• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 2,949 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pirate. - Regis Stella

From the real world to the world of ponies to a Pirate's paradise, follow William Hunter and his adventures in the Sea of Thieves.

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Chapter 5 Gilda. (Edited)

A few weeks after the Summer Sun Celebration, the crew and I got our tickets to the Gala, and Applejack learned a lesson on having stubborn pride, and all was good in Ponyville. Today was a peaceful day, but I knew that someday, the griffon I wanted on my crew would be coming to Ponyville.

I was walking down the main street of Ponyvile, going to see Twilight and Spike, when I heard Rainbow call something out to me saying, “Captain! I need your help, NOW!”

“First off, there’s no need to call me ‘Captain’ unless we are in the company of other Pirate Captains. And secondly, you need me to help you hide away from Pinkie for reasons only she can understand,” I said to Rainbow, “And I think I see Pinkie right now, bouncing like a Tigger,” I then said, looking behind her.

“What’s a ‘Tigger’?” Rainbow said, then her eye pupils went small and took off to the sky, now knowing that Gilda was on her way.

“Hi Will,” Pinkie said to me as she bounced around me, “Have you seen where Rainbow went to?”

“I think you might what to check Sweet Apple Acres,” I replied.

“Okay, thanks, Captain,” Pinkie thanked me as she bounced away.

I chuckled, “Now I know who’s coming next. I hope Gilda can join my crew.”

Later on, I can hear some giggling from somewhere that sounded like Pinkie and Rainbow. “Hey, Captain,” Rainbow said, throwing a water balloon at me, “Catch!”

I tried to dodge it, but it was too late as the balloon splashed on me and got my firearms wet, “Rainbow Dash!” I cried out at her, but she and Pinkie kept throwing water balloons at me, getting me soaking wet.

"Well, at least they're having fun," I said to myself, chuckling.

A day later, I saw Rainbow and the griffon Rainbow’s second friend from Flight-school, Gilda. Rainbow must have seen me and quickly came up to me, dragging Gilda along.

“Gilda, meet my Captain and Nakama, William Hunter,” Rainbow introduce me to her friend.

“So you're the Pirate I’ve heard all about on my way here,” Gilda said with surprising interest in me, “And how you manage to gain Dash as your, Fighter was it,”

“Yes, I am,” I said to Gilda, "And how did you know about me?"

"News of the victory by you and your friends have reached to Cloudsdale," Gilda said, "Plus, I was wondering about you being a creature of myth called a 'Human',”

“So, deeds of myself and my crew have reached far and way,” I said to myself, “So, what brings you to Ponyville besides myself and my Nakama?”

“Just thought I just hang out with Dash here for a day or two,” Gilda replied, “And maybe try some flying and get Rainbow to do another three or four Sonic-Rainboom at once again like what you did to her when you first meet,”

“Seems fine by me,” I said casually, “Mind if I watch you?” Which both Rainbow and Gilda nodded.

“Follow us, Will,” Rainbow said, flying to an open field.

Rainbow and Gilda were doing some tricks and having a good time with each other, “Just like old times,” Gilda said to Rainbow.

“Yeah, only faster,” Rainbow replied cockily, “So, what now?”

“Hi there,” Pinkie said as she appeared out of nowhere, as I then saw a trampoline.

“Pinkie Pie, you are so random,” I chuckled, “Surely you can wait for Rainbow just a bit longer?”

“Race you to that cloud, G,” Rainbow challenged Gilda.

“A race, you’re on,” Gilda said

“Three two one Go!” Rainbow yelled as she took off to the sky to the cloud.

To say that those two were flying fast and furious would be an understatement. Once both griffon and pegasus made it on the cloud, both of them were arguing about who won.

"Now, now girls," I said, trying to defuse the fight, "Both of you were very fast, and I think both of you won,"

Both Rainbow and Gilda looked at me like I had done something wrong. “Well, that was not the answer I was hoping for,” Gilda said in a surprised voice.

“Well, at least we know who can keep up with Rainbow,” I chuckled, “But, I think it’s a good time for a break and a snack,”

“Good call, Captain,” Rainbow said to me as she flew away, “I’ll meet you two at SugerCube Corner,”

“You know,” Gilda said as she flew down to me, “You could have given the win to either Dash or me, but you didn’t. Why?”

“I want to treat both you and Rainbow equally, to have fun and to stop a fight from breaking out,” I said with Applejack levels of honesty, “Plus, there is something I was hoping I can talk to you about, that is if you want to talk about it,”

“What will that be, joining your crew?” Gilda laughs at me.

I replied simply with a “Yes,” which got a surprised look from the griffon I was talking to.

“Okay then,” Gilda said slowly, “One question, why?”

“Why not,” I said, “It would be nice to have a strong griffon at my side, and you will love the life of Piracy in the Sea of Thieves,”

Gilda pondered a little, “I’ll have to think about it, but you’ll have an answer at the end of the day,” she said as she took off to the sky and I began to walk to SugarCube Corner.

Later on, as I went to SugarCube Corner, I was thinking about how I would convince Gilda to join me, “Psst,” I heard from somewhere.

“Pinkie?” I wondered as I saw her waving to me, trying to call me over, “What are you doing?”

“Trying to make you stop seeing that griffon,” Pinkie said, walking up to me, “She’s a big meanie and not nice,”

“Are you sure that you’re just trying to stop me from changing the future, or do I have to have a word with my newest crewmate?” I asked Pinkie.

“Both,” Pinkie said but then covered her mouth, “I mean, not recruit Gilda to the crew, that's what I meant."

"I know, but she is a good griffon, just that she wants to spend time with Rainbow, and she may have a short fuse, like me."

"Wait, what do you mean she's good a short fuse?" Pinkie asked me.

"A short fuse means her, or in this case, me, get angry very easily," I told her, “Maybe she is mean for a reason of some kind, and I intend to find out when I talk to her,”

“But you can’t!” Pinkie said, stopping me, “Remember what Rainbow said to you some weeks ago? A raging Pirate is a bad Pirate,”

“I know what she said,” I said to Pinkie, walking back to SugarCube Corner, “But you need an open mind about these things, Pinkie. And I expect an apology when you meet her next time,"

As soon as I entered the sweet shop, Gilda was chatting to Rainbow about something as I approached the two of them. "Come on, G. You should join!" I overheard Rainbow say, "We could use a Nakama like you on the crew,"

"Again with that word, Dash. What does it mean?" Gilda groaned as I approached them.

"'Nakama' means friend or friends in Japanse, from the world where I'm from," I said slightly, scaring both Gilda and Rainbow. "So, have you thought about it?"

"Well," Gilda started, "I have put some thought into it, and I would like to join you, on one promise, though. Let me explain something with your whole crew first,"

"Agree, all of the crew should hear your reason for joining my Nakama and me," I said with a smile on my face.

"But before we do so," Pinkie said slightly, making me jump, with Gilda groaning again. “I think there is something that I need to do. I’m so sorry, Gilda, for annoying you since you came here,”

Gilda blinked in surprise and then gave a small smile, “It’s alright Pinkie, I guess I do need to explain why I have a short temper,”

With the help of Rainbow and Pinkie, they have gotten the crew together at the Library. All of whom were wearing their Pirate outfits and wondered why I called them over to the Golden Oaks Library. “I would like to call this Pirate Crew Meeting into order,” I said to calm everyone down, “We have two things to discuss today. One is we have a new Nakama joining us. And Two, she would like to say her reason for joining.”

“Thank you, Will,” Gilda said to me and then explained her reason. “The reason why I would like to join the crew is simple. To bring down to the largest trade company in the world. Who has used my fellow Griffons as slaves, The Grand Maritime Union.” That got a reaction from everyone, including me, from shock to surprise to simply, what. “The Grand Maritime Union, or GMU for short, has destroyed the Griffon Kingdom and used the remaining Dukes as puppets on strings. They have made slaves of my fellow Griffons to fuel their war machine as a workforce. Both the Dukes and the GMU only care about the Bits that they make from all factories that my people are forced to work in with no rights or breaks except for food and sleep."

Everyone was now profoundly sorry for what Gilda's people had gone through and was now wanting to give the GMU a piece of their minds. “That is the reason why I want to join your crew, Will,” Gilda continued, “To bring an end to the Grand Maritime Union because no one will. Not even the Equestrian Government can do it because all of the GMU members, including the soldiers, are Ponies, and no one in Equestria will help my people or me!” Gilda was now crying after her speech.

I soon reached out and hugged her as she cried, "There, there, Gilda, let it all out," I said to her, "It's alright to cry. It's not a sign of weakness. It's a sign of letting out the pain that you have endured for years,"

(Cue Isle of hope, isle of tears by The Whistlin Donkeys.)

On the first day of January,
Eighteen ninety-two,
They opened Ellis Island, and they let
The people through.
And the first to cross the threshold
Of that isle of hope and tears,
Was Annie Moore from Ireland
Who was all of fifteen years?

Isle of hope, isle of tears,
Isle of freedom, isle of fears,
But it's not the isle you left behind.
That isle of hunger, isle of pain,
Isle, you'll never see again
But the isle of home is always on your mind.

As I sang, my crew began to cry with Gilda and me.

In a little bag she carried
All her past and history,
And her dreams for the future
In the land of liberty.
And courage is the passport
When your old world disappears
But there's no future in the past
When you're fifteen years

Isle of hope, isle of tears,
Isle of freedom, isle of fears,
But it's not the isle you left behind.
That isle of hunger, isle of pain,
Isle, you'll never see again
But the isle of home is always on your mind.

More and more tears began to come through the eyes of my crew, rushed to hug Gilda and some ponies who were stopping by and listening to me sing.

When they closed down Ellis Island
In nineteen forty-three,
Seventeen million people
Had come there for sanctuary.
And in springtime when I came here
And I stepped onto its piers,
I thought of how it must have been
When you're fifteen years.

Isle of hope, isle of tears,
Isle of freedom, isle of fears,
But it's not the isle you left behind.
That isle of hunger, isle of pain,
Isle, you'll never see again
But the isle of home is always on your mind.

(Song end)

“Thank you, everyone,” Gilda said after a moment of calming down, “I didn’t know that Pirates were kind and cared for creatures like me,”

“We maybe Pirates, but we’re not your tradition non-caring Pirates,” I said to Gilda, wiping away the tears from my eyes, “We aim of a change in the world by starting at the Sea of Thieves,”

Gilda nodded, “Now that I told you all my reason for becoming a Pirate on your crew, will you accept me as your Quartermaster?”

“Yes, Gilda,” I answered her, “I will be more than happy to have you on the crew,”

Gilda's eyes began to shine with tears, “Thank you, Captain, I will not let you down,”

I hugged Gilda, “Welcome aboard, my Nakama,” as I hugged her, everyone came in for a hug, and we stayed like that for a few minutes.

"Hey, guys?" I asked my friends.

"Yes?" They said.

"I think I have a name for our crew," I said while standing back up, "At any point in our life, we were seen as creatures that society has abandoned and looked down upon us. Rainbow, you were kicked out of flight school for defending Fluttershy," Rainbow's face was a little angry, "Fluttershy, You were seen as easy pickings to the bullies at that same school," Fluttershy looked down in shame, "Pinkie, you were slaving away on a rock farm with no happiness until that fateful day that you founded it and wanted to spread it to the rest of world," Pinkie was now smiling a big smile, "Applejack, You wanted to live a different life, but those ponies in Manehattan only saw an small town earth pony trying to fit in and they didn't help you in any way," Applejack grimly nodded, "Rarity, Your beauty and eye for design goes unlooked and underrated to all of the ponies beyond Ponyville," Rarity whispered 'It's true,' "Twilight," Twilight looked up at me, "You are Celestia's most prized student and most if not all ponies see you as a spoiled pony and one not to care about," Twilight was a little shocked at what I said to her, "Spike, Being a dragon growing up around ponies. Even with a loving family, it was not easy. You were seen as a threat like all other dragons," Spike looked sad from that, "And Gilda," Gilda looked at me with tearful eyes, "You came to Equestria to escape the life of a slave and a fate far worse than death," Tears threatened to escape her eyes.

"We are seen as the world's unwanted, never-loved, OUTCASTS. So that is why the name of our crew will be known as..."


To be continued.

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