rarity's seats. "Sweetie Belle's character is not Rarity. Not unless Rarity became a doe with healing powers when I wasn't looking."

"Rarity only knows how to hurt ponies," Sweetie Belle grumbled.

"Apple Bloom has a good point that her character isn't outside the limitations of a real pony we actually know, on account of basically being that pony. So, I guess I can let it slide... But I'd like you to either fix the spelling or add the Illiterate Flaw after today's session."

"What!" Apple Bloom complained. "Just 'cause I can't spell thangs don't mean I can't read!"

"I hope you can read the warning labels on those bombs," Spike added, "... however the heck those are going to help with your highly defensive character build."

"Well ya can't hardly bother 'er if ya step on a bomb comin' over."

"Unless you fly," Spike said, flexing his wings.

Apple Bloom batted her lashes, touching her chin to her shoulder coyly. "Try flyin' over ta me 'n' smackin' me one, Spike. See what Bombjack does. ♥"

Spike blinked at her with a confused look before continuing. "Now, Sweetie Belle," Spike moved on, "Are you aware that Lady Nightsong has a Cross Talent?"

🎓 Cross Talent 🎓

An additional Talent formed by the use of two Talents together, synergistically, or in tandem.
The Mastery of a Cross Talent is the average of the Mastery of its constituent Talents, and cannot exceed 100%.

"Uh-huh!" Sweetie Belle squeaked. "Melody plus Remedy! Lady Nightsong can heal with her singing! ♥"

"Wut!!" Apple Bloom objected. "I didn't know 'bout no dang Cross Talents! Aw heck."

"Oho, the fiery senorita would do well to do research next time, yes?" came the low, sultry Spanish from the normally-very-differently-accented Pipsqueak. The girls turned to look at him with wide eyes as he continued. "Ah, but innocence is beautiful. Do not worry; should some unsavory bandito take advantage of your naivete, Gyver shall save you."

"Pipsqueak's guy is more handsome than mine," Snails honked with a pout. "'n' I thought griffons had Prench accents..."

Spike smiled. This was getting good already. "Apple Blo - uh, I mean, Bombjack, don't worry. Cross Talents aren't superpowers. They usually have drawbacks or are very situational."

"I don't see no drawbacks to havin' more stuff," Bloom grumbled.

"Lady Nightsong can strain her voice if she sings for too long," Sweetie explained, her nose up and eyes closed primly. "And the strain is worse if it's a magical song. This can interfere with her social talents or stop her from using some kinds of magic. She won't even be able to call out if she's surprised by an assassin! I have to be very careful with it!"

"The voice of a lady is a precious and delicate thing," Pipsqueak crooned.

"Shoot," Apple Bloom said, holding her head, "No wonder Scoots weren't interested. This game's real complercated."

"Hey, my guy's a wizard," Snails pointed out. "Your guy is really simple."

"Wuss that s'posed ta mean?!" she yelled.

"It means, Bombjack," Sweetie Belle admonished, "That you have a great character for fighting and you're gonna be my main bodyguard!"

"Jes' stand behind me, Lady Nightsong," Apple Bloom retorted, "And don' step on m' bombs." Sweetie Belle scowled.

"So, Snails," Spike addressed the relaxed one, "I'm kind of surprised with this character you've got!"

"Why?" Snails frowned, tilting his head. "I tried ta get a balance of skills..."

"And you did!" Spike praised. "Astromancy is one of the highest-damage Talents in the game. But it eats up AP, so you've got Pyromancy for general use or for wiping out weak groups. You have Golemancy and Summoning for protection and utility, and Staff Fighting for when none of the above are available."

🎓 Action Points 🎓

Standard resource consumed when performing Talent Actions such as attacks or magic spells.

Snails nodded rapidly. "An' I know Draconic!! I'll unlock the seeecret poooweeers."

Spike blinked. "Dude, teach me. I could do with some secret dragon powers."

"Ya already got teleportin' fire breath 'n' wings, Spike, what more do ya need," Apple Bloom drawled.

"A captive maiden," Spike said with a wink. Apple Bloom paled, then shut her mouth with a blush and a grimace, clicking her hooves together.

Sweetie Belle giggled. "Didn't you already capture Rarity once?"

"She's an adult! Adults aren't maidens... Are they?" Spike wondered.

"I dunno," Snails said, "But you shouldn't abduct a filly just 'cause she's purdy. Ya gotta ask her hoof first."

"Indeed!" Pipsqueak announced, causing everyone at the table to jump. "The thrill of the capture is in the chase. To win a lady's heart by her own rules... That is the true conquest of love."

Comments ( 3 )

Hello pones!

These two chapters weren't written in March 2024. They were written, like, 3 or 4 years previously.

I suddenly remembered you can set stories as Cancelled or On Hiatus. That means I can share some stories that, like Rainbow Dash is Best Pony, have been sitting around for years, but unlike that story, are probably never going to get finished.

If I end up coming back to it later I suppose I can just change the category and the bookshelf!

Anyway have a silly!

Why are you so sure this story will never be completed?


The very act of publishing it ups the chances I'll come back to it later but it is not a thing for the foreseeable future

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