• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 2,949 Views, 77 Comments

My Little Pirate. - Regis Stella

From the real world to the world of ponies to a Pirate's paradise, follow William Hunter and his adventures in the Sea of Thieves.

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Chapter 19 Do you hear the people sing? (Edited)

(Cue Randy Dandy Oh from Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag Soundtrack)

(End Shanty, I hope you enjoyed it)

The crew sings some shanties as we sail to Manehatten, the former home base of the G.M.U, in hopes to capture the leader of the Union. Goddess-President of Ponykind Sunset Shimmer. It has been six months since we declared war on the Union and have been winning every battle since the first raids months ago. Across the world, the G.M.U has been losing both the sea and the land wars and support from the Ponies of Equestria was falling, when it was leaked that Sunset, was using griffins as slaves to fuel their war machine and was mistreating other Pony races from the lower classes.

The good news is that Ponies have been moving away from Equestria and started living in the Sea of Thieves. The Ponies included: The Ponies of Ponyville, the whole Apple family, Twilight’s friends and family from Canterlot and some ponies who are considered outsiders and outcasts by the Union like the Bat Ponies, the Kirins and the other creatures that are living in Equestria for a long time despite them being citizens of the kingdom.

As for the Sea of Thieves, the trading companies now have something new called Company Emissaries for the Gold Hoarders, the Merchant Alliance, the Order of Souls, Athena’s Fortune (My Dad’s company), and the new one to enter the Sea of Thieves called, the Reaper’s bones. The Reaper’s Bones are a company of Pirates that believe that the Pirates of the Sea are getting weak from the alliances and fighting over gold and cargo and give Pirates a chance to hunt down these Emissaries and steal their cargo and bring it back to the Reaper’s Hideout for some gold and reputation for turning in stolen loot. They haven’t sworn their loyalties to my family or me, ye., But I know why that is, I will reveal more as time goes on.

“So, we've gotta walk, right into the lion’s den that is Manehatten? Are you mad, William?!” Twilight yelled at me about my plan as we talk about it in my cabin.

“We haven’t gained an inch of ground in Equestria to make a difference, Twi,” I told her truthfully, “If we don’t take a city or a town or a beachhead, we will be fighting the Union for many more months or even years. Do you want to see this war end right now than later, Twi?”

Twilight sighed, “I do, William, I do. But we can’t just go into the heart of the G.M.U just like that. There has to be another way to do it? There has to be.”

“No matter what we do, we can’t lose the war to the Union. My reports say that the garrison troops in Manehatten have weakened in the past few weeks, ever since the Union moved their headquarters to Canterlot. But still enough to pose a challenge against us.” I told Twilight, “Remember, Twi, we are The Outcasts of the Abyss. We were all betrayed by someone from the Union. Be it a Landlord, some Union Soldiers, or family that believes in all of the above. We will bring the Union down as soon as possible.”

“The Prince is back!” One Pony cried out, and all the Ponies of Manehatten saw my friends and me and began to surround us and began to ask how it was in the Sea of Thieves.

“Ponies of Manehatten!” I begin to start my speech, “I know that all of you have questions about our time in the Sea of Thieves, and you’re also wondering why my mother decided to leave the kingdom to the G.M.U’s money-hungry schemes and exploits. But I have returned to this land to do one thing and one thing only. And that is to bring down the Grand Maritime Union and all who serve it willing!” Ponies look at each other with worry on their faces. “I know that you are afraid to do anything about it and have friends or family who are broken mentally, spiritually and physically by this Union. You can make a difference in this world. If you believe in yourself and your strength, you can overcome anything if you put your mind to it. I stand on this pier not as a Pirate nor as a Prince of Equestria, but as a common Pony just like all of you, who is wanting to make a difference. But even I can admit that I need help from all of the Ponies from all over Equestria. Sunset has left the common Pony to suffer by the wheels of the corporate elite that is the Grand Maritime Union. She does not care for those who are from the working class of the social ladder.” As my speech was going on, Ponies are looking more like they want to fight against the Union and fight for freedom that is in all of us. “And so I stand here. Begging. Pleading. For one thing. For just. One. Thing. Fight. Here and now, please help us. Please...Fight. Fight for liberty, your own and those who’ve lost it. Fight for equality, so that you may never be crushed again. Fight for brotherhood because when one of us suffers in chains, we all suffer as one.” “FIGHT!” I screamed in my Canterlot Royal Voice, “FIGHT! SO THAT THESE RIGHTS MAY NEVER BE STRIPPED FROM YOU, OR ANYONE ELSE, EVER AGAIN!”

I was waiting for something from the crowd that now all of Manehatten has been standing near me. And then, “YOU HEARD THE PRINCE. LET’S DRIVE THEM OUT OF THE LAND!” One Pony said, and the rest followed suit. But the G.M.U was standing at the edge of the crowd looking for myself and my crew.

“EveryPony return to your homes now and leave the criminals to us.” The G.M.U Captain said to the crowd, but no-one moved away from us. That is until I appeared before them and the Captain pulled a gun at me. “Leave now or else, Pirate!”

I moved his gun to my head and said, “MAKE ME,” in a low tone.

‘CLICK’ The gun went as the Captain looked scared at me.

“Next time you want to make a threat like that, load the bucking thing next time,” I said to him as the Captain lost all nerve, ran and all of the Ponies around me cheered at me. Then I knew what to sing, a song that is not from my world but was sang during The Hong Kong Protests against China, so it does work here.

(Cue Do You Hear The People Sing? From Les Miserables)


(Two weeks later)

Canterlot was in sight, all of the Grand Maritime Union’s troops were waiting for us where Ponyville was before the G.M.U raze it to the ground. It managed to royally piss off all of my Nakama, Mom and all who were living in the town. Sunset was sitting in ‘her’ castle and likely thinking that my army of 12,000 Pirates cannot take on her army. The numbers of her army are still unknown at this point.

And then, we see flags of the G.M.U on the horizon, “William!” Rainbow called tp me, “I found the enemy, and you’re not going to like the numbers,”

“How many, Dashie?” I asked carefully.

“One million Yellow-Coats,” Rainbow told me.

I was shocked at what Rainbow said to me, “One million?” I said in a low voice, “That’s enough to conquer the world in a matter of weeks,”

“I know for a fact that this will not be an easy fight, my son,” Dad said to me, “But if we fail here, the world as we know it will never be free as us,”

“We have to win,” I said as Demarco came up to me.

“Revenge will not bring back the Equestria that we know and love, brother. And I would rather win a glorious battle than to become a slave for the G.M.U,” He said.

“And revenge is something that we as Pirates are not willing to die for,” Lesedi added.

“You’re right,” I said calmly and then added, “Then what shall we die for,” I then walk to a rock sticking out of the ground and give them my speech, “You will listen to me. LISTEN! The whole of Equis will be looking here, to us, to The Banished Buccaneers to lead. And what will they see, frighten bilge rats this far away from our ships? No, they will see free creatures and true freedom that only the Sea of Thieves can offer! And what the enemy will see is the flash of our cannons, they will hear the ring of our swords and they will know what we can do and will fear us, Pirates, for the rest of their lives! By the sweat of our brows and the strength of our back and the courage of our hearts and the those who we call Nakama! Everyone, hoist the colours.”

(Cue What Shall We Die For? From Pirates of the Caribbean At World’s End.)
Everyone was looking at me now with confident smiles on their faces and were whispering “Hoist the colours,” as with they know what to do now as reinforcements from all of the kingdoms and countries have arrived in the hundreds of thousands.

“Our allies are here, lads,” Shining said to the others, “THAT ALL WE NEED!” And all of the Pirates cried their battle cries.

“HOIST THE COLOURS!” I yelled at the top of my royal Canterlot voice, and all of my crews and Nakama raise them high and proud. All of our allies raise their black flags to. There was some from all over the multiverse of not just my world, but some from One Piece, Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag, Pirates of the Caribbean, Sea of Thieves and real-life Pirates from the Human World as they were singing Hoist the Colours one last time. Then I raised my own black flag. It was a red flag with a black quadruped Dragon in flight above a maelstrom, clutched in its claws was a small chest on each claw.

Meanwhile, in the castle at Canterlot, Sunset was making some tea as an officer approached her, “We have favourable weather, ma’am,” The officer said to Sunset.

“Good,” she replied, “Tell the troops to give no quarter, this mess that spoiled brat made will be destroyed for the good of the world,”

Soon flags were raised to signal the all of troops to march forward.

“William the enemy is moving toward us!” Rainbow called to us.

“Let them come to us, Dashie!” I called back to her as all of my Nakama was watching the enemy march toward us.

“There’s too many of them, even with all 230,000 Pirate Legends with us,” Applejack said.

“So what! We can take them all out with possible!” Rainbow yelled at Applejack to which Applejack got into Rainbow’s face.

“YOU WANT TO TAKE THEM ON, THEN GO ON AHEAD!” Applejack challenge Rainbow.

“ONE SONICRAINBOM WILL DO THE TRICK!” Rainbow bragged to Applejack as I walked right past to two of them. “Hey, Will? What are you doing?”

“William?” Mom asked me, but I didn’t respond.

“Will?” Twilight asked me as I walked to the frontline of G.M.U Yellow-Coats.

“That 20 billion Bit bounty is mine!” One called out as muskets were aiming at me.

Sunset laughed, “KILL HIM!” She ordered.

(Cue The Very Very Very Strongest from One Piece)

But as I walked closer to the Yellow-Coats, they were all falling like flies, rank by rank, unit by unit until all of the Yellow-coats were lying on the ground. Passed out.

“WHAT THE BUCK!” Fluttershy yelled at the sight of the field of all the Yellow-Coats.

Sunset and all the higher members of the G.M.U were staring in shock at the scene before them as I walked to the castle gates, broke it down and knock all of the G.M.U troops out and made my way to meet face to face with Sunset.

“Hell, Sunset Shimmer,” I said in a calm voice, but to her, I had slow-burning cannon fuses under my tricorne. Making me like not only a pony version of Blackbeard himself but like Blackbeard, I was like the devil himself. “I hope you have made your peace because I have one request from you. Surrender now or be killed by the hangman’s noose,”


(Cue A Professional Pirate from Muppets Treasure Island Soundtrack)

"Tell the truth lads. Do you really think the G.M.U was going to spare you all, with your links to my Mom?" I told the Canterlot Nobles, "Even though you supported the now-former government of this land, who are now dead on the fields of battle outside. Join us, lads. Pledge your life to the black flag to live long and plunder!”

To Be Continued.

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