• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
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“If the youth are not initiated into the tribe, they will burn down the village, just to feel its warmth.” — African proverb


After long years of being a slave in Zebrica (it's been a few months since they last played pirates), Captain Dinky has escaped her bonds (is free this weekend), and has returned to the sea with her loyal crew (Scootaloo, Twist, Featherweight, and Snails). But she does not come empty-hooved: she has part of the legendary map that leads to the fabled Lost Treasure of the pirate Espada Noche (which is apparently somewhere in town)! Now, Dinky and her band must battle rival pirates (Pipsqueak, Applebloom, Rumble, Snips, and Bee Bop), and the Royal Equestrian Navy (Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Alula, Sweetie Bell, and Firelock) in order to follow the map to the ultimate treasure!

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 225 )

I. LOVE. Pirates.

My first book - my first real book - was Treasure Island, and to this day it's my favorite book, fiction or otherwise. While I have no problem re-reading books in general, Treasure Island is the only one that I will, as soon as I am finished reading it for the upteenth time, immediately turn back to page 1 and start reading for the upteenth-and-first. And, as much as I love a good science-fiction romp like Star Trek or tales of swords and sorcery like Conan the Barbarian, my first love will always be the stories of the high seas, grounded in reality or flights of fancy - the vast blue ocean in all its majesty and danger, the thought of hot tropical islands full of treasure and natives and traps most dire, a strong cutlass as your side, a dirk in your boot, and a brace of pistols...the song of sirens, the maw of a kraken, the sight of the Flying Dutchman and the luck of an albatross...the wind and the sea and the stars to guide you...bad food, brutal discipline, no women...

Okay, so I wouldn't want to live in those times. But read about them and watch them? Hell yes.

The point I'm trying to make is that you can expect me to put a lot of love into this fic. Because this isn't just a story about pirates and maps and buried treasure. This is a story about foals imagining being pirates, following a map, and finding buried treasure. It's a story about them having fun with my absolute favorite medium. And I intend to enjoy every minute of it, too.

...oh, and also, I positively immersed myself in fictional piratical lore and sailing lore for this. Treasure Island, Cutthroat Island, One Piece, Pirates of the Caribbean, Treasure Planet, Pirates of Dark Water, Master and Commander...keep a weather-eye open for references, me harteys! There will be many.

Okay, he much daw will I be exposed to with this story?

They're going to need keys for a chest aren't they?


Interestingly I've been to the pub which purports to be where Treasure Island was written.

I have a smile that refuses to go away. Curse you, RainbowDoubleDash!

She scratched at an errant itch on her flank at that last thought

Dinky's mark is really taking a while to work itself out isn't it, first a false alarm in Tutor and now this,

Do you see this as being standard or do most foals sort of get theirs first time?

I just did something I almost never do. I gave a thumbs up to a story I'm not finished reading. Because I've already enjoyed what you've got up, obviously, but also because your comment on Pirate Love and the Joy Of Kids Pretending To Be Pirates has given me that much optimism about where this will lead, that I gave it my Mark Of Approval in advance. So, you know. Better live up to it or something bad will probably happen or something. Like... curses. Or something. Curses are piratey. We'll see. But only if you don't live up to that Mark Of Approval. So do it. But with your setup - Pirates and the Joy of Childhood - I don't think you should have a problem with my approval, judging by what you've already posted.

Comment posted by PixelatedPony deleted Apr 19th, 2014

I wonder what Snips and Snails argument is about. You know I think we could do with more Snips, we've focused on Snails a lot we seem to have left his best (non sister) friend out in the dark a bit.

“Your daddy said that he wasn’t comfortable with teleporting into his house after I threw him and your mommy a surprise anniversary party, and I told him that I didn’t know how to teleport and I’m pretty sure only unicorns can teleport anyway, and he said that just made him more uncomfortable and that I have to ask permission to come inside from now on. So I did, and then I’ve been waiting out here for you to come out of your room.”

This is so very Pinkie

Yes, though it's gonna be so loosely in it that I almost considered not giving it the AU tag.

Depends on the foal.

In the interest of fairness, I made a thread in the Quorum so as to put its canonicity up to a vote.

Oh awesome! I love Dinky and Pip! And the stories with the others foals are a whole lot of fun! Especially with a third faction in the works. Heheh.

Ooh, Pirates of Dark Water? You lucky duck, that show was AWESOME! I can't wait to see what reference's you make to it.

I give this story FIVE Rainbow Dashes.

Loving the story so far! Here's hoping the foals go to Treasure Island-like places, as opposed to Candle Cove-like places. :-D

Incidentally, everyone noticed what I did with the theme there, right? Or did you skip over it?


This can only mean one thing!


Detergent crossover!


Great so far,
Looking forward to seeing pirat-y versions of ponyvills residents.
Incidentally, the Master & Commander Series are my favorite novels, so go whole hog on the nautical references.

This part reminds me of the last part of I'll See You Soon (I hope that is the correct name of a non-canon Lunaverse fic involving a grown-up Dinky).

4254183 That was also my first real book as well! I still have it too! But enough of those fond memories, I want to talk about the memories you are making with this story. They. Are. Great! This passes my checklist for an insta-fave, and while I don't know too much about the Lunaverse I see this as a well put together standalone. Granted a few things like at the end with the tea party you sort of lost me with, but I take every thing with a grain of salt. The idea of this whole escapade is enough for me to just smile nonstop. :pinkiehappy: Please keep writing! :twilightsmile:


Yep, we noticed the Friendship is pirates or should that be Pirates are magic, song.

Ooh, Pirates!
I shall leave this one here.

I think this will always be my favorite piratey song:

That is also my favorite adaptation of Treasure Island, with Treasure Planet not far behind. Treasure Planet should have done much, much better than it did.

...I hate that recent BBC miniseries. Hate it with the fiery passion of a thousand burning suns.

Dinky & Pipsqueak, aww yeah.

I can't help but be disappointed that a chapter titled The Sack of Neigh Orleans didn't involve something hilariously terrible happening to Trixie.

4256980 I'm still hoping that that story ends up as Lunaverse canon.

Well, given their love of showmanship, it'd make more sense to make the Luna Six the Gokaigers. After all, Trixie is probably wishing that she'd been named Captain Marvelous.


You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar! That's one of the best bits of music for getting into a piratey mood in my opinion. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

This story is also adorably awesome so far, especially the way you kind of move between and blur that line between what is real and what is imagination. Very entertaining so far!

Check out our group. On our front page there's a list of Season 1 stories, Season 2 stories, side-stories, and fanfiction. Best place to start is S1E1, Longest Night, Longest Day.

You knew this was coming.

Comment posted by Amber flicker deleted Apr 25th, 2014

I didn't just notice it. In my mind, it was sung by the guy who does the SpongeBob SquarePants theme. It seemed appropriate.

In any case, this seems like it's going to be a great deal of fun. I look forward to it.

Also, nice job on combining Citizen Kane and G1 ponies in a single gag.

Really enjoyed this intro chapter. I could go on about the things i liked, but for the sake of being concise, I'll just say I enjoyed it overall, and point out a few of the things that really stood out.

I like the way you write for Pip. I see it way too often where he's a "cheeky chips" "tally ho" "pip pip, cheerio" sort of british caricature, and, while that's fine, I like it when he's more of a.. how to say it... "normal" individual.

Loving the DinkyxPip elements. Not a common pairing, and even though I love me some ApplebloomxPip, I'm ok with this. Plus, it wasn't heavy handed.

I love the inclusion of Tapira and Tapirs as entities. Not a common animal put into the pony fanfic scene, and I'm all about breaking the mold. Also, nice touch with the names of the two Zebrican towns/villages/whatever. I almost didn't catch it. X3

Finally, I like how you seperate the "real" from the "play." It really gives the feeling of seeing it through the kids eyes, while also giving the real description of the events. Love it.

:raritystarry: So excited for where this is going!

Pirates of Dark Water! :heart: Such a good show, so ahead of its time.

It's the interactions that really make this story, esp the adorable toy ships, I'm def following!


At this time, another Kinky Doo is in town. ;-) Someone better call Doctor Whooves and Romanadvoratrelundar A. K. A. the Dentist Minuet, better known as Colgate because she is a Dentist with a mane resembling toothpaste.

>>>“I don’t want to be a slave!” Snails objected. Dinky wholeheartedly agreed.>>>

Which was when they activated the secret nuclear self-destruct device left to them by the Ancients of One Piece.

Pipsqueak objected! "I don't even like anime!"


>>>It is said that he laughed all the way to the gallows, saying that nopony would ever find his treasure!”>>>

Pipsqueak was about to cheer... when he suddenly had a suspicion. He quickly galloped back home to check Equipedia... and galloped back again, pausing to catch his breath, "That's.. *pant*... just... *gasp*... One Piece...*choke*... again! I told you... *barf*... I don't like anime!"

(This has now become a running gag...) :trollestia:

Well they do have a map
To lead them to a hidden box
That's all locked up with locks
And buried deep away.

So they'll dig up the box
They know it's full of precious booty.
They'll bust open the locks
And then they'll say "Hooray!"

Yar-har, fiddle-de-dee!
Being a pirate is alright to be!
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free!
You are a pirate!

Alternatively, since You Are A Pirate has already been done...

This should be fun, hopefully there will be some Pirates of the Carribean references!

Um RDD, sir, It Think you made a mistake,

The tavern was called the Admiral Bent Bow, and it lay almost exactly on the border between Equestria and Caballeria. Specifically on the Caballero side, though all the locals spoke Equestrian because Dinky didn’t actually speak Caballero.

You say the tavern is on the boarder of Equestria and Caballeria and you say that it is a port town, on the southern sea. But according to the Lunaverse Map http://www.deviantart.com/art/Map-of-Equestria-Lunaverse-344097931 there IS no place where the Equestria/Caballeria boarder touches the southern sea. :twilightoops:

maybe you mean the Garanha or Cavalia?

Also where on the Lunaverse Map are the Thousand Islands located? Sounds like a fun place to write about.

...Dinky didn't do well in geography class? Or maybe the borders were different 150 years ago? Or something...

:twilightblush: I'll edit it.

its cool. I almost failed geo in middle school myself

But where are the thousand islands? Are they off the map, just unmarked, or did Pinky make them up?

Oh, they're a bunch of islands I've decided to add to the sea in between the Equestrian continent and its neighbors...


They're not on the big pretty map 'cause I only added them with this story. I just realized that there wasn't really a good enough islandy-place nearby for pirates to do pirate-type things.

Cuz every pre-technic world needs pirates, and pirates need islandy type places to do piratey type things.:rainbowdetermined2:

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