• Published 12th Sep 2019
  • 8,576 Views, 334 Comments

Guess this is happening - Silver Butcher

A Human is turned in Spinel and ends up in Equestria

  • ...

It's actually insanely dangerous

Twilight was breathing heavily as she landed at Sweet Apple acres, she found Spinel talking to Applejack, who was missing her hat.

"-unless it's in the Barn!" Applejack was saying angrily "And you have to clean it up next time you two do-" Applejack was cut off as Twilight levitated Spinel and made her float 8 feet in the air.

"Oh come on," Spinel cried our in irritation "I'm getting sick of levitation," Twilight marched up to Spinel steaming.

"Don't think for a moment that we are done-" Twilight was cut off when Applejack marched to her looking just as, if not more, irritated.

"Twilight I don't know what's going on but if you start a fight with Spinel so help me..."

"I'm not here to fight," Twilight replied calmly "Spinel just give me the Rejuvenator and..."

"Absolutely not!" Spinel snapped back "Get your own Lazer Scythe!" Applejack looked up at her in shock.

"You have a Lazer Scythe,"

"It's dangerous and need to be put in a safe place," Twilight said calmly "Now give it to me so I can send it to the princesses for..."

"Twilight that is a terrible idea," Applejack said bluntly turning to her friend "Not to be rude but when was the last time Celestia actually did something," Twilight let out a long gasp.

"Applejack," She said in shock "We can't talk about that out loud she'll hear us,"

"And what exactly is she gonna do about it?" Applejack asked, Twilight opened her mouth, closed it, and scratched her chin.

"I'll get back to you on that," She said before shacking her head "But anyway I am not leaving a powerful weapon in the hands of...well her,"

"If she was going to use it, she would have used it already,"

"Actually I didn't know I had it," Spinel called back "I've have totally used it on the Dragon if I knew I had it,"

"Your not helping," Applejack called back.

"Who said I was trying to?" Spinel asked in genuine confusion as she looked around "I'll give them a bop on the head like no other," Applejack sighed before turning back to Twilight.

"Listen Twilight, I'm sure the only reason Spinel would use her laser scythe is...is...wait...scythe?" Applejack lost interesting in Twilight and turned back to Spinel. "You have a farming tool, just like as a part of you?"

"Yeah," Spinel called back "I'm not showing you tho,"

"Really?" Applejack asked "Your gonna be a child about this?"

"No," she replied "Twilight'll steal it, then I'll get mad and attacker her, then she'll probably use it on me, then I'd be reset and you'd be stuck with me basically functioning as Pinkie Pie only I never have to sleep, you'll never be able to get away from me, and every time I take a step or move I will squeak and there will be no stopping, after a while of that you'll either kill me or kill Twilight for turning me into that," Applejack stood in silence before looking back at Twilight.

"Twilight if you so much as touch that scythe our friendship is over," Twilight held up her front hooves and Spinel dropped like a rock.

"OK," Twilight said as she took a few steps back "Let's just calm down and think things out,"

"I will not have an eternally squeaking Spinel who acts like Pinkie on this farm!" Applejack looked off to the side as she added "I'm gonna have nightmares about that idea,"

"Alright fine," Twilight said as she started backing up, "But you and I," She pointed at Spinel "are going to have a long talk about this after I get back from my trip,"

"oh I love trips!" Spinel jumped over Applejack and pulled Twilight to her, Twilight blinked multiple times in shock as she looked at the now grinning gem "How about a deal?"

"What kind of a deal?" Twilight asked suspiciously.

"You take me on this trip, don't care where were going, and I'll explain not only the Rejuvenator, but that other thing I told you about in great detail,"

"You mean you being a ref-" Twilight was cut off as Spinel forced her mouth shut

"Hey now," She said "You do not have my permission to share that information with anypony else besides Discord and Applebloom,"

"You told Applebloom?" Twilight asked, confusions filling her mind.

"Indeed," Spinel replied "Now Pinkie Promise-"

"How do you even know what that is?" Twilight demanded.

"during the three days I was watching Camp pining hearts Pinkie started sending me letters and she told about the Pinkie promise in one of them, I read them while the tape was rewinding,"

"But-" Twilight tried.

"Promise me or you'll learn nothing and leave you pondering my weird magical secrets,"

" I cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye that I won't tell anypony the secret you shared with me or try and steal you Rejuvenator,"

"oh, I didn't even think of adding that last part," Spinel said before smiling "Nice way to butter me up, ok stand back!" Spinel put her hand to her gem and Applejack watched it glowed as she removed the Rejuvenator from it.

"That's it?" She asked "It looks like a pen or-" Spinel pressed the button and it extended "-oh Farming Gods in the sky," Applejack said as she looked at it in awe "It's beautiful,"

"It's actually insanely dangerous," Spinel replied merrily "It's like the 2nd most dangerous thing I've ever owned,"

"SECOND!?" Twilight screamed from behind her.

"All and any questions will be answered during or after this trip, whenever it is,"

"Tomorrow at around 7," Twilight replied "I'm visiting my brother in the Crystal Empire, and like it or not Spike is coming since he's family,"

"Oh no," Spinel said as she turned off the Rejuvenator due to Applejack's slow advance to try and touch it, Applejack kicked the ground angrily as Spinel put it back into her gem.

"Well I already hate this," Spinel said happily "Time to calm my nerves, come get my whenever you said you where coming, I'm gonna watch the color war's," Spinel made her way to the barn and Applejack waved goodbye to Twilight before running after Spinel.

"Spinel if your gonna be a crazy addict as least watch the actual show and not the season 3 special!" Twilight watched as Applejack closed the barn doors and sighed.

"I already hate this," She said to the empty air before teleporting home.